The originals maintained by Marie Williams, 4368 Darroch Road, Lillington, NC 27546.
Translated and contributed by Darryl Black
a descendent of William Black and Catharine Ray who settled along Clark's Bridge
May 01, 2005
Bibb County, Alabama
April 28th, 1825
Dear Brother (Malcom Clark),
I received your letter of the 30th of July 1824, but it was many months after it was written, owing
to your not directing of it to Centerville Post Office. My family is in health at this time yet
with grief I inform you that Marian is no more. She departed this life on the 10th of March. She
was afflicted with a cough for twelve months. She was then taken with a fever and pain in her breast
and only stood it three weeks. The rest of us enjoyed good health since you came here excepting the
spill of fever that James had the first fall. We made a tolerable good crop last year. I made six
bales of cotton. I sent it to Mobile. It sold for $16. The land in this county has never come
into market yet we have planted about 22 acres in cotton this year. The greater grant of what
mentioned in corn is in the Caneland(?) about 6 or 7 miles from home. The land we live is called
poor land, yet it produced well the summer and winter range is very good. John is teaching school
for six months back and intends keeping for six months more no doubt but you and some more of my
friends is induced to think that I have forgotten my friends. It is not the case by no means, but
to settle in the woods and provide all the neefsavies(?) that a family requires takes up more time
than any ? can imagine that never had the trial of it. I am well satisfied with this country.
My stock of cattle and hogs is but small yet I have lot(?) eight milk cows. I have not written
any letter to you since last December twelve months. I wrote to Daniel McLean in January. Should
not the contents of that letter have no affect as touching the fivedogs language will not do. Should my
life and health be spared perhaps I may visit N.C. one time yet. If I could be (?) but one single day I
could do more than I could in writing six months. When you write, direct your letter to Centerville,
Alabama, Gibb County. I add no more but remain your affectionate brother.
Alexander Clark
Dear Sister (Margaret Clark):
I have neglected writing to you a long time as well as the rest of my friends. We are all in health
at this time, when I left there. I felt hurt that you and Catherine could not come with me. I know
that you never can come without my assistance how soon that would be in my power is unknown the cotton
is the only article that commands money here should our crop of cotton turn out well this year it will
be late in the spring before we can send it to market. It was last week that I received my money for
my cotton it is 220 miles by land to Mobile should you find that you could sell on living terms. I
wish you to write me and let me know. I add no more but remain your affectionate brother.
Alexander Clark
To all people to whom these presents shall come. I Daniel McDougald Taylor do send greeting know
ye that I the said Daniel McDougald of the State of North Carolina and County of Cumberland, for and in
consideration of the love, good will and affection which I have and to bear toward my dear and loving
granddaughter Sarah Clark of the state and county aforesaid have given and granted and by these presents
do freely give and grant unto the said Sarah Clark her heirs, executors and administrators after my death
and my dear and loving wife's death one negro girl named Easter of which before the signing of these
presents I have delivered unto her (?) Sarah Clark an inventory (?) from my hand and bearing even date
to have and to hold after my death and my wife's death the said Negro girl Easter to her the said Sarah
Clark, her heirs, executors or administrators from after my death and wife's death from henceforth as
her property without any manner of ?????
Malcom Clark
Box of ?????
Table + chairs 10
1 Scotch Bible 50
1 table 2.25
1 big chest 25
1 book case 45
Clothing 6.00
1 barrel 05
1 pr(?) saddle bag 05
1 coffee mill + box 05
1 tin bucket + contents 35
1 horse 4.00
1 gorund Sande(?) 20
1 (?) 05
1 garden of collards 25
1 Bell cow and calf 8.20
1 young cow 9.00
1 potato patch 3.05
1 top stack 3.75
5 barrels corn 24.50
Packing of feed 7.05 $70.95
???? 3.00 $73.95
1838 March
Knoxville Tennessee
28th March 1838
Dear Uncle (Malcom Clark):
We have just arrived at this place after a tedious troublesome and expensive journey. I stop for
a few minutes to drop you a line and as I promised to do. Our horses were very contrary induce? for a
few days and I believe I understand now trouble and relaxation of mind than all I suffered during my life.
Though it has been spent in the almost daily presence of trouble. Peter's saddle horse's shoulder became
so much injured that we could not work him and have been working three horses for the last 12 days thou?
we are ? getting on pretty ? We pay from fifty to seventy five cents for corn bus the most was purchased
at fifty cents. Fodder twenty five cents a dagess?
We all have kept well except Sarah who was sick a few days. We ??? about two days on the way and made
two ascle? trees for the wagon. I have now told you all that was intended you and must conclude as the
wagon is just stalen(?). Write to Brownville Lenn? Give my respects to Alex Murchison (?)
