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From Original by Mary Hinton Kerr

DB-2, page 1. 20 August 1767. SAMUEL FREEMAN to THEOPHILUS GOODWIN,SR. 100 Pds. Va. money for 200 A. in Bute Co. on SS Great Shockoe Creek, adj. SAMUEL FREEMAN & Coplands Spring Branch. Wit: WILLIAM PARK, MARK GOODWIN. MEMORANDUM: Leverey & Seezon same date. Wit: WM. PARK. Ack: by SAMUEL FREEMAN, his wife (not named) having relinquished right of dower before WILLIAM TABB, Esq., Bute October Court 1767, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 4 January 1768, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 3. 2 August 1767. WILLIAM HILL,JR. to EDWARD JONES, both of Bute Co. 55 Pds. Va. money for 175 A. in Bute Co. on SS Rich Land Branch, adj. JAMES JONES. Wit: WILLIAM PARK, JOHN DICKERSON. Ack: by WILLIAM HILL, JR., his wife (not named) relinquishing right of dower before PHILLEMON HAWKINS, Esq. Bute October Court 1767, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 5 January 1768, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R. Marginal notation: Deld. to E. JONES 14th Feby. 1771.

DB-2, page 4. 30 June 1767. THOMAS YOUNG, of Bute Co., & HOLANDBERY YOUNG, to ELEXANDER (ALEXANDER) GOODWIN, of Halleyfax Co. 20 Pds. Va. money for 150 A. in Bute Co., part of a tract on NS Little Fishing Creek, adj. HAZLEWOOD, BURROWS & ISAM LUCY. Wit: DAVID FLUKER, JEMIMA FLUKER, EDWARD YOUNG. Proved by DAVID FLUKER, Bute October Court 1767, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 6 January 1768, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 5. 21 October 1765. WILLIAM CAMPELL(CAMPBEL), of Bute Co., to MARK THORNTON,JR., of Lunanburg Co., Va. 40 Pds Va. money (& payment of Quit Rents) for 150 A. in Bute Co. on Little Creek. Wit: THOS. NEWMAN, BENNET WOOD, JAMES DOZER. Proved by THOMAS NEWMAN, Bute October Court 1767, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 7 January 1768, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 7. 7 October 1767. MARK THORNTON,JR. to his brother THOMAS THORNTON, both of Bute Co. Deed of Gift, for love & affection, to 150 A. in Bute Co. on Little Creek, being land bought from WILLIAM CAMPBEL. Wit: WILLIAM KENDRICK, SARAH KENDRICK, BENJAMIN KINDRICK. Ack: by MARK THORNTON,JR., Bute October Court 1767, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: ll January 1768, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R. Marginal notation: 4th. Augst. 1771 deld. to THOS. THORNTON.

