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Halifax County Wills, Pt 14 |
Estate of SOLOMON HAWKINS (1780-1847) |
Halifax County, Record of Estates
1843-1849 |
Halifax County Court May Term A.D. 1847 Account sale of the property of SOLOMON HAWKINS dec'd sold by ISHAM MATTHEWS special administrator the 22nd of January 1847 on a credit of 6 months. 5 sheep 1st choice 1.00...FANNY HAWKINS..........5.00 5 sheep 2 choice .70...FANNY HAWKINS..........4.00 4 sheep 3 choice .40...JOHN CRAWLEY...........1.60 1 Bull yearling............JOHN ALSTON............4.45 1 cow & calf...............H. PRITCHETT...........4.00 1 Red & wite yearling......REASA RICHARDSON.......2.00 1 Red cow & yearling.......FANNY HAWKINS..........7.00 1 work ox..................FANNY HAWKINS.........18.50 7 shoats 1st choice........JAS. QUALLS............8.71 6 shoats 2 choice..........JAS. D. PERKINS........5.28 1 sow & 6 shoats...........FANNY HAWKINS..........6.30 1 Bay colt.................NICHOLAS RICHARDSON...29.75 1 Bay mare.................FANNY HAWKINS.........37.25 1 lot shuck................FANNY HAWKINS............15 [Total]........................................$133.99 |
Account of sale of the remaining property of SOLOMON HAWKINS dec'd sold by ISHAM MATTHEWS Adm' the 9th day of March 1847 on a credit of six months | ||||
2 half shares..............FANNY HAWKINS...........56 3 daggons..................FANNY HAWKINS.........1.26 4 half shares..............JOHN PITTS..............50 2 daggons..................JOHN PITTS..............45 1 grabber & scooter........WM MUIR.................38 1 grub & weeding hoe.......FANNY HAWKINS...........38 2 grub hoes................WM MUIR.................50 2 small weeding hoes.......STEPHEN HEDGBETH........07 1 broad & 1 club ax........WM SYKES..............1.00 1 spade & shovel...........FANNY HAWKINS...........25 1 trace plugh & gear.......FANNY HAWKINS...........38 1 trace plough & gear......T. S. BROWNLOW..........25 1 large ox yoke............FANNY HAWKINS...........25 1 small ox yoke............EDWARD LEE..............10 1 club ax..................FANNY HAWKINS...........75 1 pair traces..............EDWARD LEE..............25 2 iron wedges..............FANNY HAWKINS...........58 1 pair steelyards..........WM STOKES JR..........1.01 2 chisels..................FANNY HAWKINS...........13 2 screw augurs.............FANNY HAWKINS...........29 1 handsaw..................FANNY HAWKINS...........26 1 drawing kinfe & hammer...FANNY HAWKINS...........84 1 froc.....................WM STOKES JR............20 1 coopers adz..............WM STOKES JR............25 2 planes & 1 square........WM STOKES JR............40 1 pair sad irons...........FANNY HAWKINS...........13 1 griddle & 1 shovel.......FANNY HAWKINS...........13 1 pewter basin.............JNO H. CARLISLE.........10 1 brass candle sticK snuffer..WM STOKES JR.........25 1 large jug ...............THOS WILLCOX............50 1 large jug................FANNY HAWKINS............38 1 large jug................EDWARD LEE...............60 2 small jug................JAMES LEE................31 1 jug & 1 jar..............JAMES LEE................10 1 jar......................ABNER AYCOCK.............55 1 jar......................ABNER AYCOCK.............50 1 tin bucket, 1 keg........JNO. H. CARLISLE.........07 1 wooden churn.............THOS WILLCOX.............25 1 Runlet...................WM MUIR..................30 1 old chest................R. A. HERVEY.............07 1 milk stand...............FANNY HAWKINS............06 2 Raw hides................EDWARD LEE.............1.70 1 cutting knife............WM ARRINGTON.............85 1 tub & 1 old saddle.......WM WOOD..................03 1 grindstone...............JNO H.CARLISLE.........2.62 1 barrel vinegar...........WM CRAWLEY.............1.00 1 box & 2 open cask........STEPHEN HEDGBETH.........20 1 old sycthe blade.........WM MUIR..................07 1 still & tub..............JNO W. LEE............10.00 9 barrels..................FANNY HAWKINS..........1.30 1 cart & wheels............FANNY HAWKINS..........7.25 1 lot shingles & blocks....T. S. BROWNLOW.........2.00 1 stack of oats............JAS. SOUTHALL..........4.75 1 Stack fodder.............WM. ARRINGTON..........2.65 1 stack fodder.............WM. ARRINGTON..........2.67 1 pair sheep sheers........EDWARD LEE...............42 2 washing tubs.............FANNY HAWKINS............05 1 iron pot.................FANNY HAWKINS............25 2 open cask................FANNY HAWKINS............15 1 pr winding blades........FANNY HAWKINS............06 1 well bucket..............R. A. HERVEY.............16 3 old cask.................FANNY HAWKINS............03 1 old tray.................FANNY HAWKINS............05 1 jar......................JNO HARDY................16 27 bacon...................ABNER AYCOCK...........1.89 1 collar & pr hains?.......THOS WILLCOX.............21 1 bed & furniture..........FANNY HAWKINS..........4.00 1 desk.....................JONES LEE..............3.00 1 cubboard.................FANNY HAWKINS............50 2 band boxes...............FANNY HAWKINS............01 1 slab.....................ABNER AYCOCK...........2.10 1 shaving instrument.......WM WOOD..................13 1 clock....................ABNER AYCOCK...........2.75 1 small table..............ABNER AYCOCK.............25 1 pine table...............FANNY HAWKINS............26 1 small gun................FANNY HAWKINS..........1.00 1 old musket...............JOEL EVANS...............95 20~ picked cotton, 8½¢.....THOS LYNCH.............1.70 1 lot seed.................FANNY HAWKINS............01 [Total].........................................