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Halifax County Wills, Pt 9 |
Will of Willis Alston-1837 |
WILLIS ALSTONs Will made this 21st day of January
1835 To my beloved wife I give and bequeath as follows(viz) Such part or portion of whatever land or lands I may possess at the time of my death laving to her to select at any time she may think proper I hold as she thins proper during her life I also give her in fee simple the following Negro Slaves: OLD BECK; KEZIAH and youngest child; PEGGY; LUCY; MILLY (called Big MILLY); PHILIS; PENNY; TOM; GEORGIA; DAVID (JOHNSTON); DAVID (the Cooper); Little ALBERT; GEORGE; RHEMUS;& CAPIOUS; Carriage & four horses, three mules, stock of cattle, work steers and Hogs & such furniture & working tools as she may want. And also the use and management of my Children and their estate during their minority to use and manage as to her seems best. To my son CHARLES JULIAN PEYDRUS I give I give my tract of land and plantation on Butterwood containing about fifteen hundred acres subject to the clause in my wifes legacy; als the following Negroes DINAH; FANNY; (Little) MARY; DICEY; AMY; TEMPY; KIBLY; LIZZA; (Little) MARTHA ANN; EDMOND; JEFF; JACOB (Little); WASHINGTON; ARTHER; ADAM; ROMULOUS; AUSTIN (Little); DAVY (son of KIBLEY); SYNTHIA; and CHARITY and such of my stock of horses, mules and cattle; and hogs as ;his mother may think proper to give him. To my daughter ARILLA; I give all my lands on Great Creek & whatever lands I may possess adjoining the same. All my stock, tools &c on the plantation; also the lands I bought of LITTLEBURY WILLCOX called the Forks & stock of all kinds, tools &c on said plantation also the following Negroes: FANNY; BECKY, Little SALLY; EMILY; MARY JANE; NANCY; JACOB; KINCHEN; AARON; BOB; JOHN GEE; SHADRAC; EZECKIAL; (Boy) CARY; JULIAN. To my son LEONIDAS, I give all my lands in Northampton County also, the tract I bought whereon, JOHN POWERS, now resides, with one half of the stock of horses and all other stocks, tools &c on the plantation also the following Negroes: AGGY; MILLY (ugly); BRITTANIA; JANE, ELIZA (ANN); HARRIET; LIZZA; Little CHARLOTTE; ELVIRA; JIM; TOM; JESSE; WILLIAM; STERLING; MAJOR, son of MILLY and Big ALBERT. To my daughter MISSOURIANNA MEXICANA FLORADA, I give all my lands on the head of Bear Swamp all my stock & tools and the plantation, also the following Negroes: DILSEY, SALLY, SUSAN, AMERICUS, ANNETTE, OLIVE, DAVID (HUDSON), ISAAC, SOLOMON, JOHN, PHIL, NELSON, TAFF; WARD & SYLVIA, daughter of SALLY. To my son EDGAR, I give all my land called Gretna Green and my land near the river Roanoke in Halifax County with one half of my stock of horses at the plantation in Northampton County and all the stock on said land & plantation in Halifax, tools &c also the following Negroes, CHARLOTTE, SYLVIA, LELELY, SCILLA, MARIA & her child, AUSTIN, NED, Little ZECHAL, Little DAVID, LOCKY, CORNELIUS, WILLIAM EDWARD, Little JIM, and Little TOM, and all future increase of my Negroes I give with their Mothers and if any Negroes ae not given I also give them with their Mothers, and whatever money or goods due me I leave equally to all my Children and Mother. Halifax County May Court 1837 Then the foregoing paper writing purporting to be the last Will and Testament of WILLIS ALSTON dec'd was offered for probate and the same having been proved to have been found amongst the valuable papers of said WILLIS and by the oaths of three credible witnesses that the hand writing it was admitted to probate & ordr3ed to be recorded. Witness M. H. PETTWAY CC
Will of William
Bradford-1822 |
In the Name of God Amen, I WILLIAM BRADFORD of
Halifax County and State of No. Carolina being weak in body but of perfect
mind and memory do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament as
follows vizt: First I give my soul an body into the hands of God and Saviour
in hope of eternal life through the merits of Jesus Christ. Second- after my
just debts are paid and satisfied I desire my worldly goods and property to
be disposed of in the following manner, viz Third I give and bequeath to my half brother RICHARD A. BRADFORD as much money as may be equal to one third of my Negroes at their valuation, allowing reasonable time for disposing of my property and collecting the money to him and his heirs forever. Fourth I give and bequeath unto my half Sister NANCY and her husband HENRY B. BRADFORD all the residue of my estate real ad personal to them their heirs and assigns forever. Lastly I do hereby nominate my brother in law HENRY B. BRADFORD whole and sole executor of this my last will and testament. Witness my hand and seal this 1st day of August 1822. WM. BRADFORD Witness HENRY BRADFORD ELI B. WHITAKER Halifax County November Court 1824 Then this Will was exhibited in open Court and duly proved by oaths of HENRY BRADFORD and ELI B. WHITAKER subscribing witnesses thereto and on motion ordered to be recorded. Whereupon the Executor therein named came forward and was duly qualified according to Law. Witness R. EPPES Clk |
Will of William Burt-1824 |
In the Name of God Amen, I WILLIAM BURT Senr. of the
County of Halifax & State of North Carolina, being weak in Body but of Sound
& perfect mind and memory do this twenty Sixth day of Jany 1824 make ordain
& publish this my last will & testament in manner & form folowing, that is
