The following information appears in the Charlotte Medical Journal (v. 29 - July 1906)
The formal opening of this recently erected institution in Kinston, N. C, with the laying of the corner stone of the Elizabeth Parrot Memorial Wards by the Grand Lodge of Masons of North Carolina, in the presence of the Governor of the State and many other distinguished citizens, may well be noted as marking an important epoch in the progress of medicine in Eastern Carolina.
The hospital, which in ts various departments will be one of the most complete in the State, is located on a beautiful and extensive park, generously donated for the purpose by Mr. and Mrs. J.A. McDaniel, of Kinston, in memory of their son Robert Bruce. The Charity Annex, or the Elizabeth Parrot Memorial Wards, is physically connected with the private hospital recently opened for general medical and surgical work by Drs. J.M. and W.T. Parrott, of Kinston, N.C., and is their munificent memorial to their deceased mother, the late Mrs. Elizabeth Parrott.
While there has not been the lavish wasteful expenditure of moneys so often seen in the exterior construction of modern hospital buildings, no expense has been spared to render the institution complete in its every important detail for the comfort, convenience, and proper medical and surgical care of suffering humanity.
Being fully conversant with the high order of professional ability of the Drs. Parrott we can but feel that our congratulations are due the people and the profession of that section of the State naturally tributary to Kinston, in having located in their midst an institution of high grade character and officered and managed by such accomplished gentleman of the profession. Again, are we reminded of the manifestly growing disposition on the part of our Southern doctors to provide near the homes of our people hospital facilities where skill and service are the equal of the best, and as good as any to be had on the face of the earth, can be provided at an equivalent or even lessened expense, and without the discomforts and dangers incident to the transporting of invalids by long railway journeys to the great cities of the East.
-- contributed by Taneya Koonce, April 2010