Currituck County Wills
In the name of god amen. I Bullock SIMMONS being sick and weak doe make this my Last Will as followeth ---
First - I give to my wife Elisabeth SIMONS my riding horse and the old mare.
Item - I give to my son Solomon SIMMONS twenty five pounds in cash also I give to my son Solomon one young mare yearling the first fole the mare brings I give to my son Willis SIMMONS likewise I give my gun to my son Solomon also I give to Solomon one gll pewter bason one dish and two plates.
Item - I give to my son Willis SIMMONS ten pounds in cash and one gll bason one dish and two plates I give to my son Willis one negro girl named Sarah excepting the first and second child the wench bears which first child I give to my daughter Mary and second I give to my son Solomon to them and their heirs for ever. Also I give to my son Willis one cow and heifer.
Item - I give to my Daughter Mary one heifer one gll bason one dish and two plates.
Also I give to my son Solomon two cows and cals and one young heifer and one bed and furniture.
All the remainder of my estate I give between my Wife and Children to be equally divided.
I do also apoint my Wife Elisabeth Executor to this my Will.
As wittness my hand and seal this 14th
of Aprill 1746
/s/ Bullock [His
Bl mark] SIMMONS
Thomas [T L]
ROBERT [His x mark]
North Carolina October County Court Anno 1746
Currituck County
Present his Majestys Justies
This may Certify that Thomas LEGETT,
Robert SIMMON Two of the Subscribing Evidences the within Will Came into Open Court &
made Oath on the Holy Evagilests that they were present and saw Bullock
SIMMONS Sign, Seal Publish & Declare the within to be & contain his Last
Will & Testament and that the said Bullock SIMMONS was then at
that time of sound and disposing memory. And that they Saw Willis SIMMONS the
other Subscribing Evidence Sign his name. At the same Time then also appeared
Elizabeth SIMMONS as Executrix in Open Court and took the Executors
Oath in due form of Law Ordered that the Honorable Nathaniel RICE Esqr. of the
said Province have notice thereof that Letters Testamentory issue thereon as
the Law Directs.
Test. Rich. McCLURE Clk Curt
[On the back of this will is written: Bullock SIMONS Will; Lrs. Issued Ap. 6th 1747]
[Source: North Carolina State Archives - MARS ID: (folder)]
This will was contributed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse. No part of this document may be used for any commercial purposes. However, please feel free to copy any of this material for your own personal use and family research. If you find anything in these records that pertains to your families, it is strongly suggested that you look at the original record on your own to check for errors or possibly other additional and helpful information. Thank you!
© 2006 Kay Midgett Sheppard