to Say, Item 1st. It is my will & desire that all my just & lawfull debts should be paid. The plantation whereon I now live and also the tract of land adjoining the land of WILLIAM C. BURT & others, together with all my stock, farming utensils & household & kitchen furniture should be sold, & the procees thereof to be appropriated to the payment of my debts. Item 2nd. I lend to my Daughters REBEKA BURT, ELIZABETH BURT, MARTHA BURT, MARGARET BURT, & SOPHIA W. CARSTARPHEN my grand daughter, the following Negroes & their increase (to wit) PATTY, PLYMOUTH, ALFRED, DANIEL, REDDICK, MAHALEY, LEON & BURRELL the Eldest during their natural life, and at the death of my before named Daughters & Grand Daughter then it is my will & desire the said Negroes & their increase should be equally divided among the Children of my before named Daughters & Grand Daughter. Item 3rd. I give & bequeath unto my beloved Daughter NANCY KEMBRILL, Negroes NELSON, & JOHN to her & her heirs forever. Item 4th. I give unto my beloved son WILLIAM C. BURT, Negroes JINNY & her Child BURRELL, WILLIS, DAIVY, & NELLY. Item 5th. I give to my friend REBEKA NEVELL, Negroes FANNY & LETTUCE. Item 6th. I give & bequeath unto my beloved Daughters SALLY NEVELL the following Negroes (to wit) MARY, HENRY, JULIA & REUBEN. Item 7th. I give ORREN D. CARSTARPHEN the sum of five shillings North Carolina currency to be paid by my Executor. Item 8th. It is further my will & desire that the balance of money for property sold, after paying my debts, if any should be equally divided between my Daughters & Grand Daughter (to wit) REBEKA BURT, ELIZABETH BURT, MARTHA BURT, MARGARET BURT, NANCY KIMBELL, SALLY NEVELL & SOPHIA W. CARSTARPHEN. Lastly, I make constitute, ordain & appoint my son WILLIAM C. BURT, OSMUND J. NEVELL my son in Law & my friend HENRY GARRETT, Executors to this my last will & testament, revoking & disannulling all wills before by me made rattifying & confirming to be my last will & testament, In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day & date above written. WM BURT SENR. Signed Seale &c in presents of MILES SMITH JESSE NEVILL Halifax County February Court 1824 Then this Will was exhibited in open court & apprised by Oath of MILES SMITH and JESSE NEVILL subscribinng witnesses thereto and on motion ordered to be recorded - whereupon WILLIAM C. BURTH, OSMUND NEVILL, and HENRY GARRETT Executors named therein came forth and was duly qualified thereto. Witness R. EPPES Clk |
Will of Ann Hawkins- 1824 |
In the Name of God Amen, I ANN HAWKINS of the County
of Halifax and State of North Carolina being of sound mind and disposing
manner do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament in manner and form
following to wit - First I give and bequeath to WILLIAM, ANNA, and ELIZABETH SMITH children of my nephew JOHN SMITH all the tract of land whereon I now live lying on the north side of Marsh Swamp adjoining the Lands of JAMES BISHOP and RICE B. PIERCE containing one hundred acres more or less. first reserving to the said JOHN SMITH and PENELOPE his wife and my niece ANN SMITH on equal interest of and to the said tract of land above mentioned during their and each of their natural natural lives then to the said WILLIAM, ANNA and ELIZABETH SMITH share and share alike to them and heirs forever. Second I give and bequeath to my nephew BENJAMIN HAWKINS my tract of land lying in the County of Halifax on the south west sie of little fishing creek bounded by Hawtree Creek adjoining the lands of JOHN ALSTON and BENJAMIN KIMBELL. Also one bed and furniture to him and his heirs forever. Third I give and bequeath to PATSEY BASS one cow and calf and one bed and furniture to her and her heirs forever. Lastly I do hereby nominate and appoint RICE B. PIERCE my whole and sole executor to this my Last Will and testament revoking and disannulling all other wills heretofore by me made. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my name and affixed my seal this 30th of October 1824. ANN HAWKINS ("X" her mark) "The words also and one bed and furniture and tree interlined before signed." Signed, Sealed published and delivered in presence of RICE B. PIERCE ALLEN COCKEN Halifax County November Court 1824 The this Will was exhibited in open court and duly proved by oaths of RICE B. PIERCE and ALLEN COCKEN subscribing witnesses thereto and on motion ordered to be recorded. Witness R. EPPES Clk |
Will of John Lee-1839 |
In the name of God amen I JOHN LEE SENR. of the
County of Halifax & State of North Carolina being in usual health and of
sound and disposing mind & memory thanks be to Almighty God for the same and
calling to mind the mortality of my body which admonishes me that I must die
do make and ordain this & no other to be my last Will & Testament. That is
to say first I recommend my soul into the hands of Almighty God that gave it
and my body to the dust from whence it came to be burried in a Christian
like manner at the sole discretion of my Executor who I shall hereafter
appoint. And as to what worldly estate it hath pleased the Almighty to endow
