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Halifax County Wills, Pt 12 |
Will of JOHN ALSTON-1784 |
In the Name of God amen, I
JOHN ALSTON of Halifax County being very sick and weak but of sound mind and
disposing memory do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in
manner & form following, that is to say - first of all I recommend & bestow
my soul to Almighty God & my body to e buried in a Christian like manner at
the discretion of my Executors hereafter to be named. Secondly I give & bequeath unto my beloved wife ANN HUNT ALSTON during her natural life four Hundred acres of land that I had of WILLIS ALSTON known by the name of the Old Mill & after her decease to go to my beloved son ROB'T WEST ALSTON his heirs & assigns forever. Also I give & bequeath unto my beloved wife the following Negroes (to witt) OLD GIBB, HARREY, FREDERICK, ISOM, CREES, HAGAR, AMEY and their increase to her & her heirs & assigns forever. Also OLD JUDAH. Item. I give & bequeath unto my beloved son JOS. JOHN ALSTON twelve Hundred acres of land on the Gum Swamp including his plantation as far as my old corner being part of a tract formerly DAWSONs leaving out four hundred acres on the Piney Branch for my son WILLIS the above twelve hundred to him & his heirs & assigns forever. I also give & bequeath to my sd son JOS. JNO ALSTON eight Negroes, viz, LUCY, DAVY, DARBY, STEPHEN ANNACA, LITTLE HAGAR, LITTLE AMEY & BENBUCK & their increase to him his heirs & assigns forever. Also one breeding mare called Chucklehead. Also one bed & furniture & all the stock on his plantation with the one young mare & a bay horse now in his possession, also the long ear colt forever. Item. I give & bequeath unto my beloved son GIDEON ALSTON eight hundred acres of land more or less including all the land on the South side of Fishing Creek & down into the fork of Reedy Creek to him & his heirs & assigns forever. Also seven Negroes, viz, NED, LITTLE LUCY, MATHEW, LYDIA, LETTICE, SILLER, BECK with their increase to him & his heirs & assigns forever. Also one bed & furniture, also one bed & furniture. Also al the stock of cattle & hogs on his plantation with four head of horses, viz Daniel, Body, Floren & Polley Harper. Item. I give & bequeath unto my beloved son WILLIS ALSTON the tract of land whereon I now live on the North side of Fishing Creek including three hundred acres joining the same known by the name of the Round Meadow together with four hundred acres on the Piney branch mentioned before out of DAWSON tract, to him and his heirs & assigns forever. Also six Negros viz, JOE, JOBIAN, BOB, HANNAH, BEN, DINAH with their increase to him & his heirs & assigns forever. Also I give unto my son WILLIS ALSTON one bed & furniture & three head of horses, viz Snelling mare & colt and one sorrell colt, together with five cows & calves out of the stock I have at home. Item. I give & bequeath unto my beloved son ROBT. WEST ALSTON, six hundred acres of land on Butterwood joyning the land I left my wife as also the four hundred acres given to my wife, after her decease to him & his heirs & assigns forever. Also seven Negros viz, JUDE, NED, LUCEY, FANNEY, LITTLE AGGY, FERREY & PETER to him & his heirs & assigns forever. Also one bed & furniture, also one mare & colt called Roxan. Item. I give & bequeath unto my beloved daughter PRISCILLA JONES ALSTON four Negroes viz, PATT, REDICK, CHARITY, & BETTY to her & her heirs & assign forever, also one bed and furniture. Item. I give & bequeath unto my beloved daughter ANNE HUNT ALSTON four Negroes viz, SUKEY, PENNEY, JONEY & CHANEY to her & her heirs & assigns forever, also one bed and furniture. Item. I will and desire that my Executors hereafter named shall sell & dispose of the eight hundred acres of land I own in Chatham County, as also all the land that falls by law to me out of my Father's Estate, in the same County for the most that can be got for them allowing a reasonable time of credit & the money, acruing therefrom to be applied towards paying my just debts particularly ARCHIBALD HAMILTON, ANDREW MILLER & ROBERT TURNBULL and any other just debts that may hereafter appear & the overplus arising from the sd sale to be given to my son WILLIS except fifty pounds which I leave to ELIZABETH CHANEY SEAWELL to be her a little Negro and I do hereby impower any two of my Executors hereafter named to make good & sufficient deed to the purchaser in fee simple for the said lands. Item. I give to my beloved wife all the residue of my Estate not allredy given away consisting of stock of all kind, household furniture, plantation tools &c except my outstanding debts which I wil & desire may be collected by my Executors & applied towards paying my debts particularly the debt due WM. HARVEY & the title of the land to be made to my son ROBERT WEST. Also my will & desire is that if my son ROBT. WEST die before lawfull age or lawfull issue that this land be equally divided between his then living brothers & his Negroes divided between his then living sisters & in case no sisters then living to be divided between his then living brothers, & if either of my daughters die before lawful age or marriage her part to go to my living daughter. And lastly I do nominate, constitute & appoint my beloved wife guardian to my three youngest children, viz, PRISCILLA JONES, ANNE HUNT & ROBERT WEST ALSTON. And my three beloved friends JOHN HAWKINS JUNR, JAMES JOHNSON & NATH'L MACON my Executors of this my Last Will & Testament. In witness whereof I have sealed, signed & pronounced this the fifteenth day of April 1784. JOHN ALSTON In presents of WM JOHNSON JAS. CONNER WILLIAMS, MARY CARSTARPHAN ("X" her mark) Halifax County Sct August Court 1784 Then this will was exhibited & duly proven in open court by the oath of JAMES CONNER WILLIAMS & MARY CARSTARPHAN two of the subscribing witnesses who on their oath did say that they say the Testator sign, seal, publish & state this to be his last will & testament & that at the time of signing the same he was of sound mind & memory & on motion ordered to be recorded. Test WM WOOTTEN CCt Son of Joseph John Alston (1701-1781) and Elizabeth Chancey |
Will of ANNE HUNT (MACON)-GREEN-1797 |
In the Name of God Amen I ANNE HUNT GREEN of sound
mind & memory, but weak of body knowing the certainty of death and the
uncertainty of life do make & establish this my last Will & Testament,
revoking & annulling all other or former wills by me made. In the first place I give & bequeath to my son JOSEPH JOHN ALSTON five pounds current money to him & his heirs forever. Secondly, I give & bequeath to my son GIDEON ALSTON five pounds current money to him & his heirs forever. Thirdly, I give & bequeath to my son WILLIS ALSTON five pounds current money to him & his heirs forever together with Negroes ISHAM & GEORGE. Fourthly, I give & bequeath to my daughter PRISCILLA JONES ALSTON five pounds current money to her & her heirs forever. Fifthly, I give & bequeath to my son ROBERT WEST ALSTON the residue of my Estate being of what kind or whatsoever or that I may be possessed of at the time of my deceased that is not specially disposed of in the will consisting of the following Negroes (to wit) FREDERIC, HARRY, KINCHEN, SOLOMON, DARBY, AMY & CREESE together with all my stock of horses, cattle & hogs my household & kitchen furniture to him his heirs & assigns forever. Sixthly It is my will & desire that my three Negroes GIB, JUDY & HAGER may be at liberty to choose which of my before named children, they or either of them, will belong to. And I hereby give them or either of them to the person he, she or they shall choose. Lastly I hereby constitute & appoint my four sons, JOSEPH JOHN, GIDEON, WILLIS & ROBERT W. ALSTON Executors to this my last Will & Testament revoking & annulling all other or former wills by me made given under my hand & seal this 16th day of January in the year of our Lord 1797. ANNE HUNT GREEN In the presence of WILL PRYOR, JOHN KNIGHT Halifax County Sct May Session 1797 Then this will was exhibted in open court & duly proved by the oath of JOHN KNIGHT one of the subscribing witnesses thereto and on motion ordered to be recorded, whereupon WILLIS ALSTON JUN'R one of the Executors therein named came in & was duly qualified thereto. Witness L. LONG CCt Daughter of Gideon Macon & Priscilla Jones; 1st married to John Alston, d.1784; 2nd to William Green (1739-1799) |
THOMAS B. HILL, died 1815 Division of Slaves- 1828 |
Petition for the Division of Slaves. To the Worshipful Justices of the Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions for the County of Northampton The Petition of CHARLES URQUHART & ELIZA his wife and of WINIFRED B. HILL an infant by GEO E. SPRUILL her Guardian, sheweth to your Worships that THOMAS B. HILL of the County of HALIFAX died some time in year 1815 intestate, possessed of several tracts of land, namely one tract lying in the County of Bertie, adjoining the lands of W. WILLIAMS, NOAH HINTON & Others, known as the Marshes, one other tract at same County known by the name of the Spring Gest. One tract lying in the lower end of Halifax known by the name of the Low Grounds, one other tract lying in Scotland Neck called the Bronson tract, one other tract lying on Coniconary [sic] including the mill & home house, called the Somerville Plantation & one other tract lying in the County of Northampton adjoining the lands of JOHN D. AMIS, WILLIAM BURT, WM. B. LOCKHART & others called the Oconeechee plantation. Possessed also a large number of Slaves, the said THOMAS leaving at his or at his wife REBECCA, and the following children his heirs at law, namely MARY LOUISA since intermarried with GEORGE E. SPRUILL, WHITMELL J. HILL, ANTOINETTE since intermarried with JAMES B. URQUHART, ELIZA one of your petitioners since intermarried with CHARLES URAQUHART, THOMAS B. HILL & WINEFRED B. HILL now infants. Your petitioners further state that the said REBECCA the widow of the said THOMAS has had her division assigned her the Somerville Plantation & her share of slaves allotted will appear by reference to the proceedings in Halifax County Court. Your petitioner further states that the said GEORGE E. SPRUILL & MARY LOUISA his wife, JAMES B. URQUHART & ANTOINETTE his wife, WHITMELL J. and THOMAS B. HILL, have respectively had their shares of the land & slaves of the said THO. B. HILL laid of & allotted to them, as will appear more