The Baum Beacon
Compliments of Clare Baum
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2014 |
T H E B A U M B E A C O N V O L U M E 20, N U M B E R 1, S U M M E R 2014 WELCOME to the 47th Annual Baum Family Reunion!! August 3, 2014 THE THOMAS BAUM HOUSE – SICAMORELAND 4065 North Lake Road, Fairfield, NC 27826 *********************** Abraham Baum, the Elder (d. 1730) Here is some of the information we have about our ancestor and early NC history (late 1600s-1730) so you can draw your own conclusion. Abraham Baum (the Elder), whose wife was Appolonia, is probably the earliest of our Baum ancestors in the New World. Early settlements in the Albemarle were all north of the Sound and east of the Chowan River with the next moves being to the south and west towards Roanoke and Bertie County, and especially along an old Indian trail that fan from the mouth of Kendrick’s Creek (Tyrrell Co.) toward present day Bath on the Pamlico River. English and French colonists were followed by German and Swiss colonists in settling the area. Germans from the Palatinate (area around Heidelberg), who survived many hardships as they followed Martin Luther and John Calvin to the Protestant church, fled to England. From England, these poor, yet industrious and thrifty Germans came to NC as Queen Anne could make arrangements. An Abraham Baum (age 34) is recorded in the Public Records Office, London, Board of Trade Miscellanies (Vol. 2, D. 69 Lists of Germans from the Palatinate) as arriving at St. Catherine on June 11, 1709. He is listed as a husbandsman and vinedresser and has four sons (ages 14, 12, 3, 1) and one daughter (age 15). His wife is not listed. Christopher DeGraffenreid (a needy Swiss citizen) agreed with Queen Anne to take 100 families (650 people), including Palatines, to a 10,000 acre tract of land between the Neuse and Cape Fear rivers (New Bern). The Palatines set sail in January 1710, arrived at Chesapeake Bay and lost half of their number by the time they arrived at the Neuse River by May or June. The Swiss, along with DeGraffenreid, followed arriving in Sept. 1710. On September 11, 1711, the Tuscarora Indians attacked and killed many English, Swiss and German settlers at New Bern. Currituck Legacy notes that about fifty of the survivors fled to Virginia. (Could our Abraham have been one of these survivors or just left the group as they arrived in the New World in the summer of 1710?) |
Abraham Baum, the
Elder, is recorded as paying levies of 15 shillings in Currituck, 1715.
(This amount would indicate he had no children of adult age that year and
could raise questions of definition of adult, record errors, among other
questions.) In 1717, Abraham was paying taxes in Currituck on 150
acres of land acquired by deed on the North River. In the disposition of
property, Abraham Baum’s will, recorded by Appolonia (his wife and
executrix) on April 7, 1730, indicates there were also holdings on the
Outer Banks. According to family recollection, Abraham, the Elder, is
buried near Jarvisburg.
For more information, consult Currituck Legacy The Baum Family of North Carolina and Young People’s History of North Carolina ( **************** Anyone who would like to visit the Baum-Meekins Cemetery on Roanoke Island should see Walter or Clare (252-926-2261) or RS Spencer (252-542-0000) to get information on how to access the cemetery. This is where our ancestors, Maurice Baum I (died 1784 - one of the sons of Abraham the Elder), and his sons Maurice Baum II (died 1805) and Abraham Baum (1742-1833) are buried. That Abraham Baum was the father of our THOMAS BAUM (1776-1873) ****************************************** We remember – Samuel "Buddy" Lambert Gibbs, Sr., who died May 9, 2014 in Chesapeake, VA. Buddy was the son of Olian and Susan Baum Gibbs. Susan Baum Gibbs was a daughter of Samuel Lindsay Baum>son of Thomas Baum. Many Baum reunions were made that much more special when Buddy, who was a recording artist, sang familiar gospel songs, including The Lighthouse, for all to enjoy. Dwight McKinney, who died Nov. 3, 2013 in Edenton. Dwight was the son of Jimmy and Linda McKinney. Linda’s great-great-aunt