Halifax County Wills |
From Various time periods (all transcribed by Deloris Williams) |
Will of GEORGE KEELING - 1759 |
Halifax County Wills, 1759-1774, Will Book 1, Pg.1 |
In the Name of God Amen, I GEORGE KEELING of Halifax County being very sick & weak, but of a sound mind & memory blessed be God for the same knowing that
it is appointed for all men once to die, and also to come to Judgment. My body I give to be buried according to the discretion of my Executors, hereafter
mentioned, & my soul to him that gave it. And as for my small worldly Estate that God hath been pleas'd to give me, I dispose as followeth. Item. I give
to my son JOHN KEELING one Negro fellow named JERRY and a Negro boy named DICK... Item I give to my daughter ELIZABETH KEELING one Negro
fellow named FRANK & a negro woman named AGGE & her child BEN with her whole increase hereafter... Item I give to ANN KEELING one
shilling sterling Item I give to FRANCIS KEELING one shilling sterling. Item I give to AGATHA KEELING one shilling sterling. Lastly I appoint THOS B and
JAS. SMITH whole Executors of this my last will & testament revoking all former Wills whatso. As witness my hand & seal this ninth day of June Anno Dm
Halifax Ss
September Court 1759
This will was in Open Court duly exhibited by the Extr. the oath of ABSALOM ROGERS one of the Subscribing witnesses & then JAMES SMYTH the Extrs therein
named appeared in Court & was qualified for that office. Ordered the sd. will be recorded.
JNO. MONTFORT CC Notes: Keeling's widow, Agnes Bullock-Keeling, remarried in November 1759
Granville County to John Williams (later, Supreme Court Justice) where all of the family now lived; son John Keeling was declared insane in 1789, and died
in 1797 Granville Co.; daughters Elizabeth, married Col. Richard Henderson in 1763; Ann married Col. Thomas Satterwhite in 1772; Frances married Bromfield
Ridley in 1770; and Agatha, under her WILLIAMS step-father's name, married Col. Robert Burton in 1775.
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Will of
Halifax County Will Book 1, Page 3 In the Name of God Amen. I CHARLES DRURY being weak in body but of
perfect sense & memory do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner following, that is to say I recommend my Soul to Almighty God & my
Body to the Earth to be buried in a decent manner at the discretion of my Executors. First its my will that all my just debts shall be paid. Item. I give
to my loving wife, MARTHA DRURY the use of the plantation whereon she now lives with my part of the Marsh that joyns it during her natural life and at her
decease to my loving son HENRY DRURY his heirs and assigns forever. Item. I give to my loving wife MARTHA DRURY the use of my Negro fellow DICK
during her life and at her death to be sold & the money equally divided between my daughters ELIZABETH & SARAH DRURY. Item. I give to my son CHARLES DRURY
the plantation whereon WM. R.___ now lives with a hundred joyning I purchased from WM. FLETCHER to him & his heirs forever. Item. I give to my son MILLS
DRURY my lands upon little Swamp and my Negro boy PHILIP to him & his heirs forever.
Item. I give to my daughter PEGGY DRURY if she marries with cons't of my Executors my Negro girl KATE but my will if she has any children her two
first born that lives the one to be given to my daughter ELIZABETH DRURY the other to my daughter SARAH DRURY, to them & their heirs forever. But if my
daughter PEGGY DRURY should not marry with consent its my will that named Negro girl KATE shall be sold & the money be equally divided between my
daughters ELIZABETH & SARAH DRURY. I also appoint my loving wife MARTHA my Executrix and my loving friend ALEXAND'R McCULLOCK my Executor of this my Last
Will and Testament. Witness my hand & seal this Twelfth day of September 1759.
CHARLES DRURY ("U" his mark)
In Presence of
AMEY MARSHALL ("X" her mark)
WILLIAM RIMES ("X" his mark)
Halifax Session
June Inferior Court 1760
The above Will was in Open Court duly exhibited by the executors and moved by the oath of WM. RYMES one of the subscribing witnesses and ALEXANDER
McCULLOCK executor & MARTY DRURY Executrix therein named, appeared in Court & was qualified for that office. Ordered said will be recorded.
