April 1918
April 1st
Mon. Cloudy: warmer. Mails leaving on new time, this m.- an hour
earlier, but same hour by the clock. Had one short April shower at 9-10
a.m. Was at the E. Egg Hunt this aft’n. 3 girls found 7 eggs each –
the highest number found. I put down a number and the one guessing
nearest it won the prize. The number was 58, and Nela Weston
guessed 54 and won. The prize was a basket of toy chicks. It is
raining this aft’n. Sunshine at 6 P.M.
Tues. Fair and warmer. Encouraging news from the European war, last
night-The headlines of The News and Observer said “German War-God
did a Losing Business on Easter Sunday”. God grant complete victory to
our Allied Armies, and may we have peace, this year. Been a fine day.
Wed. Cloudy and warm. Clouds were a deep red at 6-30, this m. followed
by sunshine. Dinner at same Hotel, at the request of the Propr-., W.
B. Swindell. Nothing special the bal. of the day.
Thurs. Cloudy and some cooler. There was a meeting of the War Saving
Stamps of Hyde Co., this P.M. in the Court Ho.. At 9, P.M. and before,
it is raining, thundering and lightening.
Fri. Fair, and a cold wind, this m’g. Made a service - 1 star – flag.
Sat. Fair and frosty. One year ago, today (6th) the U.S.
declared war against Germany: 3rd Liberty Loan launched
today. Maud Parkins, Edna Boomer & Willie Harris (3 young girls)
came in to borrow my hammer to use at the Disciple’s Church. – in
decorations I suppose.
Sunday Fair and cool. Rev. Walter N. Johnson, Bap. Miss. Secty.,
whom I knew in his native Co.– Sampson, is here, and may preach, as
announced, in our church, this morning. I went to the Swindell Hotel,
last night, to see him; but he had gone to Dan Berry’s. Getting
cloudy about 9:30 A.M. Bro. J. preached, this morning. Rode in
W.J. Harris’s car as far as Henry Boomer’s where I was
expected for dinner. In the car were Revs. Johnson & Raiolia;
going to Fairfield. It has been partly cloudy all day. Rain was
predicted by Bureau. I attended the Exercises by the children, tonight,
in the Disciple’s Church. A rocking chair had been provided for me,
and I was called upon to open the exercises with prayed. Exercises were
very, very, good.
Mon. Partly cloudy and warmer. Painted, or lettered, two card-boards,
today, for the “Nigger Night School”, to be at Sladesville.
Tues. Rain. Rained in the night, and raining yet – 7-17 A.M. Quite a
storm on now - 11-10, advanced time, rain, wind and thunder. A heavy
peal of lightning at 11-28; I was dozing in my chair, and it scared me
awake. Afterwards was very heavy thunder. Sunshine at 2-45.
Increasing cloudiness about 5 P.M. Looks “squally”.
Wed. Cloudy. Cold west wind, or somewhere. Cleared off this
afternoon, and more pleasant. Pastor sick: No Pr. Mtg. tonight.
11th Thursday
Rainy. Cleared afternoon. Dropping rain again at night.
Fri. Mostly cloudy, strong west wind, & colder. There was a Play given
by Fairfield folks Red Cross, in our Academy, tonight, and it was real
good. Bro. Grant gave me a ticket, and Bro. Lyda got a
chair for my special benefit, at my request. Appreciate all.
Sat. Fair and cool. I got up an hour late, as I went to bed nearly 2
hrs. late, last night, on acct. of the Play. As the day passes,
cloudiness increases. Dark and cloudy at 5-20 p.m.
Sunday Fair & pleasant, this m’g. Only 4 in our S. S. Class, this m.
Service by the pastor. Dinner at the parsonage. Church service
Mon. Fair. Nothing to record. Have felt sick all day long.
Tues. Fair. Better, this m. Edna & Lillian, (Henry Boomer’s
children) came with me to my room, this P.M. Cloudy this afternoon.