HM Clark
1841 Jul 10
The bearer John Darroch and his wife Catherine McLean are natives of this Parish. They have intimated
to us their intention to emigrate to America with their young and interesting family of two sons and two
daughters. John Darroch is by trade a cooper but some years since came to succeed his father Michael
Darroch, a respected elder in the Parish, and a tenant in the farm of Lergybrech:- He is a cousin yeoman
of General Darroch of Gowrock(?) He is sober, honest and industrious. He is a member of the Established
Church of Scotland, was admitted to sealing(?) ordinances in this Parish, and is hereby recommended to
all du?? as may have it in their power to forward the temporal and spiritual interests of himself and family.
Given in name, and by authority of the Kirk Sejoin(?) of Jura and Collinsey this 10th day of
July 1841 years. Alex Kennedy min of Jura say - moderators
John Campbell, Elder and Sep(?) Clk
Subjoined is an authenticated extract from the Re? of births and marriages in the Parish of the ages
of the members of the family.
John Darroch and Cath. McLean were married 19 Dec 18??
Their daughter Janet was born 24 Oct - 1820
Michael was born 1 February - 1823
Sarah was born 25 July - 1825
Donald was born 26 April - 1828
10th July 1841
John Campbell, Elder & Sep Clk??
Parish of Jura & Collonsay
1846 Jul 24
attn: Mr. Malcom Clark
Harrington Mills
No. Carolina
24 July 1846
Dear Uncle:
On last night I got a letter from John in which he informed me that you had written a letter to me. I
was truly glad to hear that you were well. I am sure? from a course of nature that you must be very frail
and feeble. I am certain of my de? of a th? was now living he would look quite old and gray and he was
much younger than you. He has gone, whiche we must all soon go. I had placed around his grave a handsome
enclosure, but have not, as yet, placed a tombstone to his grave. You have been blessed with health and
long life, far beyond the ?? of the generality of mankind for which you no doubt feel say grateful. I am
sure from the length of time since I saw you, that you must be near the termination of your earthly careen.
I hope there few that ??? of you're a age may be spent in peace and in death you may find the true
consolations of the Christian Religion.
We have been greatly afflicted since we came here. Death has visited us again and again and with
all this, Peter has left us and gone to Arkansas. He started last year, but in consequence if the extreme
back roads, he spent last year near the City of Memphis in this state. He started again before Christmas.
I heard from him at Little Rock. He was getting on pretty well but he was not near his place of designation.
We have a fine county, good land and abundance of everything that we could wish, necessities and luxuries.
I made a fine crop last year although I was absent the most of the year. I had seventy-five acres of land
in cotton which will make me about thirty bales of cotton weighing about five hundred. John is doing well,
though he enjoys ?? delicate health. Patsy married well and her husband is getting rich very fast. Mother
looks old but is very healthy and Mary enjoys tolerable health but of course she much he wway I dem???
Sucky? is well and hearty. I see but very little difference since he left No. Carolina. Hector McKay
died last summer, though you have heard of that before. When I left home last September, I did not expect
Hugh McCranie could properly recover from the sickness, he was heir laboring under, but I am happy to
learn that he is mins? well and hearty. He was living with me but was sick nearly the whole of the year.
Flora enjoys her usual health. They are still living with me. Please inform my friend Alex Morison and
their friends accordingly.
I had the honor to her place as before the citizens of Haywood County, as a candidate for a seat in
the Legislature last year. I was not in a situation to run at the time, but ?? bound to comply with so
fl??? a ??? and hence had a warm and close contest. All my No Carolina friends went heir? against me with
their votes and influence. The Shaws, McKellans, McNeills, Murchisons, etc?. They say they opposed me
because I was a Whig and they were of the pure Democracy.
But no one , who watched their conduct would hesitate to say they were ??? bu the low and base motives
of "Envy" ??? Some of them think they alone are entitled to promotion. My opponent tonight he could trample
on my findings with impunity and he ?? encouraged to ?????? from the ??? that I was a professor of religion.
It was thought if he could get up a difficulty it would help him along ?? when he went? as far as I could
stand, I gave him one blow and stretched him on the ground. I was sustained by the respectable of both
parties and he gained nothing by the difficulty. My No. Carolina friends then tried to disgrace me the
Church, but I triumphed over all their combinations and was sustained in the Church and their cause off
here to this great mortification. They met the 6th Oct and will adjourn the 2nd February. A pretty long
sepion(?) Pardon me for mentioning the above difficulty. I knew you would hear it in a different light
as soon as my friends have gone on there. Remember me to Aunt Caty, Alex'r Clark, Alex'r Morison and all
my friends. I wish I could see them all though I fear I never will the pleasure.
Write me if you please and be lien me yours O.C.(?)
Hugh M. Clark
1848 Oct 13
Fayetteville N.C.
