LATTA, J.O. – (d. 1921)

From the Durham Herald, 25 Aug 1921

Mr. Latta suddenly dies in Warehouse

J. O. Latta of Lebanon township
dropped dead at 5 o’clock this after
noon in the Banner warehouse. Heart
trouble was given as the cause of his
death; The deceased was 70 years of

Mr. Latta had come to the city ____
market a quantity of produce and was
walking around in the warehouse when
death came. According to his relatives
he had been in good health recently
and his death came as a severe shock to
relatives and friends.
Surviving are three children, Mrs.
Eva Atkins, Mrs. A. T. Roberts, and
W. I. Latta, the latter being of At-

Funeral services have not been arr-
ranged as yet in the absence of the
son of the deceased who is expected in
the city today.