me with I dispose of in the following manner and form, that is to say Item I desire my funeral charges & just debts to be paid out of the money due me. If it should lack anything of settling the balance is to be paid out of my stock and household furniture All the money left and household and kitchen furniture after paying my funeral charges and just debts I loan to my wife PENELOPE LEE during her natural life. I also give her all the household furniture she had when we were married that is in our possession. I also give her one Negro woman CANDA. The land, household & kitchen furniture, loaned to my wife PENELOPE at her death I dispose of in the following manner to wit, I give my son JOHN LEE three fourths thereof & the other fourth I give to my son HARDY LEE's three oldest daughters MARY, SALLY & DOLLY to be equally divided between them. The plantation tools I consider in the loan to my wife and gift to my son JOHN and granddaughters MARY, SALLY & DOLLY. I give to my grandson JOHN W. LEE (the son of my son JOHN) the tract of land I purchased of FRANCIS BROWN. If I die before he arrives to the age of twenty one years my desire is that my son JOHN LEE shall rent out the land and the proceeds arising therefrom to go to the benefit of my said grandson JNO. W. LEE until he arrives to the age of twenty one years at which time I desire him to go into the possession thereof. And I do hereby constitute, make & appoint my son JOHN LEE my sole Executor to this my last Will and testament giving him full power and authority to sell the taxed and other property loaned my wife at her death & account to my grand daughters MARY, SALLY & DOLLY for their fourth part thereof. And I do hereby disannull and revoke all other wills and testaments and I do hereby pronounce this and no other to be my last Will and Testament, in Witness whereof I have hereunto affixed my hand and seal this 2nd day of Augt A.D. eighteen hundred & thirty nine. JOHN LEE SENR ("X" his mark) Signed sealed & delivered in presence of J. J. BRINKLEY WILL BRINKLEY |
Will of Phebe Merritt-1833 |
In the Name of God Amen; I PHEBE MERRITT of Halifax County, North Carolina being of sound and perfect mind and memory blessed be God, do this the 9th day of July A.D. 1833, make and publish this my last Will and Testament in manner following that is to say I give and bequeath to my five grand children namely BENJAMIN A. CARTER, MARY E. CARTER, MARTHA R. CARTER, HENRIETTA CARTER and ALPHEUS CARTER, all my household and kitchen furniture of every description all my stock of cattle & hogs, equally among my five grand children before mentioned. And hereby make ordain my son in law WELDON CARTER Executor of this my last will and testament in witness whereof I PHEBE MERRITT to this my last will & testament set my hand and seal the day and year above written. PHEBE MERRITT Signed sealed in the presence of us W. JOHNSTON RANDAL POWELL Halifax County May Court 1837 Then the foregoing paperwriting purporting to be the last Will and Testament of PHEBE MERRITT was exhibited in open court for probate and duly proved by RANDAL POWELL the subscribing witness thereto and ordered to be recorded whereupon WELDON CARTER the Executor was duly qualified. Witness M. H. PETTWAY CC |
Will of Patrick H.
Neville-1856 |
Halifax County Court, February Term A.D. 1856 In the Name of God Amen I PATRICK HENRY NEVILLE of the County of Halifax and State of North Carolina being of sound and disposing mind and memory but weak & feeble in body and health and knowing the uncertainty of life and the certainty of death, do make and ordain this my last Will and testament in manner and form as follows to wit, In the first place, I lend unto my beloved Wife LYDIA G. NEVILLE during her life the following Negroes MARIAH, HALEY & Child NANNIE, NEWTON, PETER and POMPY & their increase, also the house tract of land whereon I now live. My carriage, buggy & buggy horse, waggon & gear & the two mules that work there to, four head of cattle, say cows & calves, her own choice one yoke of oxen & cant ten head of sheep, her own choice four beds and all the household and kitchen furniture, also all my stock of hogs. 2nd. I wish and desire that my beloved wife should pay all my just debts, and to that end I leave all the money and bonds that I may die possessed of to her and the balance after the payment of my debts as aforesaid she can dispose of as she wishes in educating and raising my three younger daughters, MARGARET VIRGINIA, LOUISA REBECCA, and MARY GOODIN NEVILLE. 3d. I give and devise to my daughter MARTHA ANN BOBBITT all the household furniture, stock as which she is now possessed of I also lend to my daughter MARTHA ANN BOBBITT, the Holt Tract of land with the exception of fifty acres of land of the said Holt Tract which I give to my son-in-law THOMAS J. BOBBITT, also to my said daughter MARTHA ANN BOBBITT I lend one Negro girl named LAURA and her increase and at the death of my said daughter MARTHA ANN I will and divise the land and Negro girl LAURA together with her increase herein loaned to the children of my said daughter to them and their heirs forever. 4th. My will and desire is that each of my daughters LOUISA REBECCA, MARGARETT VIRGINIA, & MARY G. NEVILLE should receive at the death of my wife one Negro each of equal value of the Negro herein before lent to my wife which I give to them and their heirs forever. 