October 13th 1848
Dear Brother
Your affectionate letter of the 8th reached my hands this moment. And I am glad to hear that you
are in ordinary health. I am also glad to learn that you intend coming home shortly. My mother is very
anxious that you should come home + when she hears that you are coming she will undoubtedly rejoice. I
have scarcely any thing to write to you. This is the General Muster-day here. There are many people
here today. I have just now mailed a letter to Hugh Buie, Greenock, Scotland. I learn that Calain Mor(?)
(that is Colin Campbell Jura) departed this life. The Jura people here say "May he never come alive."
The potatoes are all gone in Jura.
John Darroch and Jennet and family are all well. Alex'r Clark + Malcom Clark are well + all neighbors.
We are all well ourselves except Marrion who is still complaining. No more at present. Wishing you
well + hoping soon to see you.
Your affectionate Brother,
Donald Darroch
Little River
Janny(?) 1 1840
Dear father,
I write a few lines to let you that I am well at this time hoping you the same. Wishing you all Merry
Christmas. I do not know when I will go home. I want you to write to me as soon as you will get this.
I ?? you to hire sume lucky to help Donald to lere the sume ham(?). I shall go to Wilmington, next
Spring, with the Bark. I want you tall hen the horse is laming an and ?hat you are all doing about ???
I have no more to say at this time but my love to you all.
Yours Respectively,
Michael Darroch
various names scribbled at bottom of letter: Michael Darroch, Donald Darroch, Sally
Smithville N.C.
1850 April 23
Dear Brother,
I take my pen in hand to let you know that I am well ??? you all the same. I have received your letter
on the 20 and glad to hear from you. I have ??? mear from Arch Campbell when he was in Wilmington and
he said that he would send you ??? when he ?? and John McCry(?) prarnes to send you narc. I want you
to write as soon as you get this. I want you to find out what I can get if I was to go up to the ????
than an what they meant dune. I will have this boat done in about three weeks and then the other. I
have not made up my mind whether I will stay or not. Send me ?? whether you got the mear or not. I
have no more to say at present.
I am your dear Brother,
Michael Darroch
Lagg Jura
18th July 1850
Dear Donald,
Yours of the 1st of last month reached my ha?? about three weeks ago, which gave me and my family much
pleasure to learn that you and your father's family are well;- all the information communicated by you
gave satisfaction. All of my family are in the married state except Duncan and Malcolm. John and his
family reside with myself; Malcolm is a carpenter apprentice at Greenock; he has yet to serve for a year
before the time of his apprenticeship is out. Duncan is still at home, and the rest and their families
are well. I and my husband enjoy good health. Times here this year are very dull on account of the low
price of cattle. Unless there is a change for the better, the tenants here must be sufferers. Our crop
of all kinds promise well, but we are a little alarmed to hear that on the mainland the potato disease
begins to make its' appearance; however, the end of it may be more favorable than is now expected. Your
uncle Donald I now at Greenock under the expectation of (as I am told) going along with one of the American
traders. His daughter Leorog(?) is t home troubled with a sore foot. The poor man has the misfortune to
lose his son Donald who, on last March met with his death by a stake or shake(?) from a cow while he was
at service with Mr. McNeill of Lofsit- Islay. He survived the accident only a month. His son Duncan
follows the sea, but tidings about him were not received here for ?? years past. Your cousins the Buies
at Greenock are well, and doing well. The last letter received from your Aunt Peggy was of date 30th
January last ?? and her family were then well, and in very favorable circumstances. Their place is
called Township of W?? Canada and their letter is to be addressed to Ann prior Post Office at foresaid
place. Your uncle ? McLean and family reside in ?farnal. His sons ??ander and Donald are as far as I
know at service the Low Country as also his daughter Nancy; and his daughter Catharine got married to
John Kennedy about March last year. Aunt Effy and family reside in Sedfarnal(?). All her family are
at service except their youngest child Margaret who always stays neith??? themselves. When you write,
give me all the information you can about my sister-in-law Flory Shaw. Her brother is very anxious to
know every thing about her. Upon the 18th of last month one of the Clyde Streamers were lost at Portpatrick
on her way from Liverpool. She was driven upon a hidden rock there through the negligence of her Captain
and Mates. 50 lives were lost, among whom was Captain McNeill of Collo?? and his wife and two daughters.