Deed referred to in will
Edgecombe County
Deed Book 6, Page 65
WILLIAM FLETCHER of Edge. Co. to CHARLES DREWERY o Edge. Co. 18 Aug. 1756 50 shillings current money of VA. 50 acres more or less on the west side of
Quankie creek, joining JOHN HUBBARD, Round pond, other lands of the sd. FLETCHER, the head of a branch and the creek all houses, etc. part of a Granville
Grant to the sd. FLETCHER 29 Oct. 1753.
Reg. Edgecombe Co. Aug. Ct 1756. J. Montfort C. Ct.
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Will of JOHN
PERRY - 1752
Halifax County
Will Book 1, Page 1 |
In the Name of God Amen, this 27th day of January Year of Our Lord One thousand Seven hundred & fifty two, I JNO.
PERRY the County of Edgecomb being very sick & weak in body but of perfect memory thanks be given unto God therefore calling to mind the <incomplete> and
remembering that it is appointed for all men once to dye. I declare <incomplete> this & no other to be my last Will & Testament.
Item. I give <incomplete> my well beloved wife all my household goods <incomplete> debts & receives in all just
debts <incomplete> unto my son WM. P. <incomplete> & all appurtenances thereunto belonging it being the North & city acres that I now live on
Item. I give & bequeath unto JNO. PERRY & thirty acres of Land it being the South half of the aforesaid four hundred & of Land I now live on, and my will
is that this my said land shall be divided by a line of marked trees to be run a East & West course. In hear of I have hereunto set my hand & affixed my
seal the day & the <incomplete> written.
Signed sealed & delivered in the presence of
JOHN PERRY ("X" his mark)
JOHN MILLS (his mark)
Edgecombe County
September Court 1758
The written will was in Open Court exhibited and proved according to law & the <incomplete> no Executor appointed by the Decedant Administration cum
testamonto annex to ELIZAB'H PERRY widow of the Decedant having given sufficient security for which on motion was ordered to be certified.
Above will is missing many words
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Will of PETER
JONES - 1759
Halifax County, North Carolina
Will Book 1, Page 4 In the name of God Amen, I PETER JONES in Halifax County, Province of North
Carolina, Planter, being sick and weak in Body but sound & perfect in mind and memory & considering the Mortality of the body that it is appointed for all
men once to die I submit to the Divine Will of a faithful Creator my Body to the Dust from whence it came & my Soul to him that gave it in full hopes that
at the General
resurrection that My Body shall be raised up being joined with my Soul never to seperate by the power of Jesus Christ, in whom above I hope for Salvation,
do make constitute appoint & by these presents do make constitute and appoint this my last Will & Testament revoking disanulling & making void all former
Will & Wills by me made ratifying & confirming this to be last that is to say in manner and form following Viz:
First as to my Worldly Estate I will positively order that all my Debts may be paid. I give to my dear wife the remainder of my Estate in order to support
her & my dear children.
Item. I do constitute PAUL PATRICK, WM. MOORE Executors of this my last Will & Testament & Trustees for my dear wife & children.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 11th day of November in the year of our Lord 1759.
MARY HEFFORD ("X" her mark)
Halifax Session
June Inferior Court 1760
The above Will was in Open Court duly exhibited by the Ext'rs & proved by the oath of WM. HAYS one of the subscribing Witnesses & PAUL PATRICK & WM. MOORE
Executors therein named appeared in Court & was duly qualified for that office & order said Will be recorded.
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Will of THOMAS
MARTIN - 1760
Halifax County, North Carolina
Will Book 1, Page 2 In the Name of God May ye 4th 1760.
