Martin County Students at North Carolina Colleges

Did you know that the NCGenWeb Project hosts a NC Yearbook Index.  This Index lists (mostly) graduating seniors at colleges and schools across the state.  Currently, the index largely focuses on pre-1931 graduates but there are some exceptions.  Each index entry links to the full digitized yearbook online.

List of students that put a Martin County city as their hometown


Since hometowns were not always included, it is a good idea to also search the entire database.

Negro Education in Martin County

Over on Google Books, one of the books I looked at this evening is  — Jones, Thomas Jesse. Negro Education: A Study of the Private and Higher Schools for Colored People in the United States. Washington: Govt. Printing Office, 1917.

The book is available in its entirety as a PDF file.  Page 423 has a profile of  Martin County Training School. Here is an excerpt:

Principal: William Claudius Chance
A school of elementary grade which has been selected as a training center for supplementing the facilities of the surrounding county schools.  The school was founded by the principal and received county aid for some time previous to 1914, when it was taken over by the county.  It has an advisory board of prominent southern white men.

Attendance — Total, 150; all elemtary, borders, 15
Teachers. — Total, 4, all colored; male 1, female 3
Organization — The regular eight elementary grades are fairly well taught.  Some instruction in cooking and sewing is provided.  The school plans to develop a course in the theory and practice of teaching as soon as possible.

Read more online here.

Prof. W.C. Chance – Principal of Higgs Industrial Institute

From the December 30, 1909 issue of the Robesonian, newspaper of Lumberton, NC

Prof. W.C. Chance, colored, principal of Higgs Industrial Institute at Parmele, Martin county, is in Lumberton canvassing for his school.  He has a letter from Congressman Jno. H. Small highly recommending him.  Prof. Chance got his training at the A. and M. College at Greensboro.  His school was started last October, employs three teachers and emphasizes industrial work, especially agriculture.  J.G. Goddard, cashier of the Martin County Bank at Williamston, is treasurer of the institution and R.J. Peele, superintendent of public instruction is secretary.  Congressman Small says that Prof. Chance is doing a good work and is worthy of any assistance that may be given him.