$72.77 |
1 lot crockery.............FANNY
HAWKINS............56 1 glass pitcher............WM CRAWLEY...............50 1 sett knives,forks........FANNY HAWKINS............50 1 pr sheep sheers..........JNO LEE..................25 1 iron pot & hooks.........FANNY HAWKINS............20 1 oven & lid...............FANNY HAWKINS............15 1 small pot................FANNY HAWKINS............10 1 griddle hoe..............FANNY HAWKINS............10 1 frying pan...............FANNY HAWKINS............10 1 iron pot rack............FANNY HAWKINS............10 1 bread tray...............FANNY HAWKINS............05 1 small pine table.........FANNY HAWKINS............05 1 loom & gear..............FANNY HAWKINS..........1.40 1 pine press...............FANNY HAWKINS............01 2 jars.....................FANNY HAWKINS............10 1 wire sifter..............FANNY HAWKINS............05 1 sluss....................FANNY HAWKINS............05 1 wash tin & coffee pot....FANNY HAWKINS............05 1 old iron pot.............FANNY HAWKINS............01 8 sitting chairs...........FANNY HAWKINS............80 1 looking glass............T. S. BROWNLOW...........52 5 gallons brandy...........JOHN CRAWLEY...........3.35 5 gallons brandy...........WM MUIR................3.20 8½ gallons (residue).......WM MUIR................4.68 1 saddle...................FANNY HAWKINS............50 [Total].........................................$90.15 |
A true inventory of the personal property of SOLOMON
HAWKINS decd which came into the hands of ISHAM MATTHEWS his administrator
Cash on hand $18.50 2 beds & furniture, 1 desk, 1 cupboard, 2 band boxes, 1
slab, 1 sett shaving instruments, 1 clock,1 small table, 1 pine table, 1
small gun, 1 old musket, 7 plates, 2 dishes, 1 boll & 1 sugar dish, 1 glass
pitcher, 1 sett knives & forks, 3 iron pots, 1 oven & lid, 1 griddle hoe, 1
fryan pan[sic], 1 iron pot rack 2 trays, 1 small pine, 1 loom & gear, 1 pine
press, 1 sifter, 1 wash tin, 1 coffee pot, 8 setting chairs, 1 looking
glass, 1 saddle, 6 jugs, 5 jars, 2 pr sheep shears, 13 plough hoes, 3
weeding hoes, 3 grub hoes, 3 axes, 1 spade, 1 shovel, 2 ploughs & gear, 2 ox
yokes, 2 iron wedges,1 pair steelyard, 2 chisels, 2 augurs, 1 handsaw, 1
drawing knife, 1 hammer, 1 frock, 1 pr adz, 2 plains, 1 saqures, 1 pair sad
irons, 1 griddle, 1 shovel, 1 pewter basin, 1 brass candle stick & snuffers,
1 tin bucket, 1 keg, 1 wood churn, 1 runlet, 1 chest, 1 milk stand, 2 raw
hides, 1 cutting knife, 1 grindstone, 1 barrel vinegar, 4 open casks, 1 ikd
scyth blade, 1 still & tub, 9 barrels, 1 cart & wheels, 1 lot shingles &
blocks,2 washing tubs, 1 pr winding blades, 1 well bucket, 4 stacks blade
fodder, 1½ stacks oats, 12 barrels corn, 427 pork, 20 lard, 20 soap, 35
picked cotton, 5 wool, 23½ gallons brandy. Good Debts from ISHAM MATTHEWS, EDWARD LEE Bad Debts due: JERRY RICHARDSON, NICHOLAS RICHARDSON, STEPHEN HEDGBETH, PETER HARPER, JESSE A. ALSTON, WM SMITH, JAS KING, BENJAMIN HAWKINS. Th widow was allowed a years maintenance of $12.00 in cash, along with a list of provisions. ISHAM MATTHEWS Adm'r |
Page 381 Halifax County Court May Term 1847 Halifax County February Term 1847 Ordered by the Court that ISHAM MATTHEWS SR., WM. T. WILLIAMS, EDWARD LEE and JOHN PITTS be appointed commissioners to lay off and allot to FANNY HAWKINS widow of SOLOMON HAWKINS a years provision for herself and family out of the Estate of her said husband dec'd and report. Witness W. W. DANIEL Clk State of North Carolina Halifax County To the worshipfull the Justice of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for said County May Term 1847 We ISHAM MATTHEWS Justice of the Peace of said County and JOHN PITTS, EDWARD LEE and WM. THO'S WILLIAMS freeholders in obedience to the annexed order first being sworn proceeded on the 4th day of March to view the Estate of SOLOMON HAWKINS dec'd and out of the crop, stock and provisions on hand we have laid off and allotted to FANNY HAWKINS widow of said deceased, as follows. [a list that includes corn, pork, lard, fodder, oats, cow & calf, soap, a sow, vinegar, brandy, picked cotton, wool.] and there being not sufficient of the crop, stock and provisions on hand to makea comfortable