fully in in reference to the proceedings in Halifax Superior Court. By which said proceedings the Oconeechee Plantation lying in the County of Northampton as before described supposed to contain about 2200 acres of land with the Slaves therein are laid off assigned & allotted to your petitioners ELIZA and WINIFRED as tenants in common. Your Petitioners CHARLES & ELIZA his wife are anxious to have said land & Slaves divided to hold their share as tenants in severalty & not as tenants in common & your petitioner WINIFRED is willing such division should be made. Your petitioners CHARLES & ELIZA his wife & WINIFRED B. HILL by her Guardian GEORGE E. SPRUILL, therefore pray your worships to appoint five Commissioners to divide said tract of land between your petitioners ELIZA & WINIFRED and to divide the Slaves among your petitioners, allotting to each of your petitioners one half of said tract of land of land to hold in severalty, according to the provisions of the Acts of Assembly in such case made & provided & report to the next term of this Court. & your petitioners will ever pray &c. State of North Carolina Northampton County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions September Term 1828 On the Petition of CHARLES URQUHART & ELIZA his wife & of WINEFRED B. HILL a infant by GEORGE E. SPRUILL her guardian, for a Division of the Slaves of THOMAS B. HILL dec'd on the Plantation known by the name of the Occoneechee Plantation in the County of Northampton aforesaid. It is ordered by the Court that WILLIAM B. LOCKHART, JAMES CRUMP, RODERICK B. GARY, RICHARD CRUMP and THOMAS ELLIS or any three of them divided the said Slaves, among the said Petitioners by allotting to each one half to hold as tenants in severalty according to the provisions of the Acts of Assembly in such cases made and provided, and make report thereof to next December Court. Iss'd 24 Sep 1828 A Copy Teste JOHN W. HARRISON Clk
Pursuant to the annexed order of Court, we the
undersigned have divided, appropriated and allotted the Slaves therein
mentioned as follows, To wit: To CHARLES URQUHART in right of his wife ELIZA: ALECK, BETTY, ELISA, RINA and CAROLINE valued at $1135 JACOB, NANCY & child NANCY, CLARA & child ROBERT, ISAAC, TOM, PARNELIA, CHARITY and WILLIAM valued at $1800 PATIENCE valued at $225 LENDER, ESTHER, WASHINGTON, MARINDA, & child SARAH and YARMOUTH valued at $1200 SALLY, ANTOINETT, CINNAMON and JACOB valued at $875 NED valued at $400 MILLEY valued at $250 HARKLEY an invalid a charge upon his lot, it being the most valuable $60 Total valuation: $5825 To WINNIFRED B. HILL: VIOLET, JACOB, DAVY and MARY ANNE valued at $1175 CATO, DINAH, ANNA, PLIER, CHARLOTTE, PENNY and BETSEY valued at $1590 JACK, DILCY, VIOLET & child HOLLON, JOHN and HARRIET valued at $1200 TOM, RELAR, TOM, PENELOPE & PRISCILLA valued at $850 ABRAM & NANCY valued at $575 AMY, PATIENCE & child FANNY valued at $375 Total valuation: $5765 Deficiency in valuation supplied by charge on CHARLES URQUHART's lot for keep HARKLEY - $60 Total of Valuation: $5825 Given under our hands an seals this 14th day of November 1828. W.B. LOCKHART R.B. GARY THOMAS ELLIS RICH'D CRUMP JAMES CRUMP This was Thomas Blount Hill (1775-1815) son of Whitmell Hill & Winnefred Blount. More on the family included in Hermitage |
Will of ISHAM MATTHEWS- 1847 |
County of Halifax and State of North Carolina, being of sound mind and
memory, but considering the uncertainty of my earthly existence do make and
declare this my last will and testament in manner and form following, that
is to say- First - That my executors hereinafter named, shall provide for my body a decent burial suitable to the wishes of my relations and friends and pay all funeral expenses, together with my just debts, however and to whomsoever owing, out of the moneys that may first come into their hands as a part or parcel of my Estate. Item- I give and devise to my son THOMAS P. MATTHEWS the following property, to wit, all my lands on the South West side of Fishing Creek adjoining my mill the said Creek, PEYTON P. HERVEY and EATON PULLEN. Also the following Slaves, CHARLES, JORDAN, and JOE, FANNY and MOURNING with all the children they now have or may have during my life to him and his heirs forever. Item - The balance of my property both real and personal I desire to be kept together during the natural life of my beloved wife MARTHA for the support of herself and family and to be under the care of my son THOMAS P. MATTHEWS and at her death I give and bequeath unto my son THOMAS P. MATTHEWS all the land that I possess including my mill with all its fixtures & the following Slaves, to wit, Miller GEORGE and his wife, ALISEY, my blacksmith JACK and his striker WIATT with all their tools. Also my Negro woman PENNY with all her own children and her grand children. Also my two Negro woman EADY and BRANCH with all their children also my two Negro boys HILLIARD and CASWELL. I also give and bequeath unto my son THOMAS P. MATTHEWS my two stills, apple mills and all my cider casks. Also my waggon, ox carts and wheels and log wheels. Also my desk and books case with all my boooks of every description I also give unto him half of my stock of horses, oxen and cattle, hogs and sheep. Item- I give and bequeath unto my granddaughter SARAH T. WARD my Negro girl PATSY also my bureau and one bed and furniture. Item- I give and bequeath unto my granddaughter MARY E. WARD my Negro girl RODE also one bed & furniture and one bureau. Item- I give and bequeath unto my granddaughter CAROLINE WARD my two Negro girls PRISSY and EASTER and one bed and furniture. Item- The balance of my property of every description not heretofore given away I wish to be equally divided between my son THOMAS P. MATTHEWS, my daughter SARAH B. NICHOLSON and my grandchildren THOMAS WARD, SARAH F. WARD, MARY E. WARD and CAROLINE V. WARD. And Lastly- I do hereby constitute and appoint my trusty friends MARK K. PETTWAY & WILLIAM BRINKLEY and my son THOMAS P. MATTHEWS my lawful executors to all intents and purposes to execute this my last will and testament, according to the true intent and meaning of the same and every part and clause thereof - hereby revoking and declaring utterly void all other wills and testaments by me heretofore made. In witness whereof, I the said ISHAM MATTHEWS do hereunto set my hand and seal this 2nd day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty five. I. MATTHEWS Signed, Sealed, published and declared by the said ISHAM to be his last will and testament in the presence of us, who, at his request and in his presence do subscribe our names as witnesses thereto. EATON PULLEN JOHN LEE LITTLEBERY VINSON Will of ISHAM MATTHEWS SEN'R, Recorded Page 257, November Court 1847. |
Estate of
State of North Carolina Halifax County In pursuance to and order from the worshipful Court to in directed. We proceeded to divide the Negroes agreeable to the last Will & Testament of the late ISHAM MATHEWS dec'd. The agrigate amount of the available Negroes amounted to Seven thousand one hundred dollars ($7100) deduct from that amount Four hundred & fifty dollars ($450) for Negroes which much agreeable to the Estate leaves a balance of Six thousand six hundred & fifty dollars ($6650) which amount beign diveded between six Legatees- each Legatees being entitled out that amount to Eleven hundred & Eight 33 1/3-/100 dollars ($1108.33 1/3) and arive as follows, viz, Lot No. 1 drawn by MARY E. WARD & Received of Lot No. 5 Eight 33 1/3 dollars ($8.33 1/3), Lot No. 2 drawn by THOMAS WARD & Received of Lot No. 5 Eight 33 1/3 dollars ($8.33 1/3) Lot No.3 draws by SARAH F. WARD & Received from No.5 Eight 33 1/3 dollars ($8.33 1/3) Lot No. 4 drawn by CAROLINE WARD & Receive from No.5 Sixteen 66 2/3 dollars ($16.66 2/3) & from No.6 Forty one 66 2/3 ($41.66 2/3) Lot No.5 drawn by THOMAS P. MATHEWS & pays to No.1 Eight 33 1/3 dollars ($8.33 1/3) to No.2 Eight 33 1/3 dollars ($8.33 1/3) to No.3 Eight 33 1/3 dollars ($8.33 1/3) to No.4 Sixteen 66 2/3 dollars ($16.66 2/3) Lot No.6 drawn by J.C. NICHOLSON & pays to Lot No.4 Forty one 66 2/3 dollars ($41.66 2/3) Reference being had to the opposite page for a more full exabstractive of the division all of which is respectfully submitted. Given under our hands this 12 day of March A.D.1850. B.W. EDWARDS P.P. HERVEY A.W. MOORE TIPPO N. BROWNLOW Division of the Slaves of ISHAM MATTHEWS, deceased: Lot No. 1 To MARY E. WARD: JOHN - $725 ISAAC - 75 NANCY - 75 NEWEL - 400 sub-total: $1275 Recd for Keeping CARY & AGGY - 175 Recd from No. 5 - 8.33 1/3 Total: $1108.33 1/3 Lot No. 2 -THOMAS WARD: HANDY - $750 DEACY - 300 VICTORIA - 150 sub-total: $1200 Recd Keeping AGGY & DICK - 100 Total: $1108.33 1/3 Lot No. 3 SARAH F. WARD: HALL - $700 ELIZA & Child - 575 sub-total: $1275 Recd for Keeping HARDY & BETSY - 175 -----------8.33 1/3 Total: $1108.33 1/3 Lot No. 4 -CAROLINE WARD: HARRISON - $750 LAURA - 300 sub-total: $1050 Recd No. 5 - 16.66 2/3 Recd No. 6 - 41.66 2/3 Total: $1108.33 1/3 Lot No. 5 -THOMAS P. MATHEWS: WILLIS - $600 CATHARINE - 550 sub-total: $1150 Pays No. 1 -8.33 1/3 Pays No. 2 -8.33 1/3 Pays No. 3 -8.33 1/3 pays No. 4 -16.66 2/3 Total: $1108.33 1/3 Lot No. 6 -J.C. NICHOLSON: MARIA - $400 ALBERT - 400 NELSON - 150 ARAMINTA - 200 sub-total: $1150 ---------- 41.66 2/3 Total: $1108.33 1/3 Isham Matthews Inventory reported in Court on February 22, 1848, says he had 54 Slaves, but their names aren't listed. Son of James Matthews (ca 1745-1815) & Sarah Brinkley, whose family moved to Georgia around 1808. See more on the family at Matthews Place |
Will of JAMES MATHEWS, Morgan Co., Georgia-1814 |
I, JAMES MATHEWS of the County
of Morgan and State of Georgia... Item- I give my son ISHAM MATHEWS one Negro man named HARRY also one hundred acres of Land in the State of North Carolina Halifax County on the South Side of Hawtree Creek adjoining KIMBELLS and his own Land. ...The ballance of my property to be sold and equally divided between JOHN MATHEWS, TIMOTHY MATHEWS, JESSE MATHEWS, ISHAM MATHEWS, PATSY HILL, CHARLES MATHEWS, PEGGY FURLOW (and my four grandchildren JESSE BUTT, SALLY BUTT, NANCY BUTT & WILLIAM BUTT to receive one share in place of their mother CLARY GIBSON. also my four grand children CHARLES MATHEWS, NANCY MATHEWS, CAROLINE MATHEWS and SUCKY MATHEWS to receive one share in place of their father JAMES MATHEWS. Item I give my daughter BETSY WATTS twenty dollars. I do hereby nominate and appoint my sons JOHN MATHEWS and TIMOTHY MATHEWS my Executors to this my last Will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 26th day of September 1814 JAMES MATTHEWS (Witnesses) WM GILBERT RICHARD M. GILBERT INSTANT H. GILBERT Probated Morgan County, Georgia, February 6, 1815 James Matthews (ca 1745-1815) father of the above Isham Matthews. I've posted this as info for anyone researching the Matthews family |
