Fayetteville Observer, (Fayetteville, N.C.) Monday March 12, 1855; Issue 1971; col. B.
The New County of Harnett. We learn that its first Court will be held on Mon. next, and that
there is likely to be quite a scramble for the offices of Sheriff, Clerk, Etc., then to be
elected by the Magistrates.
There is a good deal of excitement in regard to the division of the county, and particularly among the
many citizens, who are, against their will, thrown in the new county, though nearer to Fayetteville than
they can be to the county seat of Harnett. It is said that when members from this part of the county agreed
to the compromise line, it was with the understanding that it would run much further from Fayetteville than
it will in reality. The bill therefore finally passed without opposition. But in removing one grievance, which
all admitted and were willing to remedy, another quite as great, all things considered, has been inflicted.
For instance, we understand that citizens living on and near the Fayetteville and Western Plank Road, from
12 to 20 miles from town, with easy access to this place, and generally with other business besides that connected
with the courts, will now be required to go from 25 to 28 miles over wretched roads and across water courses, to
a new court house, where it is not likely that they will have business by such as related to the courts. It is to
be hoped that the next Legislature will make a new and more equitable line of division
Messrs. Joel Williams, D.G. McRae, Duncan Shaw, Jas. McKethan, David McNeill, Henry Elliot, and Archibald McCallum,
were appointed commissioners to run line between Cumberland and Harnett.
For readers with deep interest in Harnett's History this page is a 'must read'
Our County was formed in 1855 from Cumberland County. It was named for the
Revolutionary War Patriot, Cornelius Harnett, delegate to the Continental Congress. The first settlers came
in the mid 1720's, followed by the Highland Scots. After the defeat by the British of Bonny Prince
Charles at Culloden, the Scots came up the Cape Fear River in ever increasing numbers and settled in western
Harnett County. Many in this area today have Scottish ancestry.
Lillington, the county seat, on the Cape Fear River is named in honor of Alexander Lillington, another
Revolutionary patriot
Averasboro Battleground in souteast Harnett County is the site of a Confederate attack on Sherman's Army
(March 15, 1865) and is marked by a grove of large oak and beech trees. To read more about Averasboro
Battleground, click on the link below.
Today, Lillington, Dunn, Coats, Angier, and Erwin are the leading trading and commercial areas.
Also see: New County - Harnett October 6, 2019
If you have genealogical data to share about Harnett
County People please contact Myrtle Bridges.
I will be happy to post it. Thanks!
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1919 Harnett County Death Certificate
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Confederate Military Record J. H. Stewart
Averasboro Civil War Battlefield
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Index to Harnett County Bible Records
Index to Harnett County Land Transactions
A Harnett County Communication - 1856
List of Patrollers
Index to Old Harnett County Photos
Index to Harnett County Cemeteries
Barbecue Presbyterian Church Sessional Records
Index to Harnett County Family Genealogies
Harnett County Estate Records
Harnett County Marriages
Harnett County Marriage Bonds
Harnett County Publications
Disappearing Barns of Harnett County
Ghosts of Harnett County
1880 Census Harnett County
Index to Harnett County Census Records (Partial)
Harnett County Library
An Early Map of Harnett County
An Early Map of Harnett County# 2
Maps showing formation of Harnett County

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Last updated: 11/22/2020

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