DB-2, page 8. 21 October 1766. JOHN CAMPBEL & FRANCES, his wife, of Bute Co., to JOSEPH OWEN, of the Colony of Va. 40 Pds. Va. money (& payment of Quit Rents) for 100 A. in Bute Co. adj. JOHN GILBERD, ABY MATHERS, NICHOLAS(?), by the road leading to Robinsons Mill. Wit: THOS. NEWMAN, BENNETT WOOD, JAMES DOZER. Proved by THOMAS NEWMAN, Bute Oct. Court 1767, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 14 January 1768, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 10. 15 August 1767. GEORGE KERR, of Surry Co., Va., to JAMES WORTHAM, of Brunswick Co., Va. 120 Pds. Va. money for 546 A. in Bute Co. on BS Little Shoco Creek, adj. PERCE, NELMS, UNDERWOOD, HILL, JONES, WATLEY & GIBBS. Wit: WM. SHORT, JOHN BROWN, JOHN HEATH, CHARLES WORTHAM. Proved by CHARLES WORTHAM, Bute October Court 1767, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 14 January 1768, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page ll. 22 July 1766. THEOPHILUS GOODWIN & NANNEY, his wife, to JOHN WATKINS, all of Bute Co. 20 Pds. Procl. money for 100 A. on NS Sandy Creek, adj. land Watkins bought from PETTY. Wit: MESTE NORGAN MORRAY, PETER GOODWIN. Proved by PETER GOODWIN, Bute October Court 1767, BEN McCULLOCH,C.C. Reg: 20 January 1768, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 13. 25 October 1767. THOMAS BELL & SARAH, his wife, to WILLIAM TABB, of Bute Co. 300 Pds. Va. money for 500 A. in Bute Co. on BS Sandy Creek, Bledsoes Branch & Buffalo Branch, adj. JONES, excepting only the dower rights of MRS. RACHEL MARTIN. Wit: WILL JOHNSON. Proved by WILLIAM JOHNSON, Bute October Court 1767, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 2 February 1768, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 15. 9 August 1766. ALEN MONJOY, of Bute Co., Province of N. C., to SAMUEL FOULER(FOWLER),SR., of Province afsd. 9 Pds. Procl. money for 100 A. in Parish of St. John, Bute Co., where sd. Fowler now dwells, on NS Sandy Creek, adj. CAUDLE, ELIS & STALLONES, part of a 690 A. grant 5 December 1761. Wit: BENJAMIN PUTMAN, THOMAS PINNEL. Proved by THOMAS PINNEL, Bute October Court 1767, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 3 February 1768, by WILL. JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 16. 28 July 1767. JOHN STALLINGS, Planter, & MARY, his wife,to JAMES DENBY, Planter, all of Bute Co. 120 Pds. Va. money for 210 A. in Bute Co. on NES Tarriver (sic), on the Buffelow Creek, adj. JAMES DENBY& HUNT. About 130 A. of this tract, the lower part on the river bank, was bought from OSBORN JEFFREYS 27 July 1761, he having bought it, 15 Sept.1752,from ROBERT MOODY who had bought it, 3 March 1749 from DAVID THELLY who had bought it, l0 March 1747, from HENRY HUNT who had it from JOHN POPE 20 June1744, it being the remaining part of a grant of 300 A. to JOHN POPE, dated 26 July 1743. The other 80 A. of this tract adjoins the above part and was a grant from EARL GRANVILLE, executed by his agents JAMES INNES & FRANCISCORBIN in his Office 30 October 1752, to OSBORN JEFFREYS, for 640 A., and sold by him to JOHN STALLINGS 27 July 1761. Wit: WILLIAM HUNT, JAMES KING,OSBORN JEFFREYS. Proved by OSBORN JEFFREYS, Bute October Court 1767, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 4 February 1768, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 18. 28 July 1767. JULIUS NICHOLS, Esq., Sheriff, to WEST HARRIS, both of Bute Co. 100 Pds. Procl. money, highest bid at Sheriff's sale held 29 July pursuant to Court Order 1 March in the 7th. year of the reign of our Lord the KING, for land sold to satisfy judgment awarded to JAMES DANCY(DENCY) & CULLEN EDWARDS, amounting to 37Pds:lOSh:8d. Procl. money plus fees & costs in suit against NATHL. PACE in which sd. PACE was convict in Superior Court of Justice for the District of Halifax at Town of Halifax before MARTIN HOWARD, Esq., Chief Justice for the Province of N.C., sums to be had at next Superior Court of Justice for District of Halifax at Court House in Town of Halifax, 1 Sept. next, so as to render to sd. DANCY & EDWARDS the debt due them & their costs incident to this suit. JULIUS NICHOLS, then & yet High Sheriff of Bute Co., took execution 29th. July and sold at public auction 547 A. in Bute Co. belonging to THOMAS PACE & in the hands of NATHL. PACE his Executor, which land included the mill belonging to sd. PACE and was contained in two tracts on BS Cedar Creek, the first tract being part of a grant to JOSEPH BRIDGES 18 April 1745, the second, adj. the first & adj. OSBORN JEFFREYS, JEREMIAH PERRY & JOS. BRIDGES, granted THOMAS PACE 5 July 1760. No witnesses. Ack: by JULIUS NICHOLS, Esq., Sheriff, Bute October Court 1767, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 6 February 1768, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 22. 8 March 1765. JOHN GUN(N) to STEPHEN LOWE, both of Bute Co. 15 Pds. Va. money for 300 A. in Bute Co. on BS North fork of Mill Creek, adj. KIMBROW, WEST, WHITE(WHITT), BLAKE & BRAZIAR. Wit: THOMAS EATON, HAYNES (no given name). Proved by THOMAS EATON, Bute October Court 1767, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 24 February 1768, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 24. 3 February 1767. FRANCIS CAPPS, of Bute Co., to JOHN AUSTIN FINNIE, of Surry Co., Va. 60 Pds. Va. money for 358 A. in Bute Co. on SS Reedie Creek adj. RANDOLPH HAZLEWOOD, JOSHUA CAPPS & land that lately belonged to PHILLIP SELF, and land whereon I dwell. Wit: WILLIAM PARK, WM. TABB, WILLIAM DUNCAN. Proved by WILLIAM TABB, Bute October Court 1767, wife(not named) of FRANCIS CAPPS, having relinquished dower rights before PHILLEMON HAWKINS, Esq., BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 7 March 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Marginal notation: 8 Apl. 1768 deld. WM. TABB per order.

DB-2, page 25. (Day & month not given) 1767. ROBERT CHEEK to WILLIAM PARK & CO. l0 Pds. Va. money for 100 A. in Bute Co. on Sandy Creek, adj. DAY, HOWARD, BRIGHTWELL & EASTREGE. Wit: SOLOMON ALSTON,JR., WILLIAM DUNCAN. Proved by WILLIAM DUNCAN, Bute October Court 1767, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 8 March 1768, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 27. Court Order, in name of GEORGE III, King of Great Britain, etc., from Bute Co. Court, B. McCULLOCH, CBC, to WILLIAM BURFORD, STEPHEN JETT & DAVID MITCHELL, Esqrs., of Granville Co., dated 28 July 1767. Order directs them, or any two of them, to examine FANN(E)Y BENTON, wife of SAMUEL BENTON, with respect to her right of dower in lands conveyed to ROBERT GOODLOE,JR. in deed dated 26 August 1766, lands being in Bute & Johnston Counties, she being so remote from County Court at Bute that she cannot attend for examination. Report to be returned to Bute Court the last Tuesday in next October. Certificate, dated Oxford, 8 October 1767, from STEPHEN JETT & DAVID MITCHEL(L) from Granville Co., certifying that, upon examination by them, FANNY BENTON freely relinquished her right of dower in & to sd. land in counties of Bute & Johnston sold to ROBERT GOODLOE 26 Aug.1766. Dedimus & Certificate returned by STEPHEN JEST & DAVID MITCHEL,Esqrs. And Reg: l0 March 1768, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R. Marginal notation: llth. Augst. 1768 deld. MR. GOODLOE.