was Elizabeth Jane Harris, who married Abraham Baum>the eldest son of Thomas Baum. Ed Glenn Cutrell, husband of Myla Baum Cutrell, who died July 20, 2014. Myla is the daughter of Willie Edison Baum>son of William Jacob Baum>son of Samuel Lindsay Baum>son of Thomas Baum. Births - Zoe Marie Rowe, born March 11, 2013, to Jessica and John Scott Rowe. Grandparents are Debbie and John Rowe. Debbie’s father was Ronald Baum Ballance>son of Katie Baum Ballance>daughter of William Jacob Baum>son of Samuel Lindsay Baum>son of Thomas Baum. Marriages – Joseph Christopher Carpenter and Candace Baucom, who were married May 25, 2013 in Belmont, NC. Joseph’s mother is Brenda Edwards>daughter of Ronald Baum Ballance>son of Katie Baum Ballance>daughter of William Jacob Baum>son of Samuel Lindsay Baum>son of Thomas Baum. (Editor’s note: I have re-traced the Baum lineage on each of the above so all see how we all go back to Thomas Baum) If there is more family information, please forward it to FIND US NOW ON FACEBOOK!! Look for the Baum Family Reunion Group and join us. |
2015 |
T H E B A U M B E A C O N V O L U M E 21, N U M B E R 1, S U M M E R 2015 WELCOME to the 48th Annual Baum Family Reunion!! August 2, 2015 THE THOMAS BAUM HOUSE – SICAMORELAND 4065 North Lake Road, Fairfield, NC 27826 *********************** 2015 is a milestone year for the Baum family in North Carolina. Three hundred years ago this year, Abraham Baum, the Elder (died 1730) was paying levies of 15 shillings in Currituck. In subsequent years, he is recorded as paying property taxes for 150 acres of land that was acquired by deed along the North River (near current day Jarvisburg) as well as listing that he received two shillings, six pence for canoeing a burgess. As Currituck Legacy noted, he appears in the earliest extant Currituck records under the caption "Levies received in Corrytuck for the year 1715 per John Brown Trer." To revisit last summer’s Baum Beacon discussion of Abraham Baum, the Elder, and his arrival in the New World: Not only might Germans from the Palatinate area have fled Germany in the early 1700s for religious reasons, they also left in hopes of getting more land in the new world. Farmers traditionally divided and gave their land to their children. As a result, subsequent generations did not have enough land to make ends meet. In addition, there was a severe drought in Europe during 1708 which made more hardships for German farmers and vinedressers. Add to that fact, there were ongoing conflicts between the French and English over German lands and who would control them. This instability led Germans to seek a better life elsewhere. Many made it to England; Abraham (the Elder) was one, arriving on June 11, 1709 at St. Catherine. This is documented in the Public Records Office, London, Board of Trade, Miscellanies, Vol. 2, D. 69, Lists of Germans from the Palatinate. The large groups of German refugees were assisted by Queen Anne, who saw the situation as an opportunity to colonize the New World, making the colonies produce needed goods and revenues for England. She helped organize ships to take the Germans to Pennsylvania, Carolina and the islands. John Brayton’s recent publication of the First Families of North Carolina lists the Baum family among the families who settled North Carolina, a designation given to families who were in NC prior to 1729. Fast forward a hundred years to the early 1800s…..Abraham the Elder’s grandson, also named Abraham (father of our Thomas Baum) was purchasing land in Hyde County which his sons Thomas and Joseph would later purchase from him. Joseph lived in the house he built near present day Patrick’s Corner before returning to Pine Island in Currituck. Thomas, as we know, lived and raised his five children here in Hyde. Our conclusion - the two Baum houses in Hyde County built by Joseph Baum and Thomas Baum) are about 200 years old! This year is clearly a year for celebration! |
Anyone who
would like to visit the Baum-Meekins Cemetery on Roanoke Island should see
Walter or Clare (252-926-2261) or RS Spencer (252-542-0000) to get
information on how to access the cemetery.