I THOMAS MARTIN of Halifax County in N. Carolina being in perfect senses & memory for it do make this my Last Will & Testament in manner & form following-
I bequeath my Soul to God hoping through the merits of Jesus Christ my b____ <phrase incomplete> that I shall receive a full pardon and remission of all
my sins & be Pa___ <incomplete> Glorius Resurrection after Death and enjoy everlasting Bliss after death my body I Bequeath to the Earth to be decently
buried therein after a Christian manner & First I give to my son WILLIAM all that part of my Land whereon he lives, all the ______ <incomplete> and on the
South side of Reed Branch to him & his heirs forever. All the ____ <incomplete> my Land stock and money & household goods I give to my daughter MARY
BREWER to her and her heirs forever except one shilling sterling to my son WILLIAM, a Shilling sterling to my son THOMAS & likewise a Shilling sterling to
my daughter ANNY WOOD.
I certify that this is my last Will & Testament as Witness __d and seal
THOMAS MARTIN ("T" his mark)
Halifax County Session
June Inferior Court 1760
This will was in open court duly exhibited & proved by the oaths of GEO. ZOLLICOFFER & TIM HAYNDS Witnesses therein named they ??? being qualified for the
same. Ordered said Will be recorded.
Note: Above will has many missing words.
Halifax County, North Carolina
Will Book 3, Page 589 In the name of God Amen, I SOLOMON HAWKINS of the County of Halifax and State of
North Carolina being of sound mind & memory do make & constitute this my last will & Testament in manner & form following To wit - Imprimus I give to my
Sons HENRY HAWKINS DAVID HAWKINS and to my daughters HANNAH JONES, BETTY RUDD, POLLY CARTER & BETSY SCOT the sum of one dollar each. I lend to my wife
during her life or widowhood the tract of land whereon I now live containing one hundred acres more or less and adjoining the land of JOHN MEDLING, THOMAS
HALL, ELISHA B. SMITH and others together with the whole of my property of every kind whatsoever and at the death of my Wife on in the event of her
Marriage I give the whole of my Estate to my Daughters PATTY HAWKINS, PRISSY HAWKINS & NANCY HAWKINS to be equally divided between them But should either
of the aforesaid PATTY, PRISSY or NANCY marry during the life or widowhood of my said wife then a division of the property so lent & devised shall take
place and the one so marrying is to be entitled to receive her share & proportion thereof due & is further my will & desire that if either of my said
daughters PATTY, PRISSY or NANCY should die without issue then her part of the land shall revert to the survivors. In witness whereof I the said SOLOMON
HAWKINS hereunto set my hand & seal this 4th day of April in the Year of or Lord One thousand Eight hundred and fifteen.
SOLOMON HAWKINS ["X" his mark]
Signed Sealed & delivered
In presence of
ELIZ SMITH ["X" her mark]
Halifax County
August Session 1816
Then this Will exhibited in open Court & duly proved by the Oath of Elisha
B. Smith one of the Subscribing witnesses thereto and on motion ordered to
be Recorded.
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Will of JOSEPH
Halifax County, North Carolina
Will Book 3, Page 611
In the Name of God Amen, I JOSEPH HAWKINS Senr of the County of Halifax and State of North
Carolina, being weak in Body but being strong in mind Blessed be God doth make this my last Will & Testament. My will is that my just debts and Funeral
charges should be first paid.
I give & bequeath to my daughter ELIZABETH HAWKINS one Dollar and to my daughter MARY HAWKINS one dollar. I give and bequeath to JOHN BOSEMAN the son of
NANCY BOSEMAN one hundred dollars for the purpose of Education, and if the said JOHN should die before he arrives at lawfull age, my will is that it
should go to my son J. J. HAWKINS and SAMUEL HAWKINS.
Item- I give & bequeath to my son SAMUEL C. HAWKINS and J. J. HAWKINS all the rest of my real and Personal estate to them and their lawfull heirs forever,
and if my son SAMUEL C. HAWKINS should die my will is that my son J. J. HAWKINS should have the whole of my Estate.