DB-2, page 28. 3 December 1767. JAMES SHERROD, of Tirrell Co., to WILLIAM CON-YEARS, of Bute Co. 80 Pds. Procl. money for land (acreage not given) in Bute Co. on NS Tarr River, ES Bare Swamp Branch, part of a grant of 300 A. to JOBE BAKER 20 April 1745, by him sold to JOHN RICHERSON who sold it to BENJAMIN LENIAR 24 Jan.1748, adj. LEMUEL LANIER (LANNIAR). Wit: THOMAS SHERROD, JOHN SHERROD. Proved by THOMAS SHERROD, Halifax Court, 5 December 1767, MONTFORT EALBECK, A.J. Reg: ll March 1768,WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 29. 18 September 1767. JOHN HUCKABY & JEAN, his wife, of Bute Co., to JOHN BEAL, of Dinwiddie Co., Va. 80 Pds. Va. money, & yearly rents due my LORD GRANVILLE, for 434 A. in Bute Co. adj. RUSSEL, MATHEW McMELION, RACKLEY & MOSES CURTIS, an EARL GRANVILLE Grant to JOHN CURTIS. Wit: B.WYNN, ROGER JONES, DANIEL WORSHAM. Ack: by JOHN HUCKABY, Bute February Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 15 March 1768, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R. Marginal notation: Deld. 14th. Feby. 1769 to JNO. BEAL.

DB-2, page 30. 3 November 1767. THOMAS COOK to JOHN HUCKABY(HUCKIBY), both of Bute Co. 30 Pds. Va. money for 680 A. in Bute Co. on BS Lyons Creek. Wit: THOS. BELL, GREEN HILL. Ack: by THOMAS COOK, Bute February Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 9 April 1768, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R. Marginal notation: 1st. Jany. 1769 deld. to WM. HUCKABY.

DB-2, page 31. 5 October 1767. RICHARD PROCTOR,JR. to WILLIAM EDWARDS, both of Bute Co. 12 Pds:l0Sh: Va. money for 100 A. in Bute Co. on ES Six Pound Creek adj. BENJAMIN EGERTON & JAMES EGEERON. Wit: WILLIAM HILL, EPHRAIM HILL. Ack: by RICHARD PROCTOR, Bute February Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 4 May 1768, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R. Marginal notation: 28th June Del to BEN EGERTON per your Ord.

DB-2, page 33. 9 October 1766. JOSEPH JOHN ALSTON to JOSEPH MONTFORT, both of Halifax Co. 250 Pds. Va. money for 680 A. in Bute Co. on Little Shocco Creek & SWS Great Shocco, adj. BENJA. THOMPSON, now POUNDS, being land granted to PHILLIP ALSTON by KING GEORGE II in the 18th. year of his reign & conveyed to JOSEPH JOHN ALSTON. Wit: RICHD. HEYWOOD. Ack: by JOSEPH JOHN ALSTON Halifax Court, 8 September 1767, MONTFORT ELBECK, A.J. Reg: l0 May 1768, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 34. 9 February 1768. RICHARD MADRY to JOHN KICKER, both of Bute

Co. 15 Pds. Va. money for 200 A. in Bute Co. adj. MADRY & JOSEPH DUKE. Wit: LEWIS PATTERSON, EDWARD HOLLIMON. Ack: by RICHARD MADRY, Bute February Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: ll May 1768, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 35. 4 July 1767. JAMES PAINE, of Orange Co., to his son JAMES PAINE,JR., of Bute Co. For natural love & affection & his better maintenance, Gift Deed to 1948 A. in Bute Co. on Six Pound & Hawtree Creeks; also 3 negroes (by name) and all negroes & livestock on the land. Wit: JOHN PAINE, ROBERT PAINE. Ack: Halifax Court, i September 1767, MONTFORT ELBECK, A.J. Reg: 15 May 1768, by WILL. JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 37. 14 August 1767. HENRY KING, of Macklinburg Co., Va., to WILLIAM KING, of Bute Co. 20 Pds. Va. money for 150 A. in Bute Co. on SS Malones Mill Creek, SS Ponking Pack Branch to the Mill Run, down the SS Little Creek, adj. ROBERSON & CAMPILL. Wit: WOOD MALONE, JOHN MALONE, FREDERIC MALONE. Proved by JOHN MALONE, Bute February Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 16 June 1767, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 38. 13 August 1763. WILLIAM JONES to JOHN FONDREN & WILLIAM KELLY, all of Granville Co. 100 Pds. for 500 A. in Granville Co. on SS Tar River, bought from JOSEPH WRIGHT,JR. otherwise known as JOSEPH WRIGHT of Granville Co. Wit: REUBEN SEARCY. Proved by REUBEN SEARCY, Bute February Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 16 June 1768, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R. Marginal notation: 12 Augst 1768 Deld to RICHARD HENDERSON.

