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Revolutionary War Pension File
Son of William & Deanitia Carter, who left a Halifax Co.,NC will dated March 17, 1810, probated May Ct.
1810, where he named wife Deanitia Carter, children: William, Theoderick, Joseph and Francis Carter, Mary Sawyer, Martha Baker, Nancy Boston, Lucy Pike;
grandson William Carter, son of Francis, granddaughters Louisa Jones Carter, Polly Harris and grandson Belfield N. Carter, and Thornton Mallard, son of
John Mallard; witnesses were Wood Jones Hamlin, Jesse Carter, Benjamin Carter; executors son Francis and Wood Jones Hamlin.
West Tennessee Inscribed on the Roll of W. Tennessee Certificate of Pension issued the 10th day of January Revolutionary Claims
Act June 7, 1832
State of Tennessee Smith County On this 9th day of November 1838 personally appeared before me A. A. BARNARD That he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers and served as here is stated. He entered the service of the United States as a Volunteer in the Month of September 1778. (the day of the month not recollected) And was mustered for the term of six months under CAPTAIN HARVEY and COL. JAMES ALLEN and resided at the time of his engagement in Halifax County, North Carolina and marched from Halifax Town of said State through Warren County and Granville to Hillsborough in Orange County, thence to Charlotte in Lincoln County. He was discharged from this engagement in the Month of March 1779 having served six months [next phrase illegible] No engagements mett the enemy. COL. ALLEN had the Chief Command during this expedition and the object seemed to be to subdue & ???? down the Tories in that section. He entered the service again as a Volunteer in the Month of September 1780 at Halifax Town North Carolina under CAPT. JOHN POWERS, LIEUTENANT WILLIAM ANGEL & ENSIGN ABNER FLUELLEN COL. WHITMAN HILL had the command of the Regiment. He was marched from Halifax to Harrisburg town called Oxford thence to Hillsborough thence to High Rock Ford on the Haw river the waters of Cape Fear River at this place WILLIAM ?LINTON? became the Colonel of the Regiment and Marched from thence to Gilford Court House and was in the Battle with the British at or near that place on the 15th day of March 1781. GENL GREEN had the Chief Command in that Battle, GENERAL EATON also had an important command after the Battle at Gilford Court House. He was encamped at the Iron Works on Troublesome Creek and from thence was marched to ?Ramseys? Mill at which place the term of six months for which he volunteered of period. Sometime in the month of March 1780, the day not recollected and he was discharged by his officer but immediately volunteered again for the term of six months under CAPT. NICHOLAS LONG in COL. GILFORD DUDLEY's Regiment and was marched to Camden on the Watoon River in South Carolina and was in an engagement with the enemy near that place in the month of April 1781 under GENL. GREEN marched from ?thence? camp the Watoon river to Ninety six, and at the time of the engagement at Ninety six was not in the battle and on a tour of fatigue driving beef cattle for the Armey. He was also with the armey of GENL. GREEN at the time of the battle of the Eutaw Springs, but was not in that battle was detailed and engaged at the time of that by collecting provisions for the Armey and was with and knew well JOSEPH HARRIS an acting Commissioner, and while on the atachment driving and collecting beef cattle for the Armey, he was a while under the command of CAPT. WILLIAM NETTLES. After the battle of the Eutaw Springs he was marched to ?Rigdleys? Mill and was discharged some time in the month of September or October having completed the term of six months. He then returned to his family in Halifax County North Carolina having been absent from home, in the service of the United States more than twelve months. The discharge which he received he deposited with his father and he never asked for them but removed to Smith County, Tennessee in the year 1804 and left them with his father who departed this life sometime in the year 1810 and his brother FRANCIS CARTER who was the Executor of his father's will told him not????????? two years [phrase illegible] time, that he saw his discharge sometime in the year 1810 among his mother's papers and thought them of no value consequently destroyed them. He has not documentary evidence of his service nor of the above named forms of discharge and he knows of no person now living by whom he can prove the above mentioned services. He hereby relinquishes every claim whatsoever to a pension or annuity except the present and declares that his name is not on the Pension roll of the Agency of any state. Interogators' propounded. Q. 1- Where and in what year were you born Q. 2 - Have you any record of your age and
where is it Q. 3 - Where were
you living when called into service where have you lived since the Revolutionary War. And where do you now live Q. 4- How
were you called into service were you drafted, did you volunteer or were you a substitute and if a substitute for whom. Q. 5- State the names of some of the Regular officers who were with the
troops where you served [illegible phrase] Militia Regiment [phrase illegible] and the general circumstances of your service. Q. 6- Did you ever receive a
discharge from the service and if so by whom was it given and what has become of it Q. 7- Has the named of persons to whom you were known in your
present neighbourhood and who can testify about your character for ?accuracy? and the belief of your services as a Soldier of the Revolution [signed] Enterd??? Before signed
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