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If you know of Halifax County related sources or websites that would be helpful to researchers, please let us know and they will be added to our pages.    See also:  Links to Family Websites and African American Pages


Halifax County Register of Deeds
Court Services Building
P. O. Box 67
357 Ferrell Lane
Halifax, NC 27839
Tel: 259-583-2101
Access the Property Index Search on their website

Halifax County Courthouse
Clerk of the Superior Court
357 Ferrell Lane
Halifax, NC 27839
(252) 583-5061

Mailing Address:
P. O. Box 66
Halifax, NC 27839

The Halifax Library - Local History
33 Granville Street/P.O. Box 97
Halifax, NC 27839

North Carolina State Archives
109 E. Jones Street
Raleigh, NC 27601
4614 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-4614
Tel: 919-807-7310

Search the Discover Online Catalog

Afro-American Historical & Genealogical Society

NC Chapter:
Beatties Ford Library, 2412 Beatties Ford Road, Charlotte, NC 28216



Halifax County Genealogical Society
P.O. Box 447
Halifax, NC 27839

North Carolina Genealogical Society
P. O. Box 30815
Raleigh, NC 27622-0815

Federation of North Carolina Historical Societies
109 East Jones Street
Raleigh, NC 27607-2807

Pitt County Family Researchers
P. O. Box 20339
Greenville, NC 27858-0339  

Pitt County Historical Society
P. O. Box 1554
Greenville, NC 27835-1554

Halifax County Government Official  Website

Halifax County Arts Council

NCPedia  - everything about North Carolina from Biographies to Histories

North Carolina Dept. of Natural & Cultural Resources

North Carolina Civil War Sesquicentennial - the State's celebration of all things fm the Civil War, many resources

North Carolina African-American Historical Society
P.O. Box 26334
Raleigh, NC 27611

North Carolina Museum of History
See their latest exhibits on the website

Guide to Research Materials In the NC State Archives: County Records





Visit a  Family History Center for your own personal research at a facility near your home available all across the Country. FamilySearch offers a network of 4,500 facilities offering public access to genealogical records from all over the world. These range from the world’s largest in Salt Lake City to locations in more than 80 countries.

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See Searchable  FamilySearch Records for North Carolina
Including NC Probate Records (Wills, County Books);  Estate Records, State Supreme Court Cases, Civil Action Papers, Birth, Marriage and Death Records, Freedmen's Bureau, Civil War Service Records and more





(See also our Vital Records Page and our Marriage Page for FamilySearch records)



FamilySearch offers free access to many records online through their new revised website.
Do a search from the page, or click "Browse by Location" or  "All Records Collections" to see what is available for your area of interest.

Search the FamilySearch Catalog for records that are available for each County or Location








The State Library of North Carolina has a number of Resources, here are a few:

Newspaper Collection Project

Getting Started in Genealogy

Finding Slave Records

Request Genealogy Information



"The Descendants of Sterling Johnston of Halifax Co., North Carolina 1770-2013", by Rebecca L. Dozier; Hardbound. LC No. 2014949431; published by Otter Bay Books, 2014. Contact the author for book.
Sterling Johnston lived in both Warren and Halifax counties.
His descendants still live in both counties today.
Book Review:
Halifax and Warren Counties are in northeast North Carolina tucked in right next to Northampton County, just below the Virginia line, and it is the place where the author traipsed through cemeteries while growing up there. While that, in itself, is not unusual, her penchant for finding out “who lived there and when” has led her to explore dozens of records for actual facts about who was related. Having a father named William Johnston Leach gave her a head start to satisfy the quest for more about the Johnstons.
Chapters are listed in the CONTENTS, then each person is identified at each chapter beginning:
I. Sterling Johnston (1770-2843) Son of Abraham and Susannah Johnston, Grandson of Benjamin and Elizabeth Johnston, Great-Grandson of William Johnston, Jr. and (unknown), Great-Great-Grandson of William and Sarah Griffith Johnston
II. William (Willis) Johnston (1795-1835) Son of Sterling and Sarah McGregor Johnston
III. John Pittman Johnston (1795-1879) Son of Sterling and Sarah McGregor Johnston
IV. Anthony McGregor Johnston (1796-1874) Son of Sterling and Sarah McGregor Johnston
V. Littleberry Johnston (1797-1834) Son of Sterling and Sarah McGregor Johnston
VI. Atherton Johnston (1804-1850) Son of Sterling and Nancy Carter Johnston
VII. Amanda Johnston (1813-1837) Daughter of Sterling and Nancy Carter Johnston
VIII. Wade Hampton Johnston (1814-1886) Son of Sterling and Nancy Carter Johnston
IX. Francis Marion Johnston (1818-1843) Son of Sterling
and Nancy Carter Johnston
X. Andrew Jackson Johnston (1819-1855) Son of Sterling and Nancy Carter Johnston
XI. Augustus Crockett Johnston (ca. 1822-1870s) Son of Sterling and Nancy Carter Johnston
XII. Mary Ann Sacca (Lassie) Johnston (1826-1899)Daughter of Sterling and Nancy Carter Johnston

There are a lot of Johnstons or Johnsons. [Most often with the
t and occasionally without the t]
Verifications are everywhere. Footnotes are numbered 1-212 through Chapter II. Chapter III has 721 all by itself.
Chapter IV has 54, Chapter V has 61, Chapter VI has only 3, Chapter VII has 13, Chapter VIII has 217,Chapter IX has 2, Chapter X has 22, Chapter XI has 1 and Chapter XII has 29. Keeping a record of all those sources was a monumental task in itself, but information without documentation would be pointless, and the author relies on being exact.
As a matter of fact, she found an error after this book went to press and has inserted a page to explain the correction.

