Currituck County Wills
In the name of god amen
I Samuell JONES of Corotuck presink in north Carolina being week in body butt of Sound and perfect minde and memory prasse be Their fore given to god Doe make and ordayn this my present Last will and Testement In maner and forme following That Is to Say first and princebly I comend my Soule in to the hande of all mightey god Hoping Through the meritts Death and pashion of my Saviour Jesus Christ to have full and ffree pardon and for giveness of all my Sins and to In heritt _______ing life and my bodey I Comitt to the Earth to be decently burid att the Descrition of my Exeutor heire after named and as touch___ the Disposing of all such Temporiall Estate as hath plesed god to be Stow upon me I give [smudge] Dispose thirof as ffolloeth first I will that [smudge] Debts and fineirall Charges Shall be payd and Discharged ---
Item I give to my Son Thomas JONES one Shilling Silver and no more ---
Item I give to my Sons Samuell and William JONES my land Calld Thurrefare Ridge to be Equilly devided between them and thire heires for Ever.
Item I give my now Dwelling plantation to my Sons [torn]ziayah and Zackaryath to them and thire heires for Ever [torn]ackaryath to have that ____ of the Sayd land Lying next to the [torn]rned Tree branch I like ways give and bequef to my Sons Samuell William Ezeeyath and Zacryath and my [torn] Joyn all my personall Estate to be Equally devid[torn] amongst them find? only my desiyer Is my Son Zacryeth [torn] forty Shillings over and a bove his Equill part? of the [torn] my will is likeways that my Estate be nott [word unreadable] be for my Son Zackryath come to age of one and twenty my desiyer Is like ways that my five Children [several words unreadable] and be and Remayn on my plantation tell thay Come of age one after butt no Disissen to be mayd tell my young Son Come of age---
Lastly I make and ordayn my loving ffriends William WILLIAMS and Thomas Daye? my sole and whole Excutors of this my last will and testement In testemoney here of I have _____ and Sett my hand and ffixt my Seal this thirtyeth Day of September 1723.
/s/ Samuell [his mark] JONES
Danll PHILLIPSThe within will was This Day D_____ Into Court and ___ proved by ye oathes of Daniel WILLIAMS and Margt CROSMAN and [next words too dim to read].
/s/ Tho. LOWTHER Cl. Ct.Lres granted 1st day ye Apl 1726
[Source: North Carolina State Archives - MARS ID: (folder)]
This will was contributed by Kay Midgett Sheppard. No part of this document may be used for any commercial purposes. However, please feel free to copy any of this material for your own personal use and family research. If you find anything in these records that pertains to your families, it is strongly suggested that you look at the original record on your own to check for errors or possibly other additional and helpful information. Thank you!
© 2006 Kay Midgett Sheppard