This is where our ancestors, Maurice Baum I (died 1784 - one of the sons of Abraham the Elder), and his sons Maurice Baum II (died 1805) and Abraham Baum (1742-1833) are buried. That Abraham Baum was the father of our THOMAS BAUM (1776-1873) ****************************************** We remember – Sarah Gibbs Curling, who died February 23, 2015. Sarah was the youngest daughter of Olian and Susan Baum Gibbs and sister of the late Buddy Gibbs. Sarah Baum Gibbs, their mother, was a daughter of Samuel Lindsay Baum>son of Thomas Baum. Katherine "Kathy" Cunningham Yocum, who died May 25, 2015. Kathy was the daughter of the late Everett and LaRue Dudley Cunningham. LaRue’s mother, Rachel Baum Dudley, was a daughter of William Jacob Baum>son of Samuel Lindsay Baum>son of Thomas Baum. Congratulations to Martha Bush Johnson and husband Russell who celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary October 14, 2014. Martha is the daughter of Geraldine Baum Bush>daughter of Charles Edward Baum>son of William Jacob Baum>son of Samuel Lindsay Baum>son of Thomas Baum. Congratulations and Good Luck to Zakary Elliott, Laura Johnson Elliott’s son, who graduated from North Iredell High School (2015) and plans to continue his studies at Wilkes Community College. Zakary’s mother, Laura, is a daughter of Martha Bush Johnson>daughter of Geraldine Baum Bush>daughter of Charles Edward Baum>son of William Jacob Baum>son of Samuel Lindsay Baum> son of Thomas Baum. (Editor’s note: I have re-traced the Baum lineage on each of the above so all see how we all go back to Thomas Baum) If there is more family information, please forward it to FIND US NOW ON FACEBOOK!! Look for the Baum Family Reunion Group and join us. Clare Baum, editor 252-926-2261 |
2016 |
T H E B A U M B E A C O N V O L U M E 22, N U M B E R 1, S U M M E R 2016 WELCOME to the 49th Annual Baum Family Reunion!! August 7, 2016 THE THOMAS BAUM HOUSE – SICAMORELAND 4065 North Lake Road, Fairfield, NC 27826 *********************** Miscellaneous on crops, hunting and other….. from the Weekly Raleigh Register, Dec. 22, 1835 Hyde County, Nov. 12 Messrs. Editors: I have noticed the account of several large vegetables, as reported through the medium of your paper, viz: the Orange Pumpkin weighing 51 pounds, and the Guilford Beet weighing 9 pounds, and the Onslow Pumpkin weighing 105 pounds, and the Wake Sweet Potatoe weighing 4 ½ pounds; but in the later part of September last, I raised on my plantation, on Mattamuskeet Lake, Hyde County, a Pumpkin, the weight of which was 138 pounds, and measured in circumference 6 feet 4 inches. As for the Guilford Beet, I have beaten it as far as I wish Judge White to beat Mr. Van Buren, but not as far as White will beat him in this country. After my beet was prepared for cooking, it weighed 16 pounds and measured in circumference 26 inches. A sweet Potatoe was also raised on the farm of R.M.G. Moore, Currituck, Hyde County, measuring 2 feet long, and 2 feet in circumference, and weighing 13 pounds. Is not this sufficient evidence of the fertility of our soil, to induce the friends of Internal Improvement, to give their aid in reclaiming the thousands of acres, of our lands, which now lie useless by inundation? I am with respect, &c. DANIEL MURRAY. from the Washington Progress, Nov. 29, 1887 There have been recent enquiries as to the origin of Scuppernong grapes. The North Carolina Reader, by C.H. Wiley, published in 1855 says: "The first vine of this name was found in Tyrrel county, North Carolina, near the banks of Scuppernong river, a small tributary to the Albemarl sound, by some of the party composing the first Anglo Saxon settlement on Roanoke Island, headed or commanded by Sir Walter Raleigh. One small vine and all, was transplanted very soon after on Roanoke Island, where only a few years since I saw it, then in a flourishing condition, owned by a man named Cuthbert, and was told by old man Abraham Baum, then 84 years old, that when he was a boy the vine was the largest on