Revolutionary War Pension File


Of Halifax and Orange Counties, North Carolina

(transcribed by Deloris Williams from Pension File S.8146)

Please note: This file is extremely difficult to read mostly due to the visibility of words on both sides of the documents on most of the pages. The handwriting in the last pages makes it even worse in transcribing this document. I have transcribed as much as possible on those pages. Only remarks in square brackets [ ] are mine.


JAMES CARTER of Orange Co. in the State of N. Car.

Who was a Pr. In the ______ commanded by
Capt. ________of the Regt.________commanded by
COL. LEE in the N.C. Line for 2 years.

Inscribed on the Roll of North Carolina
At the rate of 80. Dollars __ Cents per annum
to commence on the 4th day of March 1831.

Certificate of Pension issued on the 21st day of Nov. 1833
and sent E. H. MANGUM, Hillsborough, N. Car.
Arrears to the 4th of Sept. 1833..................200.00
Semi-annual allowance ending 1 Mar 1834............40.00

 Total Payment:.......$240.00

Revolutionary Claim Act June 7, 1832
Recorded by NATH. RICE - Clerk Book E
Vol: 6 ½ - Page 49

North Carolina
Orange County

On this 27th day of August 1833 personally appeared in Open Court before the Justices of this Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions of Orange County in the State of North Carolina now sitting, JAMES CARTER a resident of Orange County, North Carolina aged seventy-four years who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress passed June the 7th 1832.
That he entered the service of the United States in the war of the Revolution as a volunteer on the 10th of December 1779, as well as he can recollect & served for the span of three years in the line of this State.
That the name of the Captain under whom he enlisted was TAWLEY POWELL. & the Company to which he belonged was called Powell's guards. That he resided in the town of Halifax in the County of that name in the state where he enlisted. That on the arrival of the British in Halifax CAPTAIN POWELL was taken prisoner & subsequently they [phrase is unreadable] under CAPTAIN JOSEPH KIDD the commander of his term in service. Next he was acquainted  with MAJOR HENRY LEE, afterwards COL. LEE of the Legion & with COL. WM. WASHINGTON.

This Declarant herewith transmits the certificate of the Secretary of State North Carolina of the services commanded by him. He hereby relinquishes any claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present & declares that his name [phrase in unreadable] pension roll of any agency of any state, except that of North Carolina as witnessed by the certificate above ?alluded? to of the Secretary of State. That he received a discharge from CAPT. KIDD but that the ???? his ??? ?Roster? many years.

Sworn to & subscribed

[signed, his mark]

We HIRAM JOHNSON & THOMAS ??????? & ?JOHN? NOWLIN residing in Orange County, North Carolina, hereby certify that we are all acquainted with JAMES CARTER who has subscribed & sworn to the above Declaration that we believe him to be about the age set forth in the above Declaration that he is ac??????  Believed [words torn or scratched out] abovesaid where he resided to ?serve? been a Soldier of the Revolution & concur in that opinion.

Sworn to and subscribed to the day & year aforesaid


?THOMAS? J????H?


We the said Court do hereby declare their opinion after the investigation of the matter & after putting the interrogations prescribed by the War Department, that the above named applicant, was a revolutionary soldier & served as he states - and this Court further certifies that the aforesaid HIRAM JOHNSON, THOMAS ?ROACH? & JOHN NOWLIN are residents of this County & State, & are credible persons & their statement is entitled to credit.


I JOHN TAYLOR, Clerk of the Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions of Orange County, do hereby certify that the foregoing contains the original proceedings for the said Court in the matter of the application of JAMES CARTER for a pension. In Testimony hereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal of my office this 27th day of August A.D. 1833.





State of North Carolina
Secretary of States Office

I WILLIAM HILL Secretary of State in and for State aforesaid, do certify that it appears of record in this office, that a Warrant for the quantity of land allowed by law to a private Solder of revolution for three years service, was issued by order of a Board of Commissioners for the services of JAMES CARTER a private in the line of this State.
Given under my hand this 24th day of June 1833.



Pension Office
Fayetteville April 12 1838

Commissioner of Pensions

During the quarter ending the 31st March last, payment was made to the following person having more than 6 months owed.

Act of 1818..........MICAJAH SPRINGS..............12....$ 96.00
.........1832............ JAMES CARTER.....................12.......80.00
........[1832]............JAMES CLARK........................12......45.83
........[1832]............?ABNER HATCH?...................12......50.00
........[1832]............GEORGE HOLT.......................18......37.50
........[1832]............?MARCUS? KENNEDY..........18......60.00
........[1832]............?NATHANIEL MITCHELL....12......33.33
........[1832]............BENJAMIN ?SAFRON?..........12......21.66
........[1832]............STEPHEN WILLIAMS............12......38.66
........[1832]............JOHN WRIGHT........................12......56.66
........[1832]............ABRAM JAMES.......................48.....210.00

The papers in the letter from ?material?:

Chair authorizeds the payment as soon as convenient.
Very respectfully,


`````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Pension Office
Fayetteville, April 23, 1838


Enclosed you will find the ?service? Vouchers referred to in my Letter of the 12th ??????? - the one in the case of ABRAM? JAMES? Their just ???? for ??????. Those payments for with pensions were after m??? pension to the 31 of March last. I am at a loss to know how the Act of Congress April 6th ????, effects the claim of ?ENOCH MATHEY?, the ??????? ?claim? is for Sept. 37 & March 38 [probably 1837-1838] - the instructions of the Second Comptroller is then ?? ?? here after J?? will make no payment where the pension claimed, has remarried s??? for the terms ?for? right? mostly after the same because payrolls.???
[remainder of this page is totally illegible]

Transferable to Washington before the 4th May next. I cannot be set right too soon for I have already paid that claim. Since the receipt for the instructions - ??[phrase illegible] from me to please to ????? of doubt. I beg you will know [next phrase is illegible]
Very respectfully

[2ND signature illegible]

File No. 8146
Priv Rev War
Act: June 7, 1832


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