DB-2, page 38. 5 November 1767. SAMUEL ELEY to DAVID BURNETT, both of Bute Co. 25 Pds. Va. money for 150 A. in Bute Co. on the Mill Stone Run & Swamp, part of an EARL GRANVILLE Grant of 700 A. I Dec.1760 to JOSEPH FARR who sold it to JAMES TILLET 1 Feb.1762, and bought from him 12 Jan. last past. Wit: HEN: HILL, JOHN SIMMONS. Ack: by SAMUEL ELEY, Bute February Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 17 June 1768, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 40. 2 May 1767. ROBERT BRINKLEY, Planter, of Halifax Co., to BENNET(T) HILSMAN, Planter, of Bute Co. 80 Pds. Procl. money for 271 A. in Bute Co. adj. MERREMAN, on SWS Cypress Swamp up Merrimans Spring Branch, part of the land bought from JAMES PACE, 10 Nov. 1760. Wit: WM. HUNT, SAML. ELEY. Proved by SAMUEL ELEY, Bute February Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 18 June 1768, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R. Marginal notation: Deld. 14th. Feby. 1769 to SAMUEL ELEY.

DB-2, page 41. 21 January 1767. PHILLIP BURFORD, Planter & MILLE, his wife, to JOHN HAWKINS, Planter & MARY, his wife, all of Bute Co. l0 Pds. Va. Money (& payment of Quit Rents) for 52 A. in Bute Co., land he had by patent & adj. PHILLIP BURFORD & HAWKINS. Ack: by PHILLIP BURFORD, Bute February Court 1768,BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 20 June 1768, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 42. 16 July 1767. JOHN BOB(B)ITT,SR. to PETER SMART, both of ButeCo. llO Pds. Va. money for 295 A. in Bute Co. on Reedy Branch & Rocky Branch, adj. JOSEPH GREEN, DANIEL, & FRANCIS ACOCK, exclusive of 2 A. about the Baptist Meeting House & Spring which is laid off & a line Round it, beginning at the mouth of sd. Spring Gutt & up the same, including sd. Spring house &Bridge across the Reedy Branch. Wit: JOSEPH GREEN, DRURY BOBBITT. Proved by DRURY BOBBIT, Bute February Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 21 June 1768, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 44. 20 November 1766. DANIEL(L) SLEDGE, of Bute Co., to JAMES NICHOLSON. 25 Pds. Va. money ( & payment of Quit Rents) for 30 A. on SS Stone House Creek, Hickory Branch. Wit: JOSEPH SHEARIN, NATH'L. NICHOLSON, THOS. SWENEY. Ack: by DANIEL SLEDGE, Bute February Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C.Reg: 27 June 1768, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 45. 4 January 1768. WILLIAM PASCHEL to his son DENNESS PASCHEL,both of Bute Co. For love & good will (& he is to pay Quit Rents), Gift Deedto 214 A. in Bute Co. on WS Smiths Creek, mouth of Baetree Branch, adj. JAMES PASCHEL & SAMUEL PASCHEL, land granted to WILLIAM PASCHEL ll 1748. Wit: PHILIP BURFORD, BENNET WOOD. Proved by BENNET WOOD, Bute February Court1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 22 July 1768, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 46. 12 January 1767. JOSEPH HACKNEY, Planter, to ALEXANDER BURNETT, Planter, both of Bute Co. 40 Pds. Va. money for 645 A. in Bute Co. on SWS Tar River, adj. ALSTON, COOK & PERRY, a grant by patent to JOSEPH HACKNEY 1 March 1762. Wit: WM. HUNT. EDMUND ADCOCK, WILLM. COLLINGS. Ack: by JOSEPH HACKNEY, Bute February Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 28 July 1768, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 48. 6 September 1767. JAMES PAIN(E),JR. to WILLIAM WARREL (WORREL), both of Bute Co. 20 Pds. Procl. money for 200 A. in Bute Co. on a branch of Hawtree Creek, adj. JAMES HARDWICK. Ack: by JAMES PAINE,JR., Bute February Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 29 July 1768, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R. Marginal notation: l0 Day of August Del. to MR. JAMES HARDWICK.

DB-2, page 49. l0 February 1768. KEDAR BEST & MARY, his wife, to HENRY HILL, all of Bute Co. 150 Pds. Va. money for 200 A. in Bute Co. on branches of Fox Swamp & Sycamore, all of the land bought from PAUL PATRICK& being part of a grant to SEYMORE SUMMERSELL in 1753. Wit: PAUL PATRICK, JOHN HAWKINS. Ack: by KEDAR BEST, Bute February Court 1768, MARY having first been privately examined by NATHANIEL HENDERSON, Esq., BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 29 July 1768, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 50. 21 October 1765. CHRISTOPHER EDWARDS & ELIZABETH,. his wife, of Bute Co., to WILLIAM HOLLEY, of Granville Co. 18 Pds. Procl. money for 336 A. in Bute Co. adj. JOHN MOSELEY, BENJAMIN MOSLEY, WILLIAM BIRSHOP, GEORGE BIRSHOP, PARKER, & THOMAS MOSLEY. Wit: WILLIAM BRACK, JOHN BIRD. Proved by JOHN BIRD, Bute February Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 1 August 1768, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 51. 18 December 1766. JAMES MOSELY, of Bute Co., to his son JOHN MOSELY & his grandson WILLIAM MOSELY son of JOHN MOSELY. Deed of Gift, of 200 A. where I now live, adj. NORWOOD, on the sd. James Moselys Spring Branch. This land, given for natural love, good will & affection, is to belong to JOHN MOSELY for his life, after the death of his father JAMES MOSELY, and to go to WILLIAM MOSELY, the son of JOHN & grandson of JAMES MOSELY, after the death of his father JOHN MOSELY. Wit: AMBROSE PETTY, JOHN NORWOOD. Proved by JOHN NORWOOD, Bute February Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 2 August 1768, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R. Marginal notation: 8th. Octr. Deld. to JNO. MOSELY.

