and other Eastern NORTH CAROLINA ANDERSON Families - 1700s
(DRAFT chart with notes prepared November 2002 by Paul Anderson.)
Contributed by Paul Anderson P O BOX 2073 Rocky Face, GA 30740
January 17, 2002
This report resulted from a study of the Anderson families of Eastern North Carolina. An outline of
these early Anderson families and some of their migrations gives a potential point of departure to
connect with other generations.
The lack of educational opportunities on the early North Carolina frontier resulted in a lack of
written family records. This in turn resulted in a small number of birth, marriage and death records.
This report relies on a small number of Court records, some recorded wills and a larger number of
land records. Conclusions and conjecture are made based on the available information. Any corrections,
additions and/or suggestions are welcomed.
The typical life cycle on the frontier during the 1700s was simple. You worked and learned farming
until adulthood. Then you married and while raising a large family you obtain land, produce food and
other products. If you lived until about age 50, you retired.
All learned to farm on the job and at times some also learned an additional trade through an apprenticeship.
You raised a large family so that you would have hands to work the land and care for the family.
A few obtained land through inheritance. If the father died intestate, all land descended to the eldest
son under the law of Primogeniture. Younger males obtained land grants and migrated with others to new frontiers.
You retired by selling your established plantation and moving to town or come to agreement with one of your
children for support in old age in exchange for a deed to the plantation.
Also typical during this period was the use of the "naming pattern system." As children were born, they were
named for a predetermined person. Using this consideration has helped identify families and relationships
between families. This will be demonstrated.
1. Margaret Hoffman's North Carolina land grant publications.
2. Anderson research completed by the late Hugh B. Johnston,
Genealogist of Wilson County, NC.
3. Research completed under contract by Jo Anna B. McDaniel,
Genealogist of Oxford, NC.
4. Copies of actual grant, deed and will records from the North
Carolina Archives and the various County Register of Deeds.
5. Publications from the various City, County and Regional Historical
and Genealogical Societies.
ROANOKE RIVER ANDERSONS - 1700 / index / profile
Birth Age Estimates:
Generation 1.. birth 1655/75
Generation 2.. birth 1675/95
Generation 3.. birth 1695/15
Generation 4.. birth 1715/35
Generation 5.. birth 1735/55
Generation 6.. birth 1755/75
Names or relationships in (parenthesizes) notes that based on the "naming pattern system" there should
have been a person by that name or relation.
Chart - page - line
1..James Anderson, Chowan, Bertie, Beaufort, 4 182
2..John Anderson, Bertie, 4 238
+Ann McDaniel,
3..James Anderson,
3..(Daniel Anderson) np.
3..John Anderson, Bertie, Cumberland, 6 348
4..John Anderson, Jr.,
4..(son unknown)np
4..Isaac Anderson,
3..George Anderson, Bertie, Granville, 7 409
3..Peter Anderson, Bertie, Edgecombe, Nash, 7 421
4..John Anderson, Nash, Craven,
+Mary Ann Anderson,
5..Peter Anderson,
5..James Anderson,
5..Ann Anderson,
+John Allen,
4..Mary Anderson,
3..(daughter unknown) np
4..Anny Anderson,
4..Hardy Anderson, Nash, Barnwell, SC
4..(Peter Anderson) np
4..Henry Anderson,
+John Hayes,
4..William Anderson, Nash, Barnwell, SC
4..Nathan Anderson,
4..James Anderson,
4..Howell Anderson, Nash, Barnwell, SC
4..(possibly a George)ct record
3..Isaac Anderson, Bertie, Halifax, Edgecombe, 9 540-
+Judith _____,
3..William Anderson(SR.), Bertie, Granville, 10 579
+Elizabeth _____,
4..John Anderson, Granville, Cumberland,11 648
+#1, __Cooper, (father Thomas)
+#2, Charity Watson,
5..(Thomas) np)
5..(John Anderson) np.
5..George Anderson,
5..Francis Anderson,
5..James Anderson, 12 692
4..(Daniel) np.
4..William Anderson(JR.), Granv., Edge. 12 706
+#1, Martha ____,
5..William Anderson #1,
+Ann McDonald,
5..Henry Anderson,
+#1, Sarah ___ Cox
+#2, Love ____,
+#3, Charity ___,
5..George Anderson,
5..James Anderson,
5..(daughter unknown). np
5..Absala Anderson,
5..Martha Anderson,
+#2, Morning Price,
5..William Anderson, #2,
5..(daughter unknown) np..
5..Rachel Anderson,
5..Carlos (Carlus) Anderson,
5..Morning Anderson,
5..Penelope Anderson,
5..Mary (Polly) Anderson,
4..George Anderson,
+Mary _____,
5.. Eave Anderson
3..Isom Anderson, Bertie, Halifax,
3..Christopher, Bertie, Halifax
3..Alexander, Bertie, Granville
2..Robert, b.1680/95, Bertie, Tyrrell, 15 903
3..James Anderson,
3..(unknown son) np
3..Robert Anderson, Jr.,Beaufort, Tyrrell?
3..John Anderson,
3..William Anderson,
2..James Anderson, Bertie?, Perquimans, 17 084
3..James Anderson,
3..(unknown son) np
3..John Anderson,
3..Elizabeth Anderson,
2..Carolus Anderson, Bertie, Northampton, 17 1029
+Mary _____,
3..(James) np
3..(unknown son) np
3..(Elizabeth Anderson)
3..Mary Anderson,
3..Rachael Anderson,
3..Saeah Anderson,
2..(daughter) np.
2..(daughter) np.
2..Elizabeth, _____, Bertie,
3..William Anderson
Other Eastern North Carolina Anderson families. 19 1102
One way to review this report would possibly be to read the synopsis for each noted family and then review
the notes in support of that synopsis.
1..James Anderson, b.1655/75, m._____, d.abt.1723,
+Elizabeth, b.____, d._____
Notes for James and Elizabeth Anderson:
12 Jul. 1716 Chowan Co. deed, B1-345, Capps to James Anderson, 640 acres in Occoneechee Neck, land formally
patented to William Brasswell. Plantation North of Roanoke River, about 6 to 7 miles East of Halifax, NC.
12 Dec. 1720 Chowan deed, C1-176, James Anderson and wife Elizabeth to Joseph Sims, 100 acres, part of
land formally patented to William Brasswell.
03 Mar. 1722 Bertie deed, A-19, James Anderson of Bath to Capt. John Gray, for &#pound 12, 400 acres North
side Roanoke River in Occoneechee Neck, part of 640 acres sold to James Anderson by Capps.
05 Nov. 1732 Bertie Precinct, Will of Elizabeth Anderson, Probated Aug. 1733, names three children, sons
James and Carolus and daughter Elizabeth. Bequeathed only personal property.
It is important to consider that James Anderson had resources when he moved to North Carolina. He purchased
640 acres from Mathew Capps in 1716 for an estimated &#pound 15 to &#pound 18 cash. He sold 100 acres to Joseph Sims in
1720 and two years later sold 440 acres to Capt. John Gray for &#pound 12 and had apparently retired to Bath in
Beaufort County. It is also important to consider that he probably did not move to North Carolina with
only the three children named in his wife's 1732 will, James, Carolus and Elizabeth. The 640 acres equals
one square mile of land, which would probably have been too much for only three males and two females to
manage. Potentially, there were other children.
Under the "naming pattern system", there should have been a son named after James Anderson's father and
a second son named after Elizabeth's father. The third son, James, was probably named after the father
James and was named in Elizabeth Anderson's will. The fourth son would have been named after James Anderson's
oldest brother. Carolus, the other son named in Elizabeth's will, could have been the first, second, fourth
or the fifth son, etc.. Deed and will dates tend to indicate that he was younger than James.
Under the "naming pattern system", the first daughter would have been named after Elizabeth's mother and a
second daughter named after James's mother. The daughter, Elizabeth, was probably the third daughter named
after her mother, Elizabeth. The high mortality rate of the times could have limited some children reaching
Looking at early 1700 Court and deed information, we find at least two potential additional sons for James
and Elizabeth Anderson. As you will see below, a John and a Robert Anderson could have been sons in addition
to James and Carolus. No information on the potential additional daughters; numbers one, two, four, etc.
has been found.
Widow Elizabeth's 1732 will was written, signed and witnessed while she was living in the Meherrin River
area where son Carolus also lived. Elizabeth includes granddaughters Sarah, daughter of Carolus, and
Elizabeth, daughter of James, in her will. Sarah is named Executrix of Elizabeth's estate. Elizabeth
has no real property to bequeath.
Notes and a synopsis will be found below for John, Robert, James and Carolus Anderson as generation (2..).
2..John Anderson, b.1675/95, m._____, dbf.1733,
+Ann McDaniel, b.1675/95, m._____, dbf.1788,
Notes for John and Ann(McDaniel) Anderson:
00 xxxx 1726 Bertie Co. deed, B-144, Brown to Strictland, 100 acres on South side of Roanoke River at
Brown's Spring Gutt, May Court, John Anderson witness.
