Worker: Gwendolyn P. Hawks
Compiled by the Historical Records
Survey of
Location: On the
Liverman, Cora
Liverman, Etta
Liverman, James
Liverman, Linnie(?)
Liverman, Luther
Liverman, Martha B. Jan. 3, 1838(?)
Liverman, Mary E.(?) June 16, 1877(?)
Livermon, Robert (?)
Livermon, Sarah (?) May 22, _____
Livermon, William G.
Newsome, David (?)
Newsome, James L.
Newsome, John Edward
Newsome, Maggie A.
Newsome, Mamie N.
Newsome, Walter L.
Transcribed verbatim from a terrible copy of the microfilmed record
Contributed to the
Marianne Cleveland Nichols ~ 2005 ~