Currituck County Wills
Henry Woodhouse of the prrish. of Linhaven in the County of Lower Norfolk in virginia . . .Book 5 f. 5.dated 29 Jan 1686.proved 21 Feb 1686/7.. . . unto my Eldest son Henry Woodhouse my plantation whereon I now live being a devident of five hundred acres of Land . . .. . . unto my second son horacio woodhouse that devidt. of land comonly Called by the name of Moyes land adioning to my owne land . . . moyes neck . . .. . . unto my son John woodhouse my divedent of Land Lying and adioning to Richard bonnyes land whereon Richards debbs dwelleth . . .. . . unto my two Sones horacio & John my divident of land that I bought of Mr. William Basnett sener. Lying in the woods by John sivells land . . . Equally . . .. . . my so Henry woodhouse Executor . . .. . . my children . . . horacio, John Elizabeth and luce, my two sons be at age . . . att Eighteen years ould and my too daughters att sixteen years ould . . .. . . my daughter mary the wife of william more . . .. . . my daughter Sarah the wife of Caton more . . .money due me from Mr. Thomas mumford . . .. . . my too youngest Daughters Elizabeth and luce . . .. . . my Sole Executor . . . shall bring up all my younger Children in the feare of god and to learne them to read and to wright . . .. . . too largest Silver Tankerds . . .. . . my son Henry Woodhouse my Executor shall . . .plant and orchard of six hundred aple trees upon my son horacioes plantation and keepe the same sufficiently fenced . . .witnesses: William CornickT. FinckleyJohn WoodhouseMala Thruston
This will was contributed by Jean Schroeder. No part of this document may be used for any commercial purposes. However, please feel free to copy any of this material for your own personal use and family research. If you find anything in these records that pertains to your families, it is strongly suggested that you look at the original record on your own to check for errors or possibly other additional and helpful information. Thank you!
© 2016
Kay Midgett Sheppard