Currituck County Wills
In the name of God amen. I Thomas WILLIAMS of north Cairylino and Curytuck presenk being very Sick and wek in body but of perfect mind and memmory thanks be to God for the Same Caling to mind the mortallity of my body and Knowing that it is apointed for all men once to die doe make and ordain this my Last will and testement first and foremost I Give and bequeath my Soul into hands of almigty God that Gave it hoping that att the General Reserrecttion I Shal Receive the Same by his mighty power and my body to be Buried in a Christian and Decent maner att the decresion of my Execittors hereafter named and as touching Such worldy Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to Bles me in this Life after my worldy depts being fully paid and Satesfide I Give and Despose of the Rest of my Real and personall Estate In maner and form folloing
Imprimis I Give and Beque to my
LovingLoveing wife my plantation I now Live on During hir widdo hood and att hir Deceac to fall to my Sun Joseph to him and his heirs for Ever.Item. I Give to my Sun Saml out of the Said track two hundred
acersand forty acers of Land to him and his heirs for Ever.Item. I Give to my Sun Saml a track of Land ____ Caled the new desire? to him and his heirs for Ever.
Item. I Give to my two Suns Saml and Joseph all my Land on the Sand Banks to be Equaly devided Between them to them and their heirs for Ever only my wife to have of full Right on the Said land During hir widdo hood.
Item. I Give to my wife Mary two negros one Caled fillis and the other Caled _____ and their in Cresc During hir widdo hood and att hir Deceac to be Equally Devided Between hir two Suns as She thinks fitt.
Item. I Give to my Sun Saml three negros one Caled Billy? and one Caled James and the other _ony? to him and his heirs for Ever.
Item. I Give to my Sun Joseph three negros Caled tom tony and hergin? to him and his heirs for Ever.
Item. I Give to my wife and my two Suns all my household Goods as folloeth to be Equally Devided among them and what my Sun Saml has had to be Equally Devided among them also (turn over)
Item. I Give to my wife a hors Cald forbeton.
Item. I Give to my wife and my two Suns all my Cattle and Sheep be them of what marks they will to be Equally Devided among them.
Item. I Give to my Sun Saml one Gold Ring that will fitt his wife.
Item. I Give to my Sun Joseph one Gold Ring.
Item. I Give to my Sun Joseph all my morning Close.
Item. I Give to my Sun Saml twenty pounds in bils In the hands of John WILLIAMS in? Curency? as he Sees? Cause to Take it.
Item. it is my will my Sun Joseph assist his brother Saml with what forse? he Can make to Clear and fence twenty thousend Corn hols? att a Reasonable desstance?.
Item. it is my will that my Sun Saml has two acers of Land of the Clear Ground of the plantation I now Live on tel the Said work is Done.
Item. I Give to my Daughter Mary one Sheling Sterling In full of hir part of my hole Estate.
Also I make ordain and appoint my Loveing wife Mary WILLIAMS and my Sun Saml WILLIAMS my whole and Sole Executrick and Extr of this my Last will and testement Revoking and Disanulling any other other [sic] will or wills by me formerly made and only acknowleging this my Last will and testement As wittnis my hand and Seal this 12 day of December Anno Domimi 1732.
/s/ Thomas [his mark] WILLIAMS SealSind and Seald In the presents of
Margrat [hir mark] NORTON
Charly [his C mark] NORTON
No Carolina }
Curotuck prect Court}
The within will was Proved In Lawfull Manner and the Sd Exers within Named at The Same Time Tooke The Execurs oath as The Law Directs.Test
Thos LOWTHER Clk[On the back of the will is written: Thos WILLIAMS Will; Lres granted 3d Novr 1733; Recorded]
[Source: North Carolina State Archives - MARS ID: (folder)]
This will was contributed by Kay Midgett Sheppard. No part of this document may be used for any commercial purposes. However, please feel free to copy any of this material for your own personal use and family research. If you find anything in these records that pertains to your families, it is strongly suggested that you look at the original record on your own to check for errors or possibly other additional and helpful information. Thank you!
© 2006 Kay Midgett Sheppard