16 Apr 1733 Bertie Precinct, Will of Daniel Mack Daniel, John Anderson first witness
signed as Jurat or Jurist. Ann McDaniel named in will. Mack Daniel
plantation was located about 10 miles E SE of Halifax, NC on the Urahaw
Swamp and North of the Roanoke River.
06 Oct 1733 Bertie Precinct, wife Ann _______ named Executrix in George Martin's will.
Will registered 9 Mar. 1734.
17 Jun. 1734 Bertie Precinct, deed D-206, Edward Anderson and William Bryant, Esq., to Bodie, settling
John Anderson's estate. Deed registered in August Court 1735. John Anderson's 440 acre plantation was located
about 9-10 miles E SE of Halifax, NC. on Bridgers creek and North of the Roanoke River. The land was originally
deeded to John Anderson by John Blackman, as noted in deed D-206, no date, no document.
19 May 1735 Bladen Co. warrant numbers, 3-275, 3-300, 9-2 and 9-42, grant of 640 acres to Ann Martin on,
"NE side of the NW River, beginning at a red oak...,"
21 Nov. 1735 Edgecombe Co. deed 4-123, James Thompson to Ann(Annah) Anderson, 50 acres
South side Conoconnara ( originally Conoconary ) Swamp South of the Roanoke
River. Land located about 9 miles ESE of Halifax, NC.
09 Jul. 1747 Chowan Co., deed G-60, Joseph Anderson and wife Ann, "Sole executors of George Martin,
Esq. Dec'd., to John Hall and wife Ann." (daughter of
George Martin)
18 Jul. 1752 Chowan Co. deed 2-58, Anna Anderson, widow of Joseph Anderson and Joseph
Blount to Joseph Coruthers and his wife Mary Anderson, daughter of Joseph
21 Aug. 1754 Halifax Co. deed 3-89, Isaac Anderson to Patrick, 50 acres South side
Conoconnara Swamp. Deed notes that Ann Anderson was mother of Isaac
and that the property was sold to Ann by James Thompson.
27 May 1762 Chowan Co. grant, to Ann Anderson, widow, 313 acres SE side Matchacomack
Creek, near N. Prong.
25 Oct. 1774 Ann Anderson one of signers of the Edenton Tea Party proclamation.
00 xxxx 1782 Ann Anderson's will registered in Chowan County Court.
00 xxxx 1784 Chowan Census, Ann Anderson, two white females, 7 blacks ages 12-50, 4
blacks under 12 and or over 50.
00 Dec. 1788 Ann Anderson's will proved in Court by Joseph Blount. Proceeds from sale,
rents, hires for use of all the children of Mrs. Ann Kerr, granddaughter,
wife of Mr. Samuel Kerr, formally of Virginia, merchant.
18 May 1789 State of NC grant deed, 10-488, Samuel Johnston, Governor, to John Anderson, 640 acres
on the "NE side of the NW River, beginning at a red oak..."
The 1720-21 tax records do not show a John Anderson household in Bertie County, North Carolina. However,
in May Court, 1726, a John Anderson is a witness on deed B-144. In 1733 a John Anderson is first witness
on Daniel Mack Daniel's will. In 1734 a 440 acre plantation belonging to John Anderson, deceased, is sold
by estate executors. The Plantation was located below James Anderson's old plantation and Daniel Mack Daniel's
old Plantation. This John Anderson was very possibly one of the sons of James and Elizabeth Anderson.
The sequence of events noted for John and Ann (McDaniel) Anderson seems to support the following conclusions.
Ann Mack Daniel was married three times. She was first married to John Anderson and had a number of children
by him: James Anderson named after John Anderson's father, there should have been a Daniel Anderson named
after Ann's father, then John Anderson named after father John and then George, Peter, Isaac, William, Isom,
Christopher and Alexander Anderson named apparently after brothers in both families. John Anderson probably
died shortly after 16 Apr. 1733 and Ann married George Martin. George Martin died before 9 Mar. 1734 and
Ann married Joseph Anderson before 21 Nov. 1735.
In May 1734, as Ann Martin, she obtained a 640 acre land grant in Cumberland County apparently for her older
sons, James and John. On 21 Nov. 1735, as Ann Anderson, she purchased 50 acres from Thompson apparently for
her younger sons; possibly Isaac, William, Isom, Christopher and Alexander.
Notes and a synopsis will be found on each of these sons below as generation (3..).
3..James Anderson, b.1695/15, m._____, d.______,
Notes for James Anderson:
09 Aug. 1727 Bertie Co. deed,B-274, Cotton to Little, 450 acres on Occoneechee Swamp joining James Anderson.
22 Aug. 1764 Cumberland County NC Court fined Stephen Phillips, Danil. Clark, Archd. Clark, James Anderson
and Wm. Sproul for non-attendance as jurymen.
30 Oct. 1765 Cumberland County grant deed, 18-221, government to James Anderson, 200 acres on South side
of North West River on both sides of Cedar Creek, joining the said river below the mouth of the creek.
00 xxxx 1772 Cumberland County Court NC Grand Jury, James Anderson named among others.
00 Jan. 1773 Cumberland County Court NC John Sheppard granted administration of the estate of James Anderson.
Bond &#pound 300; securities; Ducan McNeill and George Cox.
Bertie Co. records do not indicate a long term presence of a younger James Anderson in that area. He was
probably living on the 50 acres left over from grandfather James Anderson's estate on the Occoneechee Swamp.
Presumably James and at least one of his brothers migrated to Bladen Co., later Cumberland Co., to "seat"
Ann Martin's 640 acre grant. Ann was their twice widowed mother probably caring for several younger children.
There are no Bladen Co. records on a James Anderson. Three fires destroyed Bladen Co. Court and land records
in 1765 or 68, early 1800s and in 1892 or 93. They are unsure of which years the fires took place. There are
Cumberland Co. Court and land records on one or more James Andersons starting in 1764. In 1765 a James Anderson
receives a grant on Cedar Creek on the South side of the NW Cape Fear River. James died before January 1773.
Toward the last of the 1700, a James Anderson signs his deeds as James "Bull Neck" Anderson. This could have
been a way to identify his family with the Bertie Co. Andersons living around the Bull Neck Swamp.
3..(Daniel Anderson), np.
Synopsis for (Daniel Anderson):
There are no notes for a Daniel Anderson at this time. The name in parentheses indicates that there should
have been such a person based on the "naming pattern system" used during the period.
3..John Anderson, b.1695-15, m._____, d._____,
+Elizabeth, b., m., d.,
Notes for John Anderson:
00 xxxx01737 Bertie Co. deed, E-179, Foreman to Norfleet, North side of Roanoke River, was witness.
He was also a witness in Bertie Co. deed E-383 in 1738.
00 xxxx 1755 Cumberland Co. tax list.
15 Apr. 1782 Cumberland Co. Ct., sale of John Anderson's Estate, two of three plantations were rented
out by Elizabeth Anderson.
Bertie Co. records do not indicate the long term presence of another John Anderson in the that area after
the death of Ann Anderson's husband around 1733. John and Ann Anderson's son, now John Anderson, Sr. and
son John Anderson, Jr. were in Cumberland Co. probably well before the above noted 1755 tax list was completed.
Apparently they migrated from Bertie Co. to "seat" Ann Martin's, John Anderson's mother, land grant of 640
acres on Hector Creek on the North side of the Northwest branch of the Cape Fear River in Cumberland Co..
A deed to the plantation, 10-488, was not registered until 1789 and then registered by evidently John Anderson, Jr.
John Anderson, Sr. was not found on tax records again until 1780, John paid taxes on 1160 acres of land. One
plantation was 640 acres of "piney" (woods) land, apparently Ann Martin's grant, and the other was 520 acres
of creek land. John, Sr. died before 15 Apr. 1782 intestate. At his death, he had three plantations noted in
the Court inventory records. There is no information on the third plantation and there is no record of his
being granted or of his purchasing the 520 acre tract. This suggest that the Bladen Co. records burned or
that the land came through his wife as a dower.
4..John Anderson, Jr., b.1715/35,
Notes for John Anderson, Jr.:
00 xxxx 1755 Cumberland County Tax list.
18 May 1789 State of NC grant deed, 10-488, Samuel Johnston, Governor, to John Anderson, 640 acres
on the "NE side of the NW River beginning at a red oak..." on both sides of Hector Creek.
John probably died after receiving the grant deed on the 640 acres on Hector Creek in 1789. A Wiley Anderson
sold off most of the land around 1801; book 18, pages 295, 480 and 482. Wiley was possibly a grandson.
In the 1790 Cumberland County census there was only one household with two males over 16 years of age, a
George Anderson. Wiley was on the 1800 Census in the 16 to 26 age croup.
4..(son unknown)
4..Isaac Anderson, b.____, m._____, d._____,
Notes for Isaac Anderson:
00 Jul. 1758 Cumberland Co. Ct. records, Isaac Anderson on Grand Jury.
00 Jul. 1759 Cumberland Co. Ct. records, Isaac Anderson on Grand Jury.
00 Feb. 1761 Cumberland Co. Ct. records, Isaac Anderson on Grand Jury.
00 May 1762 Cumberland Co. Ct. records, Isaac Anderson Appointed Constable from McNeills Creek to
Cranes Creek. Isaac Anderson to make list of Taxables.