Will of ABSOLOM B. WHITAKER -1845 |
In the name of God Amen I ABSOLUM B. WHITAKER of
Halifax County and State of North Carolina do make this my last will and
testament I leave my son-in-law JOHN BEAVANS my Executor with full power to
act or do what he thinks is best for my wife and children he may advise with
my wife. I want all my just debts paid and I think it would be best to sell
part of my land here and that in Florida my wife can take the plantation
where I now live with Birds Plantation or the Sands Plantation as which she
please to take and then the balance of my land sold at public or private
sale just as my Executor thinks best My Slaves in Florida had better be
hired out at private sale that is if my Executor should think it best to
sell my lands there. My reasons for wanting them hired out private is that
they may be treated well. As to old BEN he can come back again this
mistress if he should want to come if a chance should offer. I give my wife
the following Slaves- TOM, MINGO, JAMES & lend to her during her
widowhood the balance of my Slaves here. That is WILLIS, AMY
and her children, OLIFF and her children provided my wife do not
charge my children that live with her board I give unto my wife the carriage
and the following horses Billey, Henry, Reuben, Zana and the young colt. I
also give my wife my household and kitchen furniture I give unto her the
young oxen and ox cart, sixteen head of cattle such as she may choose all of
my sheep, all of the sows and pigs here with three or four from the
plantation. I give to my daughter CAROLINE V. WHITAKER eight hundred dollars
and the balance to be equally divided between all of our children that is
WHITAKER except two horses Adam and the two year old colt which I give to
WILSON H. and JOHN B. WHITAKER, Adam to WILSON H. WHITAKER and the old colt
to JOHN B. WHITAKER but my wife is to have the use of them as long as the
boys stay with her as witness my hand and seal this the 30th November 1839. A.B. WHITAKER Witness JAS. C. WHITAKER CHRISTOPHER C. BAILEY If my wife should take the Sands Plantation she is to give up where we now live. I also give my wife the land that my wife takes she is to have only her life time then it is to return to back to my children. A.B. WHITAKER State of North Carolina Halifax County Court February Term 1845 A paper writing purporting to be the last Will and Testament of ABSOLUM B. WHITAKER is offered for Probate to pass both real & personal Estate & is proved on the oaths of WILSON C. WHITAKER, L.H.B. WHITAKER & WILLIAM TAYLOR who say that every part & parcel of the said paper writing is in the proper hand writing of the said ABSOLUM B. WHITAKER & the said WILSON C. WHITAKER further swears that he was present at the dwelling house of the said ABSOLUM B. WHITAKER since his death when the said paper writing was found & that it was deposited among the valuable papers and effects of the said ABSOLUM. The same is admitted to probate as offered & ordered to be recorded at the same time JOHN BAVANS the executor named in the will of the Testator the said ABSOLUM B. WHITAKER came in court here & qualified as such when MRS. MARGARET WHITAKER the widow of the Testator being in open court here & being dissatisfied with the provision of the said will enters her dissent thereto. Witness WM W. DANIEL Clk |
Records of Estates 1843-1849, Page 217 May Court 1845 Sale of Property belonging to the Estate of ABSOLOM B. WHITAKER, dec'd, made by JOHN BEAVANS his Executor on the 18th March 1845: Slaves: Man MINGO - to WM. W. TAYLOR - $300.00 Man JIM - to E. FOREMAN - 350.00 Boy JACOB - to L.H.B. WHITAKER - 454.25 Girl REBECCA - to P. SUGG - 364.25 Girl AMANDA - to E. WHITLEY - 375.00 {following purchased for MRS. WHITAKER by TAYLOR} Woman OLIFF & 2 Children - to WM. W. TAYLOR - 521.00 Boy CALHOUN - WM. W. TAYLOR - 320.00 Boy WILLIAM - WM. W. TAYLOR - 283.00 Girl JOANNA - WM. W. TAYLOR - 252.00 Boy ISAAC - WM. W. TAYLOR - 111.00 Woman LOZY - WM. W. TAYLOR - 20.00 Man TOM - No bid Man CHARLES - No bid Later in Sale: Man CHARLES - to L.H.B. WHITAKER - $1.55 Man TOM - to MRS. WHITAKER - $.25
Will of CARY WHITAKER-1816 |
In the name of God amen - I CARY WHITAKER of Halifax
County being of a sound & perfect mind & memory (Blessed be God) do this
seventh day of May In the Year of Our Lord one thousand Eight hundred &
fifteen make & publish this my last will and testament in manner & form
following vizt; First. I give my loving wife SALLY K. WHITAKER Twenty Slaves viz - DICK, NELLY, ROSE, FAN, MIHALY, RACHAEL, GEORGE, SUCKY, BETTY, MIMEY, LUCY, LYDIA, BOB (the younger), ELY, DANIEL, ELICK, SAM, JEFFERY, JERRY & ALLEN also give her all my household & kitchen furniture, plantation utensils, ten cows & calves, ten young cattle, five of the first choice of my horses, all my stock of sheep, and hogs at my plantation where I live and my lands joining thereto during her natural life and after her decease I give the same to my nephew Doctor CARY WHITAKER. I also give him two Slaves ENOUGH & CHELSEA to him & his heirs. Item. I give my loving brother RICHARD WHITAKER nine Slaves, viz- TOM, JACOB, LUCINDA & Child SABORY, FERRY, THENA, MOSES, ARON & ISAAC to him and his heirs. Item. I give to nephew JAMES WHITAKER three Slaves, viz- BOB, JAMES & CADER to him & his heirs. Item. I give to my nephew ABSALOM B. WHITAKER four Slaves, viz - ANACHY, WILLIS, SEP & OLIVE to him & his heirs. Item. I give to my nephew WILSON C. WHITAKER all the residue of my Estate after paying all my just debts to him and his heirs. Lastly I do hereby appoint my nephew WILSON CARY WHITAKER my whole & sole Executor of this my last will & Testament. In witness I have hereunto set my hand and fixed my seal the day and date above written. CARY WHITAKER Witnesses: J. WHITAKER WM. BURGESS JOSEPH PERDUE Halifax County August Session 1816 Then this Will was exhibited in open court & duly proven by the oaths of WILLIAM BURGES & JOSEPH PERDUE two of the subscribing witnesses thereto and on motion ordered to be recorded whereupon WILSON C. WHITAKER the Executor therein named came in & was duly qualified thereto. Witness RICHARD EPPES Clk Son of Richard Whitaker & Elizabeth Cary. See more about the family at Strawberry Hill |
Halifax County Court,
August Term 1858 |
The last Will of CARY WHITAKER of the County of
Halifax and State of N. Carolina. I give unto my affectionate and beloved wife HARRIET WHITAKER, the following Negroes, CORA, PHIL, DAVEY, JANE, HENRY, JOHN and PATIENCE and their increase; and lend her during her life JACKSON, BECCA, EMILY ALFRED, PATSY and CHRISTIANA. I give her three beds & bed steads, her choice of each, a bolster and two pillows and three large blanckets to each bed all the spreads, bed quilts, sheets, bolster and pillow casses not otherwise given, her bureau and washstand, the sett of table granite, the sett of tea china given her by MR JOHN WREN, the castors, the sett knives & forks the pair of sofas the cushioned rocking chair, all the table clothes, t????, window curtains, the carpets, all the bowls & pitchers, not otherwise given, such books as she may select from my library, my carriage and harness and the pair of carriage horses, I bought from MR. PENDER, the two mules Estridge and the young one, eighty barrels of corn, four thousand pounds of fodder, sixteen hundred pounds of pork, one hundred and seventy five pounds of lard, two hundred pounds of best coffee sugar, twenty five of crushed sugar, one pound of best green tea, eighty pounds of java coffee, four barrels of good flour, fifteen gallons of molasses, one yoke of oxen, one ox cart & wheels, including a cary log, one horse cart & wheels, the best of both that I may own at my death, three cows & calves, two beef cattle, twelve sheep if I own many, all the candle sticks, snufflers & waiters, all the fat and soap stands, three sows & pigs, all the soap on hand, the loom, harness and sheep, three sacks of ground allecase salt, all the poultry and one thousand dollars money and the provision which I live, the grove and house adjoining I also loan her during her life should she keep house, all household and kitchen furniture not given away the silver table and teaspoons and the clock but she not keep house, the household and kitchen furniture not given away and the desk to be sold for the benefit of my children or they may divide it as they may think proper. Should my dear wife keep a farm she is to be furnished with the necessary ploughs, hoes, axes, spades, shovels, grubbing hoes and plough gear out of the estate belonging to me. I give unto my daughter ANNA M. WILLS Negro GUNI and six hundred dollars in money. I give to my daughter MARGARET S. WHITAKER Negroes CAROLINE, NED, SAM, MOLLY, RANSOM, IRVINE and SALLY, daughter of CAROLINE, ABRAM and their increase, I also give her two beds & bed steads and necessary furniture to have her choice of each after my wife has selected hers. I also give her the two shares which I own in the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad, the two glass pitchers and all my books in which her name is written and one thousand dollars in money. After the death of my wife I give her Negroes EMILY, CHRISTIANNA, ALFRED and their increase and the two dining tables and the silver table and teaspoons. I give to my sons G.A.T., L.B., J.S. and CARY WHITAKER Negroes LETTIS, FRANK, FRANK and TURNER and the balance of the land I own after deducting the two hundred and fifty acres loaned to my wife during her life. After the death of my wife, I give to my son CARY WHITAKER the two hundred and fifty acres of land lent to my wife during her life on condition that he relinquishes to his brothers G.A.T. WHITAKER, LAWRENCE B. WHITAKER and JOHN SIMON WHITAKER all claim to any other land which I owned in this State. I give to my son GEORGE WHITAKER the pine book case, those books which have any of my childrens names written in them, I design for them the balance of the books not given away