Currituck County Wills
[NOTE: The top portion of this page and the bottom of the page is worn away.]
______ North Carolina in a pes___ ___________________health and of sound and disposing memory do make and ordain this my Las_ __________________Testament in manner and form following that is to say---
Imprimis: I bequeath unto my Son Matthias WILLIAMSON all the land belonging to the tract I live on that lies on the south side of the road or high way being the plantation and land wheron Solomon MILLER formerly lived on and the plantation and land Solomon JARVIS JR. now lives on containing by estamation three hundred and fifty acres unto him and his heirs forever. I likewise give and bequeath unto my Son Matthias, that tract or parcel of cypress swamp land which I bought of John STEWART bounded as follows--begining at the head of the east ridge thence down the east ridge by a line of marked trees (which divides my land from John NORTHERNs) unto Phillip NORTHERNs line thence westerly along the bounds of the swamp to Jesse BENNETs line or the corner tree which divides my swamp land from Jesse BENNETs swamp land, thence a parrelled line with the east ridge line to the head line of the patent thence along the head line of the patent to the first station at the head of the east ridge containing by estimation fifty acres unto him and his heirs forever. I likewise give and bequeath unto my Son Matthias that tract or parcel of land situate in the backwoods, which I bought of John BALLANCE containing one hundred and fifty acres unto him and his heirs forever.
I give and bequeath unto my Son Francis WILLIAMSON the remaining part of the tract of land I live on contained within the following bounds ____ the Northwest River, Moyock Creek, the Dam Bridge run the road or high way to a corner beech standing near the high way in the edge of the plantation I bought of Simion JARVES thence north east by a line of marked trees (which divides my land from Love WILSONs to the Northwest River containing by estimation eight hundred acres (reserving the use of the said plantation and land unto my Wife Kezia untill my said Son Francis shall arrive to the age of twenty one years) unto him and his heirs forever.
I give and bequeath unto my Son Gaies WILLIAMSON that tract or parcel of land situate near Currituck Shore known by the name of ELKS old field and the Great Ridge being part of two tracts one patented by Jo. WICKER and the other by Charles SMITH included within the following bounds the lines of Wallis BRAY, Hilary SIMMONS, Thomas SHERGOLD, Thomas PARKER, Jonathan FRIZEL?, Margret BARBER, the head line of the patent in the name of Charles SMITH containing by estimate hundred acres unto him and his heirs forever.
[NOTE: This is the bottom of the page and worn off. Picking up on page 211.]
....BROWN that plantation and land which I bought of Samuel ELKS situate in Blackwater containing one hundred and fifty acres unto her and her heirs forever.
Item: I leave the following lands Viz. the house and lands at the Northwest Landing which I purchased from John WALLIS together with fifty acres of land I purchased from my Brother Tully being part of Aron PRESCOTs tract of land, the tract of land lying on the northeast side of the Northwest River, adjoining the Great Marsh which I bought from [worn] TAYLOR containing fifty acres, the tract or parcel of land which I bought from John BRIGHT adjoining Franky NICKOLS and Thomas COX containing fifty acres to be sold at publick vindue by my executors hereafter named for four years credit purchasers giveing bond with approved securitys and the monies arising by such [worn] to be by my executors or their assigns equally divided between my Daughter Martha and my Daughter Nancey when the youngest of them shall arrive to the age of twenty one years.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my Wife Kezia one hundred and fifty pounds proclamation money to be raised by my executors out of my personal (should I not leave money on hand sufficient, unto her and her heirs forever. I likewise leave the use of my negroe wench Dinah unto my Wife Kezia during her natural life and after her decease the said negro wench Dinah to be by my executors or their assigns sold and the money arising from such sale to be equally divided amongst my then living children.
Item: I leave my negroes Jack, James, Toney, Kateness? and Abel to be by my executors or their assigns hired out yearly untill my youngest child shall arrive to the age of twenty one years and the money arising from such hire at that time to be equally divided amongst all my children.
Item: I leave the use of my negro wench Kate and her later increase unto my Wife Kezia untill my youngest child shall arrive to the age of twenty one years.
Item: my will and desire is that when my youngest child shall arrive to the age of twenty one years that then my negroes Jack, James, Toney, Kateness?, Abel, Kate and her futer increase and the futur increase of my negro wench Dinah and all other negroes I may have shall be equally divided between my children.
Item: I leave all bonds, notes, debts and accounts due to me, to be by my executors collected and all my estate not before disposed of within doors and without doors of what nature kind soever, to be by my executors sold for one years credit, and the monies arising from bonds, notes, debts and accounts due me and from the sale of such estate as aforesaid (after discharging my just debts and deducting one hundred pounds a piece for each of my executors hereafter named their use) to be equally divided amongst all my children.
Item: I leave the whole tuition management and disposal of the bodies and estates of Sons Jonathan, Matthias, Francis and Gaius unto my worth friends Thomas MacKNIGHT, and Neil SNODGRASS untell my said Sons shall arrive to the age of twenty one years with all power and ample authority to transfer such power over the bodies and estates of my Sons Jonathan, Matthias, Francis, and Gaius to such of their friends as they shall think proper deducting and reserving to themselves or such the tutors as they shall authourise such sum or sums of money out of the estate they shall think required for their trouble and expense of such tution.
I nominate and appoint Thomas MacKNIGHT and Neil SNODGRASS my whole and sole executors this my Last Will and Testament revoking and disannulling all former will or wills here by me made in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand, seal the day and year above written.
I know by the laws of the empire leaving a man executor discharges any debt such executors shall owe his Testator, I know your probity it is not my situation it should discharge such debts.
/s/ Francis WILLIAMSON seal
Recorded and examined September 15th 1785
This will was contributed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse. No part of this document may be used for any commercial purposes. However, please feel free to copy any of this material for your own personal use and family research. If you find anything in these records that pertains to your families, it is strongly suggested that you look at the original record on your own to check for errors or possibly other additional and helpful information. Thank you!
© 2002 Marty Holland