Currituck County Wills
Philip Northan
June 28, 1836 - Feb. Term 1837
Currituck Co. Will Book 4 ; pg. 27-30
image on Family Search]
The Last will and Testament of Philip NORTHAN Decd. Was Exhibited at February Term 1837 and proved by the oath of John BARNARD Jurat.
In the name of god amen I Philip NORTHAN of the county of currituck and State of north Carolina Being in a declining State of Health but in my sound and disposing memory and perfect sences thank god For it I do make constitute and ordain this my Last will and Testament in manner and form as Followeth
Item I loan to my beloved wife Mary NORTHAN the use and apart of my land and plantation during her natural Life begining at the mouth of Westward Lane at a bridge thence running down the lane Eastwardly course to the yard thence Northeastwardly course corner of the garden there with the garden and Easwardly course then a southwestwardly course to a beach tree standing near the ould stables Thence an eastwardly course with the fence to the swamp to a pine thence a southwestwardly and westwardly and other courses binding round the swamp to the first station the land known by the name of Brad and long Ridge. She is to have priviledge of fire wood and rail timber off of my land to keep her fences etc.
Item I give and bequeath to my son Philip NORTHAN a certain piece or parcel of land begining at a maple corner William NORTHAN patent near the ould swamp road thence running a westwardly course to a cypress standing on the swamp side of the plantation thence a westwardly course straight a cross the plantation to a juniper standing on the west side of the plantation thence a northwestwardly course to the back line of the land I purchased of Demsey NORTHAN thence a westwardly course to a popular being a corner tree of the swamp I purchased of John COX SR. thence a southwestwardly course with that line and Patrick NORTHANs line to a black gum thence eastwardly and northwardly courses to the first station to him and his heirs for ever.
Item I give and bequeath to my Daughter Jane NORTHAN a certain piece or parcel of land beginning at a locus tree in my son Philips line thence a westwardly course with my son Philips line to a corner popular of the land I purchased of John COX SEN. thence a northwestwardly course to a corner gum thence a eastwardly course by a line of marked trees with John BARNARD line and William S. WILSON line to a beach standing at the mouth of the lane that comes up to my house thence a soutwardly course up the lane the beginning to her and her heirs forever.
Item I give and bequeath unto my son W.D. NORTHAN a certain piece or parsel of land beginning at a maple the beginning of my son Philips line thence running with his line a westwardly course to a cypress standing on the swamp side of the plantation thence with his line a westwardly course to a locus the beginning of my Daughter Jains line thence a northwardly course to a beach to Wm. S. WILSONs line at the mouth of the lane thence an eastwardly course with John NORTHAN SR. and William NORTHAN pattern line to the first station to him and his heirs fore ever.
Item I give to my son William NORTHAN a certain piece or parcel of land binding on W.D. BARNARD northardly and Lurance WALLER southwardly the land belong to Isaac BRIGHT and his heirs to him and his heirs for ever.
Item I give and bequeath to my Two sons W.D. NORTHAN and William NORTHAN the land and swamp I purchased of John COX SR. to be equally divided between them to them and their heirs for ever.
I Loan to my wife Mary NORTHAN during her natural life old Sarah and her increase and Chancy and her increase and after her death I give and bequeath Chancy and her increase to my son Philip NORTHAN to him and his heirs for ever and I also after my wife death I give and bequeath old Sarah and increase to my son William NORTHAN to him his heirs forever.
Item I give and bequeath to my son William NORTHAN negro boy Demce to him and his heirs for ever.
Item I give and bequeath to my son Philip NORTHAN negro man Sam negro boy Jack and negro girl Harriet and her increase to him and his heirs for ever.
Item I give and bequeath to my Daughter Jane NORTHAN negro boy Stephen negro boy Abner Woman Rachel and her increase to her and her heirs for ever.
Item I give and bequeath to my son W.D. NORTHAN negro girl Sarah and her increase negro girl Ruth and her increase and negro boy Dick to him and his heirs for ever.
Item I give to my wife Mary NORTHAN Forty Five barrels corn ten head hogs first choice two cows and calves two yews and lambs and two stock bees.
Item I loan to my wife Mary NORTHAN two beds and furniture and all of the chairs in the house and one blew chest and one safe and two folding tables during her natural life and after her death to be sold and the money arising from the sale to be equally divided between my son Philip NORTHAN and Daughter Jane NORTHAN.
Item I give to my Son Philip NORTHAN one bed and furniture that stands in the dining room to him and his heirs for ever.
Item I give and bequeath to my Daughter Jain NORTHAN one bed and furniture that stands in the hall room to her and her heirs for ever.
It is my Will and desire that all the remainder of my property not given away to be sold by my Executor and after paying my just debts the money arising from such sale to be equally divided between my wife and four children.
Lastly I nominate and appoint my son W.D. NORTHAN to be my whole Executor to this my Last will and Testament revoking all other former wills by me made in testimony where of I have here unto set my hand and seal this 28 of June 1836.
Signed sealed Published and declared to be my Last will and Testament
/s/ Philip NORTHAN sealIn the presents of us
Attest John BARNARD jurat
Attest Susan BARNARDRecorded and Examined April 8th day 1837
Attest: John W. HUGHS CCC
This will was contributed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse. No part of this document may be used for any commercial purposes. However, please feel free to copy any of this material for your own personal use and family research. If you find anything in these records that pertains to your families, it is strongly suggested that you look at the original record on your own to check for errors or possibly other additional and helpful information. Thank you!
© 2011 Kay Midgett Sheppard