In the name of God Amen I do hereby constitute & ordain this my last will and testament. Item I give and bequeath to my grand daughter ELIZA LOCKLIER four
head of cattle & their increase now in the possession of HARWOOD SCOTT. Item I give and bequeat to my grand daughter MARIA SCOTT four head of cattle and
thier increase which are now in the possession of JOE SCOTT and in the event of her dying leaving no lawful issue, the property heretofore given, to be
equally divided among my lawful heirs; Item I give and bequeath to my grand daughter MARIA LOCKLERE one three year old brindled heifer now in the possession
of GABRIEL LOCKLIER. Item and lastly, I give and bequeath to my son GABRIEL LOCKLIER the remainder of my property of every kind and description whatever. It
is als further my wish & desire that my daughter MARIA SCOTT and POLLY SCOTT are to have the use of the Cattle given ELIZA LOCKLIER & MARIA SCOTT so long as
they take care of them. And it is to be further understood that the cattle heretofore given are not to be sold to pay JOE SCOTT or HARWOOD SCOTTs debts. I
do not nominate and appoint GABRIEL LOCKLIER Executor to this my last will and testament given under my hand & seal this 9th May 1832.
MARIA LOCKLIER ("x" her mark)
Halifax County
August Sessions 1832
Then this last and testament was exhibited in open court and duly proved by the oath of JOHN T. CLANTON and on motion orderd to be recorded. Whereupon
GABRIEL LOCKLIER the Executor therein named came forward and was duly qualified thereto.
M. H. PETTWAY, Clerk
to present by
Deloris Williams,
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