When people think of Iraq, they think of the war that began in 2003, ISIS (Islamic-State-Iraq-Syria) and the long fight against terrorism. But the U.S. military's first major conflict with the country came more than 25 years before that Operation Desert Storm began Jan. 17, 1991, after Iraqi forces who had invaded neighboring Kuwait refused to withdraw. The conflict is now commonly known as the Gulf War. Whatever we call it now, it was the war which expelled Iraqi troops from Kuwait, checked a decade of Saddam Hussein’s aggression toward his neighbors, and broke the looming spectre of Vietnam which loomed over the U.S. military. U.S. troops had seen smaller actions before that time, pitting Saddam’s Iraq vs. the United States and its UN-mandated coalition partners. We need your assistance to make this data accurate and complete. If you have information on a veteran from Hyde County who served during this conflict who isn't listed below, or if you have additional information on any of the Veterans below, please let me know. This can include military data, photos of the veteran, especially during their service, stories or their service, etc., or if you have any information on any of Hyde's veterans who were Killed in Action and the circumstances surrounding their deaths, please contact me.
Name | Rank |
Branch of Service |
Remarks |
Lockley, Danny Louis (1958-2011) | U. S. Navy | [see obituary] Buried in Soule Cemetery | |
Lockley, Edward Wayne (1957-2000) | U. S. Navy | [see obituary] Buried in Soule Cemetery |
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