Isaac Anderson's presence in Cumberland County between 1758 and 1762 is
well documented. His governmental responsibilities suggest an
established resident of the County. There is no record of his receiving
a grant or purchasing land which could mean he lived with a family who
did have land. This could have been the John Anderson household. John
had a brother named Isaac, which could have been the source of this
Isaac Anderson's name.
3..George Anderson, b.1695/15, m._____, d._____,
Notes for George Anderson:
00 xxxx 1763 Granville Co., deed, 14-39, for property joining George Anderson, both sides of Reedy Creek,
William Anderson and Haynes Certified Chain Carrier.
There seems to be a relationship between this George Anderson and
William Anderson. They are both in the same place at the same time.
There was a black George Anderson in Granville Co. during this same
period which makes it difficult to determine which record belongs to
which George Anderson. It is indicated that this George Anderson owns
property. See William Anderson, (Sr.) below at generation..3.
3..Peter Anderson, b.1695/15, m._____, d._____,
+Ann________, b._____, m._____, d_____,
Notes for Peter Anderson:
07 Sep. 1757 Edgecombe Co. deed, 6-345, Smith to Sturdivant, witness Peter Anderson.
23 Sep. 1758 Edgecombe Co. deed, 6-341, Adams to Peter Anderson, 100 acres on Dry Pond Swamp joining Adams,
witnessed by Weldon and Bigins Sturdivant.
17 Oct. 1763 Halifax Co. deed, 8-370, Sackville (x) and Susannah Adams of Halifax to Peter Anderson,
100 acres on Dry Pond Branch, witnessed by Charles Burks and Jeremiah Smith.
24 Feb. 1765 Edgecombe Co. deed, C-362, Arthur and Elizabeth (x) Bell to Peter Anderson of Halifax County,
107 acres, witnessed by Sam (x) Laseter and Jonas Williams.
17 Oct. 1774 Edgecombe Co. deed, 2-175, William (B) and Jane (x) Burroughs to Peter Anderson, 100 acres
North of Gideon Gibson's Branch that runs into the Swift Creek, witnessed by Edward (A) Adams and Thomas Hall.
15 Nov. 1777 Nash Co. formed from Edgecombe.
10 Nov. 1784 Nash Co. deed, 3-388, Peter Anderson to John Harrison 207 acres North of Gideon's Branch,
witnessed by Arthur Davis, John (x) Wiggins and William Avant.
20 Feb. 1787 Nash Co. deed, F-22, Lemuel (x) Laseter to Peter Anderson of Nash, 243 acres South of Fishing
Creek joining Tobias Laseter and Pollock, witnessed by Tobias Laseter, Sion Laseter and John Harrison.
12 Oct. 1799 Nash Co. deed, , William Arrington to Peter Anderson, 160 acres joining Lemuel Lassiter,
Anderson's line, Jonas's Branch, Joseph Hays and the Patent line and also 50 acres North of Beaver Dam Swamp,
witnesses by William Lewis and Jesse Green.
30 Jun. 1801 Will of Peter Anderson list his wife and children in the following order: (1) wife Ann,
(2) son John (3) daughter Mary Ann, (4) daughter Anney(sic), (5) son Hardy, (6) son Henry, (7) daughter
Susannah Hayes, (8) son William, (9) son Nathan, (10) son James, (11) son Howell, (12) Executors, Joseph
Arrington and John Arrington, witnessed by Harrison, Green and Bradley.
The Peter Anderson family was located on and in the Gideon Branch area. This was first in Chowan County
then Bertie, Edgecombe and finally in the NW corner of Nash County. In 1801 Peter makes his will and the
will demonstrates how the family used the "naming pattern system."
First son, John (2), named after Peter's father, John.
Second son, Hardy (5), probably named after Peter's wife's father.
Third son was probably (Peter) named for Peter but apparently he died.
Fourth son, Henry (6), probably named after Peter's wife's oldest brother. No records indicates that Peter
had a brother named Henry.
Fifth son, William (8), probably named after Peters brother.
Sixth son, Nathan (9), probably named after wife's brothers.
Seventh son, James (10), probably named after Peter's brother.
Eighth son, Howell (11), probably named after wife's brother.
You will note that Peter's brothers, William and James, are characteristically Anderson given names. The
Hardy, Nathan and Howell are not characteristically Anderson given names. Under the "naming pattern system,
" James should have been named before William. There was also potentially a son named George. We do not know
how George fit in nor can we explain this possible deviation in the naming system. As noted under William
Anderson, ..3rd. generation below, a will may not reflect the exact birth progression of the children. It
is also observed that Peter gives less attention, in his will, to his sons William, Nathan, James and Howell.
First daughter, Mary, (3) was probably named after the wife's mother.
Second daughter, Anney(sic) (4), was named after Peter's mother.
Third daughter would have been named after Peter's wife but they already had an Ann. Therefore, Susanna
(7) was probably Peter's wife's oldest sister.
4..John Anderson, b.1715/35, M._____, d_____,
+Mary Ann Anderson, b._____, m._____, d._____,
Notes for John and Mary Ann Anderson:
27 Sep. 1754 Craven Co. grant, 15-73, to John Anderson, 556 acres North side Neuse River and South
side of Swift Creek, about 1 mile East SE of Vanceboro, NC..
16 Sep. 1756 Craven Co. deed, 9-392, John Anderson and wife Mary Ann to Peter Anderson, 133 acres
on the North side of the Neuse river and South side of Swift creek part of the 556 acre grant to John Anderson
in 1754.
16 Sep. 1756 Craven Co. deed, 9-399, John Anderson and wife Mary Ann to James Anderson, 133 acres on the
North side of the Neuse River and South side of Swift Creek part of the 556 acre grant to John Anderson In 1754.
00 xxxx 1757 Craven Co. deed, 9-394, John Anderson and wife Mary Ann to Joseph James, 133 acres on the
North side of the Neuse River and South side of Swift Creek part of the 556 acre grant to John Anderson in 1754.
06 May 1782 Craven Co. deed, 24-280, John Anderson, Sr. to John Allen, 157 acres on the North side of
the Neuse River and South side of the Swift Creek, remainder of the 556 grant to John Anderson in 1754.
As land along the Roanoke River was populated, younger generations started migrating to new frontiers.
During the mid 1700s, the government started granting land in new counties including Craven and Cumberland
and large numbers of Bertie County families migrated Southeast and South. This John received a grant of 556
acres in Craven County, now the Vanceboro area, North of the Neuse River and South of Swift Creek, just North
of New Bern. Review of Craven and Cumberland tax lists show numerous Bertie County surnames.
John and Mary Ann Anderson's first son Peter was probably named after John's father, Peter. The second son,
probably James, was probably named after Mary Ann's father. The daughter Ann was probably the second daughter
named after John's mother, Ann.
5..Peter Anderson, b.1735/55, m._____, d._____,
5..James Anderson, b._____, m._____, d._____,
5..Ann Anderson, b._____, m._____, d._____,
+John Allen, b._____, m._____, d._____,
+Joseph James,
4..Mary Anderson, b._____, m._____, d._____,
3..(unknown daughter) np
4..Anney Anderson, b._____, m._____, d._____,
4..Hardy Anderson, b., m., d., to Barnwell, SC
4..(Peter Anderson) np
4..Henry Anderson, b._____, m._____, d._____,
4..Susanna, b._____, m._____, d._____,
+John Hayes, b._____, m._____, d._____,
4..William Anderson, b., m., d., to Barnwell, SC
4..Nathan Anderson, b._____, m._____, d._____,
4..James Anderson, b._____, m._____, d._____,
4..Howell Anderson, b., m., d.. to Barnwell, SC
4..(possibly a George)
3..Isaac Anderson, b.1695/15, m._____, m._____, d._____,
+Judith _______, b._____, m._____, d._____,
Notes for Isaac and Judith Anderson:
13 Jul. 1752 Edgecombe deed, 4-317, Benboe to Benboe, witness Isaac Anderson.
31 Nov. 1753 Edgecombe deed, 3-217, Spell to Isaac Anderson, 100 acres Keehukee, (originally Kehukey)
Swamp, part of a 200 acre gift to Ann Benboe. NE Scotland Neck, NC.
21 Aug. 1754 Edgecombe deed, 3-89, Isaac Anderson to Paul Patrick, 50 acres on South side of Conoconnara
Swamp, purchased from Thompson 21 Nov. 1735 by Anna Anderson, mother of Isaac Anderson
Halifax County formed from Northern Edgecombe County 12 Dec. 1754 .
20 Jan. 1755 Edgecombe deed, 3-185, Sessuns to Isaac Anderson, 100 acres on Kehukee Swamp.(Adjacent to 1753
01 Feb. 1758 Halifax Co. deed, 7-40, Price to Forman, 640 acres on South side of
Roanoke River, witnesses, Thomas Kitering and Isaac Anderson.