my Ex'r may sell or my children may divide among them as they prefer. After the death of my wife I give to my sons GEORGE, LAWRENCE, SIMON and CARY the following Negroes JACKSON, BETSY, POLLY and their increase, JACKSON to choose which he prefers to live with and BECCA to live with him. CHRISTANA and IRVINE not to be separated from their mothers under ten years old. All the property belonging to my Estate and not given away to be sold by my Exc'rs and the proceeds therefrom to be applied to the money that I may acrue at the time of my death the balance with what money may be due me, to be appropriated to the payment of the money legacies to my dear wife and daughter, my wifes to be paid first, and then my daughters, should there be a surplus after the money legacies are paid, my four sons to divide among them. Should there not be enough to pay these legacies, my sons must pay the deficiences out of their means. I appoint my sons GEORGE A.T. and CARY WHITAKER Executors to this my last Will and Testament What articles my Exrs may have to sell they may sell either at public or private sale as they may think best September 10, 1857. CARY WHITAKER I ordain the following to be a codicil to this my last Will and Testament, In addition to what I have given to my beloved wife, I will and bequeath to ehr my corn sheller and corn crusher and also two hundred dollars in money the money to be paid in the same manner as above. It is my will and desire that my gin & gin house and scren(?) shall be for the common benefit of my wife and four sons untill my sons are able to build for themselves. It is my further will and desire that in the case of my death during the present year my farm shall be carried on and wife and daughter MARGARETT supported for the balance of the year, in the same manner if I were living. It is my will and desire that my son L.B. WHITAKER shall take CAROLINE's child ABRAM and if he succeeds in curing time I hereby give said ABRAM to my said son. I hereby give my Executors full power to carry out this my last Will and Testament. CARY WHITAKER May 5, 1858 MATT WHITAKER Halifax County State of N. Carolina A paper writing without subscribing witnesses with a codicil annexed having one subscribing witness purporting to be the last Will and Testament of CARY WHITAKER dec'd is exhibited for probate in open court by CARY WHITAKER & GEORGE A.T. WHITAKER the Excrs. therein named and it is thereupon by the oath and examination of L.H.B. WHITAKER that the said paper writing was found among the valuable papers of the said CARY WHITAKER after his death and it is further proved by the oath and examination of three competent witnesses to wit MAT C WHITAKER, JOHN H. WHITAKER and L.H. WHITAKER that they are acquainted with the hand writing of the said CARY WHITAKER dec'd having often seen him write and verily believe that the name of the said CARY WHITAKER subscribed to the body said will and all of the body of said will itself and every part thereof are in the hand writing of the said CARY WHITAKER but that the codicil annexed to the said will is not in the handwriting of the said CARY WHITAKER dec'd, and it is further proved by the evidence of the witnesses aforesaid that the said writing is generally known to the acquaintences of the said CARY WHITAKER dec'd. It is therefore considered by the Court that the Codicil annexed to the said paper writing is no part of the Will of the said CARY WHITAKER & that all of the said paper writing and every part thereof except the said codicil is the last Will and testament of the said CARY WHITAKER dec'd and the said is ordered to be recorded & filed & thereupon the said CARY WHITAKER JNR. and GEORGE A.T. WHITAKER the Executors in said will named came are qualified as such and have been leave to sell the perishable property of their Testator. Witness JAMES H. WHITAKER CCC Son of John Whitaker & Christian Benton. See more at Strawberry Hill |
Will of JOHN WHITAKER-1816 |
In the name of God Amen, I JOHN WHITAKER of the
County of Halifax and State of North Carolina being of sound mind and memory
Knowing the mortality of my body and calling to mind that it is appointed
for all men once to die do hereby make constitute & ordain this to be my
last Will & Testament in manner & form following- 1st. My will is that all my just debts be pad and satisfied & that my Executors sell such of my stock as they deem the most advisable that I may not hereafter divise away should my crop be sufficient to discharge my debts or any money legacy I may hereafter choice. 2nd. I lend my loving wife CHRISTIAN WHITAKER during her natural life the following Negroes, viz, WILL and his wife MAMEY, MOSES & his wife SILVY, HANNAH and her two sons JACOB and LANDON and her daughter DELPHINA & child ELIJAH, MARTHA & LETTY, MINNA. I lend my loving wife aforesaid during her natural life the house wherein I now live together with the out houses also the land within the following bounds, viz, Beginning in the long branch where the Chapel branch path crops saw branch thence running down the branch until it strikes BARTHOLOMEW BARROWS line then said line dividing myself and BARROW until it strikes ARTHUR PITTMANS line then running his & my line to the briny branch then up the saw branch being the dividing line between bro. CARY WHITAKER and myself to the maples ABASALOM B. WHITAKERs corner standing in said line then along said line dividing myself & ABSALOM B. WHITAKER nearby a Southwestwardly course to the path then alongside said across the road just below the Chapel to the beginning containing two hundred more or less. Also I lend my loving wife in like manner aforesaid all that tract and parcel of land called JONES' tract that lies south of the branch that includes JONES' old dwelling and that I purchased at sheriffs sale. Also the field called percoson field being part of my Fathers tract which I purchased of my brother RICH'D WHITAKER. Also I lend my loving wife in like manner aforesaid that part of the land I bought of PETER BIRD that lies between the road and cross fence at the barn together with the pasture and one half of the benefits arising from the apple & peach orchards at said plantation. I also lend my loving wife my grist mill in Edgecombe County including the millers house & cleared ground around. I also lend my loving wife as aforesaid my carriage & harness & carriage horses Whistlejack coat & Collector likewise I lend my loving wife as aforesaid all my household & kitchen furniture that I may not hereafter devise away. I give devise & bequeath to my loving wife five cows & calves, five young cattle such as steers & heifers for beef, ten head of sheep, as many hogs as my Executor may judge necessary for her two work horses & two mules (her choice) all my religious books, as many plantation utensils as may be deemed necessary by my Ex'r, four hundred weight of seed, cotton & flax if any in the house, all the geese, one yoke of oxen with the cart & wheels. 3rd. I give devise and bequeath to my son ELI BENTON WHITAKER the Negroes that was mine that he has now in his possession with all their increase also the notes on hand I have in my possession the one given me as attorney for the Trustees of the University of No. Carolina dated the 25th day of April 1803 the other given to ABSALOM BENTON dec'd the 23rd Feby 1804 both of which I have accounted for and are now become my property to him & his heirs & assigns. 4th. I give devise & bequeath to my son JAMES WHITAKER three hundred acres of land more or less being the residue of my Fathers tract of 640 acres after excepting twenty acres more or less including the field called the Percoson field I give my said son all the Negroes that he has that was mine with their increase Also my Negro men NED, SAM & JACOB reserving to my loving wife the loan of JACOB during her natural life to her &c her heirs & assigns. 5th. I devise and bequeath to my son CARY WHITAKER one hundred acres of land lying in the County of Halifax on Fishing Creek & bounded as follows beginning at a sweet gum on the bank of Fishing Creek at the Cowlick little above Speirs bridge on Saw Creek and at or near where my pathway leans the Creek then running said pathway so far that where it shall strike the dividing line between my Farmer tracts and the tract I purchased of HARRISON PITTMAN by actual survey and measurement as will make one hundred acres and when so law of its my will that it shall be on the lower corner of my tract of land called Farmers also I give my said son CARY one hundred & eight acres more or less lying in the County of Edgecomb on White Oak Swamp adjoining the lands of ELI B. WHITAKER & JAMES BOYKIN including my grist mill at the same time receiving to my loving wife the grist mill, millers house & cleared ground around during her natural life. Also I give my said son CARY all the Negroes he has at present in his possession that was mine with their increase and my Negro woman FANNY with her increase present as well as future reserving to my loving to my loving wife during her natural life the loan of little WINNEY to him his heirs & assigns. 6th. I give devise & bequeath to my son ABSALOM BENTON WHITAKER the land and plantation I purchased of PETER BIRD reserving to my loving wife during her natural life that part lying between the road & cross fence at the corner together with the pasture and one half of the benefits arising from the apple and peach orchards on said plantation. Also I give my said son ABSALOM BENTON the land adjoining which I purchased of WILLIS FORT and the balance of the Owl Island tract that has not heretofore been given to my son JAMES also one acre on the black gut I purchased of ELIJAH PITTMAN these several tracts all join & contain by estimation four hundred & forty acres more or less. I give my said son ABSALOM BENTON the following Negroes (viz) LIBBY the Elder, SIPIO, DAPHNEY & her increase those she has at present and those she may have hereafter also my Negro man JACK to him, his heirs & assigns. 