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Currituck County Wills

William F. Humphers
Sept. 21, 1838 - Nov. Term 1838
Currituck Co. Will Book 4 ; pg. 59-61
[see image on Family Search]

The Last Will and Testament of William F. HUMPHERS was exhibited in open Court at Nover. Term 1838 and duly proved by the oaths of Martin G. LOOVETT and Branson C. BELL subscribing evidences there to in due form of law and ordered Recorded.

   In the name of God amen I William F. HUMPHERS being of sound mind and memory but very feble in health do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner as followeth.

   Item  I Lend the Plantation whereon I live to my wife during her widowhood to raise and educate all my children shold she get married then to have one third of the Land whereon I live beginning at a bridge at the canel then runing down the Lane so as to take one third of the said Land and Houses on the south side of the Plantation.  I also lend my wife negroes man Samson, Courtney and Chloe, to her during her life.  I give unto my wife one roan horse and black colt called Nelson one Bureaush and harness her choice of Twenty four head of hogs in the east woods also two cows and calves her choice of the horse carts and harness two Beds and necessary furniture her share, all the house hold & kitchen furniture except the other beds--they to be sold.  I also give her seventy five barls of corn seven stocks of fodder and four stacks of oats twelve head of hogs to fatten her choice except the stags fifteen boushels of wheat enough money to buy sixty lbs of sugar and forty lbs of coffee also all of the poltry.

   Item I Give and bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth HUMPHERS negro boy Alfred to her and her heirs.

   Item I Give and bequeath unto my daughter Emily HUMPHERS. Negro man Aaron to her and her heirs.

   Item I Give and bequeath unto my daughter Chloe HUMPHERS negro man Isaac to her and her heirs. The negros that I have loaned to my wife I wish to be Equally divided between all my children at the death of my wife.

   It is my desire and wish that all the negros that I have Loaned to my wife and the negros I have Given away to my children to stay on the farm three years to Raise money to pay all my Just debts.

   I Give my Executor power to swap twenty feet of my Land to begin at the new road to run straight to Branson BELLs line for the purpose of making a road to swap with the two Mr. BELLs  - Bransen and Caleb- there keeping an seting a fence with cypress rails from my house down to Bransan BELLs line by them Given me twenty four feet of there land for my canel to run the course that is staked off eight feet for the ditch and eight feet on each side of said ditch should the Mr. BELLs refuse to swap the way that I have proposed I wish the road to run on the line between me and William ETHERIDGE and that my executor to help them to make the road from the canel opposite the house. I want the lead completed from Juniper Ridge through the lands of Mr. BELLs then my executor to sell the above named land Juniper Ridge for twelve and eighteen months credit with interest from date. I also leave the FLOORY land to be sold with the exception of twenty feet of said land on the plantation side for the purpose of privilege to through the dirt on for twelve and eighteen months credit with interest from date.

   I leave the plantation whereon I live to be sold at the death of my wife for twelve and eighteen months credit to carry interest from date. Also I leave my part of negroes mark to be sold for six months credit with interest from date, my executor or executors selling all the above named property that I have left to be sold, the purchaser of Juniper Ridge land will enter into an agreement with the Mr. BELLs to keep the ditch in good order.

  Should my Father and Law Josiah ETHERIDGE give the plantation he lives on to any of my children that child that he gives it to shall not come in for any part of the money arising from the sale of this plantation whereon I live.

   I wish all the money arising from the sale of Juniper Ridge and the FLORY land to be equally divided between all my children and the money arising from the sale of this plantation whereon I live between those that Josiah ETHERIDGE does not give the plantation where he lives to after my just debts being paid.

   It is my will an desire should any of the negroes that I have loaned to my wife and given to my children steal or git in the habit of runing away to be sold and others to be bought in their places by the guardian or executor.

   Shold my wife be in the family way I give to the unborn child negro boy Nat, if she is not or the child die then the negro boy Nat to be sold to pay my debts. The parts of Nat I do not own I wish for my Executor to buy for said unborn child. 

   I nominate and appoint my Brother John HUMPHERS my Executor to this my last will and Testament and Also Gurdien to my children.  In witness whereof I have here unto set my Hand and affix my seal the 21th day of September in the year of our Lord eighteen Hundred and thirty eight. (Enterlnd before assigned)

    /s/ William HUMPHERS     seal

In presence of
    Martin G. LOOVETT     jurat
    B.C. BELL     jurat

Recorded and examined this 22 January 1839

This will was contributed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse.  No part of this document may be used for any commercial purposes. However, please feel free to copy any of this material for your own personal use and family research. If you find anything in these records that pertains to your families, it is strongly suggested that you look at the original record on your own to check for errors or possibly other additional and helpful information. Thank you!




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