16 Mar. 1762 Halifax Co. deed, 8-42, Foreman to Foreman, 282 acres at Mill Swamp and Chapel Swamp, witnesses,
William Budd and Isaac Anderson.
17 Mar. 1762 Halifax Co. deed 8-42, Foreman to Foreman, 400 acres South side Mill Swamp, witnesses, William
Budd and Isaac Anderson.
18 Mar. 1762 Halifax Co. deed, 8-66,Foreman to Hobgood, 150 acres at Crossun's Swamp and Bear Branch,
Isaac Anderson witness.
03 Sep. 1763 Edgecombe deed, C-184, Farrior to Isaac Anderson, 250 acres on the North side of the Great
Contentnea Creek, South of Stantonsburg, NC
01 Jan. 1765 Halifax Co. deed, 9-152, Isaac Anderson and wife Judith of Edgecombe Co. to Thomas Kitchin
of Halifax Co., 200 acres on South side Keehukee (originally Kehukey) Swamp and Ann Martin's corner and
Benjamin Forman's line. Keehukee Swamp was apparently larger in the 1700. Possibly the Looking Glass Swamp
was later named for the NE part of Keehukee Swamp.
18 Jan. 1768 Edgecombe deed, D-125, Isaac Anderson to Hendrie, 275 acres on the Great Contentnea Creek.
00 Sep. 1774 Edgecombe deed, 2-176, to Dr. Edmondson, Isaac Anderson noted as being adjacent.
00 Sep. 1777 Edgecombe Deed, 3-299, Isaac Anderson noted as being adjacent.
The sequence of events for Isaac and Judith suggest a typical farm life routine. They developed their land,
sold it and moved on to new land. It would seem that Isaac and possibly Judith retired somewhere close to
Stantonsburg, Wilson County, NC.
3..William Anderson(SR.), b. 1695/15, m.____, d.1779,
+ _____, b._____, m._____, d._____,
Notes for William Anderson(Sr.):
04 Apr. 1755 Granville Co. deed C-51, Bobbitt to Jones, 100 acres South side Buffalo Creek, witnesses
William Anderson and John Steel.
00 xxxx 1757 Granville Co. tax list, William Anderson.
00 xxxx 1758 Granville Co. tax list, William Anderson, by John Martin
00 xxxx 1759 Granville Co. tax list, William Anderson.
00 xxxx 1760 Granville Co. tax list, William Anderson and Son John Anderson. by Macon.
also William Anderson, Thomas Person list.
00 xxxx 1761 Granville Co. tax list, William Anderson and son John, taken by Alston.
28 Jul. 1761 Granville Patent Bk. 2-321, 470 acre grant to Gawin Black, Certified Chain Carriers, John Nott
and William Anderson. Thomas Person, Surveyor. Granville County.
06 Feb. 1762 Granville Patent Bk. 2-370, 600 acre grant to John Gunn on branch of Buffalo and Mill Creeks.
Certified Chain Carriers John Bert and William Anderson. Thomas Person, Surveyor.
10 Dec. 1762 Granville Co. deed F-256, Smith to Thomas Person, Esq., 200 acres at
Anderson's Creek on the Tar River. Witnesses William Anderson and John Bert.
00 xxxx 1762 Granville Co. tax list, William Anderson and son William Anderson. Bear Swamp District, which
became part of Bute County in 1764.
01 Apr. 1763 Granville Patent Bk. 14-39, 400 acre grant to Thomas Person, North side of Tar River and both
sides Reedy Branch, joining George Anderson and Bert's corner. Certified Chain Carriers, William Anderson and
Samuel Haynes. Thomas Person, Surveyor.
15 Apr. 1769 Cumberland Co. deed 3-428, 100 acres on North side of the Cape Far River, on Parker's Creek,
Absolun Taylor (Tyler) to William Anderson of Granville County, witnesses Moses x Oliver and John Anderson.
00 xxxx 1777 Cumberland Co. tax list, &#pound 199.6.6
00 Apr. 1779 Cumberland Co. Ct., John Anderson prayed administration on William ` Anderson's estate,
gave bond.
00 Apr. 1779 Cumberland Co. Court Record, Book B, John Anderson granted
administration of the estate of William Anderson. Bond &#pound 500.
00 Oct. 1779 Cumberland Co. Ct., inventory of William Anderson returned by John Anderson.
No Chowan, Bertie, Edgecombe or Granville Co. deed or grant record has been found for this William Anderson
in this area of currently Franklin Co.. Yet his presence is well documented in the Bear Swamp District of
Granville Co. between 1755 and 1763. In Granville deed 14-39 there is a George Anderson mentioned as joining
the property in question. George Anderson is probably the son of William and possibly provides housing for
Since there was only one William Anderson in that Granville Co. area during that time frame, it seems that
the William Anderson, "of Granville Co.," in the 1769 Cumberland Co. deed 3-428 on Parker's Creek is the
same William Anderson. Parker's Creek flows in to the Cape Fear River just a little above Cedar Creek
where James Anderson received his grant in 1765. Both of these creeks and tracts of land are just up river
from John Anderson's plantation on Hector Creek, which also flows into the Cape Fear. It is possible that
John, James and William are brothers and sons of Ann Anderson. It is suggested that Ann Anderson could have
used her potential political influence to obtain grants for her children in the same area as her 640 acre
grant was located. She was last married to Judge Joseph Anderson who was also the lawyer in the colony for
King George 2nd of England.
Below you will find notes on another John Anderson who also received a 160 acre grant on the Cape Fear River
in 1756, which was located between James and William's land on the Cape Fear. This John Anderson is probably
one of William's sons. John signs as first witness on the 1769 deed from Taylor to William Anderson and is
appointed Executor of William's estate in 1779.
William Anderson died before Apr. 1779. His extended family is noted below.
4..John Anderson, b.1715/35 ,m._#2___, d.1782
+#1, __Cooper, (father Thomas)
+#2, Charity Watson, m. 2 May 1761 in Granville
Co., bond by father John.
Notes for John Anderson:
00 xxxx 1754 Granville County tax list, Thomas Cooper and "son" John Anderson.
15 Mar. 1756 Bladen Co. grant, 164, to John Anderson, 160 acres on the Northeast side of the Northwest
Branch of the Cape Fear River, surveyed on 25 July 1755, by McNeill.
00 xxxx 1758 Granville Co. tax list, Daniel Oshelds and Jon Anderson.
00 xxxx.1760 Granville Co. tax list, William Anderson and Son John Anderson. by Macon.
00 xxxx 1761 Granville Co. tax list, William Anderson and son John, taken by Alston.
00 xxxx 1777 Cumberland Co. taxes, John Anderson, &#pound 740.12.6; son William Anderson, &#pound 100;
son George Anderson, &#pound 100 and son Frances, &#pound 100.
00 xxxx 1778 Cumberland Co. Taxes, John Anderson, &#pound 1000.1.1; sons William, George and Frances &#pound 100 each.
00 Apr. 1779 Cumberland Co. Ct., John Anderson prayed administration on William ` Anderson's estate,
gave bond.
00 Oct. 1779 Cumberland Co. Ct., inventory of William Anderson returned by John Anderson.
00 xxxx 1779 Cumberland Co. Taxes, John Anderson, &#pound 3327.2.3; John Anderson for mother, &#pound 860.0.0; son
William Anderson, single man, &#pound 417; son George Anderson, single man, &#pound 400; son Francis, married man, &#pound 100.
00 xxxx 1780 Cumberland Co. Taxes, William Anderson, &#pound 400; George Anderson, &#pound 400; James Anderson, &#pound 400.
00 xxxx 1783 Cumberland Co. taxes, William Anderson &#pound 53; George Anderson, &#pound 66. James Anderson was probably
in the Army at this time.
This John Anderson is apparently the son of the above William Anderson. This John Anderson had his 160 acre
plantation grant on the Cape Fear River about one mile NW of the Hector Creek John Anderson. Sr. and John
Anderson, Jr. plantation noted above. This John Anderson and the above John Anderson, Jr. were probably
cousins and shared the same grandmother, Ann McDaniel Anderson Martin Anderson. Part of this John Anderson's
family migrated to Jefferson County, TN and then to KY, AR, MO and then TX and OK. Son William inherited
John's land by "Heirship", law of Primogeniture, as noted in Cumberland County deed 14-336 12 Mar. 1795.
George and James Anderson migrated to Tennessee and Francis migrated to Craven County, the apparent home of
his wife.
5..William, b._____,m.____, d.____
5..(son unknown) np.(Thomas for Thomas Cooper?)
5..(John Anderson) np.
5..George Anderson, b.____, m.____, d.____,
5..Francis Anderson, b.____, m.____, d.____,
5..James Anderson, b. 1759, m.____, d.____,
Notes for James Anderson:
On 06 Jul. 1833, the State of Tennessee, County of Jefferson, received a petition for pension from James
Anderson. He stated that he was born in North Carolina on the Tar River in Granville County. He thought
that his birth was in the year of 1760. (He was taxed in 1760 which indicates he was born in 1759.) At age
four, he moved with his father to the Cape Fear River, just below the big falls in upper Cumberland County.
