Alice Virginia (Berry) Swindell
[ Lineage: (Alice 6, Martha 5, William 4, James 3, Joseph, Sr. 2, William, Sr. 1 ]
L to R: Amelia Delle (Mason) Swindell, first wife of Elmo Haven Swindell, and her father-in-law, Richard Wade Swindell, husband of Alice Virginia Berry.
Alice Virginia Berry was the daughter of James Edward Berry, Sr. and his first wife, Martha Rebecca McGowan. Alice married Richard Wade "Capt. Dick" Swindell (1869-1943), son of Marshall M. Swindell and Dorcas Credle. From this union they had Martha E. Swindell (1894-1894) and Elmo Haven Swindell (1904-1962). Alice Virginia, Richard Wade, Martha E. and Elmo Haven Swindell are all buried in Soule Cemetery in Hyde County.
(Photos and information courtesy of John McGowan.)
Copyright 2003