Currituck County Wills
In the Name of God Amen. I James POYNER of Coretuck County in the Province of North Carolina being Sick and week in body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be given to Almighty God for it therefore Calling to mind the mortality of my Body and knowing that it is appointed for all men Once to die do make and Ordain this my last will and testament that is to Say principally and first of all I give and Recomend my Soul into the hands of God that gave it. And as for my body I Recomend it to the earth to be Buryed in a christian like and desent manner at the deseretion of my Executer nothing doubting but at the generall Resurection I Shall Receive the Same again by the mighty power of god and as touching Such worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to Bless me in this life I give devise and dispose of the Same in the following Manner and form
Imprimus I give and Bequath to my well Beloved Son Umphry POYNER my peas of land lying in the great Swamp Containing Eighty foar acers to him and his heirs for Ever.
Item I give and bequath to my Cuzon Robt POYNER Son of Robt POYNER five pound currt bils of this country to be leaveyd out of my Estate.
Item I give and bequath to my well Beloved wife Sarah POYNER whome I like wise make and ordain my onley & Sole Exrex of this my last will and testament after payment for a patten for the peas of land given to my Son Umphry POYNER and all other Charges paid which Shall or may Incore? on my Estate the Eaquel third part of my Estate during the term of her natural life. And as touching the rest of my worldley Estate my will and desier is that my wife Sarah POYNER may peasablely and quietly possess and Injoy the Same with out any molestation or Interuption during her widow hood and if she ye sd Sarah POYNER Should be caused to marry then to be Eaquilly devided among all my Children and if She Should not marry but continue a widow during her life my desier is that She may freely peasabley and quietly possess and Injoy all my worldly Estate during her natural life and then all the remainder part that Shall be left to be Eaquilly devided among my dere Children after the deceas of her my Beloved wife Sarah POYNER whome I likewise make and ordain my onley and Sole Exrtx of this my last will and testament ratyfying and Confirming this & no other to be my last will and testament utterly Disalowing & Revoking & disanulling all and Every other former wills legacies bequests by me in any ways willed & bequeathed rattyfying & Confirming this & no other to be my last will and testament in witness whearof I have hearunto Set my hand and affixt my Seal this Seventh day of May MDCCXLIV.
/s/ James [his JImark] POYNER SealSigned Sealed And Delivered in the presents of us Vizt
Edward [his EC mark] COX
Richard ROGERS
North Carolina } March County Court Anno Dom 1755
Currituck County}
Present His Majesties Justices
These may Certifie that Samuel SIMMONS one of the Subscribing Evidences to the within will appeared in open Court and made oath on the Holy Evangelist of almighty God that he was present and Saw James POYNER Sign Seal publish and Declare the within to be and Contain his Last will and Testament and that he the Said James was then of Sound and Disposing Memory and that he also Saw Edward COX and Richard ROGERS the other Subscribing Evidences Sign there Names there at the Same time then also appeared Johnathan POYNER Eldest Son of Said James in open Court and as the Executrix is also Deceased and no other Executor appointed in Said will the Said Johnathan prayed for administration with the will anext which was Granted and Said Johnathan Entered his Security in the Sum of one hundred pounds proclamation money which Bond Is taken by the Clerk in order to return to Secretarys office and Said Johnathan took the administrators oath in Due form of Law ordered that the Honourable James MURRAY Secretary Have notice that Letters Issue thereon as the Law Directs.
Test William SHERBOLD CC[Source: North Carolina State Archives - MARS ID: (folder)]
This will was contributed by Kay Midgett Sheppard. No part of this document may be used for any commercial purposes. However, please feel free to copy any of this material for your own personal use and family research. If you find anything in these records that pertains to your families, it is strongly suggested that you look at the original record on your own to check for errors or possibly other additional and helpful information. Thank you!
© 2006 Kay Midgett Sheppard