the island. It covers nearly an acre of ground now. (editor’s note: the reference year for the conversation with Abraham Baum by the publisher is 1826) from The Washington Gazette, May 18, 1896 Baum S.S. Babble: (editor’s note: there were periodic submissions from the Baum School House Babble, referring to the Baum Town area, about local happenings) Corn is looking well, but the oat crop will be short owing to the protracted dry weather. The people of this section have planted more cotton than they planted last year. The potato crop is suffering for rain. From The Weekly Economist (Elizabeth City), Jan. 31, 1877 Currituck. The members of "Currituck Shooting Club" had killed up to the middle of December, 1391 ducks, 71 geese and 3 swan. On the 8th of Nov., Josephus Baum killed 92 ducks and 15 geese. On the 20th of Nov., he killed 146 ducks and 6 geese. On the 9th of Dec., he killed 83 ducks, 32 geese and 3 swan. During the season he has killed 1,650 ducks, 77 geese and 3 swan. from The Washington Gazette, Oct. 8, 1891 BAUMS SCHOOL HOUSE. Correspondent Introduces Interestingly the Baums, Williamses, Gibbes Never having seen anything from this place in your columns, I thought, perhaps, you did not know there was such a place in the county; but if you have time to examine our new map of the county you will find it located on the main road that hugs the lake so closely it can’t get away, north side, about five miles from Fairfield. We call it Baums school house after the most prominent and numerous family in the community, Mr. Joseph B. Baum is President of the Fairfield Alliance, has represented the county in the Legislature. Mr. Ed Baum envied as being the possessor of an accomplished daughter. Mr. Abram Baum has had the misfortune to lose his eye sight, but is cheerful and seems resigned to his afflictions, having faith in the promise that all things work together for good to them that love God. |
Mr. Sam Baum has been
married twice and has children old and young. Joe Gray Baum drives a fast
horse and has a good looking wife, and Willie Baum is good looking himself
and has a wife to match. If space permitted I would like to introduce you
to the Williamses, and the Gibbes, Smiths etc……..
(editor’s note: Thomas Baum’s four sons, mentioned above, are Abraham, Samuel Lindsay, Josiah Blackwell, and Edward Stanley. Not mentioned is Thomas Baum’s daughter, Sarah Mann. Samuel Lindsay’s son, William Jacob, and Abraham’s son, Joe Gray, are also mentioned here. Josiah B. Baum served in the legislature [not Joseph].) **************** Anyone who would like to visit the Baum-Meekins Cemetery on Roanoke Island should see Walter or Clare (252-926-2261) or RS Spencer (252-542-0000) to get information on how to access the cemetery. This is where our ancestors, Maurice Baum I (died 1784 - one of the sons of Abraham the Elder), and his sons Maurice Baum II (died 1805) and Abraham Baum (1742-1833) are buried. That Abraham Baum was the father of our THOMAS BAUM (1776-1873) ****************************************** We remember – Lillian Elaine Armstrong-South who died August 8, 2015. Lil’s mother was Lucy Baum Armstrong>daughter of William Jacob Baum>son of Samuel Lindsay Baum>son of Thomas Baum. Ronald Harold Ballance who died December 26, 2015. Hal was the son of Ronald Baum Ballance>son of Katie Baum Ballance>daughter of William Jacob Baum>son of Samuel Lindsay Baum>son of Thomas Baum. Hazel Ballance Carawan, who died April 11, 2016 at age 98. Hazel was the daughter of Katie Baum Ballance> daughter of William Jacob Baum>son of Samuel Lindsay Baum>son of Thomas Baum. Ann Baum Dudley Grant who died April 27, 2016. Her mother was Rachel Baum Dudley McGrath>daughter of William Jacob Baum>son of Samuel Lindsay Baum>son of Thomas Baum. Robert Tilghman who died July 23, 2016. Bobby’s wife is Mary Lee Spencer Tilghman, daughter of Elizabeth Baum Spencer>daughter of William Jacob Baum>son of Samuel Lindsay Baum>son of Thomas Baum. Births – Albert Wellington Carpenter (Wells), born