Currituck County Wills
Mathias Toler, Sr.
Dec. 17 (or 24), 1841 - Aug. Term 1842
Currituck Co. Will Book 4; pg. 91-93
image on Family Search]
The Last Will and Testament of Mathias TOLER deceased was exhibited in open court at August Term 1842 and proved by the oath of Norris H. BAUM one of the subscribing evidences there to in due form of law ordered recorded
In the name of God amen I Mathias TOLER SER. of Currituck County being of sound mind and perfect memory blessed be God do this the 17th day of December 1841 make and publish this my last will and Testament in manner following that is to say.
First I give unto my lawful Wife Penelopy TOLER one feather bed and furniture two chests one loom and harness one man by the name of Fann and three head of shee Cattle, also lend unto
lendunto [sic] my Wife one feather bed and furniture one buffet, one stand, one table, one cart and one cart one plough one hand mill one canoe.I also give unto my daughter Martha W. TOLER two feather beds and furniture two chests one beurow and three head of shee cattle.
I also give unto my Son James Hall TOLER two feather beds and furniture, two chest one mahogney table, one dutch case, one set of silver tea spoons, and two guns, and all my working tools and three head of shee cattle and one horse by the name of Martin and heirs to sell and the money to school James with.
I also leave the all of my stock of cattle that I have not given away to belong to my wife and two children for their support, and my wife is to sell any of the cattle for their support any item she pleases or divide them only one heifer yearling to Mary TOLER daughter of Caleb TOLER.
I also give unto my wife & Ttwo children all my sheep to be equally divided between them and I give all my stock of hogs to my wife for the support of the family.
Also I give unto my wife and two children all of my chattle property that have not been given away to be equally divided between them My wife and two children the property that I lent to my wife at her death to belong to my Son James H. TOLER. I also lend my house and land where on I live to my wife and the priviledge of the wood land her lifetime.
I give unto my daughter Martha W. TOLER a peace of land beginning at the main road John TOLERs line running a northardly course to SEBRON line thence westardly along the SEBRON line to Norris WALKERs line thence an eastardly course along the main road to the first station the same to contain Fifty acres more or less.
I also give unto my Son James H. TOLER a parcel of land beginning at the swamp near the meeting house runing a eastardly course along the main road to the branch at Thomas TWIFORD corner thence thence [sic] the seaside path to the sea then a southardly course to Caleb TOLER line then a westardly course to the bay shore, then a northardly course to WALKERs line then a northern course to the first station the same to contain one hundred acres more or less.
Also I give one acre of land to the Babtist Society where on the meeting house stands.
I give all my back woods land to be equally divided between my two children Martha W. TOLER and James H. TOLER.
The house is for the Executor to sell and send James to school as long as the money holds out.
I here make and ordain my worthy friend Thomas TWIFORD Executor of this my Last Will and Testament witness whereof I the said Mathias TOLER set my hand and seal this 24 day of December 1841. [NOTE: This date differs from the date at the top of the page by one week.]
/s/ Mathias TOLER seal
Test. John BAUM
Norris H. BAUM juratRecorded and examined this 10 day of Septer. 1842
This will was contributed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse. No part of this document may be used for any commercial purposes. However, please feel free to copy any of this material for your own personal use and family research. If you find anything in these records that pertains to your families, it is strongly suggested that you look at the original record on your own to check for errors or possibly other additional and helpful information. Thank you!
© 2011 Kay Midgett Sheppard