Currituck County Wills
In the name of God amen. I Umphry VINCE of Curretuck presink in North Carlina Being weeke and Infirm of body but of perfect minde & memory blessed be God for it and Knowing ye Shortness & uncertainty of this Life I Doe make & appoint This my Last will & Testament in Manner & form following vizt
Impremis I Recommend my Soul unto ye hands of Almighty God hopeing by ye Intercestion of Jesus Christ my Ever blessed Reademer to Receive the full pardon and for giveness of all my Sins & my body to ye Earth to be Buried in Such Christion Like maner as my Executor here after named Shall think fitt & Conveniant hopeing at ye Resurrection to Receive ye Same again & as for my worldly Goods which God has ben pleased to bless me with I be Stowe In manner & form following That Is to Say my will & Desire is
th[nothing else written here]Item I Give and bequath to Josias NICKOLES one Shilling Starling money of Greate Brittain.
Item I Give and bequath to my Cursen James POYNER and his wife my Plantation And Tract of Land that I now Live on and all Importanances there belonging to it that Is not moveables to them Dureing theire natrall Lives and then to Peter POYNER Son of James POYNER to him and the heirs of his body Lawfully begotten for Ever.
Item I Give and bequeath unto my Cursen Sarah
B PoenPOYNER wife of James POYNER ye best feather beed and furnitude belonging to it and oneand onehorse Called ball & Sadell & bridel & one Iron Pott being ye Largest Pott butt one & one brass Copper & fore yews.Item I Give unto my Cursen Sarah POYNER one negro woman Called Dinah To her and her heirs of her body for Ever and mill & one Safe & one Grine Stone & too Iron wedges
Item [next two lines completely obliterated by tape]
my will and desire is That my three negros Peter Tom & Jenney Serve James POYNER and his wife three years and Then to be free from all manner of person or persons what Soe Ever for Ever my will & Desire is that my negro Peter Should have my Gunn and his hors my will and Desire is that my negro woman Jenney Shall have Tenn head of Them Cattell that is Called hers my will & Desire is that my Negro Tom Shall have his one gunn.
Item my will & Desire is That if it Should Soe happen that if James POYNER & his wife Die before ye Space of Three years that Then ye above Said Three negros be free att there Death.
Item my will & Desire is That Willis POYNER Son of Joseph POYNER Shall have Too pounds tenn paid to him oute of my Estate when he coms to age.
Item I Give unto my Corsen William WHITE one bedd and furniture belonging to it and too Iron weggs.
Item I Give and bequeath unto Vince WHITE one bedd and furnitude belong to it.
Item I Give & bequeath unto my Cursen Anna VINCE one bedd and furnitud belonging to it & one new Iron pott holding aboute five Gallons & one puter Dish.
Item I Give & bequeath unto Thos MEGGS one Cow & Calf & Too hoggs.
Item I Give unto Lazerous FLOWER one heffer of Too years olde my will & Desire is That John FLOWER Shall have too barriells of Corn & as for all ye Rest & Remaining parte of my Estate that is not all Readey Given I Desire Shall be Eqeaceally Devided between my Cursen Luke WHITE James POYNER & William WHITE Except one horse Called frollock To Andw PEACOCK and further my will and Desire is That three persons Luke WHITE James POYNER & William WHITE Pay all ye Charges of proveing ye will and what Charges Shall arrise in ye Secreatarys office or Corte or upon Devideing Turn over Humphrey VINCE
or upon Devidingye Estate or ye Like Equally alike and I Doe make ordaine nominate and appoynt him ye Said James POYNER my whole and Sole Executor of This my Last will and Testamentt See the Same duely Performed Revoakeing all other wills and Testaments by me formerly made & onely acknowledge this to be my Last will and Testament as witness my ha[n]d and Seale this forth Day of Apriell 1738.
/s/ Humphey [his HV mark] VINCE[first words unreadable] ye presents of us
Joshua DOLL [listed as Joshua Deel in Jones' book]
Mary [her mark] TAYLOR
North Caroliner} At a Court Began and held for the Said County on Tuesday the first Day of January Anno Domni 1739
Currituck County}Present His Majesties Justices
These may Certify that Thomas TAYLOR and Mary TAYLOR two of the Subscribing Evidences to the within will personally appd in open Court and [word unclear] on the Holy Evangelist that They were present and Saw the within Named Humphry VINCE Sign Seal Publish and Declare the within to be and Contain his Last Will & Testament and that he was then & at that Time of Sound & perfect Memmory and that they also Saw Joshua D___ the other Subscribing Evidence Sign his Name thereto at the Same time. Then also appd at the same time James POYNER Executor and took the Executors oath in Due form of Law. Ordered that the Secty have Notice thereof that Letters Testementary Issue thereon as the Law Directs.
By Order Wm SHERGOLD Clk Court[On the back of the will is written: Humphrey Vince Will 1738; Letters _____; Recorded in the Secretarys Office in Book L? Page 205]
[Source: North Carolina State Archives - MARS ID: (folder)]
This will was contributed by Kay Midgett Sheppard. No part of this document may be used for any commercial purposes. However, please feel free to copy any of this material for your own personal use and family research. If you find anything in these records that pertains to your families, it is strongly suggested that you look at the original record on your own to check for errors or possibly other additional and helpful information. Thank you!
© 2006 Kay Midgett Sheppard