Greene County NCGenWeb
Katherine Herman Edwards Bible Contributed by: Sloan Mason Handwritten copy found in the records of Frederick Lee Edwards MARRIED Dr. G. C. Edwards to Miss Katherine E. Herman on June 15, 1901 by Rev. W. A. Forbes BORN Peter Herman Edwards son of G. C. & Katherine Edwards April 12, 1902 Alonzo Clay Edwards, son of G. C. & Katherine Edwards Sept. 29, 1904 Katherine Jay & Christine Dixon, daughters of Dr. G. C. & Katherine Edwards Aug 9. 1906 Grandison Christine Edwards son of Rev. James Alonzo and Fannie Edwards May 30, 1858 Katherine Elisabeth Herman daughter of Rev. Peter L. and Fannie Herman March 7, 1865 BAPTIZED Peter Herman Edwards on the fourth Sunday afternoon in June 1902 by Rev. E. Pope Alonzo Clay Edwards in June 1905 by Rev. E. H. Davis Katherine Jay & Christine Dixon Edwards on the 4th Sunday morning in the M. E. Church, Sept 1907, by Rev. R. F. Taylor