Currituck County Wills
Henery Hayman of Albemarle County
Aug. 29, 1709 - no probate attached
In the Name of God, Amen. 29 day of August 1709
Impri: I Henery HAYMAN of North Carolina in ye Coynty of Albermarl being of Sound & perfect mind & memory thanks be to Almighty God I do make & ordaine this my last Will & Testement in manner & form as followeth:
Item - I give & bequeath [my] Soul into ye hands of Almighty God my Great Creatour who once gave it to me in full hopes & assurance of free pardon of all my sins through ye precious Death & Passion of my Saviour Jesus Christ in the resurrection And allso my Body to be decently buried att ye Descretion of my Executors hereafter named.
Item - I give & bequeath to my two Sons Hen. HAYMAN & Tho. HAYMAN all & singular that land which I bought of Edward MAIO? & Wm. HARBOUR ye Eldest Having his first Choyce after it is Equaly devided it lying in two parcells to them & their heirs for ever & in case of none of their heirs yn [then] to ye next heir living so in like maner afforesd a track of land lying & Joyning to ye afforesd land.
Item - I give to my two younger Sons Charles HAYMAN & James HAYMAN two Illands lying on North River next to ye Indian Illand to them & their heirs & also a certain track of land lying & Joyning to a track of land belonging to Mr. John HAWKINGS called Wickam & in case of none of their heirs yn [then] to ye next heir liveing.
Item - I give & bequeath to my two Daughters Mary HAYMAN & Elinor HAYMAN a track of land lying between George GRIFFENs line Cornelius JONES James FORBUS & Isaak GILFORD & binding on ye Pecuson of North River to them & ye begotton heirs of body being Equaly devided ye Eldest first Chusing & in case of none of their begotten heirs of their body yn [then] to ye next heirs living.
Item - My will & pleasure is yt [that] my two Eldest Sons shall abide under mothers protection till they come to ye age of one & twenty years Except she shall marry in ye time but in case she marry yn [then] att yt [that] time they are to be free. Likwise my two youngest sons to tarry with there mother During her widdowhood till they are one & twenty but she marring yn [then] they are att age att sixteen.
Item - I give & bequeath to my two Eldest Sons all my working tools in generall to be Equaly devided also to my son Hen my Hand Mill & all thereto belonging att here [her] decease or marrage also one gun. And to my son Thomas my great pott & pott hooks & one gun.
Item - My will is that my two daughters shall tarry with their mother till they come to ye age of sixteen years my will is that after my wifes decease or marrage all the rest of my houshould goods to be equaly devided amongest all ye rest of my children excepting one small pott called ye middle pott which I give to my son Charles. also ye increase of my mare & hor__ likwise to be equally devided among all my children.
Item - I give to my Daughter Elinor a cow called witeback? & her future increase.
Item - I give to my son James one cow called har____? ye male of this Sd Cow to his mother till this boy is ten years old yn [then] after this Sd James is to have all her future Increase.
Item - I give a pied Cow called Blossome and all her female increase to my two youngest sons till they are ten years old yn [then] afterward all future increase to be devided between ym [them].
Item - I give to my daughter Mary a yoo I had of Mr. HAWKINS & all her future increase my will is that my two Eldest sons shall give to my two youngest sons & my youngest daughter Elinor a yoo to each.
Item - My will is that a cow calf & a yoo lamb to be taken out of ye stock & to be given & delivered to Jon. LOWDENs Son John & his daughter Sarah next Spring & to be equaly devided amongst ym [them] with their future increase. My will is that neither of said sons shall sell or morgage their portion of land except to their own bretheren. Also my will is that all my puter is to be equally devided between my two daughters after their mothers decesease or marrage.
Lastly I make ordaine & appoint my trusty & well beloved Wife Martha HAYMAN my full & whole Executrix all other wills by me formerly made being void & of no effect. In wittness whereof I have here unto set my hand & seal the day & year aforesd.
/s/ Hen HAYMANSigned Sealed & Delivered in presence of us
James [his mark] FORBUS
Allice? [hir mark] FORBUS
another name is signed here that I can not make out[Source: North Carolina State Archives - MARS ID: (folder)]
This will was contributed by Kay Midgett Sheppard. No part of this document may be used for any commercial purposes. However, please feel free to copy any of this material for your own personal use and family research. If you find anything in these records that pertains to your families, it is strongly suggested that you look at the original record on your own to check for errors or possibly other additional and helpful information. Thank you!
© 2006
Kay Midgett Sheppard