Currituck County Wills
North Carolina ) At an Inferior Court of Pleas and Quarter Session held at the Courthouse in
Currituck County) Currituck afores. on the first Tuesday in December Anno Domini 1769
Present his Majesties Justices
The Last Will and Testament of Thomas TATEM and of Samuel GREGORY deceased having been then and there in open Court exhibited proved and the respective executors qualified in due form of law the said Wills were allowed and ordered to be registered and they are here recorded accordingly In Hoc Verba, That is to say
The Last Will and Testament of Thomas TATEM vizt.
In the name of God Amen, I Thomas TATEM of Currituck County in the province of North Carolina and County aforesaid being in good health and perfect memory Praise be there forgiven by Almighty God, do make and ordain this my present Last Will and Testament in manner and form following. That is to say First and principally I comment my soul into the hands of Almighty God hoping through the merits death and passion of my Saviour Jesus Christ to have _____ ______ and forgiveness of all my sins and to inherit ______ life and my body I commend to the earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my executor hereafter named and as touching the disposition of all such temporal estate as hath pleased Almighty God to bestow upon me I give and dispose as followeth.
First I will that my debts and funeral charges be paid and discharged.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my Son William TATEM all my land and plantation wheron I now dwell upon his paying John TATEM four pounds four shillings ____ money to him and his heir lawfully begotten of his body for ever and if he should die without such heirs then to the next insaring heir at law for ever.
And futhermore it is my will and desire that my belove Son John TATEM may have free liberty of that marsh Pasture at CANNEDIEs to pasture my Creshere or Createres at any time or times whatever and likewise liberty to cut and make use of my timber on any part of the said land for his own use or his heirs for ever.
Futhermore it is my will that my Daughter Sarah TATEM may have the liberty of a house and home and pashrage during the time she lives simple.
All the residue of my pershible estate good and chattels whatsoever to be equally divided between John TATEM, Sarah TATEM, and Betty BRABLE them and their heirs forever And I do appoint John TATEM, William TATEM full and sole executors of this my Last Will and Testament In witness whereof I have set my hand and seal this 24th day of February one thousand seven hundred and sixty seven
/s/ Thomas TATEM and a seal
Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of us
Recorded and Examined 12th December 1769
This will was contributed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse. No part of this document may be used for any commercial purposes. However, please feel free to copy any of this material for your own personal use and family research. If you find anything in these records that pertains to your families, it is strongly suggested that you look at the original record on your own to check for errors or possibly other additional and helpful information. Thank you!
© 2002 Marty Holland