Washington Gibbs
The son of William Gibbs, Jr. and Melissa (Melly) Tooley, was born on February 25, 1778. He was married three times: 1st to Agnes Spencer on October 19, 1797; 2nd to Deidama Gibbs on July 5, 1827 and 3rd to Mary (Polly) (___?___) sometime before 1839. He was the father of seventeen children:
1. Polly (died age 3)
2. Sarah (died age 12)
3. William Spencer
4. Louisa Gibbs (never married)
5. Henry Tooley
6. Peleage Spencer
7. Christopher Columbus (Kit)
8. Seth Washington Sr.
9. Mary (single)
10. Durant H.
11. Elizabeth (Betsy)
12. Anson S.
13. Silvester
14. Mahala Belinda
15. Nancy Hill (died age 19)
16. Charles Ebenezer Pettigrew
17. Frederick SmithHe belonged to the Second Regiment Hyde County Muster Roll of Detached Militia, August 1814. He served in the War of 1812. He died at his home on November 13, 1859. The family cemetery is believed to be located on the east side of the road to Jack Gibb's home.
(Courtesy of Ann La Due from her Midyette Family web site. )
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McGowan / Sheppard