Wed. Fair and pleasant. It is quite windy, here, tonight.
Thurs. Fair and windy. Increasing cloudiness and thunderings about 4
P.M., with a heavy shower following. Warm & cloudy tonight.
Fri. Cloudy and warm. Thunder & lightning about 5 A.M. Rain after 9.
Dinner at Mamie’s. Lucile came around and spent about ½
hr. and cut out paper-dolls. Later, Charles came; and then
Mamie. I gave them jello & cream, and cakes. Gave Mamie a
double boiler I had never used: I got it to [unrecognizable word]
for, but did not do any of it. Had to get Dr. Plum Swindell
to give me a dose of medicine for the bellyache.
20th Saturday
Cloudy. Nothing worth recording today. Much rain this evening.
Sunday Cloudy. Heavy rains through the night. Water covers the street
in front of my room, and the next parallel st. east, and reaches a long
ways on st. in front of Co. Ho., covering a part of the walk to our
church. Dinner at “Rom.” Watson’s home.
Mon. Cloudy and cooler. No service, last night, too much water on the
ground. The water is lower, this morning. Some sunshine before 10
a.m. No rain today, but some tonight.
Tues. Sunshine and cooler, this m. A heavy rain last night followed by
clearing and moonlight. Nothing else to record.
Wed. Fair. Am lettering a notice for Overton and Berry’s Garage. It
is on canviss two ft. long. I began it this morning late, and stopt
about 6-35, not finishing it. It is in verse form. Our mail came in
sooner than usual this evening, I’m glad to say.
Thurs. A little cloudy. I finished the lettering job at 12:13. Took it
to the shop, got $2.00, with $1.56 due for it [above $1.56 the word
“Pd.” is marked]. Went to Mamie’s and ate dinner with them.
Capt. Thad. Brown let me have 5 gals. Ker. Oil, at 20 cents per
gal. Mr. C.C. Cahoon hauled it up to the store, and Abe Smith
bro’t it to my room. It is windy today, but the sun is shining, but not
clear. Colder night.
Fri. Foulest, rainy. The day turns out to be a stormy one - wind and
rain: it is now 4-25 p.m. I went to Dan. Berry to get some
clabber. The mail came in later than usual - 8-30. It is still
stormy, windy etc..
Sat. Still windy, and indications of fairing off - some sunshine. At
night. It is yet cool and a little windy. The mail boat late - 9 P.M.
Sunday. Fair and cool. At S. S. Dinner at “New Swindell Hotel”.
Mon. Partly fair, cooler. The day has been pleasant.
Tues. Fair and more spring-like. Clouding up tonight.
May 1st
Wed. Cloudy, warmer. Rain in the night. Sun at 8. Fair and
cooler this aft’n. Prayer meeting tonight. No mail as yet.
Thurs. Fair and fine - weather, this m. No mail. Boat broke down.
Fri. Fair. Had a little fire. Two days mail came in this afternoon.
Sat. Fair. No fire needed to warm by. Mamie is 27 yrs. old
Sunday Fair and pleasant. Preaching, at our church, by Rev. Rawles,
the Baptist pastor. About 4-30, three girls, - Mildred Mann,
Marcelyte Swindell and Blanche Carrawan brot. me a caramel
pie, as pay for the notice I lettered for the Pie Party last night.
Mrs. Howard (?) made it.
Mon. Fair and warm.
Tues. Fair and some cooler. “Tommie” Swindell (27) came in this
P.M. and spent a while with me and I was glad to see him. He has been
teaching in Beaufort Co.. On my invitation, Prof. J. N. Duncan,
Prin. of one school, and Prof. Willie G. Credle, Co. Supt. of Ed.
came in, and I showed them my scrap-book.
Wed. Partly cloudy, this m. Thunder about 8. Some (3) little girls
came in and wrote of my t-writer. Dr. J.Y. Joyner, State Supt.
of Education spoke tonight to a good sized audience in the Court House.