provision for said widow and family for a year, we assess the deficiency to the sum of twelve dollars to be paid to the said widow by the administrator of the said SOLOMON HAWKINS dec'd and we have further laid off and allotted to the said FANNY HAWKINS one bed and its necessary furniture and one wheel and pair of cards as her absolute property and put her in possession of the same. Given under our hands and seals this 4th day of March 1847. I. MATTHEWS JP JOHN PITTS EDWARD LEE WM. THO'S WILLIAMS Page 461 Halifax County Court February Term 1849 ISHAM MATTHEWS JR. in account with the Estate of SOLOMON HAWKINS deceased. List of Debits. Notes for ISHAM MATTHEWS SEN'R, NICHOLAS & JERRY RICHARDSON, STEPHEN HEDGPETH. Amounts paid JOHN LEE, BENJAMIN HUNTER, DOCT. T. S. BROWNLOW, ISHAM MATTHEWS SEN'R, STEPHEN HEDGPETH, W. W. BRICKELL, WM. BRINKLEY, FANNY HAWKINS, P. P. HERVEY, T. P. MATTHEWS, W. T. WILLIAMS, EDWARD LEE. In pursuance of an order of the worshipful Court of Halifax August Term 1848 we the undersigned Commissioners to audit and settle the accounts of ISHAM MATTHEWS administrator of SOLOMON HAWKINS deceased, have this day examined the vouchers of said MATTHEWS and find a balance of Two hundred an forty two dollars and twenty five cents due the Estate. Given under our hands and seal this 13th January 1849. T. C. PITTS W. T. WILLIAMS THOMAS P. MATTHEWS |
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Estate of SOLOMON HAWKINS FANNY HAWKINS Dower- 1848 Halifax County Deeds Deed Book 32, Page 488 State of North Carolina Halifax County Pursuant to the annexed Order to me directed, I WILLIAM W. BRICKELL, Sheriff by WILLIAM E. LANE Deputy Sheriff with the undersigned freeholders unconnected to the parties by affinity or consanguinity but entirely disconnected did proceed upon the premises after being duly sworn to lay off & allot to MRS. FANNY HAWKINS widow of SOLOMON HAWKINS dec'd her dower or one third part of the lands of her deceased husband & we the Jurors do report & say that her dower shall be confined within the following to Wit Beginning at a post oak WASHINGTON MABREY's corner & running S12 E, 83 pole to an ash on Hawtree Creek then up the meanders thereof to an ash & sweet gum on a path then along said path S25E 12 pole then S41 E, 18 pole then S30E, 25 pole then S4E, 12 pole to a black gum & persimmon on a small branch then up the said branch S51E, 15 pole to a pine then E45 pole to a pointed corner one dogwood &c then North 155 pole to a pointed corner white oak and(?)oak & thence West 80 poles to the beginning containing Sixty sever acres including the mansion house & other out houses. And we the Jurors put herein peacable possession of the same Given under our hands & seals this the 9th day of May 1848. A.J. JOHNSTON WASHINGTON MABRY THOS PRITCHETT HENRY R. BATCHELOR T. HARRIS JOHN MABRY WM. MURE JAMES LEE H. A. SLEDGE JOHN HARDIE ("X" his mark) JOHN LEE ROBERT J. VINSON WM. W. BRICKELL By WM. E. LANE D. Shff pr M.T. PONTON P.R. 22 Dec 1848 |
Solomon & Fanny Hawkins were Free People of Color listed from 1820 -1840 in the Halifax Co. Census; Fanny Hawkins was a 65 yr. old mulatto, head of household in 1850, who had living with her the family of Jesse & Crecy (Coley) Richardson, their daughter Rebecca, and their nephew, Frank Richardson. Solomon, b. ca 1780, was a grandson of Solomon Hawkins who died in 1816, having been identified as a nephew of that Solomon's daughter, Nancy. | ||||
Estate of GRANVILLE MAYO- 1912 |
Petition by MARY J. MAYO for allotment of Dower. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of Halifax County. The Petition of MARY J. MAYO an heir at law of GRANVILLE MAYO, respectfull showeth: That GRANVILLE MAYO died intestate in the County of Halifax NC on the 24 day of July 1912. That he left the following children: C. M. MAYO, R. J. MAYO, H. D. MAYO, T. D. MAYO, ELIZA MILLS, MARTHA MILLS, ALVITA BROWN, W. E. MAYO, and two grand children GRANVILLE and WILLIAMS ADAMS That the last two are minors here represented by their guardian J. H. ADAMS. That petitioner is one of the heirs at law. That said GRANVILLE MAYO left a widow MARY J. MAYO who is entitled to Dower in the following lands: One lot on old Gaston road bounded on North by lands of GRANVILLE MAYO, on East by old Ferry road, On South by WILKINS lot, on West by WILKINS lot and is called the old P. O. lot, containing about 1/4 of acre. One other lot situated on said road leading from Thelma to Weldon, NC and bounded on N-by said road, On East by lands of GRANVILLE MAYO's estate, on the South by WADE CARTER farm, West by lands of WILLIE MILLS and containing about five acres- part of the home place of the late GRANVILLE MAYO. One lot in the town of Thelma, North Carolina, as shown on the plot of the said town dated January 2nd 1909, a copy of which plot is attached to this deed and made part thereof. For better description see Book 232 Pg. 94, Halifax County Registry. One