Currituck County Wills
[Considering that this will is nearly 300 years old, it's in amazing shape! There were two distinct creases in the will which obliterated most of the words on those lines. The right one-eighth side of the will was darker and some words could not be read. Extreme bleed-thru of the ink made it hard to see some words on the backside of the will although some could be read. We have included what we could read at the bottom of this page.]
In The Name of God Amen. I: Jos POYNER of Corotuck in North Carolina Being in perfect mind and memory Blessd Be God for itt and Coaling to mind That itts once appoynted for all men to Die Doe Make ordaine and appoynt This my Last will and Testamt in manner and form as followeth Viz I give my Soul to allmighty God Who Gave itt hopeing Through his Belssed Mercyes to Receive Remission? for al My Sins which I have Commited in This wicked World & My Body to The ground from whence itt was Takn to Be B[uried] in Such Deasient Manner as My Executrix here after Named Thinks Convenient.
Imprimas I Give and Bequeath unto My Loveing Wife Elizabeth PO[YNER] all My personall estate for to Bring up our Children with during her wido hood but if She marrie My Will and Desier is yt
____ of my ChildrenEach of My Children have a Sow and Pigs Recorded unto Them and to There Use oute of My Estate Immeadiently after her Marriage.Item My Will and Desier is yt My Loveing Wife have and poosses My plantation and Tract of Land Untill My Two Sons Wm and Jos POYNER Com or attaine to ye age of one and Twenty yeares and after My Two Sons Come to ye age afore Said My Will and Desier is yt My Son Wm POYNER have my plantation and part of The Tract of Land afore sd from a marked Pine standing next to a [crease] Eastward of ye plantation and also to have p[smudge] to Burn and Cleare on any part of ye Said Land Recorded as above Said also I Give unto My Son Jos POYNER ye Remaining part of my Land afore Said also My Will and Desier is yt if My Wife Should Marry as afore Said That Immeadiently upon her marrying to Record unto my
SonDaughter Margt POYNER one Cow and Calfe and all her Increase also My Will and Desier is yt My Wives Mother Live With My Wife During Her pleasure also My Will and Desier is yt My father and Mr Humphry VINCE be overseers of this My Last Will and Testamt and further my Request is yt they Doe There Indeavours to [smudge] my Children and See yt they Be Brought up in ye [next line in a crease and unreadable except for the last few words] appoynt My Loveing Wife Elizabeth POYNER My Whole and Sole Executrix of This my Last Will and Testmt as Witness my hand and Seale this 19th Day Augst Anno Dom 1712.
/signum/ Jos [IP] POYNER SealSigned Sealed and acknowledged in presents of
Ruth [mark w] WICKER
[Almost every word is unreadable on the backside of this will. We can see the words North Carolina, Coratuck Prect, Court, 11th Day of M___, and Granted July ye 8th 1721. It was signed by Jos WICKER, Clk Court]
[Source: North Carolina State Archives - MARS ID: (folder)]
This will was a joint transcription by Marty Holland & Kay Midgett Sheppard. No part of this document may be used for any commercial purposes. However, please feel free to copy any of this material for your own personal use and family research. If you find anything in these records that pertains to your families, it is strongly suggested that you look at the original record on your own to check for errors or possibly other additional and helpful information. Thank you!
© 2006 Kay Midgett Sheppard