5th. My will and desire is that at the death of my wife the tract of land which I lend her should be equally divided between my two sons A. W. NEVILLE and RICHARD HENRY NEVILLE & It is further my will and desire that at the death of my Wife each one of my children except MARTHA ANN BOBBITT shall receive from my estate a share equal to Eleven hundred and fifty dollars including the bequest which I have herein before made to them to wit, SARAH JANE ARRINGTON wife of JOHN ARRINGTON, ASBORN W. NEVILLE, RICH'D H. NEVILLE, LOUISA REBECCA NEVILLE, MARGARET VIRGINIA NEVILLE & MARY G. NEVILLE and it is also my will and desire that at my death all my property not herein specifically disposed of should be sold or valued and equally divided between all my children except my daughter MARTHA ANN BOBBITT who I intend shall not come in for any farther share of my estate until each of my other children shall have received in value a share equal to Eleven hundred and fifty dollars which I estimate the loan and divises to her to be worth at this time. In witness whereof I the said PATRICK H. NEVILLE have hereunto subscribed my name and seal this the 28th day of August A.D. 1854. P. H. NEVILLE Signed, sealed & delivered in the presence of each of us, by the testator & by the witnesses in the presence of the testator who declares the same to be his last will and testament & signed by us in his presence & at his request & in the presence of each other. W. H. ARRINGTON W. W. DANIEL JR. Halifax County Court, Feb. Term 1856 Then the foregoing paper writing purporting to be the last will & testament of PATRICK H. NEVILLE is offered for probate and the same being duly sworn by the subscribing witnesses, it is ordered to be admitted and recorded as the will of the supposed testator. And thereupon administration on the estate of the said PATRICK H. NEVILLE & NEVILLE with his Wil annexed is granted to W. W. DANIEL who enters into bond of $40,000 with JAMES D. PICKENS, J. J. DANIEL & A. W. NEVILLE as his securities and is duly qualified. Witness- W. W. DANIEL Clk |
Estate of Jesse
Richardson- 1872 |
GIDEON RICHARDSON & OTHERS To The Court Order Appointing Commissioners Upon the hearing of this petition in this cause, it is ordered that JOHN C. ALSTON, T. M. C. ALSTON & NAT. WILLIAMS be appointed Commissioners to divide the lands described in the petition into two equal shares, and allot to each of the petitioners GIDEON RICHARDSON one share thereof & to the other petitioners, the heirs of ASA RICHARDSON, deceased, one share thereof, subject to the dower right of the widow of said ASA; and if practicable, to divide the property to the heirs of ASA RICHARDSON, deceased, among them according to their respective interest therein. And if an equal division cannot be otherwise effected, then they are to charge the more valuable dividends with such sums as they shall judge necessary to be paid to the dividend of inferior value, in order to make the division equal. Said Commissioners before they act as such, are to be duly sworn by some Justice of the Peace, or other person authorized to administer oaths, to do justice among the tenants in common, in respect to such partition, according to their best skill & ability, an they are to respect their proceedings under the hands of any two of them, to this Court without delay. And a copy of this order shall be delivered to the Sheriff, to the end that he may summon the said Commissions to appear on the premises for the purposes above mentioned. Given under my hand & seal of office this the 16th day of May 1872, at my office in the town of Halifax. JOHN T. GREGORY Clerk Superior Court Halifax County N.C. Approved S. W. WATTS, JP ======================== State of North Carolina Halifax County Superior Court May 1872 To the Clerk of the Superior Court: The petition of GIDEON RICHARDSON, NANCY ANN RICHARDSON, ELIZABETH RICHARDSON, SUSAN RICHARDSON BURTON RICHARDSON, FALKLAND RICHARDSON, ALICE RICHARDSON, & HOLDEN RICHARDSON, all of the County & State aforesaid, the five last named of whom are infants under twenty one years without guardian & seeing by their next friend EDWARD A. THORNE, respectfully showeth to the Court, that they are tenants in common of a tract of land, situate in said County of Halifax, adjoining the lands of NAT. WILLIAMS, BILLY WOOD & others, & containing five hundred acres more or less, it being the same tract upon which JESSE RICHARDSON lived at the time of his death. Your Petitioners further showeth that said tract of land descended to them in manner as follows: the said JESSE RICHARDSON died in the month of December 1869, seised & possessed thereof & intestate, leaving your Petitioners GIDEON RICHARDSON & one ASA RICHARDSON his only children & heirs at law. In the month of November 1871, & before partition of said premises, the said ASA RICHARDSON died intestate, leaving the petitioners NANCY ANN RICHARDSON, ELIZABETH RICHARDSON, SUSAN RICHARDSON, BURTON RICHARDSON, FALKLAND RICHARDSON, ALICE RICHARDSON & HOLDEN RICHARDSON his only heirs at law, all of whom are children of the said ASA except the said HOLDEN RICHARDSON, who is the only child & heir of one REBECCA JANE RICHARDSON, now deceased, a daughter of the said ASA. Your Petitioners further show that the Petitioners GIDEON RICHARDSON is entitled to one half of said tract of land, and that the other Petitioners the heirs of the said ASA RICHARDSON are entitled each to one-seventh part of the other property thereof subject to the dower right of the widow of said ASA. Your Petitioners further show that they desire to hold their shares of said land in severalty, and to that end pray your Honorable Court, to appoint there distributee Commissioners to divide the same into two equal shares by proper metes & bounds, and to allot to the Petitioners GIDEON RICHARDSON one share thereof, and to the Petitioners the heirs of ASA RICHARDSON, deceased, the shares thereof subject to said dower right; and if practicable, to divide the property to the heirs of ASA RICHARDSON, deceased, among them according to their respective interest therein. And if an equal division cannot otherwise be made, then to charge the near valuable dividend with such sums