tract or parcel of land lying and being in Halifax County, State of North Carolina, containing 39 acres, more or less by survey and plot hereto annexed, and made and made a part of this deed bounded as follows: beginning at a Spanish Oak corner with WADE CARTER and E. and ANN SLEDGE; thence Suth 72 E 156 poles to an Elm on a branch a corner S.B. EVERETTE; thence up the meanders of said branch to the public road leading from Weldon to Gaston, then along the said road a Westerly course 163 poles to three small Red Oaks and a Dogwood pointer to the corner of E. and ANN SLEDGE and then S 14 3/4 W 44 poles to the beginning. For better description see Book 39 Pgs. 227 & 228 Halifax County Registry. One tract or parcel of land bounded as follows (and containing by survey thirty two acres) On the South by the lands of SIMON B. EVERETT, on the East by S. B. EVERETT's mill path, on the North by the County road running to Weldon, on the West by the lands of DR. W. W. CLEMENTS. For better description see Book 39 Pgs. 320, 321 & 322, Halifax County Registery. One lot lying on the East side of the dwelling now occupied by CHARLES M. MAYO. Said lot is 70 feet to front and running back 50 feet, and said lot that is reserved by said GRANVILLE MAYO, is located where now stands the GRANVILLE MAYO Warehouse, on said above described land. For better description see Book 192 Pg. 304 Halifax County Registry. One lot bounded as follows; on the North by the lands of R. & G. Railroad Co. East by the lands of MISS ANN SLEDGE. On the South by the lands of E. W. WILKINS & Sons. On the West by the lands of GRANVILLE MAYO. Said tract of land being situate in the town of South Gaston, and containing one fourth of one acre more or less. Commencing at the Wilkins Ferry road and running North West Seventy feet with the R. & G. Railroad then West thirty feet, then South East seventy feet to Wilkins Ferry road, thence down said road thirty feet to the beginning. B.121 P 503 P.R. One lot bounded as follows; The afore said lot commences two feet from H. S. MOODY's Store and running to a point within two feet of the store which G. MAYO now rents, being twenty four feet front and running back seventy feet including the store house now on said lot, The aforesaid lot is partly owned by H. S. MOODY and partly by E. W. WILKINS. E. W. WILKINS conveys all his rights in said lot and H. S. MOODY all his right and title, which right and title H. S. MOODY derived from C. B. KING and C. B. KING derived his from DR. E. W. WILKINS. For better description see Book 115 Pg. 350 Halifax County Registry. That the decedent left surviving him the following heirs at law: C. M. MAYO, R. J. MAYO, H. T. MAYO, T. D. MAYO, ELIZA MILLS & MATHA MILLS [sic], ALVITA BROWN, W. E. MAYO, GRANVILLE and WILLIAMS ADAMS. That WILLIAM ADAMS and GRANVILLE ADAMS are minors with Guardian, the wards of J. H. ADAMS. That said Widow has not applied for her dower in the said lands to be assigned. Wherefore petitioner demands that her said Dower in the aforesaid lands be assigned to her. MARY J. MAYO ("X" her mark) Petitioner S. G. DANIEL Attorney for petitioner. I C. D. HOUSE do hereby certify that the foregoing petition was this day signed before me by MARRY J. MAYO [sic]. Witness my hand and seal this 14th day Oct. 1913. C. D. HOUSE, J. P. |
North Carolina Halifax County In the Superior Court before the Clerk. C. M. MAY, R. J. MAYO and others- Heirs-at-law of GRANVILLE MAYO, Dec. Order for jury to assign Dower. This cause coming on to be heard upon the petition of MARY J. MAYO Widow of GRANVILLE MAYO, and being heard, it is now ordered that a writ of Dower be issued to the sheriff, commanding him to summon a jury consisting of not less than three nor more than twelve freeholders, who shall meet on the premises described in the petiton in this cause, and after being duly sworn according to law, shall allot to the petitioner her dower in the lands of which her husband was seized at the time of his death or during coverture to wit: the lands described in the petitioner in this cause and report to this court their proceedings under their hands within five days. This the 16 day of October 1913. S. M. GARY Clerk of the Superior Court |
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Application of Administrator for Jurors to assign
