Franklin County Military Records

Solomon Bibby
contributed by Robert Jackson

6 June 1841
State of N. Carolina
Franklin County

This day came Aaron Devancey? before me one Jeremiah Solomon one of the active Justices of the Peace in and for the county and state aforesaid to depose and say what he knows of the Revolutionary service of Solomon Bibby, free man of color of the county of Franklin and state aforesaid who upon examination depose and say as follows (to wit) that his father was an officer of the army under Genl Sumner and that he has heard him say Frequently that he was in the army with him and no finer soldier he never saw in his life, and he further say that he has heard Captain William Faison say that he served with him all the time further more he sayeth not Sworn and submitted this day before me the day and date here written.

Aaron Devancy?


Solomon Bibby (#2)
contributed by Robert Jackson

State of North Carolina Franklin County

This may serve to satisfy that a certain coloured man by name Solomon Bibby was a soldier in the Revolutionary War he is a free man was a waiter to General Jethro Sumner. General Sumner was a citizen of Warren County NC and I was raised a neighbour to him. I was well acquainted with the aforesaid Solomon Bibby at the time he served under General Sumner and I now know him and he is still living in this county (say Franklin). There can not be a doubt but he was a Continental soldier and served his time faithfully. I have only to add that William Ransom Esq. of this county knows as much or probably more than I do.

P. Hawkins

This day personally appeared before me Jno. D. Hawkins a Justice of the Peace for said county Philemon Hawkins and made oath that the above statement subscribed by him is true. June the 15th Day 1841 as witnessing hand this day.

Jno. D. Hawkins (J. Peace)


Solomon Bibby's pension file
contributed by Robert Jackson

State of North Carolina
Franklin County

On this the 18th day June A.D. 1841, personally appeared before me one of the Justices of the Peace for the county aforesaid and one of the Justices of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions of the same, Robert G. Jeffries of lawful age, and made oath on the Holy Evangelist of Almighty God, that he has frequently heard Richard Rives and Nathan Jean, both old revolutionary soldiers and pensioners now dead, [smudged, unreadable print] Solomon Bibby and say that he was a soldier with them in the revolutionary war, and that he was at the battle of Guilford with them, and at other places.

Robert Jeffries


Sworn to before me
Thomas Howerton, JP