as they shall judge necessary, to be paid to the dividends of inferior value in order to make the division equal and to report their proceedings under the hands of any two of them to this Court without delay. And for such other & further relief as the motion of the case may require. CLARK & MULLEN Attorneys for Petitioners ==================== GIDEON RICHARDSON & Others To the Court Pet. for Partition of land A certified copy of this handed to JAS. M. MULLEN Plaintiff's atto, 18th May 1872. Fees to be taxed in bill of cost. ====================== Halifax County - Superior Court GIDEON RICHARDSON, NANCY ANN RICHARDSON, ELIZABETH RICHARDSON, SUSAN RICHARDSON, BURTON RICHARDSON, FALKLAND RICHARDSON, ALICE RICHARDSON & HOLDEN RICHARDSON, the last five named of whom are infants without guardian & appear by their next friend EDWARD A. THORNE. To The Court The Commissioners who were appointed to divide the lands specified in the petition in this cause, among th parties therein named, heirs at law (& representatives of said heirs) of JESSE RICHARDSON, deceased, having filed their report, and the division made by them appearing to be just and equal, it is ordered and decreed that their said report be confirmed, and that it be enrolled in the office of this Court, and registered in the Register's Office of this County, and judgment is rendered accordingly. And it is further ordered that the costs of this suit to be taxed by the Clerk be paid by the parties in proportion to the value of their respectiive interests in the lands divided. JOHN T. GREGORY Clerk Superior Court Halifax County No. Carolina Approved S.W. WATTS JP ====================== GIDEON RICHARDSON & OTHERS To The Court Pursuant to the order is being from the Session Court for Halifax County in cause of GIDEON RICHARDSON & Others To the Court & to us directed We the undersigned Commissioners thereby appointed to divide the lands of the late JESSE RICHARDSON equally between GIDEON RICHARDSON and the heirs of ASA RICHARDSON, deceased, did proceed, after being duly sworn, and having the lands surveyed and found to contain 500 acres to divide the same into equal parts and allot as follows- Lot No. 1 Beginning at MRS. PEARSON's corner, two pines & post oak (glazed) and run S 58° E 146 poles to a stone corner near a spring S 31 W 5 poles to a corner maple S 58E 4 poles & 20 links to small pine N 31 E 5 poles to a stone corner. S 58 E 29½ P. to white oak & Spanish oak pointes then N 15 E 132 to poplar & string wood pointers on the bank of Falling Creek thence up the meanders of sd Creek to 3 glazed sweet gums at the old ford then N 73° W 71½ poles to two glzed pine pointers then S 2½° W 195½ poles to white oak on the big path S 76° E 41 poles to first station and containing 250 acres. We have allotted to the heirs of ASA RICHARDSON and Lot No. 2 We have allotted to GIDEON RICHARDSON. Bounded as follows viz Beginning at NAT WILLIAMS corner white oak & runing S 6° W 40 P. to WOOD's corner thence his line West 90 poles & N 83½ W 18 P then West 20 P. 9 links to WOOD's corner then N 2½ W 37 Poles to small white oak then N 88½ W 7 P 5 links to Post Oak stump black jack pointer then N 1½ E 11 P to a dead oak then N 88½ W 111 poles small glazed white oak then N 2° E 77 P. 10 links to sweet gum then Wes 22 P. to the Warren County line supposed then along the sd County line N 17½ E 84½ P to two pines & post oak MRS. PEARSON's corner and corner of ASA RICHARDSON's heirs thence along the dividing line S 58 E 146 P to a stone corner then S31 W 5 P to a maple corner then S 58° E 29½ poles to a white oak & Spanish oak pointers thence N 15° E 132 P to poplar & string wood pointers on the bank of Falling Creek to NAT WILLIAMS line then along his line S 9° E 14 Poles to 1st station containing 250 acres. Your Commissioners beg leave to report further that they find it impracticable to divide Lot No 1 between the heirs of ASA RICHARDSON all of which is respectfully submitted. Commissioners JNO. C. ALSTON N. A. WILLIAMS T.M. C. ALSTON |
Estate of Nicholas
Richardson-1876 |
To the Judge of Probate of said County: The Petition of FRANCES RICHARDSON, PHOEBE RICHARDSON, GID RICHARDSON, JONES RICHARDSON, JAMES RICHARDSON, POLLY RICHARDSON, wife of JACK RICHARDSON, PATTIE RICHARDSON wife of JESSE RICHARDSON, NANCY RICHARDSON and DOLLY LYNCH wife of ALBERT LYNCH heirs at law of NICK RICHARDSON all of the full age of twenty one years respectfully showeth, that they are tenants in common of a tract of land, situate in said County, adjoining the lands of WILLIAM MABRY, JONES LEE, WESLEY SHEARRIN and A. H. DAVIS & others, containing by estimation one hundred and thirty acres more or less. Your Petitioners further show, that they desire to hold their shares of said land in severalty and to that end pray, that you will appoint five Commissioners to divide the same into Nine equal shares by proper metes and bounds, and to allot to each of your petitioners one share thereof: and if and equal division cannot otherwise be made, then to charge the more valuable dividends with such sums as they shall judge necessary, to be paid to the dividends of inferior value, in order to make the division equal, and to report their proceedings under their hands and seals, as soon as practicable, into your Court. And your Petitioners shall ever pray, &c. J. M. GRIZZARD Attorney for Petitioners =============== JONES RICHARDSON one of the parties to this petition makes oath that the facts set forth in the foregoing petition are true of