7th. I give devise & bequeath to my son WILSON CARY WHITAKER the residue of my Farmer tract of land that I have not given to my son CARY lying on Fishing Creek together with the tract adjoining that I purchased of JNO McDANIEL and wife and a tract I purchased of ROBERT BARROW & wife & WILLIAM NOBLIN & wife making in the whole three hundred and fifty four acres more or less Also the land & plantation whereon I now live that has not already been given away at the same time reserving that part land my loving wife until the time therein named expires 1st page Lee No. 2 2nd section. Also the residue of a tract of land known by the name of JONES which I bought at Sheriffs Sale that is not heretofore given away. Also twenty acres more or less of that tract I bought of my Bro. RICHARD WHITAKER so as to include the field called the Percosin field making in the whole given to son WILSON CARY seven hundred & nineteen acres more or less. Also I give my said son WILSON CARY the following Negroes, viz, MINGO & his wife, JUDAH, (big) LANDON & his wife NANCY with all her increase present as well as future also ten head of cattle , two mules, ten head of sheep, one yoke of oxen or stears, to break, six sows & pigs, pork sufficient to last his family one year, two beds & furniture, six plow hoes, two axes, 2 grub, 8 hoes, three weeding hoes to him his heirs & assigns. 8th. I give devise & bequeath to my daughter ELIZA COFFIELD that tract & parcel of land lying in Edgecombe County which I purchases of MAJOR DAVID COFFIELD known by the name of Flawegenz containing two hundred & fifty acres more or less Also the Negros which she has in her possession that was mine with their increase from the time of her possession also Little LANDON after the decease of my loving wife to her her heirs & assigns. 9th. I give devise & bequeath to my daughter MARTHA WHITAKER the following Negroes, viz, ANACHY and all her increase present as well as future, HARRY & his wife FEREBY with her increase present as well as future. Also two beds & furniture, one horse her choice in all not heretofore given away Also my Negro man ALTIMORE also two head of cattle to her her heirs & assigns. 10th. I give devise & bequeath to my daughter PEGGY GREEN COTTON all the Negroes that she now has in her possession that was mine with their increase present as well as future. Also ELBECK & his wife TREASERY with their increase present as well as future, six head of cattle to her heirs & assigns. 11th. I give devise & bequeath to my two grand daughters NANCY B. & ELIZABETH WHITAKER daughters of my son JAMES WHITAKER the following Negroes, viz, AMEY & BEN children of SAL with their increase to them, their heirs & assigns. 12th. I give to my two daughters MARTHA WHITAKER & PEGGY GREEN COTTON & son WILSON CARY WHITAKER all the residue of my Estate also all the property loaned my loving wife after her increase that is not heretofore given away to be equally divided share & share alike between them & their heirs & assigns. I do hereby constitute & appoint my sons JAMES WHITAKER and ABSALOM B. WHITAKER my whole & sole Ex'rs fo this my last Will & Testament. In testimony whereof I have Signed Sealed & declared this to be my last Will & Testament of the Testator this 12 day of June 1816. J. WHITAKER In presence of SHUGAN J. DAVIS KEDAR MULDAR KINDRED KNIGHT Halifax County August Session 1816 Then this will was exhibited in open court & duly proven by the oaths of SHUGAN J. DAVIS & KEDAR MULDAR two of the subscribing witnesses thereto and on motion ordered to be recorded. Whereupon JAMES WHITAKER and ABSALOM B. WHITAKER the Exrs therein named came in and was duly qualified thereto. Witness RICHARD EPPES CCt John Whitaker (1747-1816) son of Richard Whitaker & Elizabeth Cary. His wife was Christian Benton |
In the Name of God Amen, I MATHEW C. WHITAKER of
Halifax County and State of North Carolina being of sound mind & memory but
calling to mind the mortality of my body and that it is appointed for all
men once to die, do make & ordain this my last Will & Testament in manner &
form following to wit - First I will that my Executors herein after
appointed sell my land known by the name of the Ward lands viz the lands I
purchased of WARD, COKER & JACKSON also my land purchased of JOHN WARREN
adjoining the land of JACOB POPE and others together with such lands as I
may herein after point out for that purpose for the payment of my just
debts. Second- I give unto my beloved wife ELIZABETH, the following Negroes viz- ISAAC, LONDON, DEMPSEY, CARLOS & MINGO. also one desk, one bed and furniture, four cows & calves, six ewes & lambs, six sows and pigs, two mules, one horse, and riding chair & harness, to her & her heirs forever. I likewise lend her during her natural life my houses & lots whereon I was live, together with as much of my other lands as my Executors may deem necessary for her accomodation. I also lend her much of my household and kitchen furniture, including my silver spoons as my Executors may judge necessary. Thirdly- I give unto my daughter ELIZABETH C. GRANT all my land laying in the southside of the road leading from Enfield to Culpeppers Bridge between the lands of JAMES GRANT & SAMUEL CROWELL, together with the following parcel of land lying in the northside of said road containing one hundred & sixty acres more or less and bounded as follows- Beginning at a post oak on little Jarrel, GRANTs & my corner, thence a north course along a line of marked trees to big Jarrels thence up big Jarrel to READ & BUTTS corner, thence a south course along READ's line to his, GRANT's & my corner thence to the beginning and I wise for it to be distinctly understood that these lands thus given to my said daughter ELIZABETH be accounted for as perishable property on the distribution of my Estate. Fourth- My will is that my Executors sell all my lands lying above, where the Culpepper Road crosses big Jarrel and SHELTON's upper corner of the lands formerly owned by READ, not already given away, also my lott in the Town of Tarborough. Fifth- I give unto my son DAVID S. C. WHITAKER the lands lying within the following bounds viz, beginning at JESSE B. WIGGINS and my corner, thence runing to the Curling Road where the meeting house path crosses it thence the same course continued to a branch thence down said branch to the maximum of the big branch (alias Indian Branch) thence up the said big branch for enough so as to include four hundred acres of land by running a strait line from thence to the South corner of SHELTONS, formerly READ land thence SHELTON's line to MORRISSES line, thence along MORRISES line to WIGGINS' line, thence along WIGGINS' line to the first station. I also give unto my said son D.S.C. WHITAKER all my land lying between the Marsh & Beaver Dam Swamp & between the Beaver Dam & Burnt Coat Swamp except what I may hereinafter give to my son MATHEW C. WHITAKER to him & his heirs forever. Sixth - I give unto my son MATHEW C. WHITAKER all my land lying below big Jarrel that I have not already disposed of and bounded by HUNTER, WHITAKER, BRANCH, BRADFORD, BRANCH & WIGGINS lines also the land lying in the fork of Burnt Coat & Bever Dam Swamp and bounded as follows viz - beginning on the road half way between Burnt Coat Swamp and BRANCH's field thence a short line to a causeway across Beaver Dam Swamp at the Viney Island thence up the Beaver Dam Swamp far enough by running a straight line from thence to a corner cypress in the marsh pond to include half the marsh belonging to me all the land lying below said line together with the lands previously given in the clause to my said son MATHEW I give to him & his heirs forever also any silver spoons after the death of his Mother. Seventh- My will & desire is that my two daughters that is to say MARTHA C. FOORTE & ELIZABETH C. GRANT receive their proportionable portions of my personal & perishable property after my estate is settled, and at the same time I wish it to be clearly understood that my said two daughters first account for all and every species of property, work & labour done benefits and advancements of whatever from me received and after my said two daughter have received their portions of my Estate as before directed, I wish all the remainder of my property to be kept together in one general stock and the Negroes work together on my lands (unless deceased otherwise expedient by my Executors) together with those give my wife & the profits arrising therefrom to be appropriated to the benefit & support of my wife & five youngest children viz - SPEAR, PRECILLA, MATHEW, WEST and GOUGH ANN WHITAKER and for my said five youngest children to receive their proportional portions of such property with its increase as they respectively arrive to the age of Twenty one years; provided nevertheless it shall be at the discretion of my wife to work her Negroes with those belonging to the Estate or withdraw them, but in case she withdraws them she is not to receive any of the profits arising from the labour of the Negroes belonging to the Estate. Eighth- My will is that if there are any expensive or chargeable negroes belonging to the Estate at the time my son SPEAR draws his property, that he take care of one half of such chargeable negroes and when my son MATHEW receives his property, I wish for him & SPEAR to divided and take care of such Negroes as may be expensive including those which SPEAR may have before received. Ninth- My will & desire is that either of my five youngest children viz SPEAR, PRECILLA, MATHEW, WEST & GOUGH ANNE should die before they arrive to the age of Twenty one years, leaving lawfull issue that such issue receive that part of my property that the deceased child would have been entitled to have received had it been living and if one or more of my said five youngest children should die before they arrive to the age of Twenty one years and leave no lawfull issue that the property left them, except the land go to the survivors thereof or their lawfull issue. Tenth- My will & desire is, that when my son SPEAR receives his land that he contribute annually until my son MATHEW receives his land as much as may be equivalent to the use of MATHEW'S land for the benefit of my younger children, and when MATHEW receives her land for him & SPEAR to be subject to pay annually as much and in such way & manner as my Executors may judge necessary and right for the support of my two youngest children to wit- WEST & GOUGH ANNE untill they arrive to twenty one years of age. Eleventh- I desire that my Executors hereafter named & after such time & pursue such measures in the settlement of my Estate as they may deem necessary for the advantage & benefit thereof and I wish for them to attend to the suit JACKSON Executors against MARSHALL's administration and whenever