DB-2! page 52. 4 September 1767. ANDREW MACKIE, of Isle of Wight Co., Va.,to JOSEPH McGUHE, of Bute Co. 150 Pds. Va. money for 905 A. in Bute Co. on branches of Richland Creek, adj. SAMUEL BENTON, JAMES WADE, THOS. PERSON, JOHN POND & JOAB MITCHEL, including the tract Mitchel bought from SAMUEL BENTON and sold to ANDREW MACKIE 18 April 1765, where JOAB MITCHEL formerly lived. Wit: JAMES MARTIN, JNO. HAMILTON. Proved by JOHN HAMILTON, Bute February Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 3 Aug.1768, WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R. Marginal notation: Deld. to WM. BLICHER the 15th. Feby.1769.

DB-2, page 54. 16 April 1765. JOHN MOBLEY, Planter, of Bute Co., to BENJAMIN HARDY, Esq., of Johnston Co. 22Pds:lOSh: Va. money for 100 A. in Bute Co. on Nuce(sic) River, WS Richland Creek. Wit: RICHARD KEMP, MARY WADDILL, ROBERT GOODLOE, JR. Proved by ROBERT GOODLOE,JR., Bute February Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 3 August 1768, by WILLIAM JOHNSON. P.R.

DB-2, page 55. 26 September 1767. JOSEPH MONTFORT, Esq., of Halifax Co., to SOLOMON ALSTON,JR., of Bute Co. 780 Pds. Va. money (& Quit Rents to EARL GRANVILLE) for 12,000 A., beginning at the Barren Lick to a fork of the Piggpen Branch, to the Store Branch, adj. JOHN BROWN, to the Old Field Branch & a prong of the Old Field Branch by the line of JOSEPH MONTFORT, to the Maypole (Mapole) Swamp & Woods Branch to where it falls into Shoccoe Creek, down Shoccoe Creek to line of THOS. HILL & down the Mapole Swamp to where it falls into Fishing Creek, up Fishing Creek to line of PHILLIP ALSTON near mouth of Hogpen Branch, crossing Hogpen Branch, Reedy Branch & Long Branch to the line of THOS. TURNER, to Woolf Pitt Branch where the road crosses & down the road. Wit: FRAS. JOHNSTON, HENRY GARNER. Proved by HENRY GARNER, Bute February Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 4 August 1768, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 57. 9 February 1768. JOHN HAWKINS & MARY, his wife, of Parish of St. John, Bute Co., to FAUNTLEROY DYE, of Lunenburg Parish, Richmond Co., Va. 100 Pds. Va. money for 400 A. on Deed Creek, adj. MR. BURFORD, JOSEPH BURCHET & CAPT. PHILLIP BURFORD. Wit: PHILIP BURFORD, WILLIAM RIGHT, THOMAS NEWMAN. Ack: by JOHN HAWKINS, Bute February Court, 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 5 August 1768, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 59. 31 January 1765. JOHN ELLIS to JOSEPH DUKE, both of Bute Co.20-Pds. Va. money (& payment of Quit Rents) for 200 A. in Bute Co. adjoining PACE, ELLIS & BANKS. Wit: JAMES HARDWITH, HARDIGE WALKER, JAS. BASKETT. Proved by JAMES HARDWICK, Bute February Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 6 August 1768, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 60. 30 March 1768. PAUL PA(R)TRICK to PERSON RACKLEY, both of Bute Co. 5 Pds. Procl. money for 12 A. in Bute Co. on SWS Sekemore Creek. Wit: PATEWILLS MILNER. Proved by PATE WILLS MILNER, Bute May Court 1768,BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 22 August 1768, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 61. 6 April 1768. WILLIAM TABB, Esq., of Bute Co., to his sisters ELIZABETH TABB & SARAH TABB and JOHN AUSTIN FINNIE, Merchant in Va. Mortgage on 500 A. in Bute Co., to secure loan of 985 Pds:13 Sh:4d. Procl. money, of which amount he owes to ELIZABETH TABB 218 Pds:4Sh:3d. Va. money or the value in Procl. money at 33 1/3% exchange, to SARAH TABB 196 Pds:8Sh:7d.:3 Farthings Va. money or its equivalent in Procl. money at 33 1/3%, and to JOHN AUSTIN FINNIE he owes 450 Pds: Va. money or its equvalent in Procl. money at 33 1/3% - all with interest. The 500 A. mortgaged herein is the place where WILLIAM TABB now lives, and is mortgaged in lieu of another tract deeded to them and by them released. Wit: JOHN SCOTT, THOS. MACHEN. Receipt for consideration money, same date, same witnesses. Proved by THOMAS MACHEN, Bute May Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 24 August 1768, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R. Marginal notation: ll th. Nov. 1772 Deld. to JACOB MOSELEY.

DB-2, page 62. 18 March 1767. WILLIAM CHAVIS (CHAVERS),SR., Planter, of Granville Co., to WILLIAM CARRILL(CARRELL), Planter, of Bute Co. l0 Pds. Va. money for 200 A. in Bute Co. on SS Tar River, adj. HEFFORD, part of a tract bought from SAMUEL BENTON, Esq. Wit: JOHN NEVILL, GEORGE STEPHENSON, DAVID DAVIS. Proved by DAVID DAVIS, Bute May Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 30 August 1768, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R. Marginal notation: del. to WM. CARRELL the 9th. of May 1770.