his own knowledge except such facts as are given on information and belief and those facts he believes to be true. JONES RICHARDSON ("X" his mark) Sworn to and subscribed before me this 31st day of Octo 1876 JOHN T. GREGORY CSC & Probate Judge ============== This case coming on to be heard on the Petition and it being heard, on motion it is ordered by the Court that WILLIAM PULLIN, JOHN C ALSTON, LEWIS PIKE, GARDNER RUD and GID RICHARDSON be appointed commissioners to divide the lands described in the Petition into Nine equal shares and to allot to each of the Petitioners, FRANCES RICHARDSON, PHOEBE RICHARDSON, JONES RICHARDSON, JAMES RICHARDSON, GID RICHARDSON, POLLY RICHARDSON, wife of JACK RICHARDSON, PATTIE RICHARDSON wife of JESSE RICHARDSON, NANCY RICHARDSON and DOLLY LYNCH wife of ALBERT LYNCH one equal share thereof and if an equitable division cannot be otherwise effected then and in that case they are to charge the more valuable dividend or dividends with such sum or sums as they shall judge necessary to be paid to the dividend or dividends of inferior value in order to make the division equal. A majority of said commissioners are to have power to act. Said commissioners before they proceed to the execution of this order are to be duly sworn by the Sheriff or some Justice of the Peace of Halifax County and they are to report their proceedings under their hands and seals to the next term of this Court. Given under my hand & seal at office in Halifax Town this 31st day of October 1876. JOHN T GREGORY CSC & Probate Judge (Note: NICHOLAS RICHARDSON died just before 1860; he was the son of John Richardson & Sarah or Phathy Bass, and grandson of Benjamin Richardson & his Unknown 1st wife)
Will of Joseph John
Williams Jr.-1808 |
In the Name of God Amen! I JO'S JN'O WILLIAMS JUN'R
being on sound mind, perfect health and memory thank God for the same but
considering the uncertainty of life and that it is appointed for all men
once to die do therefore make and declare this instrument my last will and
testament In the first place I beg leave to recommend my soul to God who
gave it me and my body to the earth to be buried as my executor shall think
proper and direct as to my property it is my will that it be divided and
disposed in the following manner My just debts I wish paid out of such property as is deemed perishable that is such as my Executor, think will be of least service or advantage to my estate. I wish my stud horse sold and the ballance that may remain after paying my debts of of him and the other property that may be sold if more is sold than will answer that purpose, I wish it to be equally divided betwixt my wife and Children. I give unto my dearly beloved wife BETTY NORFLEET HUNTER WILLIAMS every Negroe and their increase that came to me by her as her property to do with them as she thinks proper also all the household and kitchen furniture that came to me by her, also my carriage horses, also the choice of my mares and fillies also four cows and calves, her choice. It is my wish that my wife live on the land whereon I now live and she has the liberty of doing so and clearing any part of it that is during her widowhood. Should my wife wish to move to her Father it is my wish and my Ex'r are requested to move her to him that is they are to be at expense which will be paid out of my money that can best spared from the estate. Should my wife wish to live here, she has the liberty of doing so and living and keeping her property in common with the Children during her widowhood until the second Child arrives to lawful age or marry; in case my wife wishes and prefers to live in common with the Children as stated above it is my wish that she be gentlely supported the ballance of my property including lands Negroes and every kind of property not given to my wife I wish to be equally divided among my Children. I wish the property kept in common undivided and no division be made until the first child comes of age or marrys then I wish a division so as for the child who has married or arrived at lawful age to get his or her portion and the property left undivided between the others till another marrys or comes of age then a then a division of the property so as for the second child to get his or her part and the child who has not arrived to lawful age to have its Negroes be kept on his or her land and plantation. I want the plantation kept up and the Negroes not hired out and wish them treated well as much liberty as circumstances will admit should after either of my children die before they arrive to lawful age or without leaving lawful issue it is my will that their property be equally divided among the Children living. If it shall appear to my Executors that any part of my property save land and Negroes can be sold to advantage they are liberty and requested to do so. It is my will that my children be well educated as my Daughter as my sons and that strict attention be paid to the morals of my children Should my sons prefer any particular profession I wish them indulged and if the property arrising from my estate is not sufficient my Ex'r will sell such part of my perishable property as will enable them but if one has against deal more this way than another it must come out of his part of the Estate. I know how common it is for young to wish to be free about the age of eighteen but I trust my Executors and the Guardian of my children will keep them at something and no case suffer them to be idle till they are free when I