18 Jul. 1833 Revolutionary War Pension Application, S2915, Jefferson Co., TN, age 73
James Anderson and family moved to Jefferson County, Tennessee in about 1812. They located on the French
Broad River. His family is well documented in another report.
4..(Daniel) np.
4..William Anderson(JR), b.1715,/35, m.____, d.1789,
+#1, Martha _______, b._____, m._____, d._____,
Notes for William Anderson,(JR)(1789):
01 Jul. 1779 Edgecombe Co. deed E-35, grant of 320 acres to William Anderson, Sr.. Plantation located
on lower side of Falling Run North of the Tar River, about 3 miles NE of Rocky Mount, NC.
00 Sep. 1779 Edgecombe Co. deed 3-509, 54 acres from Phillips to William Anderson, located on Falling Run,
close to Phillips Cross Road.
23 May 1783 Edgecombe Co. deed E-425, 144 Acres from William Anderson, Sr.(1789) to William Anderson,
Jr.(Wm. Anderson #1), part of above land.
18 Mar. 1784 Edgecombe Co. deed 4-82, 144 acres from William Anderson, Jr. to Phillips.
26 Jan. 1787 Edgecombe Co. deed 4-501, 230 acres from William Anderson, Sr. to Phillips.
26 Jan. 1787 Edgecombe Co. deed 4-492,136 acres from Horn to "William Anderson, Sr.."
29 Nov. 1789 Edgecombe Co. will by William Anderson.
This William Anderson family has been researched by a number of people.
An analysis of William's will is important. William was married twice and he had children by both wives.
This tended to complicate the writing of his will. It was also written toward the end of the period of
the law of Primogeniture where the Eldest son received all land. However, elder sons continued to feel
that they had equity rights in their father's land for some time. For most of these Anderson families,
making a will was a new experience. Available abstracts are misleading and confusing, one needs to read
the actual will.
William bequeathed five shillings to each child starting with daughter Absala and ending with Mary. He
then gives his current wife Morning use of most of his property South of the Tar River. Lastly, he gives
his son, Henry, reversional(sic) rights to all the property he loaned to his wife Morning. It is important
to note that he only mentions his wife Morning and son Henry at the end of the will.
Consideration of the "naming pattern system" is very important here. His first daughter was named Absala
possibly after his first wife Martha's mother. A second daughter had apparently died. In the will Martha
is listed as the second daughter but should be the third daughter because she is named after William's
first wife. This establishes the fact that William used the "naming pattern system."
William's first son should be William named after his father, William Anderson,(Sr.) above. The will
indicates that the first son was George, second son James and third son William. William then names a
second son William who is the first male child of his second wife, Morning. In his will he groups these
two William Andersons together to verify and clarify that there were two William Andersons. This is
misleading until you read deed E-425 where William gives for, love and affection, 144 acres to his eldest
son, William Anderson, Jr.. A William was actually the first son named after William Anderson, (Sr.). This
gift in effect eliminated William, Jr.'s equity rights in William, Sr.'s property. The second son would
potentially gain this right.
Abstractors have assumed that Henry was a son of William's second wife Morning because Henry was listed at
the bottom of the will after Morning and also indicating that the youngest son would have equity rights to
William's land after Morning's use. If this were the case, we would have record of lawsuits from one or
more of the older sons. There were no suits. Henry was actually William's second son named after probably
Martha's father with George and James, named after William's brothers, following. Why William and Morning
named a second son William is unknown.
Lastly, Morning married William 21 Jul. 1763. Henry bought his first land from Cobb on 19 Sep. 1781 for
Sixty pounds hard money. If he had been Morning's child, he would have been only about 17 years old.
5..William Anderson #1, b.1756-57, m._, d._,
Note for William Anderson, #1:
18 Mar. 1784 Edgecombe Co. deed 4-82, 144 acres from William Anderson, Jr. to Phillips.
21 Jul. 1788 Edgecombe deed, 5-102, Oneal to William Anderson, 150 acres on the South side of Moors Swamp.
00 Aug. 1832 Revolutionary War Pension Application, S6512, Edgecombe Co., age 75.
03 Mar. 1820 Edgecombe Co. deed, 17-144, 150 acres on S. side Moors Swamp to Benjamin Anderson.
This is the older William Anderson child in this immediate family. Oneal's deed did not specify which
William was the grantee but it seems reasonable that this William had time to accumulate resources to
purchase this property.
5..Henry Anderson, b._____, m.____, d._____,
+#1, Sarah ___ Cox, b.___, m._____, d.____,
Notes for Henry Anderson:
19 Sep. 1781 Edgecombe Co. deed 4-216, 120 acres from Cobb to Henry Anderson.
29 Nov. 1789 Edgecombe Co. will, Henry inherited 136 acres sold by Horn to William Anderson 26 Jan 1787.
22 Nov. 1791 Edgecombe Co. deed 6-344, 70 acres from Cobb and Henry Anderson to May.
25 Sep. 1794 Edgecombe Co. grant of 76 acres to Henry Anderson.
06 Aug. 1796 Edgecombe Co. deed 8-686, from Henry and Sary to Knight, Sary's dower.
04 Feb. 1801 Edgecombe Co. deed 10-110, 28 Acres from Henry and Love Anderson to Griffin.
14 Nov 1801 Edgecombe Co. will by Henry Anderson. Wife Charity received half of Henry Anderson's land
estimated at 234 acres.
24 Nov 1807 Edgecombe Co. deed 12-190, Charity Gattins and Henry's sons divide 229 &#frac12 acres.
At least one Latter-Day Saints (LDS) researcher reports a Henry Anderson, born 1708, Edgecombe County,
father of William Anderson, born abt. 1730, who is father of Henry Anderson, born abt. 1765. If you
consider William Anderson's son Henry as a son of his second wife Morning, Henry would be too young to
fit the above sequence of events. The LDS researcher does not mention William's first wife, Martha and
no records for the period seem to support an older Henry, born 1708.
When you reconcile the land transactions above, a net of 234 acres, more or less, were available at
Henry's death. That is very close to the surveyed 229 &#frac12 acres noted in deed 12-190.
5..George Anderson, b.1756-57, m.___, d.___, +Jane______, b._____, m._____, d._____,
Notes for George Anderson:
27 Aug. 1832 Revolutionary War Pension Application, S46684, Edgecombe Co., age 75.
Notes indicate that George made an agreement with sons George and John for care in retirement. No other
information at this time.
5..James Anderson, b.____. M.____, d.____,
5..(daughter unknown). np
5..Absala Anderson, b.__ m. Vaughn, d._,
5..Martha Anderson, b.__, m. Stallings, d._,
+#2, Morning Price, b._____ m. 7/21/1763, d.____,
5..William Anderson, #2, b.1764/75
5..(daughter unknown) np..
5..Rachel Anderson, b.____ m.____, d.____,
5..Carlos (Carlus) Anderson, b. af. 1770
Synopsis for Carlos Anderson:
The spelling of Carlos is close to the spelling of William's uncle, Carolus Anderson, of Northampton
County. A handwriting expert looking at a copy of William's will suggest that the "o" in Carlos was
possibly first a "u" that was later closed to make an "o". William's indicated known brothers were
John and George. William's father, William, could well have had a son named after his brother Carolus
who would have been a brother to this William and the source of the name, Carlos.
5..Morning Anderson, b. af. 1770
5..Penelope Anderson, b. af. 1770
5..Mary (Polly) Anderson, b. af. 1770
4..George Anderson, b.1715/35, m._____, d. 1757,
+Mary _____, b._____, m._____, d._____,
Notes for George and Mary Anderson:
13 Jan. 1738 Bertie Co. deed, E-530, John Bass to George Anderson, Planter, 260 acres North of the
Roanoke River and South of Bear Swamp, near the town of George, witnessed by I Edwards and Thomas Edwards.
01 Mar. 1745 Northampton Co. deed, 1-257, George Anderson to Green Hill, 260 acres South of Bear Creek,
witnessed by Williams and Burns.
03 Jun. 1755 Granville Co. deed, B-458, White to George Anderson, 249 acres.
00 xxxx 1756 Granville Co. deed, B-520, Sims to George Anderson, now of Granville Co., 400 acres
St John's Parish, NE Granville, now Warren Co...
06 Jul. 1757 Granville Co. will of George Anderson, wife Mary Executrix, daughter Eave, nephew George
who is son of brother William Anderson, granddaughter Elizabeth Underwood, Executor Osborn Jeffreys,
witnesses William (W) Anderson, Thomas Smith and James (J) Brazer.
5..Eave Anderson
George Anderson's brother, William above, should have named his third son after his brother John.
But there seemed to be a special situation at the time. Brother George was dieing when William's son
was being born. In honor of brother George, William and Martha apparently named the son George and
brother George named their son in his will. George and wife Mary apparently had no sons or no sons that lived.
