Worker:  Evelyn Smith


Compiled by Historical Records

Survey of North Carolina, 1938.



Hertford County

 Ahoskie, N.C.




Location:  There is a filling station by the first stop light coming from Winton.  After turning right at this station,

you go 1 mile down this dirt road and this is found on the right hand side of the road.




NAME                                         BORN                   DIED                    REMARKS


Alexander, Nellie                          3-23-1889             12-30-1929


Banks, Garrett May (Mrs.)           4-1-1893                2-28-1920


Barnes, B. S. (Mrs.)                   12-28-1851              3-1-1925


Basnigh, Henery Seaton               9-29-1868               3-11-1935


Basnigh, Phelps May (Mrs.)         6-18-1874               6-22-1932


Bridger, C. Roswell                    10-19-1874              6-15-1930


*Bridger, D. Roshon                    * No Date                  * No Date           *Co. F. N. C. Inf. E. C.S.A.


Britt, Wade Easter                       10-14-1919             7-12-1920  


Curtis, D. Manly                           -----1889                 -----1935


Dialy, Bertha Elliott (Mrs.)            8-11-1874              6-9-1929


Dilday, Dan Ruffin                       No Date                    No Date               Age 1 month, 2 days


Dilday, Owen Donald                  No Date                    No Date                8 days old


Early, Lorene                              2-1-1901                   8-9-1927


Garrett, Asae, Jr.                         9-14-1920                9-15-1920


Godwin, Margaret                       4-12-1917                10-20-1929       10 years old


Green, Oman(?) (Mrs.)               7-10-1880                  11-22-1922


Green, W. Aurthur (Dr.)              ----1878                     -------1920


Hill, E. Ruth (Miss)                     9-19-1905                   6-15-1935


Hollowman, A. Mary (Mrs.)       1-13-1845                   6-2-1927


Jinkins, M. Fannie                       4-28-1867                  7-8-1907


Johnson, R. Walter                      2-22-1867                  2-19-1936


Kitt, Lee Wilma                           9-17-1930                  6-5-1934


Liverman, Mary (Mrs.)                 2-20-1858                  2-23-1935


Liverman, Willie                           1-8-1884                     7-24-1933


McKeel, Barara                            6-3-1923                    2-21-1929


McKeel, J. B.                               3-3-1915                    7-12-1930


McKeel, Winfred Mary                 No Date                     10-7-1926


Miller, C. John                              6-18-1846                   11-10-1925


Odom, J. M.                                 11-12-1867                  3-19-1932


Pearce, Issac                                11-5-1842                    8-29-1924


Saunders, O. B.                              ----- 1897                   -----1934


Soull, Bismack                              3-1-1872                      1-22-1933


Summer, Britton Joseph                10-25-1852                   9-9-1922


Watson P. Sidney                         11-9-1888                      4-5-1933


Wellonghby, Ralph John               12-2-1881                      2-1-1930


Williford, J. H.                                6-3-1850                      6-11-1934        Age 84


Wilson, E. Ida (Mrs.)                    6-19-1876                      10-6-1935




*See Town of Ahoskie Cemetery File





Transcribed verbatim from the microfilmed record

Contributed to the USGenWeb Hertford County Archives

Marianne Cleveland Nichols  ~ 2005 ~