Martin County NCGenWeb Site Redesign

If you’ve been a frequent visitor of this site over the past several years, you may have noticed that I tend to change the site fairly often.  For some reason, this site has always seemed to be one of my more difficult ones to organize in a way that I think is straightforward & easy to maintain.  Admittedly, it was my first GenWeb site using the software that I use – WordPress, so I was not as settled in my organizational approach just yet.

Today, I’ve spent some time reorganizing the site; some pages have been moved and a few have been deleted. For the most part though, many of the pages remain but getting to them is slightly different.  If you come across a 404 error page, my apologies – just start from the Records & Data page and see if you can figure out the type of information you were trying to access.  If you still can’t find it – please contact me (info on the sidebar) and let me know.

For keeping up with changes in the future, please subscribe to the RSS feed or visit again.

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