Parkwood Flea Market October 1, 2011

As many of you may know, October is Family History Month. In celebration of this, The Durham-Orange Genealogical Society will be hosting a table at a neighborhood flea market hosted by a local subdivision that many of us live in – Parkwood of Durham. See the announcement below:

D-OGS will have a table at the Parkwood Flea Market in which we will sell gently used items particularly genealogy books, magazines, software, etc, that our members have donated in addition to back issues of our Trading Path journal. We will also have membership brochures on hand to give out to interested parties. Please talk to Karen Vance if interested in donating or manning the table during this event.

Please join us on Revere Road in Durham, NC 27713  between 7 a.m. and 11 a.m.

(near Highway 54/55 intersection, former Parker Library location)