DB-2, page 64. 26 March 1768. WILLIAM WO(O)LBANKS to WILLIAM WOOD, both of Bute Co. 50 Pds. Va. money for 100 A. in Bute Co. in the Fulk(sic) of the Millstone, part of a 700 A. grant 5 December 1761, to the Sliding Rock, adj. FIR on ES the Millstone & adj. WOOD. Wit: WILLIAM GANT, ISOM GANT, JOHN WOOL-BANKS. Proved by WILLIAM GANT, Bute May Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 31 August 1768, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 65. 26 February 1768. SOLOMON ALSTON,JR. & SARAH, his wife, to PHILLIP ALSTON, all of Bute Co. 440 Pds. Va. money (& Quit Rents to EARL GRANVILLE) for 6000 A. in Bute Co., in the Forke between Fishing Creek & Shoccoe Creek, on Long Branch to Mapole Swamp, adj. PHILLIP ALSTON, MONTFORT, JOS. JN0. ALSTON & THOS. HILL, part of a tract of land known by the name of Clun Seat granted to EDWARD MOSELEY, Esq., dec'd., granted 5 Dec. 1728. Wit: WILLIS ALSTON, FRANCIS BELL. Ack: by SOLOMON ALSTON & SARAH, his wife, she being first privately examined by PHILEMON HAWKINS, Esq., Bute May Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 1 September 1768, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 67. 27 April 1767. ARTHUR ATKINS, of Bute Co., to JOHN STEED, SR., of Brunswick Co., Va. Bill of Sale for a negro man, livestock & household goods, etc. (listed), for 89 Pds:13Sh:Sd. Va. money. Wit: ANNE STEED, JOHN STEED, JR., FREDRICK COOK. Proved by FREDRICK COOK, before RICHARD HENDERSON, Halifax District (no date given). Ack: by ARTHUR ATKINS, Bute May Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 5 September 1768, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 68. 7 April 1768. JESSE BELL, of Bute Co., to JOHN AUSTIN FINNIE, Merchant in Surry Co., Va. 123 Pds. Va. money for 500 A., and mill, in Bute Co. on Hub Quarter Creek, adj. former line of JONATHAN RAI, SAMUEL BELL, THOMAS HARTHORN & THOMAS BELL, all of the land willed to JESSE BELL by his father THOMAS BELL, dec'd. Wit: DANIEL PEGRAM, ARTHUR ATKINS, GEORGE PEGRAM. Ack: by JESSE BELL, Bute May Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 6 September 1768, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R. Marginal notation: llth. Novr. 1772 Deld. to JACOB MOSELEY

DB-2, page 69. 29 September 1767. JOHN HAWKINS & MARY, his wife, to WILLIAM LUCAS, all of Saint Johns Parish, Bute Co. 60 Pds. Va. Money for 160 A. on NS Smith Creek to Curld Head Branch to Deep Creek, down Deep Creek to Smiths Creek. Wit: BENNET WOOD, WILLIAM WRIGHT, CHARLES LUCAS. Ack: by JOHN HAWKINS, Bute May Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 7 September 1768, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 71. 7 May 1768. WILLIAM DICKERSON to WILLIAM MOORE, both of Bute Co. 20 Pds. Va. money (& payment of Quit Rents) for 240 A. in Bute Co. on SS Thos. Martins Creek. Wit: THOS. MACHEN. Ack: by WILLIAM DICKERSON, Bute May Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 8 Sept.1768, by WILLIAM JOHNSON P.R. Marginal notation: Deld to you the 9th Sepr 1768 per me W.J. P.R.

DB-2, page 72. 14 April 1767. WILLIAM MASSEY to PATEWILLS(PATE WILLS)MILNER, both of Bute Co. 200 Pds. Procl. money for 627 A. in Bute Co. on NES Tar River adj. JOHN CLARKE, CHRISTOPER CLARKE, PERSON & BIRD on Fox Swamp, to line of SHERROD, HEZEKIAH MASSEY, PERSON RACKLEY & JOHN MASSET, to the River at mouth of Fox Swamp & along the River. Wit: JOHN MASSEY, JOHN GOLDING WM. WRYHT. Proved by JOHN MASSEY, Bute May Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 20 September 1768, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 73. 22 August 1767. NATHANIEL CARTER, Planter, of Bute Co., to JOHN HUNICUT (HUNNUCUT), of Cumberland Co., N.C. 80 Pds. Procl. money for 300 A. is Bute Co. on SS Flatt Rock Creek, adj. WILLIAM MANNER, he to pay Quit Rents. Wit: JAMES ALFORD, JOHN FRANKLAND, JOHN ROSE. Proved by JAMES ALFORD, Bute May Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 20 September 1768, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R. Marginal notation: Deld to JAS. ALFORD, Esq. the 15th. Feby 1769

DB-2, page 75. 28 February 1767. JOHN FERRIL, Gentleman, to JOSEPH BRIDGES both of Bute Co. l0 Pds. Procl. money for 160 A. in Bute Co. on WS Tart River & BS Crooked Creek. Wit: JAMES ALFORD, WILLIAM FISH. Proved by JAMES ALFORD, Bute May Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 27 September 1768, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R. Marginal notation: Deld to JAMES ALFORD, Esq. the 15th Feby 1769

