From Wake Forest University, Winston Salem NC
(it is difficult to tell the correct date or order these pages should be in)
Names of members
Jeremiah Hollandsworth excluded November 24 18
Wiley Jones Deacon
William Jones
William Surrette
Robert Jones
Kinson Middleton receive by letter November 27 18??
Lincoln Fullam Deacon
John Pack excluded November 15, 184?
Henry Pack excluded by request May 22 18??
Absalom Shadwick? excluded February 27 185?
Charles Barnett dismissed by letter October 30,1855
Sarah Holcomb excluded November 24 186?
Harriet Painter Dismissed
Jane Thompson died May 7, 1858
Elizabeth Hollingsworth excluded November 24 186?
Sarah Jones Senior deceased
Mary Jones
Letty Jones dismissed
Sarah M Allison dismissed by letter April
Marthew Jones (looks like died) June
Celia Surrette died May 9, 1860
Sarah M Jones Junior
Narcissa Middleton dismissed
January 20, 1855 – Members
1 William Capps Died October 19th
2. Mathew Capps (name crossed out) excluded Feb the 27 185?
3. G. W. Corn dismissed by letter
4 E. W. Corn dismissed by letter
5 J. M. Corn excluded
6 R. A. Corn dismissed
7 D. E. Lona? dismissed by letter Oct
8 Sarah Capps
9 Elizabeth Corn dismissed by letter Aug the
10 Mary Ann Capps
11 Nancy Kuykendall dead January
12 Elizabeth Walters Died Dec the 4
The above are the members that once formed the Old Salem Church and were amalgamated with the Union Church Jan 20 1855
55 by experience
1 Robert Stedman excluded Aug
2 John S. Barnette dismissed by letter
Names of Members Dec.
17 Abner Shepherd dec
by letter
18 James Jones excluded May 22 18??
19 Mary Heatherly dismissed
20 Olive Heatherly dismissed
21 Martha Ann Heatherly dismissed
22 Rachal Heatherly dismissed
by excep
23 Jefferson Barnette dismissed
24 J Cephus Stradley dismissed
by recantation
25 Petr Guice dismissed by letter
by except 20 William Mathews Excluded
27 Henry Stedman excluded
28 Abberter W. Fullam
29 Louisey Stedman dead February
30 Ann Berry (Middleton crossed out, Revis written above) dismissed
31 Lucinda Brookshire dismissed
32 Susan (Jones crossed out, written Serrette)
33 Washington Barnette excluded
34 Rohda Davice dismissed by letter
35 Louisey Bass? dismissed by letter
36 Nancy Buss? dismissed by letter Nov
37 Macilda Thompson excluded
38 Nancy Stedman Dead Jan? 7th 18
39 Elizabeth Jones excuded
40 Mary Middleton dismissed
41 Ellen Middleton dismissed
42 Matilda McCarson dismissed
43 John Allen Kuykendall excuded
44 Margaret W. McFaden? dismissed
45 Elisa Capps excluded
46 Aileslin (???) Middleton
by letter 47 Katherine Laughter excluded
by letter 48 Elizabeth Roof excluded
49 James Painter dismissed
50 Elisa Jones excluded
1855 Names of Members
by letter E. R Hollingsworth dismissed by
51 Mary McCarson
52 Marthew Roof dismissed March
53 Wiley Joes Jr.
54 William Hollingsworth (crossed out) excluded
55 Riller Nelson
by letter 56 Robert Orr dismissed by letter is a deacon
57 Elizabeth Orr dismissed by letter
58 Losiesa M. (Barnette crossed out Jones written above)
59 by experience Ann Calaway
60 Marthew Calaway excluded Nov
61 James Nelson
by letter 62 James J Blythe dismissed by letter
ex (experience??) 63 Wm J Jenkins ex
64Aaron Heatherly dismissed May 22 who is a deacon
65 Larieta Heatherly dismissed May 22
66 Mary Mathus dead
67 Sinentha Surcey dis??? by ???
68 Elisa Rollins dismissed by letter
Total members of white 99 Black 4 (looks like)
by letter 69 M. M. Brown
70 Mary Jane Brown
71 Nancy Anders
72 Elder J. M. Bryan
73 R B Williams dismissed
74 Vina Williams dismissed
75 Mary S Williams dismissed by letter
76 Henry Pack dead
77 G Walters dismissed by letter Aug 25
78 Jonas H. Morgan excluded
79 Nancy A Morgan dismissed by letter
80 John Allen Kuykendall dismissed Nov
81 John L. Johnson dismissed
82 Lucinda Corn
January 17, 1857 Church met in fellowship and proceeded to business.