May 21, 2015 to Chris and Candace Carpenter. Grandparents are Brenda and Don Edwards. Brenda’s father was Ronald Baum Ballance>son of Katie Baum Ballance>daughter of William Jacob Baum>son of Samuel Lindsay Baum>son of Thomas Baum Lucy Carol Greeson, born July 30, 2015 to Katherine Rowe Greenson and Gary Greeson. Grandparents are Debbie and John Rowe. Debbie’s father was Ronald Baum Ballance>son of Katie Baum Ballance>daughter of William Jacob Baum>son of Samuel Lindsay Baum>son of Thomas Baum. Emma Victoria Rowe, born Sept. 1, 2015 to Jessica and John Scott Rowe. Grandparents are Debbie and John Rowe. Debbie’s father was Ronald Baum Ballance>son of Katie Baum Ballance>daughter of William Jacob Baum>son of Samuel Lindsay Baum>son of Thomas Baum. Justin Cole Cutrell, born May 29, 2016 to Betsy and Jason Cutrell. Jason’s mother, Myla Baum Cutrell, is the daughter of Edison Baum>son of William Jacob Baum>son Samuel Lindsay Baum>son of Thomas Baum. Marriages – Joshua and Melissa (Missy) Page who were married Aug. 8, 2015 in Smithfield. Joshua’s parents are Tina and Dawson Page. Tina’s mother is Patricia Baum Herman>daughter of Edison Baum>son of William Jacob Baum> son of Samuel Lindsay Baum>son of Thomas Baum. (Editor’s note: I have re-traced the Baum lineage on each of the above so all see how we all go back to Thomas Baum) If there is more family information, please forward it to FIND US NOW ON FACEBOOK!! Look for the Baum Family Reunion Group and join us. |
2017 | |
T H E B A U M B E A C O N V O L U M E 23, N U M B E R 1, S U M M E R 2017 WELCOME to the 50th Annual Baum Family Reunion!! August 6, 2017 THE THOMAS BAUM HOUSE – SICAMORELAND 4065 North Lake Road, Fairfield, NC 27826
*********************** Have you ever wondered……and a primer of Baum family facts Why the Baum Reunion is held on the first Sunday in August??? The answer is simple: Rachel Dudley, who started the reunion in 1968 on the Dudley family home front porch in Nebraska, planned it when all of her children, LaRue, Ann, Mary and Bill, could come. When the Baum family came to Carolina??? Documentation shows that Abraham (the Elder) arrived at St. Catherine on June 11, 1709. With the help of Queen Anne, who was anxious to colonize Carolina and make the colonies produce needed goods and revenues for England, ships were organized to bring the immigrants to the New World. Abraham Baum (died 1730) was paying levies of 15 shillings in Currituck in 1715, according to early extant records. Why Thomas Baum came to Hyde County??? Abraham Baum II, father of brothers, Joseph, Thomas, and Edward Baum, bought and sold land in Hyde County as early as 1779. His sons also bought land in Hyde. Joseph and his wife, Elizabeth, built a house near Engelhard and were living in it in the spring of 1811. By 1828, Joseph and his family had moved to the Currituck Banks and sold their house and land. Thomas, after a career as a sea captain and at 39 years old, bought 475 acres on the north side of Lake Mattamuskeet from his father, 275 acres known as Sicamoreland and its adjoining 200 acres. Thomas was paying taxes on the land and his house in 1816. He married Mahala Swindell and they had five children: Abraham, Samuel Lindsay, Edward Stanley, Sarah Mann, and Josiah Blackwell. Thomas Baum was born in 1776, the same year as the American Revolution! He would be 241 years old this year! (Sources for above material are Currituck Legacy, The Baum Family of North Carolina and Getting to Pine Island, both authored by Elizabeth Baum Hanbury.) |
**************** Anyone who would like to visit the Baum-Meekins Cemetery on Roanoke Island should see Walter or Clare (252-926-2261) or RS Spencer (252-542-0000) to get information on how to access the cemetery. This is where our ancestors, Maurice Baum I (died 1784 - one of the sons of Abraham the Elder), and his sons Maurice Baum II (died 1805) and Abraham Baum (1742-1833) are buried. That Abraham Baum was the father of our THOMAS BAUM (1776-1873) ****************************************** We