Location On a path north of Hwy 11 at Smith Colony Road where the old drive-in theatre was. The old ticket booth is still there in sight of the highway.
Faith Elizabeth BellMary Mildred Bell
June 10 1910
Mar 26 1926
Double stone
Emma Phillips
His Wife
May 14 1881
May 15 1971
Rev Benjamine E
July 9 1880
Sept 22 1955
Double stone
Woodrow W Bell
July 4 1914
May 25 1975
Thelma Ginn Bell
Feb 19 1914
Apr 17 1996
Mary Alice Bell
Dec 20 1943
Dec 25 1943
Mary Carol Bell
July 20 1952
July 21 1952
Charles F Bell
Nov 15 1916
April 9 1987
Veteran’s marker
Charles F Bell
Nov 15 1916
April 9 1987