1st as Brother Blythe was absent appointed brother Joseph King moderator
2nd as it was thought more proper to elect our minister in the first month of the year the church went into an ??? and the choice fell unanimously upon elder James Blythe.
3rd brother James painter requested a letter of dismission which request was granted and also sister Rachel Heatherly requested a letter of dismission which request was granted
4th there being no other business on hand agreed to have prayer meeting on
??? after which dismissed in order
Prayer by brother King
Date missing
1st agreed that our October meeting be a communion meeting.
2nd the church agreed that the clerk wight to brother Mauldin if he could find out where to write to and tell him if he did not come to the next meeting and make satisfaction for staying so long that he would be excluded without further lat???
3rd by motion on the church brother Aaron Heatherly was appointed to see sister Sarah Holcomb and invite her to attend our next church meeting.
4th Appointed brother Peter Guise to invite brother William Surrette to attend our next meeting.
5th Appointed brother ER Hollingsworth to see brother William Hollingsworth and request he attend our next meeting
6th appointed brother Aaron Heatherly to see brother Matthew Capps in reference to his joining the primitive church at Mountain Page and report at next meeting
7th Appoint Brother R Jones to see BrotherWilliam Pinking ??? and request him to attend our next meeting
8th the clerk was requested to examine the case of Brother Absalom Shadrach (rest of page missing)
8th Preaching continued until Thursday night both day and night with great interest though no person joined. Nelson Boen preached here on the fourth Sabbath at night opening the door of the church and received by experience sister Mary Jane Swearingen. Continued preaching at night until Wednesday night received by experience Sarah Jane a free girl staying with brother Joseph King and also sister Eliza Rollins
October 17
There being muster on today at Hendersonville and the pastor of the church being gone to Asheville we did not go into any church business The service wise postponed until November.
The stand was occupied on Sabbath by Elder J K Bryson followed by Elder James Blythe who preached the funeral on Joseph Davis’ wife and child. received a petition for the Reffuge Church register. The eldership of mountain church and as many of the ??? as could be ??? (remainder of sentence missing)
Next page appears to be missing the beginning – continues:
Of members and receive by letter from mountain page church RB Williams Vina Williams and Mary S Williams
2nd Took up the case of brother William Jenkins and excluded him from the fellowship of the church
3rd Took up the case of sister Elizabeth Mccarson for not attending and continued the case and appointed brother J M Bryan and James Blythe to see her and report at next meeting
4th on motion excluded James Jones and Eliza Jones for unfavorable reports and leaving the county under suspicious circumstances
5th agreed to continue our meeting on Saturday in future
6th by request granted Brother Aaron Heatherl and wife Lauriet M Heatherly letters of dissuasion
7th brother Henry Pack requested exclusion from the church which was granted
8th a motion excluded John Allen Kuykendall for dancing and other crimes
9th by request granted Brother TJ Barnett letter of dissuasion
10th appointed brother JM Bryan Wiley Jones and Robert Jones to write a suitable notice of our departed sister Jane Thompson and report next meeting
adjourned JM
(no page number or date, first page appears to be missing)
Parmelia Barnett to see sister Elizabeth McCarson and invite her to come to meeting
5th sister Marthew Roof requested a letter of dismission which request was granted
6th Robert Jones requested letters of dismission for Mary Heatherly Olivia Heatherly and Martha Ann Heatherly which request was granted dismiss till tomorrow at 11 o’clock no important business attended to
(looks like “March 8” – can’t be sure)
Sermon by brother James Blythe opened the door of the church and received by letter from Willow church elder JM Bryan dismissed till our May meeting
R Jones C Clk.
Names of Members (some of dates are not given and some have left off the year, or have not copied correctly)
Jeremiah Hollingsworth excluded 24