Some of the surnames in the 25 page Index are Abbott, Ashby, Avent, Bell, Braziel, Browning, Campbell, Cheek, Cummings, Daughtry, Dowd, Duke, Efird, Eibland, Evans, Fetter, Fleming, Francis, Garner, Gilliam, Groves, Hardy, Harris, Henderson, Hill, Hopkins, Iles, Izard, James, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Keith, Kennedy, King, Lambert, Leach, Leagan, Lewis, Long,Lyman, Manning, McCutcheon, Mercer, Montgomery, Moore, Neal, Nicholson, Northington, Osborne, Panattoni, Parks, Perkins, Perry, Pettigrew, Pitchford, Powell, Rhyne, Riggan(s), Roche, Ryder, Sanders, Shearin, Sledge, Smith, Stallings, Taylor, Thompson, Turner, Vaughan, Von Sprecken, Wade, Wemyss, Whitehead, Williams, Wilson, Wilmer, Woodridge, Yates, Yingling, Yonce and Zollicoffer.
The author has put into print this book with lots of data on the Johnstons. She is active in so many endeavors as well as being a valuable member of the Augusta Genealogical Society.

"Halifax County, North Carolina's Coroner's Inquests 1840-1891" by: Florence Hargrave Curtis

"Daughter, Be Somebody" by: Florence Hargrave Curtis

"Landonia Epps: A Paper Trail of Her Times and Travels" by: Florence Hargrave Curtis

"In the Footsteps of Our Forefathers: The Churches Where they Worshipped, The Graves in Which They Slumber" by: F.H.Curtis

"Forgotten Men" by: Florence Hargrave Curtis


"North Carolina and the Two World Wars" new publication (2013) by Sarah McCulloh Lemmon and Nancy Smith Midgette


"Journal of a Secesh Lady": The Diary of Catherine Ann Devereux Edmondston, 1860-1866. Edited by Beth G. Crabtree & James W. Patton. Civil War diary of  the daughter of a wealthy eastern North Carolina planter. In 1846 she married Patrick Muir Edmondston, a South Carolinian, and they eventually settled on a plantation in Halifax County, North Carolina, where they were living in 1860. NC Historical Publications


"Looking Back On Littleton, A Northeastern Warren/Halifax County town, 1774-1994", by Rebecca L. Dozier. For more detailed information visit: Warren County Books Page  or contact directly: Becky Dozier

"Town Leaders, Littleton, North Carolina, 1790-1920", by Rebecca L. Dozier. For more detailed information visit: Warren County Books Page- or  contact directly: Becky Dozier


Read online:

"Wheeler's Reminiscences"- published in 1884, tells the story of early North Carolina history, including spotlights on many of the well-known residents of the State.





Books with Halifax County Material can be found:

NCNatural Selections

Golden West Marketing
(includes many genealogical related books for Halifax & other NC Counties)

UNC Press

North Carolina Historical Publications


Read these online:

The History of Halifax County

The History of Edgecombe County

Edgecombe County Naturalization Records





Search the North Carolina USGenWeb Archives


There are many additional Halifax County records available there as well as

NCGenWeb Archives Statewide Files



On NCGenWeb Pages:

Consolidated List of North Carolina Resources
Lots of additional NC Research Links

Research in North Carolina  

North Carolina Executions/Halifax County
Did your ancestor disappear suddenly from the records? Check out this list and those for other counties, too.

Illnesses Reported to NC Board of Health-1896
If your ancestor disappeared around 1900, see the list of illnesses reported by each County

Justices of the Peace Appointed in NC-1778
from the USGenWeb Archives

History of Vital Records in North Carolina

North Carolina Governors, 1585-1998

Edgecombe County Deed Books
Includes 1st 6 Deed Books which covers area now in Halifax County


On Other Websites:

  Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet

Perpetual Calendar Converter

Epidemics in the U.S. 1633-1952

List of Epidemics in World History

Influenza Outbreak 1918-1919

Old Medical Ailments

Old Medical Terminology

Old Disease Names

GenDisasters: Events That Touched Our Ancestors Lives

Officer Down Memorial Pages: Officers killed in the line of duty

Ellis Island Passenger Search

Steve Morse's One-Step Webpages for Research

Old Occupations

NC Current Offenders on Death Row

Halifax County Court Directory

Colonial and State Records of North Carolina
Search this huge digital collection from the UNC-CH of material from the State's earliest days; first published in 1886

Naturalization Records for North Carolina

The 1752 Calendar Change

Cyndi's List of Quaker Records

A Tithable Primer
Explanation of early tithable/tax laws in VA & NC

Genealogy Encyclopedia

Newspaper Abstracts-Halifax County
Read old newspaper stories from the 1800s

Old Homes of Halifax County: History Rambler
Wonderful photos of some of the county's old plantation homes

Bible Records Online
Thousands of family bibles in a searchable database

Naming Traditions
Our ancestors procedures for naming children

Into the Light
Research blog of the Yarborough, Green, Hawkins, Dunstan, Brown, Davis & Ross Families

Early Virginia Immigrants 1623-1666
Complete listing of 1st immigrants by name, date, vessel, Country

Northeastern NC Stories
Stories of our NC Ancestors

Finding Their Stories
 Articles from the 1800s, "The Commonwealth" newspaper in  Halifax Co. 

Caledonia Prison Farm
Once home to Samuel Johnston, became prison farm in 1892




NC Newspapers Online

List of Newspapers in North Carolina

Roanoke Daily Herald

The Warren Record

The Lake Gaston Observer



©2013 to present by Deloris Williams, the NCGenWeb Project, Inc., and/or individual contributors.   Last updated    March 01, 2025