Windy this P.M.
Thur. Prospect for fair, and it was fair. Nothing special.
Fri. Fair, with some clouds passing. The body of “Flave” Spencer,
Jr. (19 yrs age) came in from Raleigh, last night. Apr. 25th,
4 - P.M. he, with a fellow student (Evans) of the A. & E.
College, were recklessly riding a motorcycle, (about 60 miles hr) and to
avoid a car they ran into a tele. pole, and were very seriously
injured. Spencer died Wed. night (8). Evans is reported
better. Five cadet students came with the corpse. I went of to his
bro. Carol’s, this morning, and quite a few were there. They are
gone to Fairfield to bury him. I carried some ribbon (for a Service
Flag) to Mrs. C.A. Jones, to make for me. She gave me a dish of
stewed oysters. It is windy and dusty, today.
Sat. Fair and pleasant. I have a Permit, from the State Food Adm &
approved by our Co. Food Admr , to purchase flour without
having to buy cereals with it, as is the law during hostilities.
Sunday: Somewhat cloudy, and looks rainy. Faired off before 9 (?). S.
S. & Church service. Mamie sent Charles around to my room
to ask me to go there for dinner. I was making lemonade at the time. I
went with him, of course. Recd a letter from Weston,
last night. It is fair and windy this aft’n. At service by the pastor
of our ch. tonight.
Mon. Fair.
Tues. Mostly cloudy, and windy. Shower of rain now (11-20). Mostly
fair all day. It is raining now (9-30) at night.
Wed. Cloudy and wet. Bro. Grant came around, this A.M. and had
me typewrite 4 copies of Donnell Farm Ex. Acct. Mamie sent
Lucile & Charles to ask me to dinner there. I went, and found 2
girls of the Oxford singing class there: they were Agnes Holder;
and Mary Shelton. I came back and finished the accounts. He pd.
me a dollar check for the work, in behalf of the Donnell Farm Co.
W.T. Berry gave me a ticket to the concert, tonight. There was a
crowded house for the concert of the Oxford children. Past 11 getting
back home.
Thurs. Cloudy yet, and dreary. The singing class left, this m’g, all
(16) in a truck car - benches on the sides. The concert was good – O.K.
Fri. Cloudy this m. Have been lettering a 2-yd. cloth for the Red
Cross folks - Dinner served during Court, next week. The Court will
not begin before Wed. or Thurs., on account of the murder trial in
Washington. It is the case of Ormond & others charge with
killing B.H. Thompson. I started to the Academy to attend the
“Musical”, but was too tired, and I turned back. C.L. Read, P.E.
is at the Swindell Hotel: I called.
Sat. and cloudy yet. Rev. S.A. Nettles, of Fairfield, came
with me to my room this P.M. He is to deliver a sermon before the
school, here, tomorrow.
Sunday 19th Somewhat cloudy, as usual for a week past. There
was no S.S. this m. The school children marched from the school to the
church and occupied the middle row of benches; girls formed the choir;
and 2 sang a duet at offertory. Bro. Nettles preached about 57
min. to a large congregation. Dinner with him at parsonage. There is
sunshine, this aft. and has been sprinkling somewhat. As Bro. Grant
had to take Bro. Nettles back to Fairfield, and will bring the
P.E. back in the morning, there is no service tonight in our Church. It
is 9 P.M. and the Disciples’ bell is just ringing for ch.
Mon. Fair. The 2d Qr. Conf. here today - The P.E. - P.C. -
3 stds. and myself took dinner with the P.S. at parsonage - Bro. Maj.
Fisher, std. was there too. Bro. Read - P.E. - is sick.
Dr. Herbert Mann (Dentist from down the Co.) pulled a broken tooth
for me this aft.: using Dr. Plum Swindell’s forceps. It save me
a trip to Washington. I am so glad it is out. I went to the school
entertainment by the smaller children tonight, and it was good.