JACKSON's land is sold for them to see that it sells for enough to pay debt & costs, or otherwise buy it, and if they buy i, for them to sell it again in such way & manner as they may conceive most for the advantage of my Estate. Lastly- I do hereby nominate, constitute & appoint my friends DAVID COFFIELD & ELI B. WHITAKER whole & sole Executors to this my last Will & Testament, revoking all other Wills by me made. I also appoint my said Executors, Guardians to my five youngest children to act jointly or separately with as full & compleat power as I would myself if living. In witness whereof I the said MATHEW C. WHITAKER have hereunto set my hand & seal this the Fourteenth day February In the year of our Lord one thousand Eight Hundred and Fourteen. MATHEW C. WHITAKER ("X" his mark) Signed & Sealed & delivered in presence of WILLIS BARTHOLEMEW D. BARKSDALE N.B. The words "& Burnt Coat" in the fifth clause & between the seventh & Eighth lines of the third page were interlined before signing. Be it known and understood that I MATHEW C. WHITAKER of the County of Halifax and State of North Carolina do make & design this my codicil as my former Will, except the following alterations and additions that is to say- My will & desire is that my Executors lay off or cause to be laid off one thousand three hundred acres of land on the lower end of my land lying on the South side of Burnt Coat Swamp (exclusive of the land I leased of RICHARDSON) and the land which divides the one thousand three hundred acres from the upper part to be so run as to make the line square on the upper part of the land, then to divide the thirteen hundred acres thus laid off below said line into two lots or parcels by running a line across the same from the north to the south line so as to include one hundred acres above this directed line and below the first directed line and for this dividing line between the two lots or parcels of land be run in such way & manner as may be most for the convenience & advantage of the said two lots or parcels of land and the said upper lot or parcel of six hundred acres of land I give & bequeath unto my son DAVID S.C. WHITAKER to him his heirs & assigns forever- and the lower lot or parcel of seven hundred acres of land which includes my house & orchards &c I give & bequeath unto my son MATHEW C. WHITAKER to him his heirs & assigns forever. I also give unto my son MATHEW my interest in the land I leased of RICHARDSON, I further give & bequeath to my son DAVID S.C. WHITAKER my BURTs land containing seven hundred acres more or less lying between the marsh & Beaver Dam Swamps to him his heirs & assigns forever. And I give & bequeath unto my son MATHEW C. WHITAKER my Burnt Coat land containing Eight hundred acres more or less lying in the fork of Beaver Dam & Burnt Coat Swamps to him his heirs & assigns forever. Those two tracts divided by the main run of Beaver Dam Swamp down to the marsh thence a slight line to the cypress in the marsh. Thence MRS. BRICKELs & others corner the tract last divised to my son MATHEW be subject to the incumbrance of a convenient passway, for my son SPEAR, near or quite as the path now runs acrss Burnt Coat Plantation to the BURTS Plantation. These lands herein devised as said to my two sons SPEER & MATHEW subject nevertheless to the same principles and regulations as the lands given to them in my former will my will & desire is that my Executors sell all my land lying above the line first directed to be run in this my codicil will not already given away or disposed of together with my cotton machine, with the tackle and gear thereunto belonging for the benefit of my Estate, and tht they reserve my two cyder stills for the use of my Estate, until my son MATHEW arrives to the age of twenty one years at which time I give these to him his heirs & assigns. My will & desire is that my Executors have planted or cause to be planted one thousand good apple trees in some eligable part of my son SPEARs land as soon as practicable and I would prefer a peace of ground to be cleared for that purpose and I further direct that at the time my two daughters, viz, MARTHA C. FOORTE & ELIZABETH C. GRANT receive their part of my Estate as directed in my former will, my Executors deliver over to them or cause to be delivered over to them, such Negroes as they my Executors may consider proper at their valuation in cash or the money at the discretion of my Executors. And I again express it consequentially that I with my Executors to take such time, pursue such measures sell such property (except what is specifically devised or given away) at such time & in such way & manner as they may exercise maintenances, the nature of the case & the economy of my Estate may require. In witness whereof I the said MATHEW C. WHITAKER have hereunto set my hand & seal this fourteenth day of May 1814. MATHEW C. WHITAKER ("X" his mark) Signed Sealed &c in Presence of D. BARKSDALE & J. BENTON Halifax County, August-Sept 1814 - Then this Will & Codicil was exhibited in open court & duly proven by D. BARKSDALE & J. BENTON & WILLIS BARTHOLOMEW subscribing witness thereto & on motion ordered to be Recorded, whereupon DAVID COFFIELD & ELI B. WHITAKER, the Executors therein named came in to Court & was duly qualified thereto. Witness RICHARD EPPES CCt
Matthew C. Whitaker (1762-1814) youngest child of Richard Whitaker & Elizabeth Cary |
In the Name of God Amen- I RICHARD WHITAKER of
Halifax County, No. Carolina Being sick of body but perfect sence & memory Blessed by God for it, do make and ordain this to be my last Will and Testament in manner and form following (viz) First I will that all my just debts be paid & satisfyed Imprimis. I give and bequeath to my Grandson WILSON WHITAKER CARTER one Negro boy BEN and one bed and furniture to him his heirs or assigns. But in case my said grandson WILSON W. CARTER dies without heir of his body, or under lawfull age then and in that case my will and desire is that the said Negro BEN and bed & furniture shall return to my children or their heirs. Item. I give & bequeath unto my son JOHN WHITAKER two Negroes(vizt) man by the name of GUNNEY and girl MOLLEY, to him and his heirs and assigns. Also my china bowl. Item. I give and bequeath unto my son CARY WHITAKER two slaves, man JAMEY and boy NED to him his heirs or assigns. Item. I give & bequeath unto my son RICHARD WHITAKER the land and plantation whereon I now live after my loving wife's deceased or marries containing three hundred and fifty acres more or less being part of the tract of land that I gave unto my son JOHN by deed and divided by a line of marked trees between my said son JOHN and the land I now live on also one Negro man named CHELSEA, Negro woman by name CLOE and her Increase and girl named PRISS. Also one hundred acres of land in the pine woods, joining my son CARY and ELISHA PITMAN's land also my large looking glass to him his heirs and assigns. Item. I give and bequeath unto my daughter ANN POPE one Slave man by the name of JERRY, Negro woman AMY and her increase and girl ANNACA to her and her hers and assigns I give and bequeath unto my daughter MARY WHITAKER one woman by the name WINNEY and her increase, a boy named AMERICA, my horse called Sterling, one bed & furniture and one linnen wheel to her & her heirs and assigns. Item. I give and bequeath unto my daughter ELIZABETH CARY WHITAKER my Negro woman named MILLEY with all her increase except her child AMERICA that I have heretofore given my daughter MARY. Also a bay horse by the name of Rebel, one bed & furniture, one linnen wheel to her and her heirs and assigns. I lend unto my loving wife ELIZABETH WHITAKER all the remainder of my Estate that I have not heretofore given during her natural life and after her decease or marriage I give as follows, I give and bequeath unto my son JOHN WHITAKER one Negro man by the name SAM, one Negro woman LIBBY and her child, SCIPIO and her increase from this date to him his heirs or assigns. I give and bequeath unto my son CARY WHITAKER my Negro woman by name NANNY to him his heirs or assigns. I give and bequeath unto my son RICHARD WHITAKER my Negro man by the name of JACOB to him his heirs or assigns. I give and bequeath unto my daughter ELIZABETH CARY WHITAKER my negro man by the name of CHELSEY to her and her heirs or assigns. I will that all the perishable parts of my Estate that is not heretofore given be equally divided between my two children (vizt) MARY and ELIZABETH CARY WHITAKER, between them share and share alike between them and their heirs & assigns. I do hereby constitute and appoint my two sons CARY WHITAKER and RICHARD WHITAKER whole & sole Executors of this my last Will and Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Seal this 8th day of October 1789. RICHARD WHITAKER Signed Sealed published and declared to be the last Will & Testament of the Testator in presence of JAMES JONES LEMUEL CHERRY ("X" his mark) This cordizel [sic] with the within will with the alterations is my will is that Negro man JACOB that I have given in the within will I leave to be sold at my death, and the money arising to go to my son RICHARD. I also give to my son RICHARD my Negro man CHELSEA which was given to my daughter ELIZABETH after the death of my wife and I give to my daughter ELIZABETH my Negro boy AMERICA which was given to my daughter MARY. I also give to my grand daughter PEGGY WHITAKER ten pounds Virginia money and my mourning ring. Negro JACOB is to be sold by my Executors. As writing my hand and seal this twenty third day of October 1794. RICHARD WHITAKER Witness MAT C. WHITAKER KINDRED SPIER Halifax County November Sessions 1794 Then this will was exhibited in open court and duly proved by the oath of JAMES JONES one of the subscribing witnesses thereto. Whereupon MATHEW C. WHITAKER one of the subscribing witnesses to the codicil annexed to this will came in & made oath that the said RICHARD WHITAKER the testator acknowledged the said codicil as a confirmation and republication of his said last Will & Testament and thereupon on Motion ordered that the said Will together with the said codicil be recorded. Whereupon CARY WHITAKER one of the Executors in the said will named came in and was duly qualifyed thereto. Witness L. LONG CCt Richard Whitaker (1720-1794), son of John Whitaker & Martha Gough. He was married to Elizabeth Cary (1725-1800) |
Will of WILSON C.