years support. North Carolina, Halifax County, Littleton Township To J. E. HOCKADAY Justice of the Peace In accordance with the above request, the undersigned Administrator of the said GRANVILLE MAYO deceased respectfully asks that you will summons two disinterested persons (qualified to act as Jurors) as commissioners. Who shall after being by you duly sworn to act impartially, together with yourself ascertain the number of the family of M. J. MAYO the said widow and examine the stock crop and provisions on hand and assign to her so much thereof as is allowed by law and put her in possession of the same. Should there be a deficiency of such crop stock or provisions for said purpose, you are respectfully requested to order such deficiency stating the amount thereof to be made up from the personal estate of said deceased. This the 4th day of March 1913. C. M. MAYO Admr of GRANVILLE MAYO deceased --------------------------- North Carolina, Halifax County, Roanoke Rapids Township State of North Carolina, to any constable or other lawful of Halifax County Greeting You are hereby commanded to summons J. A. KING and C. D. HEMMINGS to hand appear at the residence of M. J. MAYO in Littleton Township on the 11th day of March, 1913, at 10 A.M. to assist in laying off and assigning to M. J. MAYO Widow of GRANVILLE MAYO deceased a year's support for herself and family. Here in fail not. Dated this the 4 day of March 1913. J. E. HOCKADAY, J.P. -------------------------- Petition for Years Support - Report of Commissioners North Carolina, Halifax County, Littleton Township In the matter of M. J. MAYO widow of GRANVILLE MAY deceased Report of Commissioners |
The undersigned J. E. HOCKADAY, a Justice of the Peace and C. D. HEMMINGS and J. A. KING Commissioners duly summoned and sworn do hereby assign and allot to M. J. MAYO widow of GRANVILLE MAYO deceased the following articles of personal property of the value annexed, To wit: | ||||
2 Bureaus- $5.00 1 center table (broken) - 1.50 7 Chairs & 2 rockers - 3.15 1 Lounge (badly worn) - 1.75 2 wash stands (1 broken) -2.00 3 Bed steads - 6.00 1 Singer sewing machine, 2nd hand - 10.00 1 clock - 1.00 2 lamps - .25 29 plates - 1.00 14 cups & 10 saucers - .55 1 cooking range & fixtures - 20.00 7 pitchers - .70 12 knives - .35 19 forks - .35 33 teaspoons - .33 4 dishes- .60 6 fruit dishes - .30 1 safe - 2.00 164 lbs meat - 24.60 12 bbls corn - 54.00 1 bay poney (19 yrs old)- .50 2 - 2 horse wagons (bad shape) - .50 1 -peanut planter - 10.00 1 corn planter - 7.00 1 Guano distributor - 3.50 5 Turning plows - 10.00 5 Cotton plows - 7.50 1 peanut weeder (broken) - 3.00 4 cultivators - 6.50 5 hoes (cotton) - 1.50 1 - 2 horse iron beam plow - 5.00 3 sets plow harness - 8.57 We also find upon examination that the number of the family of the said Widow exclusive of herself is none. There being no deficiency of articles on hand to make the years support we the undersigned give the foregoing articles to the said Widow to the amt of $300.00 This the 11th day of March 1913. J. E. HOCKADAY J.P. C. D. HEMMINGS J. A. KING ----------------------- Thelma, NC - 10- 28- 1912 MR. S. M. GARY Halifax, NC Dear Sir: Please find enclose my Invatory of GRANVILLE MAYO Estate you will please acknowledge receipt of same. Also write me whether it is all O.K. or not. Thanking you in advance. Yours truly C. M. MAYO (6 1/2 Pages of goods were listed in the Inventory, which I am am not including) |
---------------------- Store Accounts Money Due GRANVILLE MAYO Estate: [Listing starts on Page 6 which are out of order in file] (Page 6) R. J. MAYO & HART BROWN Store Acct - $11.00 R. E. CLEATON - 25.60 J. A. VINCENT - 12.90 JTHOS. ZOLLICOFFER - 2.50 BETTIE WILKINS - 23.40 ROBT. MITCHELL - 7.20 PETER WEBB - 21.60 MACK SHAW - 27.00 W. E. & G. MAYO - 67.60 ROBERT ASHE - 43.00 HILLIARD BROWN - 23.00 PHIL NORTON - 3.30 RICHARD WILKINS - 34.60 GEO. HICKS - 19.60 WILLIE TOWNS - 331.24 JUNE ROBERTS - 21.90 HILLIARD BROWN SR - 9.90 J. H. BROWN - -29.85 J. H. WHITEHEAD - 16.74 CHARLES KERNEY - 21.27 SANDY WILCOX - 15.70 SAM ASHE JR. - 2.22 ABE HOWELL - 37.94 WM. SQUIRE - 12.72 MARY ROSS - 18.69 FANNIE ASHE - 9.40 C. W. YELERDAY - 2.16 R. L. ASHE - 27.55 GEO. JARRELLS - 2.50 JUNE JARRELLS - 1.50 (Page 7) MARY JEFFERS - 7.37 JAKE ROGERS - 5.00 SHADE VINCENT - 33.44 ELIZA ASHE - 2.34 WM & LUCY BOBBITT - 42.29 JOE HARRISON - 13.25 LIZZIE PEARSON - .76 MARTIN PATTILLO - 7.81 DOUGLAS TRAVIS - 3.02 JIM PEARSON - 1.42 HENRY ASHE - 1.89 WM. ALSTON - 5.00 GEO. MILLS - 56.42 T. C. SQUIRE - 2.75 ALANDER WILLIAMS - .95 FRANK HOCKADAY - 27.50 RICHARD BAIRD - .45 BUCK MEDLIN - 165.49 RICHARD CARPENTER - 8.72 WILL PETERS - 1.00 J. H. COUSIN - 3.30 SAM POWELL - 3.40 NEAL MILES - .15 CHARLES ZOLLICOFFER - 22.98 GEO. HOCKADAY - 2.53 GEO. HARDY - 57.57 JAKE CARTER - 2.16 WALTER WEST - 6.82 ELLIS BAKER - 2.08 R. C. LYNCH - 56.51 (Page 8) W. L. STANLEY - 94.25 SALLIE VINCENT - 12.67 ICOM HAWKINS - 20.05 JEFF SQUIRE - 38.06 DOUGLAS BROWN - 20.00 DALIFUS JENKINS - .50 GRANT BOBBITT - 10.96 RICHARD WHITE - 20.17 CRECY TOWNS - 40.74 WILLIS BOWSER - 28.75 R. W. KING - 28.02 EDMOND WILKINS - 27.23 BERRY WALKER - 32.24 D. M. MABRY - 3.83 MRS. D. M. MABRY - 1.00 RICHARD JARRELLS - 20.49 ROBERT JONES - 14.93 JAMES MILLS - 10.24 LOVELY WALKER - 8.62 JAMES EDMONDS - 7.46 E. W. EDMONDS - 1.67 JOHN JONES - 3.10 ROBT. MONTGOMERY - 162.93 WAD FAULCON - .25 JOHNNIE FAULCON - 69.22 SAME GOINS - 1.32 TOM KING JR. - .30 C. C. TUCKER - 42.13 (Page 9) WILLIE MILLS - 327.05 MARY POWELL - 30.69 MARY POWELL (live or River) - 22.00 ELIZA J. MILLS - 1.50 H. D. MAYO - 223.94 CHARLIE BAIRD - 10.14 SARAH THOMPSON - 20.32 SAM THOMAS - 7.57 GEO. ADAMS - 18.23 J. A. BAIRD - 238.70 JOHN CLARY - 1.43 DINA BLACKWELL - 53.64 WILLIAM BOWSER - 132.41 ANTHONY BLACKWELL - 4.18 ELIZA BROWN - 65.59 MARY SHAW - 49.15 NANTHANIEL BOWSER - 35.69 G. F. HERRIN - 223.20 B. F. BAIRD - 2.15 GEO. BOWSER - 107.55 JAMES JONES - 4.09 W. R. MASON - 9.60 W. R. HOWELL - 30.63 CORNELIUS WILKINS - 6.07 SAMUEL UNDERDUE - 19.14 C. J. BENN - 34.45 MATHEW TURNER - 298.08 HENRY MOODY - 14.96 HENRY BAKER for JIM HICKS - 4.01 HENRY CARTER - 14.00 (Page 10) MARTHA BRADLEY - $10.32 EMMA FAULCON - 8.10 JOSEPH MILLS - 25.26 ELLA JENKINS - 22.40 SALLIE WILLIAMS - 56.26 TENA PRICE - 30.26 J. D. BROWN - 16.86 NED JOHNSON - 22.60 CALEB HARRISON - 23.43 PERRY MILLS - 6.73 EDDIE BOWSER - 57.60 BEN MAYO - 17.76 MOSES MOORE - 11.60 C. S. PEARSON - 7.60 FLORENCE JOHNNSON - 1.32 W. T. HAWKINS - 178.95 PLUMMER YOUNG. 365.05 MARGARET and CHARLIE JONES - 98.03 LUCY HOCKADAY - 18.60 HENRY WILKINS - 243.02 JOHN SNOW - 16.03 ROBT MABRY - 3.91 FREEMAN WALKER - 48.99 JAMES HARTWELL - 62.90 CHARLES JACKSON - 16.33 DAVID MILLS - 3.27 THOMAS BURTON - 25.50 WADE CARTER - 51.58 THOS. JONES - 31.96 C. M. MAYO - 159.21 (Page 11) EMMA FAULCON - .64 WALTER SMITH 1.05 THOMAS PETERS - 31.73 SAMUEL ASHE SR. - 9.44 W. H. SHAW - 26.80 THOMAS SMITH - 41.75 PITT PEARSON - 6.02 CHAS. BRADLEY - 13.00 ANANIAS & JOHN ASHE - 21.15 (Page 12) 1 Lot in Old Gaston 1 Cotton seed house in Old Gaston 2 Lots in Thelma 1 Storage house in Thelma 63 Acres land in home track |
Granville Mayho was a free mulatto born 1831, who married in 1856 to Mary Jane Evans, dau/of Moses M. Evans & Elizabeth Toney. They had 10 children. | ||||
Estate of JOHN MAYHO- 1872 |
Recd of ANN BRADLEY Administrator of JOHN MAYOH decd
the sum of Sixteen dollars in full of all claims against the said dec'd
LOUISA MILLS Reseve from ANN BRADLEY. Recd of LEMUEL CARTER ten (10) dollars for appear in case LOUISA MILLS vs A. BRADLEY 8 Feby 1872 A. H. DAY Recd of ANN BRADLEY Administrator of JOHN MAYOH decd fifty cents for services rendered said decd. This 17th Nov 1871 SAM'L MILES EVRITT BOBBIT ("X" his mark) Recd of ANN BRADLEY three dollars $3.00 for services April 8th 1872 WM SHAW Received Weldon, NC, April 6th 1872 ANN BRADLEY Three ($3.00) dollars cash in case of LOUISA MILLS against ANN BRADLEY. T. J. FIELDS Constable Paid 2.75 for socks, gloves & vest. JOHN COUSINS 1871 March 21st JOHN COUSINS Burial Expenses Bought of E. G. EVERITT on 1/2 gallon Whisky - 1.00 1 lb coffee - .25 Recd payment E.G. EVERITT acknowlege by E.G. EVERITT, etc. JOHN COUSINS for JOHN MAYHO to H. A. HOUSE, dr. March 20, 1871 To 12 yds black cloth - -25 - 3.00 To 1 handkerchief - .50 To 1 paper Tacks 10 - .10 To 1 1/2 yds cambrice - .22 To rope - .12 Paid in full - J. HARRIS - $3.94 6 yds flannel tucker -30 - 1.80 Paid JOHN DILLAHAY for coffin - 10.00 Total: $15.74 ------------------------------ |
J. T. GREGORY Esqr. Gaston NC Apl 10th 1872 Dear Sir I send you to day the receipts for money which I have paid out as Administrator of JOHN MAYOHO decd which I hope will prove satisfactory and reach you safe Respectfully yours ANN BRADLEY P.S. The receipt of LOUIZA MILLS is just to hand which was paid by LEM CARTER. ------------------------------ (This letter is in pieces scattered throughout the 54 page file. I think this is the order it belongs in putting it together from 4 different pieces) Gallipolis, Gallia County, Ohio February the 4, 1872 Dear sister it has been about two months since i wrote to you and i have not got an answer yet from you and i have been looking for an answer from you dear sister i sent you the power to sell my fathers property i think it is time i was getting an answer from you i have wrote long enough i am very glad that the railroad is coming here i will get to come and see you in a year it is very cold out here now the people can walk across the ohio river there was about fifty four got drown skating on the river i thought i would get a word answer from JOHN COUSINS give my respects to all of the folks write soon and tell me what you are doing nothing more to sat at the present but write soon to me
PATHERE COUSINS to her kind sister ANN BRADLEY |