can have no control over them. They must do as they please when a division of my property is necessary. I wish my Ex'r to make it but if they cannot agree that they appoint five indifferent men to make it which division shall be good As my Hon'd Father, has not made me a right to my lands I hope and trust he will make it to my children. I hereby nominate and appoint my brother WILLIAM WILLIAMS, my trusty and faithful friend JAMES HARRIS Executors to this my last will and testament and it is my will that they be guardians to my children Written with my own hand and sealed with my seal this twenty second day of August in the year of Our Lord one thousand Eight Hundred and seven. JO'S JN'O WILLIAMS In addition to the above I wish my wife to have an equal share in the crop that is on hand at my death and she is hereby entitled to the same I mean an equal share with the children. Witness my hand and seal this 22nd day of Jan'y 1808. JO'S JN'O WILLIAMS Halifax County Sst November Session 1808 Then this will was exhibited in open court and thereupon JAMES HARRIS made oath that he found the same in the desk of the deceased amongst his valuable papers and thereof JOSEPH GEE, MARK HARWELL and ISHAM MATTHEWS came in and made oath that they were well acquainted with the hand writing of JOS. JNO. WILLIAMS JUNR. deceased and that they verily believe the said will was written in every part and parcel thereof and subscribed by the said JOS. JNO WILLIAMS JUNR. with his own proper hand and on motion ordered to be recorded whereupon WILLIAM WILLIAMS one of the executors therein named came in and was qualifyed thereto. Witness L. LONG CCt (This was Joseph John Williams, (b. Aug 1775/ d. Sept. 18, 1808) son of Col. Joseph John Williams (ca 1727-1818) and Rosanna Conner) |
Will of Joseph John
Williams-1818 |
In the name of God Amen, I JOSEPH JOHN WILLIAMS of
the County of Halifax and State of North Carolina, being of sound and
perfect mind and memory but knowing it is appointed for all men to die do
make constitute and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and
form following. First. I recommend my soul to God who gave it and my body to the Earth to be buryed in a decent manner at the discretion of my Executor and as for the worldly Estate the Lord hath blessed one with I give and disposing in the following manner viz- I give & bequeath to my beloved daughter MARTHA THORNE all the Negroes and other property I have possessed her with, also the Tract of land whereon she now lives bounded as follows, beginning at a white oak on Butterwood Swamp, running south fifty five degrees west, three hundred and twenty poles to a white oak at or near the Whastleberry pond Colo. JOSEPH JOHN ALSTON's corner, thence north thirty five degrees west three hundred and twenty poles to a red oak his other corner and course continued Eighty poles to three black Jacks, thenc north thirty degrees East one hundred poles to two hickories thence to the head of the second branch above the mill, and as the brance forks it is the lower prong of the said branch at a maple and ash in the head thereof and thence down the said branch as it meanders to the Butterwood Swamp, thence down said Swamp to the begining containing eight hundred and fifty acres, or less to her and her Heirs forever. Item- I give and devise to such of the Children of my deceased daughter ELIZABETH ALSTON as may be living at my death, all the Negroes that I have heretofore possessed her with, and all the property that I have before given her, to them their Heirs and assigns forever. Item- I give and bequeath unto the Children of my beloved son JOSEPH JOHN WILLIAMS, to wit, JOSEPH JOHN WILLIAMS, HENRY & ELIZABETH WILLIAMS to be equally divided among them, all the lands I had possessed him with, lying on both sides of Little Fishing Creek and bounded as follows, begining at the mouth of a branch on the west side of the Creek about two or three hundred yards below where the old mill stood on the said Creek thence up the said branch as it meanders about six hundred yards to a maple in said branch, thence a westwardly course about one hundred and fifty yards by a line of marked trees to a black Jack near the path that leads from my House to his, thence south twenty nine degrees west by a line of marked trees to Meltons Creek thence up the meandering said Creek to the mouth of a branch near the County line, thence up the said branch at it meanders to the head, and course continued to Brinkleys Road thence down the Road to my line and running so as to include all my lands lying between aforesaid branch, Brinkleys Road, Meltons and Fishing Creeks and all those of my Lands below the Piney brancy in the east side of Fishing Creek. I also give unto the said Children all the Negroes and other property I formerly possessed their Father with, also all that part of my land lying in Warren County that lies between Shocco Creek and the Reedy Branch adjoining the lands of HENRY G.WILLIAMS and BENJAMIN PERRY to them and their Heirs forever, with this reserve that if either of the said Children should die before they come of lawfull age or marries, then that his or her part shall belong to the survivor, and if both of them should die before they arrive to lawfull age or be married, then my will is that the whole of the property hereby divised to them shall revert to all my surviving children, and the children of such of them as may be dead. Item- I give and bequeath to my beloved daughter ROSANNAH FAULCON all the lands