HUNTER, Jno. B. (d. 1810)

Star Newspaper of Raleigh, NC – August 23, 1810

The following tribute of respect was received in time for our last paper, but was mislaid.


Died, in Edenton, On Monday, 31st ult. Mr. Jno. B. Hunter, of Williamston.

While those, on whose minds the recollection of his many virtues are yet strongly impress’d, feel soliticitous to revere the memory, and regret the premature death of this worthy character, let the veil which covers human frailty, rest o’er those foibles, which alas! are inseperable from the nature of man.  Enriched by the inheritance of superior intellect, with a magnanimity of soul, that spurn’d the idea of every goveling and fradulent deed; happily blended with humility, whos calm influence can reconsile us to the calamities of time, nor suffer us to repine at the inscrutiable mandates of Heaven – Laden with the sighs of the affluent, and the tears of the indigent, (whose grateful heats can testify, that benificence was not wanting to complete the fulness of his character, ) did the affectionate husband, the faithful friend, the indulgent master and honest citizen, embark for that Haven, where the hand that writes will become motionless, and the eyes that read will be dimmed.