A list of property left by JOHN MAHOE Decd The listing of Household and Farm supplies totals - $114.00 Also includes following land: One tract of land 24 acres valued at $48.00 One tract of land 40 acres valued at 60.00 The above is a statement of property left by JOHN MAYHOE at his deth so far as is rendered to me by his daughter ANN BRADLEY & the said ANN BRADLEY wishes to administer on the above estate of said dec'd by giving LEM CARTER & WAID CARTER as her securitys. To the Honerable Probate Judge of Halifax County of NC Dear Sir If you see fit to take the above bond I will manage the buisness for said ANN BRADLEY and make a correct retern to your office certain of the above is worth more than the bond. Respectfully Yours SAM'L MILES -------------------------- Halifax County, In the Probate Court State of North Carolina To all whom these Presents shall come: Greeting. It being satisfactorily proven to the undersigned, Judge of Probate for Halifax County, that JOHN MAYHO late of said County, is dead, without having made and published any last Will and Testament, and it appearing that ANN BRADLEY is entitled to the administration of the estate of said deceased, and having qualified as Administratrix, according to law; Now these are therefore to impower the said Administratrix to enter in and upon all and singular, the goods and chattels, rights and credits of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and satisfy and the residue of said estate to distribute according to law. Witness my Hand, and the seal of said Court, this 29th day of January 1872. JOHN T. GREGORY Probate Judge ------------------ State of North Carolina, Halifax County In the Probate Court I, ANN BRADLEY do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I believe JOHN MAYHO, died without leaving any last Will and Testament; and that I will well and truly administer all and singular the Goods and Chattels, Rights and Credits of the said JOHN MAYHO and a true and perfect inventory thereof return as provided by law; and all other duties appertaining to the charge reposed in me, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability; So help me God. ANN BRADLEY ("X" her mark) Sworn and subscribed before me this 29th day of January 1872 JOHN T. GREGORY Judge of Probate -----------------------------
Halifax County, In the Probate Court In the matter of the Administration of the estate of JOHN MAYHO, dec'd Before JOHN T. GREGORY, Probate Judge ANN BRADLEY being sworn doth say: That JOHN MAYHO, late of said County, is dead, without leaving any Will and Testament; and that she the said ANN BRADLEY is the proper person entitled to Letters of Administration on the estate of the said JOHN MAYHO Further that the value of said estate, so far as can be ascertained at the date of this application is about $114.00 and that she the said ANN BRADLEY and a sister of hers who is a resident of the County of Gallapolis in the State of Ohio are entitled as heirs and distributees thereof. ANN BRADLEY ("X" her mark) Sworn and subscribed before me, this 29th day of January 1872. JOHN T. GREGORY, Probate Judge (on back) Recorded in Appointment of Executors on Page 151, Volume 1st -------------------- |
Halifax County, Clerk of Superior Court Appointment of Administrators, Executors and Guardians, Volume 1, 1868-1885 ANN BRADLEY, Administratrix Appointed, January 29, 1872 Page 151 And thereupon the said ANN BRADLEY comes into Court and is appointed Administratrix of the said JOHN MAYHO and executes her Administration Bond in the sum of $350.00 with JOHN A. REID, WADE CARTER & LEM CARTER as sureties, which bond being justified is accepted by the Court & filed of record and the said ANN BRADLEY qualifies as such Administratrix by taking and subscribing the oaths as prescribed by law. JOHN T. GREGORY Probate Judge State of North Carolina |
------------------------------ | ||||
Recd of MRS ANN BRADLEY Admx of JOHN MAYHO Decd forty
Two and 00/100 Dollars which amount is in full satisfaction of the sum due
me by the said Admx from the final settlement of the personal effects of my
deceased Father JOHN MAYHO the account of which is divided and settled in
the Probate Court of Halifax County NC. This the 9th day of July 1872. PANTHIA COUSINS ("X" her mark) Witness T. W. HAMPTON Notary Public -------------------------------- JOHN MAYO Feb 11, 1871 To WM W. CLEMENTS Dr. Visit to self et pills comp $3.00 Recd pay of G. MAYO for the heirs of JOHN MAYO. WM W. CLEMENTS JNO MAYO Aprd To WM W. CLEMENTS $3.00 ---------------------------------- Recd of ANN BRADLEY Administratrix of JOHN MAYOH decd fifty cents for cutting wookd for said decd. Nov 17, 1871 JACK JINKINS ("_"his mark) ANN BRADLEY paid me fifty cents for cutting wood for JOHN MAYOH JACK JINKINS "X" his mark) ---------------------------------- Recd of ANN BRADLEY Administratrix of JOHN MAYOH decd two dollars for shuks to feed cattle belonging to the Est of said decd this 17th Nov 1871. ANTHONY HOCKADAY "X" his mark) SAM'L MILES ---------------------------------- Office of T. W. HAMPTON Prosecuting Attorney and Notary Public Gallipolis, Ohio, July 9th 1872 Hon. JOHN T. GREGORY Dear Sir Yours of 20th ult was received in due time and I herewith send you receipt in full for share $42.06. Send me check on New York for amount. Yours Truly PANTHEIR COUSINS By T. W. HAMPTON ANN BRADLEY Admx To Settlement of Estate Estate JOHN MAYHO Amount due the Legatee PANTHIA COUSINS 42.06 sent by Express to her on the 18 day of July 1872 to Gallipolis County, Gallia County, Ohio The money 42.06 is sent to the care of T. W. HAMPTON Atto & Notary Public |
