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Currituck County Wills

Henry W
July 16, 1655 - Nov. 15, 1655
Brief Abstract of Lower Norfolk County and Norfolk County Wills 1637-1710 by Charles Fleming McIntosh; pp. 101-102
Published by The Colonial Dames of America in the state of Virginia in 1914; no copyright date

Henry Woodhouse . . .
Book C f 181.
Dated 16 July 1655.
Recorded 15 Nov 1655.
. . . unto my wife Maria Woodhouse . . .
. . . until my sonne Henry Woodhouse shal be Twenty years of age . . .
. . . unto my sonne Henry Woodhouse five hundred acres of land whereon now I doe live . . .
. . . unto my onne Horatio Woodhouse two hundred and Seaventy foure acres of land, lying and being at a place called the head of the Jammes.  There be two shares of land Bermudas wch. I solde unto my brother in lawe Mr. Charles Sothren . . .
. . . Willm Woodhouse my sonne . . .
. . . unto my daughter Elizabeth Collins . . . 
. . . wife, my friends Mr. Lemuel Mason and Thomas Allen to be Exrs . . . 

witnesses: Tho: Allen                         Hen: Woodhouse
                Jeane Henley, by mke.
Proved by:  Tho. Allen 15 Nov 1655
Jeane Henley 8 Dec 1655
John Martin 8 Dec 1655
Robt. Porvis 8 Dec 1655

This will was contributed by Jean Schroeder. No part of this document may be used for any commercial purposes. However, please feel free to copy any of this material for your own personal use and family research. If you find anything in these records that pertains to your families, it is strongly suggested that you look at the original record on your own to check for errors or possibly other additional and helpful information. Thank you!




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