3..Isom Anderson, b., m., d.,
Notes for Isom Anderson:
00 xxxx 1732 Edgecombe Co. deed, 1-17, witness Isom Anderson, South side of Roanoke River and South
side Quan Key Creek which is West and South of Halifax, NC and runs into the Roanoke River. This is
just NW of where Ann Anderson purchased the 50 Acres from Thompson in 1735.
This person was at the right place at the right time to be considered a
possible son of John and Ann Anderson.
3..Christopher Anderson, b., m., d.,
Notes for Christopher Anderson:
00 xxxx 1743 Edgecombe Co. deed, 5-200, Humpherys to Christopher Anderson, 200 acres South side of
Conoconnara Swamp. This is the area in which Ann Anderson purchased the 50 acres from Thompson in 1735.
This person was at the right place at the right time to be considered a
possible son of John and Ann Anderson.
3..Alexander Anderson, b., m., d.,
Notes for Alexander Anderson:
00 xxxx 1756 Granville Co. grant, C-570, to Alexander Anderson, 531 acres on both sides Hubb Quarter
Creek which runs into the Roanoke River just above Halifax, NC.
00 xxxx 1758 Granville Co., Parish of St. John, Certified Chain Carrier at Hubb Quarter Creek.
00 xxxx 1761 Granville Co. deed, D-377, Six Pound Creek, NE Granville, now Warren Co.. witness.
00 xxxx 0000 Granville Co. deed, E-391, Bell to Alexander Anderson, 10 acres Reed's Corner.
This person was at the right place at the right time to be considered a
possible son of John and Ann Anderson. Ann McDaniel Anderson had a
brother named Alexander. The extreme NE corner of the original Granville Co., now
Warren Co., borders a small section of the Roanoke River.
2..Robert, b.1675/95, m._____, d._____,
Notes for Robert Anderson:
10 Aug. 1718 Chowan deed, B-611, Jordan to West, Robert Anderson witness.
25 Aug. 1719 Chowan deed, B-700,Moore to Crown, 200 acres Kesiah River called Bear Island, RT (Robert)
Anderson witness.
00 xxxx 1721 Bertie Co. Grant to William Shoyles, 140 acres at head of Possum Creek, North side Roanoke
River joining Meazle, Sessions and Robert Anderson.
06 Apr. 1722 Chowan Precinct grant to Robert Anderson, 640 acres joining Chui-at-tuck (sic) Swamp and
Sessions, witnesses Pollock, Gale, Sanderson and Blount.
19 Oct. 1722 Grant to Robert Anderson, 100 acres on Chewa Tock Swamp(sic).
00 xxxx 1723 Bertie Co. grant to Smithwick, 185 acres West side of Raguist Swamp joining Robert Anderson
and Sessions. Witnesses, Reed, Sanderson and Moore. Roquist Swamp is located on the South side of Lewiston
and Woodville, NC, East of the Roanoke River.
27 Jun. 1723 Bertie Co. deed _____ Smithwick to Smith, adjacent to Robert Anderson on Roquist Swamp.
Witnesses Hobson and Fortner.
00 xxxx 1724 Bertie Co. Court order for Constables appear and qualify, Robert Anderson and others.
07 Feb.1730 Bertie Co. deed, C-197,from Williamson to Robert Anderson, 450 acres on Connehow Creek, witnesses
Sessums(sic) and Pace..
00 xxxx 1735 Tyrrell Co. deed, E-113, to ______, adjacent to Robert Anderson on Rocquiss(sic) Swamp on
the "Indian Line."
15 Mar. 1736 Tyrrell Co. deed, E-6, Robert Anderson to Legatt, 150 acres on Kesia Neck, land of Smithwick.
29 Jan. 1736 Tyrrell Co. deed, E-68, Robert Anderson to Johnson, 540 acres up Chui- Att-tuck Swamp.
00 xxx 1739 Tyrrell Co. deed, F-455, Johnson to Legett, 100 acres granted to Robert Anderson 19 Oct. 1722.
00 xxx 1739 Tyrrell Co. deed, F-549, Muzzell to Leggett, 90 acres Kesia Neck adjacent to Meizell's old line
that comes from the Roanoke River, adjacent to Smithwick, Robert Anderson and Jno Sessions.
20 Nov.1739 Tyrrill Co. grant, Patent Bk.8-38,300 acres on East side of Little Conohoe Cr., joining Randle.
20 Nov. 1739 Tyrrill Co. grant, Patent Bk.8-39,640 acres on South side of Flat Swamp.
21 Nov. 1739 Tyrrill Co. grant, Patent Bk.8-40, 229 acres on the North side of Flat Swamp, joining Taylor.
Flat Swamp runs EAST AND south of Robersonville, NC about 14 miles East of Tarboro, NC.
00 xxxx 1755 Tyrrell Co. tax lists Robert Anderson with 2 whites and John Anderson with 1 white.
00 xxxx 1782 Tyrrell Co. Tax list a James Anderson and a John Anderson.
Chowan and Bertie County deed records show a strong presence of a Robert Anderson between 1718-1730. Robert
is probably another son of James and Elizabeth Anderson. He was in the same area at the same time and seemed
to be living a year or two with others before he obtained his own land. Like other young men, he probably
worked on his father's plantation until he could purchase land or receive a land grant. His first grant
of 640 acres in 1722 was located North of the Roanoke River on the West side of Roquist Swamp area, which
begins East of the Roanoke River and just South of Lewiston and Woodville, NC. In that same year he received
another 100 acres apparently in the same area. In 1730 he receives a 450 acre grant on Connehow(sic)
(probably Conoho) Creek which is located on the West side of the Roanoke River just above Williamston. NC.
In 1736 he sells off 690 of his 1190 acres.
In 1729 Tyrrell County is formed and its' Western boundary line was unclear until 1741. In November 1739,
a Robert Anderson receives three grants noted as being in Tyrrell County. One is 640 acres on the South Side
of Flat Swamp, the second is 229 acres on the North side of Flat Swamp and the third 300 acres on the Little
Conohoe(sic) Creek. The Flat Swamp in Tyrrell County runs from a point West and South of Robersonville, NC.
The headwater for the Conetoe Creek is just West of the Swamp. The 640 acres on the South side of the swamp
could have ultimately been in Pitt County. As you can see on a road map, this is close to Tarboro in
Edgecombe County.
The 1782 Tyrrell County tax records show a James Anderson with 986 acres and a John Anderson with 580
acres in Tyrrell Co.. Since no additional grant records for Tyrrell Co. to Andersons have been found,
it would seem that the above James and John were probably sons of Robert living on the land granted to
Robert in 1739. Looking at tax and census records, it would seem that John died before 1786 and James
died before 1790. There were no Andersons listed on the 1790 Tyrrell Co. census.
3..James Anderson, b.1695/15, m.____, d.____,
3..(unknown son) np
3..Robert Anderson, Jr., b.___, m.___, d.___,
3..John Anderson, b.____, m.____, d.____,
2..James Anderson, b.1675/95, m.____, d.____, +Deborah b._____m._____, d._____,
Notes for James and Deborah Anderson:
00 Mar. 1702 Perquimans Co. deed, A-207, Mary Coffin to James Anderson, 275 acres SW of Perquimans River.
09 May 1704 Perquimans deed, A 233, James and Debrow Anderson to John Volloway, 275 acres SW of
Perquimans River, bought of Mary Coffin.
12 Dec. 1711 Perquimans deed, A 321, John Johnson to James Anderson, 15 acres at the mouth of Sutton's
Creek, adjoining Joseph Sutton, Jr. and John Kinsey, witnessed by Edward Sweeney and Joseph Sutton.
19 Apr. 1731, Perquimans Co deed, C 35, Gibbens to Smith, James Anderson's land joins John Perry and
Daniel Smith.
19 Oct. 1734 Perquimans Co. deed, C-141, Wheelbee to Parsons, James Anderson owned land joining Samuel
Parsons and Abraham Hullen.
06 Feb 1742 Will of James Anderson Probated, son James Anderson, &#pound 5.0.0, "if ever he appear," son and
Executor John Anderson, residue of real and personal property, Executor Richard Skinner, witnesses,
Thomas Jessup and Thomas (T) Bateman. James made his will 2 Jun. 1741.
This James is one of the three children named in Elizabeth Anderson's 1732 will. James and Deborah name
their first son after James Anderson's father, James Anderson. The second son would have been named after
Deborah's father. That son apparently died. The third son would have been named after father James Anderson,
but there was already a James named. Therefore the third son was named after James Anderson's oldest brother,
apparently John Anderson.
The first daughter would be named after Deborah's mother, who apparently died, and the second daughter
named after James Anderson's mother, Elizabeth. The only daughter named was Elizabeth who would have been
the second daughter. Elizabeth was named in her grandmother's 1732 will. Sons James and John were probably
born in Bertie County before Mar. 1702. Elizabeth's birth date, 6 Oct. 1706, was obtained from Perquimans
Co. Court Records. James and Deborah last lived on Sutton Creek in Perquimans Co..
There was a John Anderson family living on Sutton Creek at the same time. No connection has been found with
that family.