Tues. Fair and warm. This is Red-Cross Week. Drive for $100,000,000.
The school closed tonight with Graduating Exercises, - 3 girls - 1 boy.
Three prizes were offered, or, presented. First was the Greeley
Brinn Medal”, won by Mildred McGowan: Second one went to
Etta Beal Grant for best progress in music; Third won by John
Madison Berry (my grandson 7 years) for winning the most hundred
marks: his prize was a Thrift Card with 4 stamps in it.
Wed. Fair. J. Mad. [John Madison] came around, as I told
him to do, this morning, and I added another Thrift Stamp to his card.
Thur. Fair. As the pastor (R. R. G.) was at a Red-Cross Meeting out of
town, last night, I conducted the prayer meeting for him. Hyde Court
began this m. Judge Conner, Jr. presiding. The court was
detained in Beaufort Co. on account of a murder trial, and continued
until 3 P.M. yesterday. This court should have begun last Monday.
Fri. Fair. The “KooSuit” came last night, and the coat is too large.
The suit is a gift from Bro. Grant: his came also. Later, he
came around with his “KoolSuit”, and we concluded the clothes were O.K.
He tho’t the coat not too large for a summer suit. Bro. Grant
has been very kind to me since we have been here; this suit is one gift
of many he has given since he came - Suit, rocking chair, typewriter
paper, R.R. fare to conf. & others: May the Lord graciously reward
him. This morning, Mrs. W.L. Spencer, having collected from
several, paid me $1.50 for the banner I painted for the Red-Cross
chapter. I immediately turned over to the “Second Red-Cross War Fund”,
to Mr. A. B. Litchfield, collector. I have patronized the Red
Cross yesterday and today.
Sat. Fair. This is a Special School Tax Election day in the Co. I did
not register, as I have not been paying taxes for three years.
Sunday Fair. I layed off my winter clothing (underwear) last night,
for the summer. At S.S., this m. I was elected teacher of the Wesley
Bible Class. I was its first teacher. Willie Credle was elected
as my successor, and now I am his: he is to leave for Camp Tues.
Mon. Fair and warm. Today, about 40 were here to be sent off to the
training Camp Jackson, tomorrow; among them is Munsey Weston, my
wife’s nephew. Tonight, the soldier boys were served Ice-Cream and
Cake; and after the girls and the boys had formed a ring, and skippt
around the O. F. [Odd Fellows] Hall. I left.
Tues. Fair. I went down to the Boat to see the 42 boys leave for Camp
Jackson. There were quite a number of girls and men there to see them
off: they went on the gas-boat Mot.
Wed. Fair and warm. I painted, this m’g, a Memorial Day Notice giving
notice of the Pres. call to prayer for the success of our armies and for
our glorious cause; by suspending all business from 11 A.M. to 1 P.M. I
painted 2 crosses red with black border, and a white star in center. It
is admired by many, and complimented. A real warm day.
Thurs. Fair. Memorial Day, and Day of Prayer for the success of our
Armies. Services at our church, at 11 A.M. Bro. Grant came
around, this aft. and got me to typewrite a page of accts. A light
shower, or sprinkle fell on our dusty streets, this p.m. glad to say.
Fri. Cloudy. Signs of a refreshing rain, last night. It is getting
hot and sultry before 11 A.M. Went to Mamie’s, and they were
eating dinner; I ate with them. John Berry (my son-in-law) came
around and changed the screen door from the upper to the lower door: it
was much needed. Mamie and the children came also, and spent a
while with us.
June 1918
June: Fair & hot. Painted a notice for Mr. A. D. Tunnell, this
P.M. 25 cents. Little Jim Hayes came in while I was cooking
dinner. He ate honey & biscuit.