I leave my son J. J. HAWKINS Executor of this my last will & testament
JOSEPH HAWKINS Senr. ("X" his mark)
Signed Sealed Published & Declared the Testator as his last will and Testament in the Presence of us this 23rd of April 1817
Halifax County
Feby Sess'n 1818
Then this will was exhibited in Open Court & duly proved by the oath of JAMES JONES one of the subscribing thereto & on motion ordered to be recorded &
thereupon JOSEPH J. HAWKINS the Executor in said will named came in and was duly qualified thereto.
Halifax County
May Session 1818
The last Will & Testament of JOSEPH HAWKINS Sen'r dec'd was again exhibited in Open Court & further proven by the Oath of JOHN M. WILLIAMS another of the
subscribing witnesses thereto & in motion ordered to be recorded.
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MILLS- 1849
Halifax County, North Carolina
Will Book 4, Page 281
August Term 1849 State of North Carolina
Halifax County
This is to certify that I REBECCA MILLS of the County and State above mentioned do make this my last will and testament
Item First- I give to my sister FRANCES BENNETT all the corn, pork, coffee, sugar and all other articles that was allotted me by the Commission appointed
by Halifax County Court for the purpose of laying off my allowance for one year agreeable to law in consideration that my sister FRANCES is to take care
of my children this present year. i also loan sister FRANCES all the household & kitchen furniture for the year 1849 for the above purpose. It is my wish
that my children remain with my sister FRANCES the two girls in particular, the boy to be put out to a trade or otherwise managed when old enough by my
sister FRANCES. I also wish my sister FRANCES to live where I now live. Given under my hand & seal this the 20th January 1849.
I hereby appoint and ordain J. W. BATCHELOR my Executor to this my will.
Halifax County
August Court 1849
Then the foregoing paper writing purporting to be the last will and testament of REBECCA MILLS was offered for Probate and the execution part was proven
by the oaths of PETER PRITCHETT one of the subscribing witnesses thereto and the other witness not being present it was continued for respectfull probate
until the next Term of this Court wherefore the Executor JAS. W. BATCHELOR named therein comes into Court and was duly qualified thereto.
Wm. W. DANIEL, Clerk
Halifax County
February Court 1852
A paper writing purporting to be the last will and testament of REBECCA MILLS was exhibited in open court and the execution thereof duly & fully proved by
the oath of J. W. H. PRITCHETT one of the subscribing witnesses thereto the same having been duly proved in full by the oath of PETER PRITCHETT the other
subscribing witness at August Court 1849 & then recorded.
Note: Widow of Green Mills; see also
Halifax County,North Carolina
Miscellaneous Records, 1772-1867
Mother - Polly Thompson - children by her first husband
William Mills, dec'd.
James Mills born 21 March 1841
John Mills born 18 Oct 1843
George Mills born 22 Feb 1846
Harriet Mills born 29 Augt 1848
Noah Mills born 2 March 1851
Mary Mills born 15 Augt 1853
To be bound to Jesse Carter to be brought & put to pold(?) work & agriculture
Refer for character(?) to Sterling Johnson
Having shown(?) - Frank Bobbitt
Jno. R. Johnson
Note: The above was not a will but was found in the Will records and
refers to the disposition of the children of William Mills, deceased. The family of William & Polly
Mills were all found in 1850 Halifax County, but the same family, minus the father, headed by Polly Thompson, were all
listed with the THOMPSON surname in 1860.
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Will of MARIA
JONES - 1859
Halifax County
Will Book 5, Page 99 In the name of God Amen, I MARIA JONES of the County of Halifax and State of
North Carolina knowing that it is appointed for us all to die and having been blessed with some worldly goods and wish before I do die to make a last will
and testament that they may be disposed of in the following manner and form viz:
I give and bequeath to my nephew RICHARD JONES HARRIS my whole track of Land lying on the west side of the Mill swamp containing eleven hundred and five
acres more or less it being and lying in the County of Halifax and State aforesaid adjoining the lands of MARY M. JONES, CHARLES J. P. ALSTON, WILLIAM P.