In the name of God Amen I WILSON C. WHITAKER of the
County of Halifax and state of North Carolina do make this to be my last
will and testament. I give to my brother CARY WHITAKER, my sons MONTGOMERY T. WHITAKER & FERDINAND H. WHITAKER, my nephew L.H.B. WHITAKER, G.A.T. WHITAKER, W.W. TAYLOR & LAWRENCE B. WHITAKER and their successors In Trust a majority to fill vacancies one acre of land embracing the Chapel & one acre embracing the academy the former for the use of the Methodist Protestant Church as a place to worship God the latter for the education of youth so long as it may be kept for a school. 2nd. I give to my wife AGNES O. WHITAKER all of my household and kitchen furniture all my books, my carriage horses, carriage & harness. Also the following Negroes viz- SPIER, THOMAS, HENRY, BETSY, WILLIE, ALBERT, ALLEN, LOUISA, ROBIN, MILLY, JESSE, WINNY & her children to wit RACHEL, DELPHA, MARY, WINNY & SALLY with their future increase. I lend mu wife during her natural life the tract of land on which I now live containing five hundred acres more or less 3rd. I give to my son MONTGOMERY T. WHITAKER the tract of land which I bought of COL. DAVID BARROW containing Six hundred three acres more or less also acres of my home tract begining at a pine in MORGAN PITTMAN field then up the line towards the residence of ARTHUR PITTMAN for enought that by running a line across the road at the fork of ROBERT PITTMAN path to embrace the houses where MONTGOMERY has lately settled there from the fork of said path south until it strikes the line leading from the afore named pine to HAYNES. I also give and bequeath to my son MONTGOMERY the following Negroes- PETER, AUSTIN, LOVENIA, PINK & her children namely REDDICK, SUSAN, SABARA, FELMA with their future increase also twelve head of sheep including those already marked in his mark two cows & calves in addition to those already given to him. 4th. I give to my son FERDINAND H. WHITAKER all of the lands I bought of JOHN BEAVANS, Executor of ABSALOM B. WHITAKER dec'd, the home tract containing one hundred & ten acres & the BIRD tract five hundred & Sixty one acres in all given to son FERDINAND six hundred & seventy one acres more or less. I also give to FERDINAND the following Negroes viz- CHARLES, KINCHEN, CHLOE & her children to wit LAURA, HAYWOOD, DANIEL, EPSIE, TURNER, & JOHN ANTHONY with their future increase also the the ox & cart horse, horse cart & wheels in his proportion our home called Gary, two mules called Oat or Big Mule & Poll also six cows and calves, twelve head of sheep, eight sows & pigs, hogs enough to meat his family after he fatten them (say 300 lb) for next year (1857) also al the crop that may be made on the land given to him farming tools to carry on a four horse farm. 5th. I give to son THADEUS E. WHITAKER all that land lying on Fishing Creek at Speirs Bridge containing four hundred & two acres more or less also my old place I bought of ELI B, JOHN & JAMES C. WHITAKER containing four hundred & eighteen acres more or less in all given to son THADDEUS eight hundred & Twenty acres more or less. I also give to THADDEUS the following Negroes to wit, DICK, ALFRED, NANCY & their following children, viz, WILLIAM, QUINNY, JUDGE, MAHALA, SYLVESTER with their future increase, also my watch. 6th. I give to my son THEODORE L. WHITAKER the tract of land I bought of ARTHUR PITTMAN containing one hundred & fifty acres more or less also the tract of land on which I now live except acres given to my son MONTGOMERY at the lower corner reserving to my wife her life estate in said tract of land containing five hundred acres more or less in all given to THEODORE the following Negroes viz- JACKSON, ROSE & her children viz BENJAMIN, ELIAS, ELI, TABITHA, PETER & MINERVA with heir future increase also a silver watch the vale of the one given to THEODORE. 7th. I give to my sons M.T. WHITAKER & F.H. WHITAKER In Trust the County of Halifax North Carolina Court to appoint successors in case of death &c Two thousand dollars the annual proceeds to be appropriated to the use and support of my daughter ANN O. WHITAKER & at her death the said funds to go to their issue & if no issue to be divided between her brothers & sister, their children to draw a parents share if the parent be dead. I give to my daughter ANN O. WHITAKER the following Negroes to wit- ISAAC, ELIZA, SILVY & her children to wit, DAVID, MARTHA, RHODA, JENNY & JAMES with their future increase. 8th. I give to my son M.T. WHITAKER & F.H. WHITAKER interest the County Court of Halifax to appoint successors in case the Death &c Two thousand dollars the annual proceeds to be appropriated to the use and support of my daughter SARAH L. WHITAKER & at her death the said fund to go to her issue & if no issue to be divided between her brothers & sister, their children to draw a parent share if the parent be dead I give to my daughter SARAH L. WHITAKER the following Negroes, to wit- LEWIS, PENNY & her children to wit, ADALINE, FRANSINA, EMMA, MILLY, ISABELLA, JO, GEORGE, ELLISON & DON with their future increase. 9th. BANACK & CATO may be sold so as to be with their wives if they wish it. Also the land I bought at a SheriffS sale that was the ELIZA PITTMAN the proceeds of said sale of Negroes & land to be divided between my six children viz MONTGOMERY, FERDINAND, THADDEUS, THEODORE, ANN & SARAH 10th. The residue of my Negroes I give to my above named children so as by valuinng those given to them by name & those yet to be divided will make each lot or nearly equal in value as possible. 11th. The residue of my estate I give to my wife AGNES O. WHITAKER and my four youngest children viz, THADDEUS E., THEODORE L, ANN O. & SARAH L. WHITAKER. 12th. I wise my wife property, THADDEUS, THEODORE, ANN E. & SARAH property kept together. Keep the farm live in common as the children arrive at the age of twenty one years or marries draw out his or her part unless all parties prefer for it to remain in common stock longer. I do hereby constitute & appoint my two sons MONTGOMERY TERRELL & FERDINAND HARRISON WHITAKER whole and sole Executors to this my last will & testament & Guardians to my four youngest children & I do give them full power in the settlement of my estate as they may judge best. In witness whereof I do hereby set my hand & affix seal this 7th day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & fifty 1850. WILSON C. WHITAKER Halifax County May Court 1851 Then the foregoing paper writing was brought into court and propounded as the last Will and testament of WILSON C. WHITAKER to pass both real and personal estate and it appearing to the Court on the oath of L.H.B. WHITAKER that the same was by him found among the valuable papers & effects of the said WILSON C. and it also appearing on oath by L.H.B. WHITAKER, LAWRENCE WHITAKER, SIMON PARKER & W.W. BRICKELL that every part and parcel thereof of the said paper writing is the proper hand writing of the said WILSON C. the court declares the same to be the last will and testament to convey both real & personal estate and orders the same to be recorded. And MONTGOMERY WHITAKER one of the Executors named in the said last will and testament in court here qualifies as such Executor and therefore the court directs that letters testamentary issue. Witness W.W. DANIEL Clerk
Record of Estates 1850-1856, p.218 |
Halifax County November Court 1851 Ordered by the Court that BURWELL DUNN, JP, WILLIAM HUNTER, SPIER PITTMAN, JACOB HIGGS, JESSE POWELL a majority to act & be and they are hereby appointed commissioners to divide the Negroes belonging to the heirs of WILSON C. WHITAKER Dec'd so as to value allott and set apart to AGNES WHITAKER, MONTGOMERY WHITAKER, FERDINAND WHITAKER, THADDEUS, THEODORE L. WHITAKER, ANN & SARAH WHITAKER the said Negroes according to the provision of his the said WILSON C. WHITAKER last will a copy of which is herewith furnished. And that they make report thereof to the next court with the said copy of said will. Witness W.W. DANIEL Clerk
Halifax County Wilson Cary Whitaker (1789-1851) Son of John Whitaker & Christian Benton. See more on the family at Myrtle Lawn |
WILLIAMS -1833 |
