Josephine E. Williams was the daughter of
Joseph F. Williams and Rhoda Farrow Jennette. Joseph F.
Williams was born c. 1820 and he died between 1845 and 1848.
Rhoda Farrow Jennette was born c. 1820, and she died between 1870 and 1880.
Rhoda was the daughter of Jabez Benjamin Jennette and Salinda Farrow.
Joseph and Rhoda Williams had three known
children: 1. Ezekiel Williams (c1840 -
???) 2. Josephine E. Williams (24 Jan 1841 - 1 Sep 1915) md.
Nasa F. Jennette in 1860 and Benjamin Baxter Dailey in 1866 3. Rhoda Christian
Williams (8 Mar 1844 - 4 Jan 1918) md. John B. Whidbee, Jr.
before 1865
Benjamin Baxter Dailey & Josephine (Williams) Jennette
After the death of Joseph Williams, Rhoda
married John L. Foster of Hatteras. They had five children:
1. Mary Jane Foster (c1848 - aft. 1880) md. John Nelson Whidbee
before 1866 and Zachariah Basnight on Aug. 9, 1888 2. Annie Mozelle
Foster (13 Mar 1851 - 4 May 1919) md. Thomas Jefferson
Fulcher on Feb. 28, 1874 3. John F. Foster
(c1853 - ???) 4. Peel Emory Foster (1852 - 18 Jan 1916) md.
Evalina Dorcas “Ditty” Spencer on July 5, 1883 5.
Emma Almirah Foster (c1854 - ???)
Josephine Williams and Nasa Farrow Jennette had
one son: 1. Nasa William Jennette (30 Apr 1862 - 16
Aug 1868)
Josephine (Williams) Jennette and Benjamin Baxter
Dailey had four children: 1.Fabious Finalton Dailey (5 Sep 1867 - 18 Apr.
1937 md. Palmira “Molly” Delana Midgett on Jan. 8, 1888 2. Nasa William “Bill”
Dailey (9 Feb 1870 - 9 June 1937) md. Arkansas “Kance” Hooper
on May 14, 1893 3. Joseph Benjamin “Joe” Dailey (29 Jan 1875 - 11 Dec
1953 in NY) md. Armecia Gertrude Wilson on June 2, 1912 4. Joshua Halstead “Josh”
Dailey (6 Feb. 1880 - 14 Apr.
1964) md. Elevia “El” Christian Stowe on Oct. 23, 1905

Palmira (Midgett) "Molly" Dailey
Aretta (Midgett) Whidbee Scarobrough
Alvania S. (Midgett) Midgett

Nasa William "Bill" Dailey was born in Buxton and married
Arkansas Hooper. They had 4 children: 1. Dallas T. Dailey 2.
Ellis Andrew Dailey 3. Ethel Ann Dailey 4.
William A. Dailey

Joseph B. "Joe" Dailey married
Armecia Wilson and they had at
least 2 sons: 1.
J.B. Dailey 2.
Aldon Dailey

Fabious F. Dailey & Palmira "Molly" (Midgett) Dailey
Fabious & Palmira were married in 1888 and
to them were born 4 children: 1. Richard Baxter Dailey (18 Nov 1889 - May 12,
1966). He married Marina Jane "Dinah" O'Neal on June 15,
1912. 2. Louira Finalton Dailey (10 Feb 1892 - 20 Dec
1987). She married Thomas Browning Midgett on Feb. 23,
1913. 3. Fabious Halsted "Fabe" Dailey (4 Nov 1901 - 7
Nov 1975). He married Adie Fay Hucklebee. 4. Zella Grant Dailey (17 July 1907 - 23 Dec 2002
in Texas). She married Ottis Silverthorne Simpson, Sr. on Dec.
22, 1926.

Fabious, Fabe & Zella c. 1908

Richard Baxter Dailey married Marina J. O'Neal
and they had 3 children: 1. Richard Maurice Dailey 2. Zella Grace Dailey married Edwin Gilbert
Thurlow in 1939. 3. Vance Covell Dailey