LITTLE Estate and ELIZABETH JONES. Also I give my interest in the land being the dower of my mother ELIZABETH JONES in my Father Landed Estate to him his
hears or assign forever. Also I give to my nephew RICHARD J. HARRIS the following slaves EMELINE, ELIZA, ISBEL, ALMEDIA, ELLEN, FANNY & CATHARINE
there present and future increase, HYPOLETUS, PETER, JAMES SENR., JESSE, SAMUEL, TURNER, JAMES JR., DINWIDDIE, GOODWIN. Also all my household &
kitchen furniture and all the ballance of my Estate both real and personal herein not mentioned after paying all my just debts to my nephew RICHARD J.
HARRIS and all that I may hereafter have. It is my wish that my sister REBECCA J. JONES will take of the property for him untill he is twenty one.
Given under my hand and seal this eighteen of July One thousand eight hundred and fifty nine.
Signed and seal in the presents of us
Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions
May Term 1861
Then the foregoing paper writing purporting to be the last will and testament of MARIA JONES late of Halifax County deceased is propounded for probate by
RICHARD J. HARRIS and the said paper writing is duly proved according to law and thereupon the Court doth declare that the said paper writing is the last
will and testament of said MARIA JONES, and orders the same to be recorded and filed as such. And thereupon it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court
that said RICHARD JONES HARRIS has attained the full age of Twenty one years. Administration on the Estate of said MARIA JONES will the will annexed is
granted unto the said RICHARD JONES HARRIS who executes his bond in the sum of One hundred thousand dollars with L. W. JOHNSTON and ISAAC N. FAULCON as
his sureties which bond is accepted by the Court and ordered to be filed. And thereupon the said RICHARD JONES HARRIS comes and is qualified according to
law and has leave to sell the perishable property of his testatrix.
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Will of PEYTON P. HERVEY - 1863
Halifax County, North Carolina
Will Book 5, Page 125
In the name of God Amen, I PEYTON P. HERVEY of the County of Halifax and State of North Carolina being weak of body but sound in mind and memory Thanks be
to God for the same and knowing that all men must die do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following in order to dispose
of my worldly Estate which it has pleased God to bestow on me.
Item 1st. I give to my son JOHN HERVEY my slaves BERRY, HARRISON, CHAINY and her children named WYATT, CHARITY, WILEY, CANDIS, & WELDON
the two first named I have already given him a deed of gift for. I also give to my son JOHN HERVEY my land on little Fishing Creek whereon I now live
together with all my growing crop or crop on hand, stock waggons, carts, and farming utensils of every description in the said land.
Item 2nd. I give to my daughter ELIZA G. MOORE Five hundred dollars.
Item 3rd. I give to my grand daughter REBECCA C. RICE Two hundred dollars.
Item 4th. I give to my four sons GIDEON T. HERVEY, HENRY J. HERVEY, PEYTON E. HERVEY, JOHN HERVEY and my grand children the children of REDDING A. HERVEY
all the Slaves given me in will by my brother GIDEON P. HERVEY to wit: CHARITY, JOE, HANDY, RINIE, BET, NANCY, LITTLE CHARLES, ALBERT, ABRAHAM, LAVENIA,
SIMON, LUCY and children SUSAN, TOM, BECKY and ZIBA to be equally divided between my four sons & my grand children, the children of REDDING A.
HERVEY, the said grandchildren to receive one share only and my four sons shall share and share alike but should either of my sons named above die leaving
no living child then my will is that all the slaves named in this item be equally divided between those of my sons that may be living.
Item 5th. I give to my son PEYTON E. HERVEY my land on Rocky Swamp being the plantation and land given me by my brother GIDEON P. HERVEY.
Item 6th. I give to the Trustees of Farmwell Church Fifty dollars to be expended in repairs on the house as they may direct.
