Thanks to Shirley Akins Brown
for sharing this partial Harnett County census of 1870. If you have Harnett County Census records,
please consider sharing them with us. Contact
Myrtle Bridges. November 15th, 2001
Coffield, Zack, age 55, male, white, farmer
Nancy, age 46, female, white, keeping house
Ann C., age 9, female, white
Aikins, Sarah J., age 21, female, white
James A., age 16, male, white, works on farm
Truelove, J. A., age 24, males, white, farmer
N. A., age 20, female, white, housekeeping
N. F., , age 10 momonths, male, white
Truelove, A.R., age 27, male, white, farmer
B.A., age 18, female, white, housekeeping
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