REV. JAMES P. McPHERSON Rev. James P. McPherson
Abstracted from History of Sandy Grove Church - pg.21
After the death of Rev. J. B. McKinnon the attention of the congregation was then directed to
the Rev. J. P. McPherson, who had for a long time been the efficient clerk of the Presbytery.
He continued to supply the church for five years until January, 1872 when he left to take
charge of Lumber Bridge Church. He was punctual and faithful in the discharge of his ministerial
duties, and there was a gradual growth in numbers and spirituality under his ministrations. He
was a great favorite especially with the aged and those who could hear only with difficulty. His
strong, clear voice and splendid articulation made him easily and distinctly heard by all. He was
social in his habits, and was always welcomed at the homes of his people, and they were sorry when
he left them.
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