Item 7th. I give and bequeath all my slaves, Judgments, money, Notes, accounts, Stock and property of every description not before given away in this will
with the exception of Girl SUE & her children now in possession of WM. AVENT to be equally divided between my four sons GIDEON T. HERVEY, HENRY J. HERVEY,
PEYTON E. HERVEY, JOHN HERVEY and my grand children, the children of my son REDDING A. HERVEY & my grand children of REDDING A. HERVEY to receive one
share each and my grandchildren, the children of my daughter REBECCA AVENT, my sons to receive one share each and my grandchildren of REDDING A. HERVEY to
receive one share only and my grandchildren the children of REBECCA AVENT to receive one share only.
Item 8th. I give to my grandchildren, the children of my daughter REBECCA AVENT, and her children now in possession of their father WM. AVENT.
Item 9th. I give to my son GIDEON T. HERVEY in Trust for my grandchildren the children of my daughter REBECCA AVENT, all the property I have given
and devised to them in this will to be managed for their use and benefit as my son GIDEON T. HERVEY may think best.
Item 10th. I constitute and appoint my sons HENRY J. HERVEY, PEYTON E. HERVEY, and JOHN HERVEY Executors to this my last will and testament, in witness
whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this the 5th day of May 1863.
Interlined before signing with the words "of my sons"
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LEWIS - 1864
Halifax County, North Carolina
Will Book 5, Page 155 Halifax County Court
February Term 1867
In the Name of God Amen, I ELIZABETH LEWIS of the County of Halifax and State of North Carolina being of sound mind and memory but considering the
uncertainty of my Earthly existence- do make and declare this my last will and testament in manner and form as follows, that is to say:
Item 1st. My will and desire is that after my death my body be buried according to the wishes of my Executors & friends & all expenses paid,
together with all my just debts to whomsoever oweing, out of the moneys that may first come in to the hands of my Executors
Item 2d. I loan unto my daughter SALLIE - now the wife of JOHN W. PRITCHETT, the tract of land whereon I now reside, containing thirty five, acres
more or less, for her use & benefit, during her natural life and after the death of my daughter SALLIE, I give & devise said tract of land unto my son
JOHN R. LEWIS, to his use & benefit, in fee simple
Item 3d. I give and devise the remainder of my property of every kind to be equally divided between my four children, that is to say, DAVID LEWIS,
JOHN R. LEWIS, ELIZABETH CARLISLE, the wife of T. M. CARLISLE, & SALLIE PRITCHETT the wife of J. W. PRITCHETT to their use and benefit.
Item 4th. I nominate and appoint my son JNO. R. LEWIS my executor to this my last will & testament.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this the <blank> November the 1864.
ELIZABETH LEWIS ("X" her mark)
Signed in the presence of
Halifax County Court
Feby Session 1867
A paper writing purporting to be the last will and testament of ELIZABETH LEWIS, deceased, and presented in Open Court for probate by JOHN R. LEWIS the
Executor therein and the execution thereof according to due forms of Law, being proved by the oath and examination B. F. MANNING and S. J. STALLINGS the
subscribing witnesses thereto; it is ordered that the same and every part thereof is the last will & testament of the said ELIZABETH LEWIS, and the Estate
being estimated by the Court at less than two thousand dollars, is stamped accordingly and JOHN R. LEWIS the Executor therein named, qualifies by taking
the oaths prescribed by law.
Will of HARROD
SCOTT -1866
Halifax County, North Carolina
Will Book 5, Page 141 Halifax County Court, February 1866
State of North Carolina
Halifax County
In the name of God Amen - I being weak in body but of sound mind and memory do constitute and ordain this my last Will and testament in form and word as
following -to wit:
1st after my debts are paid I give and bequeath to my four children - namely JOSEPH SCOTT, THOMAS SCOTT, JAMES SCOTT & REBECCA SCOTT, all my perishable
estate together with my land and all the impurtenances thereunto to be equally divided between the above four children, JOSEPH SCOTT, THOMAS SCOTT, JAMES
I also appoint my friend F. A. SMITH my whole sole Executor.