----------------------------- | ||||
Settlement of the a/c sent to to MRS. COUSIN on the
24 April 1872 Statement ANN BRADLEY Admx of JOHN MAHO decd In A/C final with Estate of said Dec'd. April 3, 1872 To amount A/C Sales personal property - $134.33 To amount cash found on hand in house - 27.00 Contra April 3, 1872 By amt disbursements - 66.05 By Commissions alled the Admx - 11.16 By amt due Estate 3 April 1872 - 84.12 (Total)--------------------------161.33 April 3, 1872 To amt due Est brot down - 84.12 Distributed as follows: By amt pd ANN BRADLEY her share - 42.06 By amt pd PANTHIA COUSINS her share - 42.06 (Total)------------------------------84.12 Madam Above please find statement of Settlement of Estate of JOHN MAHO decd by ANN BRADLEY his Admx showing a balance due Estate on the 3 April 1872 of $84.12. which being distributed between yourself and Sister given to each $42.06 which is correct. Herewith I send you that amount per Express ass. 75¢ charges for the report - certified. Respectfully JOHN T. GREGORY Probate Judge A true copy from the Records of my office. JOHN T. GREGORY Probate Judge MRS PANTHIA COUSINS Gallipolis, Galia County, Ohio ------------------------------
ANN BRADLEY, Admx of JOHN MAHO Decd, being sworn say
that the foregoing a/c sales is just and is a full and true exhibit of cost
amount of sales, as sold by her of all personal property which have come to
her hand as to the hands of any other person for her ANN BRADLEY ("X" her mark) Sworn and subscribed before me 30 April 1872 JOHN T. GREGORY Probate Judge Files Estate of said Dec'd Recorded in Record of A/Cs, Volume 2, Pages 111 & 112 ------------------------------ List of Purchasers from the Sale, which were mostly household goods & furniture: E. G. EVERETT TOM PETERS ISHAM PETERS JIM MILLS JR. PLUNKET MAYHO JIM JONES ANN BRADLEY HARTWELL BROWN SAMUEL MILES DR. GREGORY LEM CARTER JOHN COUSINS CHARLES BROWN STEVEN PEPPER TOM CARTER LOUISA MILLS HILLIARD BROWN WILLIAM SHAW ---------------------------- Amount of property sold on the 19th of Feb 1872 by ANN BRADLEY Administratrix of JOHN MAYHO decd Account of Sales - $134.33 To cash found on hand - 7.00 to cash found on hand - 20.00 (Total)................$161.33 MR. GREGORY Dear Sir I send you above a statement of the amount of sale of the property belonging to the estate of JOHN MAYHO dec'd Which was conducted by ANN BRADLEY Administratrix which I think will prove satisfactry. I wish you would advise her in regard to the land the other partys wishes to rais a squable concerning the land. Respectfully yours SAM'L MILES |
Amt brot over - 161.33 April 3, 1872 By commission at 5% on amt Receipts & Disbursements - 11.16 To receipts recovering expenses on ???? for the Estate -2.00 To Probate fee on return a/c ??? -.55 To auditing & settling final a/c &c - 1.60 = $2.10 Amount due the Estate 3 April 1872 to be distributed between ANN BRADLEY & PANTHIA COUSINS - 84.12 Totals: $161.33 ---------- $161.33 ANN BRADLEY as Admx of JOHN MAHO decd being sworn says that the foregoing final account of her actions and doings as Admx as aforesaid is just and is a full and true exhibit of the same. ANN BRADLEY ("X" her mark) Sworn to and submitted 3 April 1872 JOHN T GREGORY Probate Judge What final due Estate brought down - 84.12 By 1/2 of the amt due ANN BRADLEY - 42.06 By 1/2 of the amt due PANTHIA COUSINS - 42.06 = 84.12 ----------------------------- The Estate of JOHN MAHO decd March 20, 1872 Debit to ANN BRADLEY Admst'x By Cash paid the following: Burial Expenses - $19.75 Timber to fence in grave - 2.50 Timber to cover grave - .40 Paid EVERITT BOBBIT - .50 Paid JACK JENKINS - .50 Paid DR. CLEMENTS - 3.00 Paid CHARLES SPOONER - .10 Total: .............$26.75 April 3 Cash pd for shucks to feed cows - 5.00 To LOUISA MILLS judgement vs Estate - 16.00 L.N. LOCKEY, JP his cost - 2.50 A. H. DALY atto - 10.00 Other Administration & order of sale - 1.65 Total: 61.90 There was twenty seven dollars left on hand when the said MAYHO died which is not put in the general account. SAM'L MILES ------------------------- ANN BRADLEY, Admx of JOHN MAYHO Final Account & Settlement of Estate Recorded in Record of Settlement Valued 1 folio 110 & 111 |
(John Mayho, b. 1790, died about March 1871, was a free mulatto, who was married in 1823 to Elizabeth Toney, daughter of John Toney & Martha Carpenter. Their only surviving children when he died were Ann and Panthia, both of whom were married several times. John Cousins was Ann's son from her 1st marriage to Berry Cousins. Panthia was married 1st to Neville Legin, then next to Franklin Cousins; they moved to Ohio in 1851) | ||||
©2021 by Deloris Williams for the NCGenWeb Project Inc and/or individual contributors. No portion of this or any document appearing on this site is to be used for anything other than personal research. Any republication or reposting is expressly forbidden without the written consent of the owner. Last updated 12/22/2021 |