Their bodies were found and were all interred in the Island of Gig'n(?) ...rest of letter missing …
rest of letter missing…
certain tract of land lying on the waters of Upper Little River in Anderson Creek Township listed by
W.G. West(?) in the county aforesaid. remained(?) one and unfraid(?) for said ?? and in consequence
thereof the same was sold after bring only ??? according to Sam and ?? at ???? the Person offering
is pay me ?? + poor taxes ?? with all charges for advertising the same for the smallest part thereof
and John McArtan of the County aforesaid has offered to pay said taxes and charges amounting to ?????
for 49 acres a part of said tract and no one ??? up part of same tract. And ??? the said John McArtan
has presented to me a plot made by J. H. Shaw survey with the courses and distances fairly set forth
and certified under his hand. Know all min by these presents that I, John A. Green, Sheriff of Harnett
County, for and consideration of the premises and of the sum of five + 72/100 dollars to me in hand paid
by the said John McArtan the receipts whenof? I do I do hearby acknowledge have bargained and sold and
do hereby bargain and sell ??? the John McArtan a certain tract or parcel of land ??? on the waters of
Upper Little River Bamdid as follows beginning at a post oak and pointer by the side of a small branch
in the Morrison line near(?) R.M. Womacks thence as that line north 44 West 16 chs 83 links to a stake
and ??? then south 46 chs 17 links to a stake in the old line then south 46 west- 21 chs 83 links to a
stake and pointers then ??? to the beginning containing 49 acres ??? the part of said tract. To have
and to hold the said bargained premises north all the mays houses f??? and all.
{- the reminder is cut off this copy….}
State of NC In Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions
Harnett County
Sept 1859
Whereas, it hath been made to appear to our said Court, that Michael Darroch, late of our said County,
hath departed this life, and hath left no last Will and Testament in writing; and whereas Daniel Darroch
made application to said Court, that he may be admitted to administer on the estate of the said Michael
Darroch deceased, and that Letters of Administration on the said deceased's estate to him may issue,
having complied with the requisites of the law in such case made and provided. It is therefore ORDERED
by our said Court, that Letters of Administration on the said deceased's estate issue accordingly.
THESE are, therefore, to authorize and empower you, the said Daniel Darroch to administer on all and
singular, the goods and chattels, rights and credits of the said Michael Darroch deceased, that you
pay all the just debts of the deceased, and deliver the residue of his estate to those having a right
by law; and that you return, on oath, a true and perfect inventory of said estate into this Court,
within ninety days from the date hereof.
Witness, BF Shaw?, Clerk of our said Court, at Office, the second? Monday of Sept
Anno Domin 1859 and of American Independence the
BF Shaw? (signed)
1860 April
Last Will and Testament for John Darroch
In the name of God Amen. I John Darroch, Planter of the County of Harnett, being old and in a declining
state of health do see fit to make this my last will and testament.
Firstly, I give and devise all my land to my son Daniel Darroch and my daughter Sarah Darroch. Sarah's
dividend dividend or her half is to include my dwelling and the other building adjacent.
The balance and residue of my goods and chattels I give and bequeath to the aforesaid children with a
reservation hereafter to be made.
Again To my daughter Janet Darroch, I give and bequeath two cows.
I nominate and appoint my son Daniel Darroch Executor of this my last will and testament- witnessed I set
my hand and affix my seal the day of April in the year our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty in
presence of
Neill McLean (signed)
John Darroch (signed) (seal)
1878 Feb 04
State of North Carolina
Harnett County
The State of North Carolina to any constable or other lawful officer greeting you are hereby commanded
to summon Sarah Darroch if to be found in your county to appear before the undersigned Justice of the
Peace at the Long Schoolhouse in the County aforesaid on the 9th day of February at 11 o'clock A.M. to
answer Daniel Morrison Adm. of Alex Morrison, Hugh D. McCormick & wife Rebecca McCormick in a civil action
for the non-delivery of one feather bed valued at ten dollars and have you then and there this precept
with your return thereon as by law required.
Witness my hand the 4th day of February 1878.
Niven Ray J.P.
1879 Feb
To the Treasurer of Harnett County,
I John A. McDonald having a 2nd grade teacher's certificate certify that I taught a free public
school at Long School house in school district No. 41 in the County of Harnett from the 4th of December
1876 till the 2nd of March 1877 being three fourth of a four months school term in which were enrolled
15 pupils of the white ??? The average attendance during the said term was 12 teachers. Teachers in
said school was 1. This March 1877.
John A. McDonald, Teacher
The Treasurer of Harnett County will pay out of the public school money nineteen 16/100 dollars
to John McDonald on order for services as teacher of a public school as per the above certificate.
This February 1879
School Committee
1883 Oct
State of North Carolina
Harnett County
This indenture witnesseth that Sarah Ann McLean of the County of Harnett & State of North Carolina
agrees to bind her son William aged three years and eight months (born Feb 15th 1880) to Daniel Darroch
of the county and state aforesaid until he is twenty-one years old. The aforesaid Darroch agrees to
treat him (the aforesaid boy) as one of his own children.
In witness whereof the parties aforesaid have hereunto set their hands and seals the 24 day of October 1883.
Sarah A. McLean (seal)
Daniel Darroch (seal)
Witness: Niven Ray
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