Given under my hand & seal this the 2nd day of December 1865.
HARROD SCOTT ("X" his mark)
Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions
February Term 1866
A paper writing purporting to be the last Will & Testament of HARROD SCOTT late of Halifax County deceased, is offered for probate in Open Court by F. A.
SMITH the Executor therein named, and the said executor thereof as such is duly proved to the satisfaction of the Court & thereupon the said paper writing
and every part thereof is declared by the Court to be the last Will & Testament of the said HARROD SCOTT deceased, and is ordered to be recorded and
filed. The estate of the said HARROD SCOTT is proved to be worth, real & personal, eight hundred dollars.
F. A. SMITH the said executor in saidl last will & Testament named, comes & is qualified as such by taking the oaths required by law.
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Halifax County, North Carolina |
Will Book 6, Page 418 |
Halifax County Superior Court 1886 |
Being of sound mind but feeble in health do make this my last will and testament I give and bequeath unto my
Grandson LITTLETON IRVING (son of my Daughter CAROLINE)
my lands and tenaments thereunto belonging but in case of his death before he atains the age of twenty-one years it shall go to his Mother --
Of my personal property I give to my son WILLIAM my yellow heifer named Speckel
I give to my grandson EALEY (son of my Daughter ALACE) one yearling calf name <blank>
To my Grandson STEWART I give one calf name Zebra
To my Daughter CAROLINE I give (2) two white cows named Rose & Landonia Household & Kitchen furniture and all other property that have not been previously
Signed this the 21 day of January A.D. 1881
PATSEY HEDGPETH ("X" her mark)
North Carolina, Halifax County
March 4th, 1886
A paper writing purporting to be the last will and testament of PATSEY HEDGEPETH is exhibited for probate in open court by WILLIAM HEDGEPETH her son and the
due execution thereof by the said PATSEY HEDGEPETH is proved by the oath and examination of W. H. DANIEL and O. P. KEETER the subscribing witnesses thereto.
It is therefore considered by the court that the said paper writing and every part thereof is the last Will and testament of the said PATSY HEDGEPETH.
And it is adjudged that the same is sufficient to pass both real and personal property- and the same is ordered to be recorded and filed.
Clerk Supr. Court
(This was Martha/Patsy Hedgepeth, mulatto, b. abt 1820, who 1st appeared in 1860 Halifax Co., as head of household with following children: Deacy/Dicy, Julia,
William, Alexander, Dolly, Catherine, Alice, Thomas Hedgepeth. Lived next to Thomas Neville, b. abt 1803, whose mistress she is believed to have been, as
indicated in their childrens' records)
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Will of FRANK RICHARDSON, b. 1835
*Nash County, NC, 1921 - Page 1383 Last Will of FRANK RICHARDSON
I FRANK RICHARDSON of Nash Co. State of North Carolina. Being of sound mind and memory and understanding do make this my last Will and testament in manner
and form below.
1st. I give, devise and bequeath to my daughter TEMPIE RICHARDSON all of my property, which consists of personal property as follows, namely all Cash and
checks on hand all money In Bank Said money in Bank of Nashville and all other Banks. Also notes, Mortgages and etc. of all descriptions which I now hold
or may hold at my death.
Also all other personal property such as beads and all other household property.
Witness whereof I hereunto set my hand an seal this the 9th day of July 1921.
Signed sealed and delivered and acknowledged by me FRANK (his X mark) RICHARDSON (Seal) In the presence of two of my Witnesses which has subscribed their
hands & seal as witnesses thereto.
*Note: While this will was probated in Nash Co., Frank Richardson (1835-1921) was born in &
lived most of his life in Halifax Co., and later in Warren County.
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©2012 to present by Deloris Williams
the NCGenWeb Project Inc and/or individual contributors. No portion of this or any document appearing on this site is to be used for anything other than
personal research. Any republication or reposting is expressly forbidden without the written consent of the owner. Last updated
03/22/2022 |