3..James Anderson, b.____, m.____, d.____,
3..(unknown son) np
3..John Anderson, b.____, m.____, d.____,
3..Elizabeth Anderson, b.10/6/1706, m.____, d.____,
2..Carolus Anderson, b.1675/95, m.____, d.____,
+Mary _____, b._____, m._____, d._____,
Notes for Carolus Anderson:
13 May 1728 Bertie Precinct deed, B-406, William Boon to Carolus Anderson, 200 acres
on Meherrin River, the Great Gutt, Boon and the county line, witnessed by
Cooper and Bailey.
07 Feb. 1736 Bertie Precinct deed, E-73, Nicholas Boon to Carolus Anderson, 150 acres Southeast Coreroy(?)
Swamp, witnessed by Boon, Dickinson and Bryant.
10 Aug. 1736 Bertie Precinct deed, D-320, Joseph Boon to Carolus Anderson, 50 acres South of Meherrin River,
on Great Branch and Great Gutt, witnessed by Dew and Worrell.
16 Oct. 1739 Bertie County deed, F-36, John Bryant to Carolus Anderson, 100 acres South of Meherrin River
joining John Wellson and William Boon, witnessed by Deberry and Revall.
16 Oct. 1739 Bertie Co. deed, F-100, Carolus Anderson to Benjamin Cobb, 150 acres Southwest of Cororoy
Swamp, witnessed by Cobb, Boon and Stevenson.
11 Apr. 1745 Patent book 5-214, grant to Carolus Anderson, 640 acres in Northampton Co. at a small branch
on Kirby Creek and the creek.
11 Apr. 1745 Northampton County deed, 1-206, Carolus Anderson to Nicholas Tyner, 320 acres on Kirby Creek
ad Indian Branch from Carolus Anderson grant, witnessed by Drew and Williams.
03 May 1745 Northampton Co. deed 1-191, Carolus Anderson to William Andrews , 150 acres on the swamp
joining William Boon, witnessed by Robert Warren and John Anderson.
27 May 1745 Northampton Co. deed, 1-218, William Baker, Gent., ________ County, VA, to Carolus Anderson,
460 acres South of the Meherrin River and North of Little Swamp, joining Liles, witnessed by John Anderson
and Arthur Whitehead.
24 May 1748 Northampton Co. deed, 1-341, Carolus Anderson to Corbett, 220 acres South of Kirby Creek on
the lower side of Indian Branch, witnessed by Dew and Williams.
21 Nov. 1748 Northampton Co. deed, 1-355, Nelson of Edgecombe Co. to Carolus Anderson, 460 acres South
of the Meherrin River and North of Little Swamp, joining Liles, witnessed by Robert and Elizabeth Warren.
27 Nov. 1750 Northampton Co. deed,1-448, Carolus Anderson to Hinohey(sic) Warren, 160 acres South of the
Meherrin River on Little Swamp and William Boon's line, witnessed by Washington and Webb.
10 Feb. 1752 Will of Carolus Anderson, wife Mary, Executrix, daughter Rachel Warren, grandson Carolus
Warren, daughter Mary Anderson, daughter Sarah Anderson
Carolus was the second son listed in Elizabeth Anderson's 1732 will. He receives a horse, iron wedges
and a set of cows. His brother James received only one Shilling. Widow Elizabeth apparently lived close
to Carolus in Northampton Co. in the Meherrin River area while James lived two counties away.
Carolus apparently had difficulty growing a family. Under the "naming pattern system" there should have
been a son named James after Carolus Anderson's father. A second son would have been named after his wife's
father and a third son named after himself. There should have been a daughter named after his wife's mother,
a second named Elizabeth after his mother. We do not know who Rachael, Mary and Sarah were named after. Only
his wife and three living daughters are listed in his 1752 will.
3..(James) np
3..(unknown son) np
3..Charles???Anderson, b.____, m._____, d._____,
3..Elizabeth Anderson, b._____, m._____, d.____,
3..Mary Anderson, b.____, m.____, d.____,
3..Rachael Anderson, b.____, m.____, d._____,
3..Saeah Anderson, b.____, m.____, d.____,
2..(daughter) np.
2..(daughter) np.
2..Elizabeth, b._____, m._____, d._____,
3..William Anderson
+_____Pittman, b.____, m.____, d.____,
Synopsis for Elizabeth Anderson Pittman:
Under the "naming pattern system" Elizabeth would possibly have been James and Elizabeth Anderson's
third daughter, unless James or Elizabeth had a mother named Elizabeth.
Other Eastern North Carolina Anderson Families:
The above part of this report involves the migration of a major Anderson family from probably Virginia
to the upper Roanoke River in North Carolina starting about 1716. There were four Anderson families
listed on the 1720/21 Poll Tax list for the colony; James of Bertie Co., John of Perquimans Co., James
of Perquimans Co. and Robert of Chowan Co.. All but John were possibly related.
According to the 1800 US Census, the Eastern Piedmont and Coastal Plain Regions of North Carolina had
fifty-nine Anderson families. The 1800 US Census also lists another 50 Anderson families in the central
and Western Piedmont and Mountain Regions of the state. These Western North Carolina Andersons are not
considered in this report because there has been no significant connection found with the Roanoke River
Andersons and other Eastern North Carolina Anderson families.
A number of other significant Anderson families migrated to the Eastern area of North Carolina during the
1700s. These families have not been found connected to the Roanoke River Andersons. They are reviewed
as follows:
John and Jane Anderson
Notes on John and Jane Anderson:
00 Feb. 1695 Perquimans Precinct Court records, transported by Hannah Gosby, two of nine head rights.
16 Oct. 1701 Perquimans Precinct, deed A-179, Butler to John Anderson, 209 acres.
14 Oct. 1701 Perquimans Precinct, deed A-176, John Anderson (& Jane) to Laeton, no property detail.
05 Nov. 1701 Perquimans Pct. John Anderson was Commissioned Collector of Quit Rents.
13 Jul. 1702 Perquimans Precinct, deed A-221, John Anderson and wife Jeane(sic)(signed Jane) to Hawkins,
150 acres on N.s Perquimans Rv., Norwood's old field.
29 Mar. 1703 Perquimans Precinct, John Anderson proved Penrice will.
00 xxxx 1704 Perquimans Precinct, grant, 640 acres NE side of Perquimans River.
It is indicated by court records that John died about 1704. There
seems to be some controversy as to his wife's name. The scribe who
wrote deed A-176 & 221 used the given name in the deeds as Jeane but the deeds are signed as Jane.
John and Elizabeth (Nicholson) Anderson
Notes for John Anderson:
00 xxxx 1721 Perquimans Co., Poll Tax, John Anderson listed.
22 Jan. 1728 Perquimans Co., will, of Samuel Nicholson, named John, Elizabeth and others.
17 Jan. 1743 Perquimans Co., deed D-167, Nicholson heirs to Richard Sanders.
13 Oct. 1751 Perquimans Co., deed F-44, Elizabeth Anderson to Abigail Anderson, 50 acres on N.s Long Branch
and along Sutton's Creek Swamp.
19 Mar. 1751 Perquimans Co., deed F-49, Elizabeth Anderson to son John Anderson, on Sutton Cr., 150 acres,
from a grant to Samuel Nicholson.
19 Oct. 1751 Perquimans Co., deed F-48, widow Elizabeth Anderson to son Samuel Anderson, on Sutton Cr.,
150 acres, half of grant to Samuel Nicholson.
25 May 1757 Perquimans County, will, Elizabeth Anderson, sons John and Samuel. daughter, Abigail Charles,
Probated January Court 1760.
Hugh B. Johnston lists the following children for John and Elizabeth
(Nicholson) Anderson; Elizabeth, Joseph, Jane, Samuel, John and
Abigail. Mrs. Watson Windslow's History of Perquimans County states
Elizabeth Nicholson's birth date as 1697. Hugh B. Johnston's
Research states that the first child, Elizabeth, was born in 1722 at
her mother's age 25. Age 25 would be considered late for marriage
for that period which suggests that there could have been an earlier
marriage date and/or earlier children who possibly did not live.
Considering the "naming pattern system," Elizabeth would possibly have
been named after her mother's mother, Elizabeth Charles, if Elizabeth
was the first female born or after Elizabeth the mother if Elizabeth
was the third daughter born.
If Hugh B. Johnston has the birth order of John and Elizabeth
Anderson's sons correct, Joseph would be the first son named after
John's father, the second son Samuel after Elizabeth's father and the
third son John named after himself, the father.
Current researchers, Southern Hinshaw Book and numerous LDS submitters,
show a Robert and Elizabeth Mary (Overton) Anderson or a John and Jane
(Arnold) Anderson as parents of this John Anderson. The "naming pattern
system" would suggest the below Joseph Anderson as the possible father
of this John Anderson.
Joseph Anderson
Notes for Joseph Anderson:
00 xxxx 1731 Chowan Co., Colonial and State records, 3-136, secretary to the Governor.