DB-2, page 77. 25 August 1767. NATHIN(NATHAN) HALL, Planter, to CHARLES ROLLINGS, both of Bute Co. 18 Pds. Va. money for l00 A. in Bute Co. on Little Branch & Smiths Spring Branch, adj. WILLIAM SMITH, part of a grant from THOMAS CHILD, Esq., Chief Agent of EARL GRANVILLE, a tract of 653 A. Wit: JAMES ALFORD, DAVID HALL, SHAW DRIVER. Proved by JAMES ALFORD, Bute May Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 27 Sept.1768, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R. Marginal notation: Deld to JAMES ALFORD the 15th Feby 1769

DB-2, page 78. 25 November 1766. JOHN TOWNSEND, Planter, & JANE, his wife, of Bute Co., to JAMES BRAZOR, Carpenter, of Cumberland Co., N.C. 90 Pds. Va. money for 789 A. in Bute Co. on SS Tar River & on Mill Creek, where TOWNSEND now lives, he having bought 329 A. of this land 20 February 1765 from JAMES BRAZOR, being an EARL GRANVILLE grant to him 26 March 1761. The remaining 460 A. was bought also from JAMES BRAZOR 20 Feb. 1765, he having bought it, 16 October 1762, from WILLIAM BLAKE, it being an EARL GRANVILLE grant to him. Wit: OSBORN JEFFREYS, THOS. SMITH, SIMON WEST. Proved by OSBORN JEFFREYS, Bute May Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 19 November 1768, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 80. 24 July 1767. THOMAS LOWE & MARY LOWE, Executrix of WILLIAM EATON, deceased, to JOHN HAWKINS, of Province of N.C. 87 Pds: l0Sh: Procl. money for 590 A. on NS Smiths Creek & down the Creek, all that tract granted to WILLIAM EATON from the Office of EARL GRANVILLE 25 March 1749. Wit: PHILIP BURFORD, WILLIAM KING. Proved by PHILLIP BURFORD, Bute May Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 19 November 1768, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 82. 29 October 1767. BARTHOLOMEW FIGURES, of Northampton Co., to JOHN RHOADS, of Bute Co. 60 Pds. Procl. money for 80 A. in Bute Co. on branches of Stonehouse, Abrams & Bens Creeks, part of a grant from Agents of EARL GRANVILLE to JAMES NICHOLSON 28 July 1761, from whom it was bought l0 August 1762. Land on SS the Trading Road & crossing the road, adjoining PICKRUEAL & WALKER. Wit: RICHD. FIGURES, BRITTAIN HARRIS. Proved by BRITAIN HARRIS, Bute May Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 24 November 1768, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 84. 12 October 1767. Article of a Clause. Certificate from JOHN DAWSON & PENELOPE DAWSON, that the two clauses inserted in the two deeds from them to WILLIAM DUKE, 29 September 1766, have for their sole meaning & intention that none of the improvements made during the term of the lease on the land shall be removed or destroyed more than by ordinary use during the term of the lease. Wit: NAT PEEBLES. Proved by NATHANIEL PEEBLES, Bute May Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 24 Nov.1768, by WILL JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 84. 6 April 1768. WILLIAM TABB, Esq. & DIANNA, his wife, to WILLIAM PARK, Mercht., all of Bute Co. 400 Pds. Va. money for 500 A. in Bute Co. on the Main Road, adj. HEROD JONES, down a small branch of Buffaloe, up Buffaloe Branch crossing the Road near the head, down Lick Meadow Branch, adj. GEDION MACON, crossing Lick Meadow to corner of MACON & MOSELEY, & adj. ALSTON, to fork of Horse Pen Branch & up that branch to the head. Wit: EDWARD JONES, NATHL. HENDERSON. Proved by NATHANIEL HENDERSON, Bute May Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 7 Dec.1768, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R. Marginal notation: The 14th. Feby.1769 deld. to WM. PARK.

DB-2, page 86. 19 November 1767. HENRY WESTBROOK to WILLIAM PARK & CO. To secure debt of 120 Pds. Procl. money, mortgage on a tract of land adj. the tract sold to THOS, HILL & a tract on Sandy Creek together with the mill, four horses & three colts - to be sold after i March 1768 for debt with interest from 1 March 1767, and expenses, any overplus to belong to HENRY WESTBROOK. Wit: WILLIAM DUNCAN, JETHRO SUMNER. Proved by JETHRO SUMNER, Bute May Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 9 December 1768, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R. Marginal notation: The 14th. Feby. 1769 Deld. to WM. PARK.

DB-2, page 88. 13 May 1768. JAMES RANSOM,JR. to his son in law GIDION (GEDION) HUNT MACON, both of Bute Co. Deed of Gift, of 50 A. in Bute Co. on SS Peasqurter (Peace Qurter) Creek, adj. Macon's Old Line, down the Spring Branch to Peas Quarter Creek, to return to him & his heirs should GIDION HUNT MACON die without lawfull issue. Wit: WILLIAM PERSON, JR. Ack: by JAMES RANSOM,JR., Bute May Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 9 December 1768, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R. Marginal notation: 2d. day of Feby. 1769 Deld. to J. R.