which I possessed her with in Halifax County on the Beaverdam or Mill Swamp and on both sides of the Reedy branch containing one thousand acres more or less, with all the Negroes and other property heretofore given her also one Negro Man named JEFFERY, one Negro Woman named CHANEY an her daughter ESTHER and their increase, with two hundred dollars, to be raised out of my debts to her and her heirs forever. Item- I give and bequeath unto my beloved daughter WINNIFRED HARRIS one tract of land bounded as follows, beginning at three black Jacks DOCTOR THORNE's corner, thence his line north, thirty five degrees west, two hundred and fifty poles to three black jacks to his (THORNES) corner thence northwardly course to a dividing fence between my son WILLIAM and her, thence along said line to a hedge row and continuing the course to a prong of the Lick Branch thence down the said Branch to an old line called MOSELEYs, where it crosses the said branch, thence along that line north fifty five degrees east to a hickory formerly called PERSONs corner, thence along a line called PERSONs and passing SHERROD BOBBITS to MOSELEYs proper line thence along MOSELEYs line, north fifty degrees east to his corner, thence his other line south, thirty five degrees east, three hundred and twenty poles to a gum standing at the mouth of a branch where it enters into the Butterwood Swamp, thence down the meander of said Swamp to DOCTOR THORNES corner on the said swamp at the mouth of a branch, thence up the said branch DOCTOR THORNS line, and as the branch forks (the lower prong is the line) to the head thereof where there is a maple and ash marked, thence along THORNES line southwardly to two hickories his corner, thence his other line south thirty one degrees west one hundred poles to the begining for eight or nine hundred acres. I also give unto my said daughter WINNIFRED HARRIS four hundred dollars to be raised out of my debts with all the Negroes, stock &c she is now possessed of to her and her heirs forever. Item- I give and bequeath unto CATHERINE HEATH two hundred and fifty dollars to be rased out of my debts with one feather bed and furniture. Item- I give and bequeath unto my daughter MARTHA THORNE and the Children of my daughter ELIZABETH ALSTON all my lands titles &c which I have in the State of Georgia and all the monies due me in that State to be equally divided between them and their heirs, with one hundred dollars to the said MARTHA and one hundred dollars to the said Children to be raised out of my debts in this State. Item- I give and bequeath unto my beloved son WILLIAM five feather beds bedsteads and their furniture complete and desire that he may take choice of all belonging to me, but should any beds be given him by me before my decease, then and in that case they are to be considered as part of the above five and accounted by as such the residue of my beds and bed furnitures I desire may be equally divided between my three daughters MARTHA THORNE, ROSANNAH FAULCON and WINNIFRED HARRIS. Item- I give and devise to my beloved son WILLIAM WILLIAMS the Plantation whereon I now live with all the appurtenances thereto belonging with all the lands adjoining the above named place, with all the lands that I have in Halifax and Warren Counties not before given away, with all my lands on Shocco Creek not before given away lying between Shocco Creek, the Maple Swamp and the Reedy Branch, with all the Negroes stock &c which I formerly possessed him of and all in my possession not already given away, together with all and every articles of my Estate whether real or personal not before given away, I give unto my son WILLIAM WILLIAMS his heirs and assigns forever. Item- And whereas life is uncertain and should any of my Children die before me, my will and desire is that the Children lawfully begotten of their bodies should have an interest in the Estate given their Parents as before mentioned. It is further my desire that old SAM may live with which of my Children he pleases and when and where he pleases, to stay, they are requested to treat him well as long as he lives. It is further my desire and I most ardently recommend it to my Children individually to treat their Negroes with as much senity [sic] as their circumstances will possibly admitt of. Lastly- I nominate, constitute and appoint my beloved son WILLIAM WILLIAMS Executor to this my Last Will and Testament revoking & disannulling all others by me heretofore made. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this fifteen day of February one Thousand Eight hundred and Sixteen. JOS JNO WILLIAMS Sealed, signed & Acknowledged in presence of us GID ALSTON R. READ HENRY HARRISS Halifax County May Session 1818 Then this Will was exhibited in open court & duly proven by the oaths of GIDEON ALSTON & RHESA READ two of the subscribing witnesses thereto who says that the Testator was at the time of signing the same of sound mind & disposing memory & on motion ordered to be recorded. Whereupon WILLIAM WILLIAMS the Executor in said Will named came in and was duly per affixed(?) thereto. Witness RICHARD EPPES CC (son of Samuel Williams, d.1753 Edgecombe Co., and Elizabeth Alston) |
©2016 by Deloris Williams for the NCGenWeb Project Inc and/or individual contributors. No portion of this or any document appearing on this site is to be used for anything other than personal research. Any republication or reposting is expressly forbidden without the written consent of the owner. Last updated 01/15/2020 |