Sunday Fair and warm. After S S., I stopt in at W.B. Swindell’s
Hotel to see Benners, Jr. who returned home last evening. Being
asked to stay for dinner I reluctantly (?) stayed. I enjoyed the good
dinner which was finisht up with ice-cream and cake, twice. I
attended the Childrens’ Day Exercises at the Disciples Ch. tonight.
Mon. Fair and warm again. “J. Madison” is 8 yrs. young, today.
It is cloudy, and thundering, and sprinkling rain bet. 4 ½ and 5 P.M.
John Madison rec’d a dollar and 17 from his “Daddy” and brot. it
around to me and I gave him 50 cents to complete his Thrift Stamp Card;
I went with him to the P. O., and exchange the T.S. [Thrift Stamp]
Card for a W.S.S. Card & 1 W. S. Stamp; after which, I typewrote his
name and address on his W.S.S. card. We have had a shower of rain, this
aftn. It is still warm and cloudy, 8 P.M.
Tues. Cloudy. Fair later in the day; and right much cooler at night.
Wed. Fair. This is Registration Day for those who have become
twenty-one since the 1st regis. a year ago today, for
military service.
Thurs. Fair. Nothing worth recording. Show in our town tonight.
Fri. Cloudy. I attend a marriage in the Disciples’ Church, this
morning – 8-30 o’clock- the couple being Rev. “Willie” J. Swindell
and Miss Blanche Swindell. They expect to be in Charleston, S.C.
tonight. I ate dinner (bread and chocolate) with Mamie, today.
There seems to be a storm on hand, (8-25 P.M.) heavy clouds, wind and
rain & lightning.
Sat. Partly cloudy. A needed rain fell last night: cooler today.
Eclipse of the sun, this P.M., promised. Cloudy weather may obscure
it. Sunshine this aft. I saw the partial Eclipse – about 2/3 of
total. Cool today.
Sunday Cool. At S.S. & church service this m. ate dinner at the
parsonage, as usual on 2d Sundays. Cloudy this evening.
Service tonight. A larger crowd out than usual.
Mon. Mostly fair. I filled out my Thrift Card; surrendered it to the
P.O., and got my first “War Saving Stamp”, and put it in my Safety
Deposit Box in the Bank of Hyde. A Red Cross speaker – Mr. Lane,
of Boston, who has charge of the So. Div. of the R.C. spoke in the C.
Ho. tonight. It was a splendid talk he gave us. He is a Methodist
preacher, he said, (privately).
Tues. Fair. Have been unusually feeble - weak today.
Wed. There has been a high wind all the afternoon & evening. Did not
go to the Prayer Meeting, tonight, as I was feeling as unwell; if they
had any.
Thurs. Wind quiet, this m. Partly cloudy. Nothing else special.
Fri. Fair. The mail came by auto: the boat is being repaired.
Sat. Cloudy. Took my bath about 1 P.M. instead of 10 P.M. as I usually
do. It is much cooler this evening. Fair most all day.
Sunday Fair & cool. I was prepared to go to Washington, this morning
on the “Mot”, as Capt. Thad. Brown told me it would leave today,
or, tomorrow. While in S.S., he came to the door, and told me they
would leave at 6, a.m. tomorrow. We have a new sexton, and S.S. was
earlier today. I ate dinner at the Lupton Hotel, today. Service in our
Church tonight.
Mon. I got up about 3 a.m., 20 m. earlier than I set the alarm for.
Capt. Thad. said he would leave at 5-30 A.M. I took a shave, cooked
oatmeal, and cocoa. Went to the boat at 5-30, and no one was there. We
finally got off at 7-40 a.m. Mr. Stronalan and I, the only
passengers, Ar. in Washington exactly 7 hours from starting. I went to
S.R. Fowle’s store and saw my friend Clyde Harrison who
told me arrangements were made for me to eat at his house, and room
elsewhere, as they were “full up”. Went to Dr. A.S. Wells’
office to get my teeth examined. He pulled three, after much effort, as
they were hard to loosen up. Rode in back to Clyde’s home. Sent
for Neppie, and she came over right away: she is stopping not far
away. She brot. me over to a Mrs. Willis house where I am to
room while here. My gums and head are paining me.
