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Currituck County Wills

Ralph Matham
Jan. 2, 1749 - April 26, 1750

In the Name of God Amen the Second Day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven Hundred and forty nine.  I Ralph MATHEM of Curetuck County and Province of North Carolina Being weak in Body but of perfect mind And Memorey thanks be to God for it Therefore Caling unto Mind the Mortality of My body and Knowing that it is Appoynted for all Men once to Die Do Make And ordain this My Last Will And Testament, that is to Say, Princepaley And first of all I Give And Recomend My Soul into the Hands of Allmighty God that Gave it And for My Body I Recomend it to the Earth To Be Buried in a Cristian Like And Deasent Manner at the Descrision of my Executors Nothing Doubting but at the General Resurrection I Shall Receive the Same Again by the Mighty power of God And as for my Worldly Estate Wharewith it hath pleased God to Bless Me In This Life I Give, Devise And Dispose of the Same in the Following Manner And Form.

Impremious  Furst of all I Desire all My Just Debts And Funerall Charges to be paid.

Item  I Give And Bequeath unto Benjamin SIKES four Cows and Calfs, And Half the Land Caled My Plantation.

Item  I Give And Bequeath unto Nicholas LUNN All the Remainer of My Estate, Real And personal whome I liquise Consetuted Make ordain My Onley And Sole Exeutor of this My Last Will And testament And And Singular And I Do Hearby Uttorly Disalow Revoke and Disanul all, and Every other former Testements Wills Laguices And Exexutors By Me in Anay ways Before this Time Named Willed And Bequeathed Ratefieng And Confirming this And no other To Be My Last Will And Testement in Witnis Hearof I have hearunto Set My Hand And fixed My Seal the Day And Date Above Written.
     /s/ Ralph [his RM mark] MATHAM        Seal

Signed Sealed And Delivered In Presants of us
    Robert STILL
    William STEVENSON
    William NORTON

  North Carolina}    Edenhouse April 26th 1750
    The within Will was proved before me by the Oath of Robert STILL, a subscribing witness thereunto, who Saw Ralph MATHAM Sign Seal Publish & Pronounce the Same to Contain his Will & Testament in presence of all the other Subscribing Witnesses.  Also came before me Nicholas LUNN who being appointed Executor to the said Will & Quallifyed for said office in Taking the oath by Law Prescribed for that Purpose.  Let the Secretary of this Province (or his Deputy) have Notice thereof that Letters Testamentory Issue Accordingly.
Governors fees paid
     5/. Virg Curry
            /s/ Gab JOHNSTON

[On the back of this will is written: Ralph MATHAM Will; Letters issd April 30th 1750]

[Source: North Carolina State Archives - MARS ID: (folder)]

This will was contributed by Kay Midgett Sheppard. No part of this document may be used for any commercial purposes. However, please feel free to copy any of this material for your own personal use and family research. If you find anything in these records that pertains to your families, it is strongly suggested that you look at the original record on your own to check for errors or possibly other additional and helpful information. Thank you!




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