31 Jan. 1735 Chowan Co., deed W-1-294, Joseph Anderson, Gent. to Boyd, 320 acres.
16 May 1737 Chowan Co., deed W-1-360, Walkins to Joseph Anderson, lot # C.
16 May 1737 Chowan Co., deed W-1-369, Little to Joseph Anderson, half of Grist Mill.
03 Sep. 1738 Chowan Co., Joseph and Ann Anderson to Twigg, lot # D Edenton.
00 Jan. 1739 Joseph Anderson, Gent., serving as King's Attorney.
24 Mar. 1741 Joseph Anderson, Attorney General.
30 Aug. 1742 Chowan Co., Joseph and Ann Anderson to Hoskins, Grist Mill.
29 Jul. 1747 Bertie Co., Joseph and Ann Anderson (Sole Executrix of George Martin, Esq. deceased),
to John and Ann Hull, Ann, one of the daughters of George Martin, 1000 acres.
24 Dec. 1750 Chowan Co., will probated 22 Mar. 1750/51, Joseph Anderson (1) to daughter Mary, under
age, (2) wife Ann, Executrix, (3&4) daughter-in-laws, (5) brother, (6) sister, etc..
01 Nov. 1754 Chowan Co., deed G-1-323, Ann to Craven, 170 acres.
30 Jan. 1755 Chowan Co., deed H-1-11, Caruthers to Ann Anderson, estate adjustment.
25 Jan. 1757 Chowan Co., deed H-1-223/226, Ann Anderson to Badley, nine lots in Edenton, #'s 145-151
and I and K.
No researcher has found a family connection for this Joseph Anderson.
He states in his will that he had a brother James, minister of the
Gosple(sic) near Lundy and sister Margaret in Bonnetown near Leith.
Other than through his wife Ann, there seems to be no connection with
the Roanoke River Andersons. (See above note for John and Elizabeth
Thomas Anderson
Notes for Thomas Anderson:
25 Feb. 1754 Cumberland Co., grant of 200 acres to Thomas Anderson on Cranes Creek.
10 Apr. 1760 Cumberland Co., deed 2-143, Thomas Anderson to Collins, 200 acres on Cranes Creek.
No information has been found on the origin of this Thomas Anderson.
The given name of Thomas is apparently not used by known Roanoke River
Andersons until the late 1700s. On the 1790 US Census there are two
Thomas Andersons in Craven County. Craven deed 28-247, 05 Feb. 1787 is
from an Isaac and Thomas Anderson to John Allen. It involves the sale
of 100 acres granted to James Anderson on 14 Nov. 1771 on the Pine Neck
of the Swift Creek. This James is possibly the son of John Anderson who
received a grant of 556 acres in Craven Co. 27 Sept 1754 on the N. side
of the Neuse River and S. side of Swift Creek, East of Vanceboro, NC.
There was also a Thomas Anderson in Wayne Co. on the 1790 census. On
the 1800 US Census, one Thomas Anderson is found in Craven Co. and one
in Wayne Co..
Alexander Anderson
Notes for Alexander Anderson:
00 xxxx 1755 Cumberland Co., tax list,
No additional information has been found on this family. There was another Alexander Anderson located
in the extreme NE corner of old Granville Co. on Hubb Quarter Creek in 1756-61.
John Anderson
Notes for John Anderson:
00 xxxx 1755 Currituck Co., tax list,
No additional information has been found on this John Anderson. His extended family might be found on
census reports starting in 1790.
There was a William Anderson on the 1790 Currituck US Census which shows one male over 16, three females
and one slave. The 1800 census shows two males under 10 years of age and one male between 26 and 45.
There was one female between 26 and 45 years of age and one slave. On the 1810 US Census there was a
William and Thomas Anderson on page 88 and a Daniel on page 85. There were no Andersons on the 1820 census
but the 1830 and 1840 US Census has a William Anderson. No other information has been found on this family.
John Anderson
Notes for John Anderson:
00 xxxx 1755 Orange Co. tax list.
The 1790 US Census shows seven Anderson families in Orange County:
John, Abraham, Alexander, James, Jane, Kenneth and Robert Anderson.
This family has not been researched at this time because no connection
with the Eastern and Eastern Piedmont Andersons has been found.
John and Alse Anderson
Notes for John and Alse Anderson:
00 xxxx 1758 Cumberland Co., deed 1-380, Heard to John Anderson, 200 acres Cranes Cr..
23 Nov. 1761 Cumberland Co., deed 2-127, John Anderson to Simons, 100 acres Cranes Cr..
30 Jan. 1764 Cumberland Co., deed 2-362, John Anderson to Lee, 100 acres on Cranes Cr..
Cumberland deed 1-380 states, "John Anderson of Rowan County." This
has been the only possible connection found between the Eastern and
Piedmont North Carolina Andersons.
David Anderson
Notes on David Anderson:
08 Jan. 1767 Stirling, N. Britain, bible record, eldest son of David and Margaret Anderson.
01 Dec. 1784 Cumberland Co., moved to North Carolina.
Linda Jeanne Overton Edwards placed "The David Anderson Family
of Fayetteville, North Carolina" bible record on the following page:
David Anderson's migrated family originated in the, New Hanover Co.,
Later Pender Co., Wilmington, North Carolina area. David Anderson's
descendants exist today in the Fayetteville area. The Roanoke River
Andersons migrated to a point up the Cape Fear River from Fayetteville,
North Carolina which is now in Harnett Co..
Wayne County:
J. S. Alexander, jsalex@mindspring.com has researched the Wayne
County Anderson family. He reports a John Anderson in Wayne by 1782.
His children were named in his will as Jesse, Thomas, Miles, Anderson
and Nanny and Betty Smith. The 1790 US Census shows a Jesse Anderson
family. The given name, Jesse, was used in Cumberland County, North
Carolina during the late 1700s.
Warren County:
A John Duffus Weiss,#7 Clerbrook LN, St Louis, MO 63124, LDS, reports a
Daniel Anderson (born 1748 in Ostile Scotland) family in Warren County
in the late 1700s. The children were named: George, John, Archibald,
and Polly. The 1790 US Census shows a Daniel Anderson in Warren County
with five males over 16, four under 16, two females and seven slaves.
No Daniel Anderson family is listed for the 1800 US Census. Even though
the given names parallel other Anderson given names in the same area,
no connection has been found.
Pitt County:
Charles Wittichen "Brother" Anderson, has researched the Pitt County
Anderson family. His research suggests several possible migrations. The
Pitt County Andersons lived close to the Edgecombe and early Tyrrell
County Andersons.
New Hanover, Onslow and Brunswick Counties:
New Hanover County was formed from Craven County 27 Nov. 1729. Onslow
was fromed from New Hanover in 1734 and Brunswick formed from New
Hanover in 1764. . Margaret Hoffman lists a number of grants to
Andersons in the New Hanover and Onslow Counties.
09 May 1737 New Hanover Co. grant, Patent Book 3 page 328, to John Anderson, 640
acres NE Branch of Long Creek.
20 May 1741 New Hanover Co. grant, Pt. Bk. 8-108, to John Anderson, 320 acres on
Turkey Creek and NE side Black River joining river.
20 Apr. 1745 New Hanover Co. grant, Pt. Bk. 5-366, to John Anderson, 320 acres on Bear Branch
of Long Creek.
02 Mar. 1754 New Hanover Co. grant, Pt. Bk. 2-87, to John Anderson, 320 acres on branch of
Long Creek including plantation John Anderson now lives on.
13 Mar. 1756 New Hanover Co., Pt. Bk. 15-120, John Anderson mentioned.
03 May 1760 New Hanover Co. grant, Pt. Bk. 15-279, 400 acres East side of South River opposite
his other tract.
21 Apr. 1764 New Hanover Co., Pt. Bk. 17-68, Joseph Anderson mentioned, East side of South River.
25 Apr. 1767 New Hanover Co., Pt. Bk. 23-17, John Anderson mentioned, West side of Riells Creek.
Long Creek, Turkey Creek, Bear Branch and Riells (Rileys) Creek are
located in the same general area, about 8 miles NNW of Wilmington,
NC. South River runs into the Black River about twenty miles NW of the
Long Creek area. The number of grants to the John Anderson family
indicates permanency. His extended family might be found on later
census reports. One John Anderson family was listed for Brunswick Co.
and a younger John and William Anderson were listed for New Hanover
Co. on the 1800 US Census. No connection between this family and the
above David Anderson family has been found at this time.
25 Sep. 1741 Onslow Co., Pt. Bk. 2-134, James Anderson mentioned, NW Branch of New River.
27 Nov. 1744 Onslow Co. grant, Pt. Bk. 5-383, to Sarah Anderson, NW branch of New River.
27 Dec. 1763 Onslow Co. grant, Pt. Bk. 17-31, to Ellenore(sic), 100 acres NW Branch of New River,
joining home place.
Apparently there was a James Anderson family in Onslow County in the
New River area. Craven County 1757 Court Records note an Avevella and
Moses Anderson of Onslow. There were no Anderson families listed on the
1800 US Census living in Onslow County, NC.
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