Phil Upchurch 3 upcoming presentations

This was sent out to the Wake County Genealogy Society Members.

Phill Upchurch and his wife will be in NC May
25-June 15, 2010. While in the state, Phil will be making 3
presentations that I want to let you know about.

1. June 8, 2010 at 7:00 PM at the Halle Cultural Center in Apex, N. C.
Title “Houses, Lands, and Histories of Some Western Wake County
Families” By Phil Upchurch and Kim Wrenn. Kim has done extensive
research on homes in western Wake and her work will be showcased in this
presentation. Jointly sponsored by The Apex Historical Society and The
Halle Cultural Arts Center in downtown Apex.

2. June 10, 2010 at 6:30 PM in the Methodist Church in Louisburg, N.C.
Title “Upchurch and Related Families of Franklin County, N. C.” Phil will
have a handout showing intermarriages for the period 1750-1850. Dunn
Township, where the Upchurches lived, was actually a part of Wake County
from 1771 to 1787. Sponsored by the Franklin County Heritage Society.

3. June 13, 2010 at 6:30 PM at Inwood Baptist Church on Lake Wheeler
Road in Wake County. Title “The Formation of Inwood Church and it’s
Impact on People.” Phil’s ancestors helped to form this Church in 1877 and he
grew up in this Church. The presentation will tell of his memories and of
the results of research on the subject. Cousins will perform musically.
Sponsored by The Board of Deacons and the Historical Committee of Inwood
Church. There will be a Church Supper at 5:00 PM in the Hospitality Room
of the Church prior to the meeting to allow all who come to get
acquainted. Please bring a covered dish.

The Public is cordially invited to all three meetings Any publicity you
can give to these three events will be appreciated.

If related to these meeting subjects or would like to contact Phil directly, he can be reached at Phil