remember – William Aubrey Harris (Bill) who died March 18, 2017 in Kitty Hawk. Bill’s mother was Edna Baum, who goes back to Maurice Baum II, whose brother Abraham Baum (1742-1833) was the father of Thomas Baum. Jimmy Dwight McKinney, Sr., who died June 17, 2017. His wife, Linda, a member of the Harris family, is related to Eliza Jane Harris, wife of Abraham Baum>son of Thomas Baum. Births – None reported to editor!! Congratulations!! Heather Baum Spencer, who graduated from VCU, May 17, 2017 with a master’s degree. Seebelow for Heather’s Baum lineage. Marriages – Heather Baum Spencer and David Lansdell who were married June 1, 2017 in Yorktown, VA. Heather’s father is R.S. Spencer, III, (Tony)>son of R.S. Spencer, Jr.>son of Elizabeth Leigh Baum>daughter of William Jacob Baum>son of Samuel Lindsay Baum>son of Thomas Baum. (Editor’s note: I have re-traced the Baum lineage on each of the above so all see how we all go back to Thomas Baum) If there is more family information, please forward it to FIND US NOW ON FACEBOOK!! Look for the Baum Family Reunion Group, like us, and join us. |
2018 |
T H E B A U M B E A C O N V O L U M E 24, N U M B E R 1, S U M M E R 2018 WELCOME to the 51st Annual Baum Family Reunion!! August 5, 2018 FAMILY LIFE BUILDING, FAIRFIELD UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 126 Church Street, Fairfield, NC 27826
*********************** Have you ever wondered……and a primer of Baum family facts The Baum reunion has been held in many places since it was started on Rachel Dudley’s front porch in 1968: Swan Quarter Ag building, Engelhard Fire Station, the Olde Store, William Jacob Baum house (Myla’s house), Samuel Lindsay Baum house (Ben and Pat’s house), Thomas Baum house (Clare and Walter’s house), and the Masonic lodge in Fairfield (now the Family Life Center). **************** Anyone who would like to visit the Baum-Meekins Cemetery on Roanoke Island should see Walter or Clare (252-926-2261) or RS Spencer (252-542-0000) to get information on how to access the cemetery. This is where our ancestors, Maurice Baum I (died 1784 - one of the sons of Abraham the Elder), and his sons Maurice Baum II (died 1805) and Abraham Baum (1742-1833) are buried. That Abraham Baum was the father of our THOMAS BAUM (1776-1873) |
****************************************** We remember – Romulus Sanderson Spencer, III "Tony" who died June 3, 2018. Tony’s father is R.S. Spencer, Jr.>son of Elizabeth Leigh Baum>daughter of William Jacob Baum>son of Samuel Lindsay Baum>son of Thomas Baum. Births – Joshua Herman Page, Jr., son of Josh and Missy Page, born March 22, 2018 in Greenville. Joshua’s father, Josh, is the son of Tina Herman Page>daughter of Patricia Baum Herman>daughter of Edison Baum>son of William Jacob Baum>son of Samuel Lindsay Baum>son of Thomas Baum. Congratulations!! Sean Michael Elliott, who graduated from North Iredell High School and is headed for an honors program at UNC-Chapel Hill studying to be an astrophysicist. Sean is the son of Laura Johnson Elliott>daughter of Martha Bush Johnson>daughter of Geraldine Baum Bush> daughter of Charles Edward Baum> son of William Jacob Baum>son of Samuel Lindsay Baum>son of Thomas Baum. Ellyn Johnson Gaither, who has been selected as Principal for West Iredell High School for the coming year! Ellyn is the daughter of Martha Bush Johnson>daughter of Geraldine Baum Bush>daughter of Charles Edward Baum>son of William Jacob Baum>son of Samuel Lindsay Baum>son of Thomas Baum. Marriages – Christopher David Spencer and Rebecca Moore who were married on July 14, 2018 in Pocosin, VA. Chris is the son of R.S. Spencer, III (Tony)>son of R.S. Spencer, Jr.>son of Elizabeth Leigh Baum>daughter of William Jacob Baum>son of Samuel Lindsay Baum>son of Thomas Baum. (Editor’s note: I have re-traced the Baum lineage on each of the above so all see how we all go back to Thomas Baum) If there is more family information, please forward it to FIND US NOW ON FACEBOOK!! Look for the Baum Family Reunion Group, like us, and join us. |
2019 | |