18th Tues.
Fair & cool. I rested better than I feared I would, as my gums were so
sore. I stayed at Clyde’s until after dinner, except about an
hour at Mayhew Paul’s, where Neppie is. Walked up town
this P.M. Neppie came in a car for me (at Mr. Fowle’s
store) to take a ride around town, and out to the park.
Wed. Fair, becoming cloudy. Raining again. Walked up town, made some
purchases, of course. Rev. C. L. Read, our P.E. hailed me across
the street, came over, and treated me to a milkshake. On nearing house
(Clyde’s) I stopt to see “Marget” - Mrs. Harrison’s sister
Margaret Foreman. I did not go up town any more during the day.
Neppie came about 3, and stayed an hour with me. Rain this P.M.
4-30 - 7 (?) Neppie came again after supper & stayed until my
bedtime, and she and I went to where I room, and she bade our goodbye.
20th Thurs. Cloudy and windy. Left Washington, on
the “Mot” at 9-35 A.M., instead of 8, as anticipated: We passengers
were myself, Guy Guthrie (our Co. Supt.), Mrs. Tom. Long
and her 2 little boys, and “old man” Adams. We reached S. Qr. at
5-5 P.M. Just 7 ½ hrs. coming. Lucile (my little gr dau) came
around; I gave her a penny, and she had to go spend it. Mamie
(my dau) came later.
21st Fri - Fair, and cool. My gums are still aching.
Sat. Cloudy & windy. Rain fell before day, I am glad to say.
Alternate clouds & sunshine throughout the day.
Sunday Fair and cooler. As I found difficulty in teaching class, this
m., owing to my teeth being out, I offered my resignation, and Prof.
Guy Guthrie was elected as teacher. Mamie sent Lucile
around, this m., as I was preparing to get my breakfast; she sent fried
chicken and biscuits. But my gums are so tender, I cannot eat any but
soft things with any comfort or pleasure. Rev. Mr. Rawles, Bap.
Pastor; preached in our church, this m.
Mon. Fair. Nothing to record, today.
Tues. Cloudy. At 3-10 P.M. There is a windstorm, and a heavy cloud in
the S. & W. Darkening followed by rain about 3-15 but there was very
little of it.
Wed. Cloudy. Rained in the night. Mrs. Alec. Berry gave me a
large paper-sack full of irish potatoes, and four eggs. Faired off
warm, by 10 A.M. Cloudy again, this P.M. and much colder; I had to
change coats. I rec’d a letter from the Y.M.C.A in San Francisco from
D.H. Klinefelder, as best I can make out the name. It is
puzzling to me: 1st, it was addressed to me at Cameron,
N.C.” 2d, It stated my son had confessed Christ. This is
gratifying to me; but 3d, It said he had “confessed” to him
(the writer) that he had not written to me “In years”, while the truth
is I have had several letters from him this year, and for a year past.
I do not understand this. I have written to Weston about it, and
enclosed the letter I received tonight. It is drizzling rain.
Thurs. Yet cloudy and cool & drizzly.
Friday Cloudy early; Sunshine later. Mamie sent Lucille &
Charles to ask me to eat dinner with them. I did so. Jim Hayes,
Jno. Madison and Lucile & Chas. spent a while with me, this
m. There is to be Patriotic Exercises etc. at the S.H. at 6 P.M. in the
interest of W.S. Stamps; today closes the drive begun Monday. This is a
national affair for every S.Ho. in the union. Not many there.
Sat. Fair, and warmer. “District Mtg.” of the Disciples, here, today.
30th Sunday
Fair and pleasant, this m. Ate dinner at Mamie’s. Pleasant day.