Henderlite Memorial
Presbyterian Church, Scranton, NC
The source for the information below is found in microfilm 053.08002 at the North Carolina Archives in Raleigh and encompassed 56 images. It was broken into several parts:
1) Partial minutes of the Session - 1932, '34, '36 & '40
2) Register of Members [see table below]; Baptisms [4 listed], Marriages [none listed] & Deaths [none listed]
3) Sunday School Records 1921-1925About the year 1915, Rev. R.E Henderlite began mission work in Hyde County, N.C. Previous to this Rev. J.H. Jarvis had done good work for several years and had organized a church at Calvary near Swan Quarter. Brother Henderlite was much beloved and preached pretty much all over the county. At one time there was a church organization at Makeleyville near Sladesville in Currituck townshop. After R.E. Henderlite's health failed in 1920, Rev. H.H. Leach took up the work for several years. Following him was Rev. I.N. Clegg and in 1925 a commission was appointed by Albemarle Presbytery to organize a church in Currituck Township. Below is a clipping from the printed minutes of the Presbytery which met in Rocky Mount, N.C. on Oct. 27, 1925.
Ministers who continued to serve this church until 1940 were: Revs. J.T. Wildman, H.M. Wilson, B.F. Ormand, Henry L. Carr and T.L. Harnsberger. The membership increased to 51 and regular Sunday School sessions were well attended for several years. However, when membership decreased greatly the church was disbanded and the property was sold for a private home which burned shortly afterwards.
The church was originally located between Sladesville and Germanton near the Henry Spencer Store on Germanton Road. The land was given by Mr. Beamon Watson and the building constructed by the members and other people in the community with John Sadler as the head carpenter.
Register of Members
Name Date of Admission How Received Dismissed: When & Where Died Remarks Cutrell, Mrs. J.T. May 10, 1925 Charter Cutrell, Neva Dell May 10, 1925 Charter Transferred June 21, 1936 to Roanoke Rapids, NC Cutrell, Eula Lee (Mrs. Holton Brin) May 10, 1925 Charter [Cuthrell in another instance]
Daniels, D.S. May 10, 1925 Charter Daniels, Mrs. Lucy B. (D.S.) May 10, 1925 Charter Daniels, Martha A. May 10, 1925 Charter Transferred to Oxford Daniels, Robert Eugene Sept. 6, 1936 BaptismConfessionDaniels, Junia Vesta Sept. 6, 1936 BaptismConfessionElixson, Mrs. Louisa May 10, 1925 Charter 1931 Flowers, Mrs. Mary May 10, 1925 Charter Gibbs, Theodore B. May 10, 1925 Charter To Baptist Church Gibbs, Mrs. T.B. May 10, 1925 Charter To Baptist Church Gibbs, Sarah (Mrs. Roy Windley) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Gibbs, Mary Bell (Mrs. Webb Sears) To Episcopal Church Harris, E.H. May 10, 1925 Charter Harris, E.J. May 10, 1925 Charter Harris, Mrs. E.H. May 10, 1925 Charter Harris, Zena May (Mrs. Ralph Hodges) May 10, 1925 Charter 1944 - To Baptist Church Harris, Elma May 10, 1925 Charter Harris, Maggie M. May 10, 1925 Charter Harris, Hazel Louise June 17, 1934 By Confession Lupton, George J. May 10, 1925 Charter Lupton, Mrs. Bessie (Mrs. Geo. J.) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Lupton, Janie Elonora Sept. 11, 1932 Profession Lupton, Estes Earl Sept. 11, 1932 Profession Lupton, Geo. Ellwood Sept. 11, 1932 Profession Lupton, Dorsey Bernice Sept. 11, 1932 Profession Lupton, Theolia Oct. 13, 1940 BaptismConfessionLupton, Pauline Oct. 13, 1940 BaptismConfessionLupton, Newton Oct. 13, 1940 BaptismConfessionLupton, Bessie Rae Oct. 27, 1940 Confession Lupton, Paul Oct. 27, 1940 Confession Midgette, Mrs. Maud May 10, 1925 Charter Midgette, Cyril Sept. 11, 1932 Profession Midgette, Annie Valvera June 17, 1934 Confession Midgette, Columbus Timothy June 17, 1934 Confession Sears, Mrs. Martha W. May 10, 1925 Charter 1937 - To Baptist Church Sadler, Mary Elizabeth May 10, 1925 Charter 1927 - To Christian Church Spencer, Mrs. W.S. May 10, 1925 Charter Spencer, Molly May 10, 1925 Charter Dead Spencer, Myra (Mrs. Durwood Tunnell) May 10, 1925 Charter Spencer, Stella Ray Sept. 11, 1932 Profession Spencer, Ben Franklin Sept. 11, 1932 Profession Spencer, Mrs. Molly (Mrs. D.W.) Sept. 11, 1932 Restatement Spencer, Dave W. May 29, 1932 Profession Dead Spencer, Ada Ruth Sept. 6, 1936 Confession Sawyer, Mrs. Erma Oct. 27, 1940 Confession Sawyer, Grace Oct. 27, 1940 Confession Watson, Mrs. L.B. May 10, 1925 Charter April 1926
Source: Microfilm #053.08002 North Carolina Archives; Raleigh, NC
© 2019 Kay Midgett Sheppard