In the Name of God amen. I JOSEPH JNO. WILLIAMS of the County of Halifax and State of North Carolina being infirm in body but possessing strong mind and memory do make & ordain this my last Will and testament in manner & form following 1st. It is my wish and desire that my plantations should all be kept up and the Negroes worked thereon as though I were living until one of my children become of age or marry then to receive an equal part my Estate, except my Oakland Plantation, and the same course to be pursued untill they all arrive of age or marry. 2d. It is my will and desire, that my beloved wife, MARY K. WILLIAMS have the Oakland Plantation which she is to take possession of when the first one of my children become of age or marry, but untill then it is my wish that she remain on the plantation I now live on, but in the event my wife marrying before either of my children become of age or marry then and in that case it is my will that he take possession of the Oakland Plantation, and have no interest in the other landed estate. 3rd. It is my will that all my Negroes and property of every description (except the balance of my land which I wish to be be equally divided between my children) be equally divided between my wife MARY K. WILLIAMS and my four children, MARY ELIZABETH, JOHN HENRY, LUCY EUGENE and THOMAS CALVIN WILLIAMS, but in the division it is my wish that my wife MARY should have the following Negroes at a fair valuation, namely, OLD HARRY, and wife POL, TURNER and wife EASTER and her children, TOM and wife SABINA and her children and AMARILLUS and her child. 4th. It is my will that my Mother be decently supported out of estate as long as she wishes to remain in my family. Lastly I nominate constitute and appoint my friends WILLIAM W. THORNE and EDWARD ALSTON Executors of this my last Will and Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand an seal the 13th of April in the year of Our Lord 1833. JOS. JNO WILLIAMS Test TIPPOO S BROWNLOW JOHN BRODDIE The word plantation was interline before the signing of this instrument. It is also my wish that my Executors divide my Estate and make a legal conveyance to one acre of land including Bethel Meeting House. JOS JNO WILLIAMS The words "My wish" was interlined before assigned. TIPPOO S BROWNLOW JOHN BRODDIE State of North Carolina Halifax County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions May Term 1833 Then the last will and testament of JOS JNO WILLIAMS was exhibited in open Court and the execution thereof was duly proved by the oath of TIPPOO S BROWNLOW one of the subscribing witnesses thereto and on motion ordered to be recorded Whereupon WILLIAM W. THORNE and EDWARD ALSTON the Executors named in said will, came into open court and was duly qualified thereto. Witness M. H. PETTWAY Clk |
Halifax County, Records of Estates
1828-1835, |
An Inventory of the Estate of JOSEPH JOHN WILLIAMS
dec'd taken this 1st day of August 1833 by WILLIAM W. THORNE and EDWARD
ALSTON Executors, viz. The following Slaves: |
HARRY aged abt 60 SABINA aged abt 30 AMARILLIS aged abt 19 MARTHA aged abt 15 JAMES aged abt 8 LUCINDA aged abt 13 LEWIS aged abt 4 JACOB SENR. aged abt 50 RUIANA aged abt 25 JACOB JR. aged abt 17 FANNY of C. aged abt 9 HENRIETTA aged abt 5 AILSEY aged abt 18 CLARISSA aged abt 13 ROSEA aged abt 5 CHARLES aged abt 26 DANIEL aged abt 5 PEGGY (yellow) aged abt 40 FANNY of S aged abt 8 JUDY aged abt 4 PATTY aged abt 18 BRANCH aged abt 12 JOSHUA (infant) POMERICK aged abt 44 RICHARD aged abt 16 |
POLL aged abt 55 BEN (carpenter) aged abt 28 ALTIMORE aged abt 15 NICHOLAS aged abt 13 NANCY aged abt 5 SERENA aged abt 8 JULIA aged abt 1 CHERRY aged abt 45 MARINA aged abt 23 CHANY aged abt 15 ELIZA aged abt 5 JARALL aged abt 40 EMILY an infant JUDITH aged abt 10 TURNER aged abt 30 ESTHER aged abt 25 DAVEY aged abt 4 MANSFIELD aged abt 18 LUCY of H. aged abt 8 PEGGY (black) aged abt 26 MARY aged abt 16 ANNA aged abt 7 JERRY (blacksmith) aged abt 45 CEASAR aged abt 60 AARON aged abt 27 |
LUCY aged abt 34 EASOP aged abt 25 LIZA aged abt 11 MALISSA aged abt 10 CANDISH age 3 HILLIARD age 6 PLUMMER age 1 WILLIE age 26 BILLY age 15 MATILDA age 11 AMY age 3 MARIAH age 33 CAROLINE age 15 PENELOPE age 7 ARTHUR age 24 SALLY age 7 MANERVA age 2 JEFFERSON age 16 SCINTHIA aage 7 TAMER age 23 PETER age 14 WASHINGTON age 3 TOM age 30 HARTWELL age 20 ABNER age 30 |
Halifax County, Records of Estates 1843-1849 Pages 481-482 Halifax County Court, May Term 1849 Statement of the valuation of the Negroes belonging to the Estate of the late JOS. JNO. WILLIAMS as valued by EDW'D ALSTON Exr. and he calling in to his assistance ALFRED ALSTON & A.H.H. DAVIS this 24th December 1844. |
Lot No.1 PEGGY & three children, MINERVA, ABRAHAM & NORFLEET - 735 CLARISSA - 400 CHANEY & three children WILLIAM, DELIA, MATILDA - 800 ANNA & child, PHILLIS - 500 FANNY & child RANY - 525 LUCY - 450 JUDAS (daughter of HANNAH) - 450 NANCY - 200 PENELOPE - 450 JUDY THOMAS - 350 PETER - 600 HARTWELL - 550 JOSHUA - 475 JEFFERSON - 950 LAFAYETTE - 600 JORDAN - 335 ISRAEL - 200 Total: $8570 Lot No. 2: MARTHA & three children, FRANCES, MALISSA & CORNELIUS - 835 CAROLINE - 375 TARNER & three children, WINSOR, RALPH, & DAVY - 760 ROSE & child TRIM - 500 MARY & two children SARAH & JAMES - 600 CYNTHIA - 450 PATTY - 325 ARY - 350 JACOB JUNIOR - 550 BILLY 550 AARON - 550 ABNER - 475 RANSY - 260 SAM - 300 JERRY (SMITH) - 400 SQUIRE - 335 LUCY - 150 ELIZA HENRY - 450 BERRY - 325 Total: $8540 Lot No. 3: ALSY & four children - ANN, MARY, ELIZA & BEN} HENRY & her youngest daughter - 985 JUDY (daughter of MARIA) -425 MARINA & two children, CHERRY & BILLY - 625 MATILDA & Child JOHN - 500 CANDIS - 450 LIZZY - 450 AMY - 450 HENRIETTA - 200 AMANDA - 250 OLD JACOB & CHERRY - 125 HARRIET - 275 MARY JAN - 300 EMILY - 350 RICHARD - 600 ARTHER (Smith) -800 WM HENRY - 400 BEN (carpt.) - 850 RUM - 200 GEORGE - 575 Total: $8610 Lot No. 4: TURNER - 550 TOM - 450 SABINA & child SAM} LOUCINDA & three children, ROBERTSON, LAURA, POL} 1000 SARENA - 500 JULIA - 450 HILLIARD - 375 LEWIS - 475 EASTER - 275 TURNER JUNIOR -270 SALLY (sick) - 150 DANIEL - 550 AMARILLIS & child JOHN - 650 PLUMMER - 475 SUSAN - 300 ALTIMORE - 600 BRANCH - 600 MANSFIELD - 550 Total: $8670 Lot No. 1 Amts to $8570.00 Lot No. 2 Amts to 8540.00 Lot No. 3 Amts to 8610.00 Lot No. 4 Amts to 8670.00 Total: $34390.00 - divided by 4 = $8597.50 Each one share |
In accordance with the Will of the late JOS. JNO.
WILLIAMS, I have this 24th day of Dec. 1844 valued the Slaves belonging to
his Estate & arranged them in Lots as above represented each ones share
being $8597.50. MARY K. WILLIAMS widow of the said JOS. JNO. WILLIAMS drew
Lot No.4 which amounts to $8670. that being more than each one share by
seventy two dollars & fifty cents she the said MARY K. WILLIAMS has that amt
to pay to me as Ex'r together with the sum of fifty dollars her proportion
of expensive Slaves she having agreed to pay to me the Ex'r of the aforesaid
JOS. JNO. WILLIAMS that sum for supporting said expensive Slaves & DR. PETER
HAWKINS who married ELIZABETH WILLIAMS the oldest daughter of said JOS. JNO.
decd. drawing at the same time Lot No.2 which amounts to $8540 that sum
being less than each ones share by fifty seven dollars & fifty cents & after
deducting the sum of fifty dollars his proportion of expensive Slaves from
the sum of fifty seven dollars & fifty cents as above stated there is a
balance due said HAWKINS the sum of seven dollars & fifty cents from EDW'D
ALSTON Ex'r of JOS. JNO WILLIAMS, Dec'd EDW'D ALSTON Exc'r ------------------------ Statement of the valuation of the Slaves belonging to the Estate of the late JOS JNO. WILLIAMS as valued by EDWD ALSTON Excr. and he calling in to his assistance, THOS. W. HARRIS this 21st November 1848. |
Lot No. 1: PETER - $600 WM. HENRY - 500 JORDAN - 475 RUM - 225 ABRAHAM - 200 LAFAYETTE - 850 MINERVA - 300 JUDAH THOMAS - 425 HARRIET - 400 MARY ELIZA - 300 LUCY - 400 PENELOPE & child WILLIAM - 500 AILSEY & two children, ANN MARIA & LUCY - 650 CHARLES - 250 FANNY & two children, RAINSY & JACOB - 750 HENRIETTA - 300 CLARISSA - 450 MARINA & child, CHERRY - 450 CANDICE - 550 BEN HENRY - 175 OLD CHERRY - 00 ANNA & child PHILIP - 600 Total: $9350 Lot No. 2: HARTWELL - 550 JOSHUA - 600 GEORGE - 475 GRACE - 200 BILLY - 350 ARTHUR (Smith) - 700 AMANDA - 350 EMILY - 400 MARY JANE - 400 DELIA - 250 AMY - 450 JUDAH & child, ISRAEL - 575 PEGGY & two children, NORFLET & AARON - 600 D_______ - 200 CHANY & three children, MATILDA, NANCY & MALISSA - 900 MATILDA & child, WILLA - 500 JUDAH RUM - 450 LIZZY - 475 RICHARD - 600 BEN (Carpenter) - 325 OLD JACK - 000 Total: $9350 Lot No. 1 Amts to - 9350 Lot No. 2 Amts to - 9350 Total $18,700 - divided by 2 = $9350 Each one share In accordance with the Will of the late JOS. JNO. WILLIAMS I have this 21st day of November 1848 valued the Slaves belonging to the Estate and arranged thm into two Lots as above represented LUCY WILLIAMS the daughter of the late JOS. JNO. WILLIAMSS dec'd drew Lot No. 1 making the sum of $9350 & THOS. C. WILLIAMS son of said JOSEPH JNO. WILLIAMS drew Lot No. 2 making $9350. EDW'D ALSTON, Ex'r |
Joseph J. Williams (1800-1833) son of Joseph J. Williams (1775-1808) and Elizabeth Norfleet Hunter Williams (1778-1864). See more about the family at White Rock Plantation | |||||
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