T H E B A U M B E A C O N V O L U M E 25, N U M B E R 1, S U M M E R 2019 WELCOME to the 52nd Annual Baum Family Reunion!! August 4, 2019 FAMILY LIFE BUILDING, FAIRFIELD UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 126 Church Street, Fairfield, NC 27826
Have you ever wondered……and a primer of Baum family facts **************** Early on in the Thomas Baum house (ca. 1816), the convenience of turning on a faucet for water or using a wall switch for lights was non-existent. Electricity was not used in homes until the late 19th century. The house, at some point, had a "gas house" in the yard, with two tanks. In the old living room, there is evidence of a pipe hole in the wooden wall where there was a gas light fixture. At first, water was probably caught in a cistern. Later, water was piped into the old kitchen from the enlarged cistern (still visible) where there was a hand pump. There was also mention of a "soda" well behind the house where one would get a drink of water after a big meal prepared by Fannie Baum (Samuel Emmett Baum’s wife). Just think how far these conveniences that we take for granted have come! Anyone who would like to visit the Baum-Meekins Cemetery on Roanoke Island should see Walter or Clare (252-926-2261) or RS Spencer (252-542-0000) to get information on how to access the cemetery. This is where our ancestors, Maurice Baum I (died 1784 - one of the sons of Abraham the Elder), and his sons Maurice Baum II (died 1805) and Abraham Baum (1742-1833) are buried. That Abraham Baum was the father of our THOMAS BAUM (1776-1873) |
****************************************** We remember – A.C. Gregg, husband of Eve Guthrie Gregg, who died August 16, 2018. Eve’s father was Bruce Midyette Guthrie, whose brother Cecil Max Guthrie married Mildred Godwin> daughter of Florence Gray Baum (Sissy)>daughter of Samuel Emmett Baum>son of Samuel Lindsay Baum>son of Thomas Baum. Iva Charlene Stafford Ruiz-Cue, who died May 25, 2019 in Pembroke Pines, FL. She was a sister to Linda Raper and granddaughter of Lucy Belle Baum>daughter of William Jacob Baum>son of Samuel Lindsay Baum>son of Thomas Baum. Births – Caroline Reese Mullahey, daughter of Tia and Jeffrey Mullahey, and granddaughter of Jane and Jeff Mullahey, who was born Sept. 30, 2016. Jane’s mother was Jane M. Alexander>daughter of Gladys Baum Midyette>daughter of Samuel Emmett Baum>son of Samuel Lindsay Baum>son of Thomas Baum. Lukas Hyde Berry, son of Christopher and Rachel Berry, who was born Jan. 20, 2019. Chris is the son of Annette Bush Berry>daughter of Geraldine Baum Bush>daughter of Charles Edward Baum>son of William Jacob Baum>son of Samuel Lindsay Baum>son of Thomas Baum. John Tyler Jones and James Christopher Jones, twin sons of Stephanie and Brad Jones, who were born on February 19, 2019. Stephanie is the daughter of J.P. and Connie Bush. J.P.’s mother was Geraldine Baum Bush>daughter of Charles Edward Baum>son of William Jacob Baum>son of Samuel Lindsay Baum>son of Thomas Baum. Congratulations!! We have another star in the family!! Sarah Bush, daughter of Crystal and Jarrett Bush, was pictured in the newspaper last year as the Virginia Dare baby. Sarah is the granddaughter of William (Sonny) Bush>son of Geraldine Baum Bush>daughter of Charles Edward Baum>son of William Jacob Baum>son of Samuel Lindsay Baum>son of Thomas Baum. Jennifer Berry, who graduated from Elizabeth City State University with a BS in Elementary Education in May 2019. Jennifer is the daughter of Annette Bush Berry>daughter of Geraldine Baum Bush>daughter of Charles Edward Baum>son of William Jacob Baum>son of Samuel Lindsay Baum>son of Thomas Baum. (Editor’s note: I have re-traced the Baum lineage on each of the above so all see how we all go back to Thomas Baum) If there is more family information, please forward it to FIND US NOW ON FACEBOOK!! Look for the Baum Family Reunion Group, like us, and join us. |
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