DB-2, page 89. 23 January 1768. JOHN SMART, SR. & FRANCES, his wife, to MARK BENNETT, all of Bute Co. 40 Pds. Va. money for 200 A. in Bute Co. on Rocky Branch, adj. JETHRO ROUNDTREE. Wit: WILLIAM DUKE, WILLIAM PARK. Proved by WILLIAM PARK, Bute August Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: l0 December 1768, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R. Marginal notation: Deld. to FRANCIS CAPPS the 15th Feby. 1769.

DB-2, page 91. 18 January 1768. WILLIAM ASHL(E)Y & MARY ASHL(E)Y to THOS. ROLAND. 30 Pds. Va. money (& payment of Quit Rents) for 150 A. in Bute Co. on SS Sandy Creek, the Lick Branch & Waterses Spring Branch. Wit: AARON FUSSELL, RICHD. ASHLEY. Proved by AARON FUSSELL, Bute August Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Keg: 19 Dec. 1768, by WILLIAM JOHNSON,P.R.

DB-2, page 92. 29 September 1766. Agreement between JOHN DAWSON, Gentleman, of Eden House in Bartie Co. & PEN(N)ELOPE, his wife, and JULIUS NICHOLS, of Bute Co. (all three sign) for a 20 year lease, 10 Pds. Va. money yearly rent, for 374 A. in Bute Co., rent to be paid first of March each year beginning 1768. Land on Buckam Branch & Fishing Creek, adj. WM. DUKE & Dawson's Old Line. Lease includes agreement that all improvements be left in repair & that lease will be in default if rent is unpaid or behind for twenty days. Wit: NAT PEEBLES, PETER KIMBALL, MARGARET CATHCART. Proved by NATHANIEL PEEBLES, Bute May Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. keg: 20 December 1768, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R. Marginal notation: Deld. to you the 1st Day February 1769.

DB-2, page 95. 4 August 1768. WILLIAM EDWARDS, of Bute Co., Parish of St. Johns, to his daughter MARY EDWARDS. Deed of Gift of 335 A. in Bute Co. on SS Little Cyprus(Syprus), adj. JACKSON, part of a grant from Office of EARL GRANVILLE to WILLIAM SIMONS 27 July 1760. He also gives her livestock (describing marks & brands), household furniture (list), all of his books, accounts, crop of corn, a bond from CHARLES JORDAN for 45 Pds. Procl. money & a note of JAMES HENDLEY for 40 Shillings. Wit: WILLIAM DENSON, SAMUEL ELEY. Proved by WILLIAM DENSON, Bute August Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 1 January 1769, by WILL JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 96. 30 August 1766. PAUL PARTRICK to ELIAS STALLINGS, both of Bute Co. 20 Pds. Va. money for 100 A. in Bute Co. on SS Sycamore Creek adj. PERSON, SAUL RACKLEY, GASKINS, part of an EARL GRANVILLE grant of 245 A. to RUBEN LAWSON 1 March 1762. Wit: PATEWlLLS MILNER, JOHN MASSEY,JR., WILLM. EDWARDS. Ack: by PAUL PARTRICK, Bute August Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 5 January 1769, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R. Marginal notation: Deld. 14th. Feby. 1769 to WM. DENSON.

DB-2, page 98. 1 August 1768. ARTHUR ATKINS to JONATHAN REGGAN, both of Bute Co. 45 Pds. Va. money for 278 A. in Bute Co., being part of an EARL GRANVILLE Grant of 556 A. to ALEXANDER DONNELL(DONNALD) late of Northampton Co., bought from him & proved & registered in Northampton Co., adj. JOHN LYNCH the eldest, in the County Line & adj. JAMES McLEMOORE, WILLIAM GILLIAM & the dividing line between this land & that sold to MARTIN FORREST, along the Country (County) Line. Wit: DANIEL PEGRAM, HENRY FOOTE, WILLIAM COLCLOUGH, THOS. HARTON. Proved by THOMAS HARTON, Bute Aug. Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 7 January 1769, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 99. 25 March 1767. THOMAS LOWE & MARY, his wife, Executrix of Last Will & Testament of WILLIAM EATON, Dec'd., of Granville Co., to PHIL(L)IP BURFORD, of Bute Co. 125 Pds. Procl. money for 520 A. in Bute Co. on NS Smiths Creek, along the Country Line, adj. COLESON, up the Round Hill Branch & along the County line to line of WOOD, all that tract taken up by WILLIAM EATON, Dec'd. except 100 A. he sold to DANIEL COLESON, deed dated 25 March 1749. Wit: JNO. HAWKINS, EAT. HAYNES, THOMAS EATON. Proved by JOHN HAWKINS, Bute August Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C.Reg: 10 January 1769, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page lO1. 15 March MDCCLXVIII. JOHN SHELL, of Cumberland Co., Va.,to WILLIAM SHELL, of Brunswick. 122 Pds:lOSh: Va. money for 220 A. in ButeCo., part of a grant to ARTHUR ATKINS on Upper Run of Piggon Roast(sic) Creekin the Va. Line to the Midle Run of sd. Creek, adj. ROBERSON, DANOLD & BREET.Wit: STEPHEN SHELL, CHARLE HUCKABY, EMELEA COOPER. Proved by STEPHEN SHELL,Bute August Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C.Reg: ll January 1769, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 103. l0 August 1768. WILLIAM SHELL, of Brunswick Co., Va., toSTEPHEN SHELL, of Bute Co. 100 Pds. Va. money for 250 A. in Bute Co., partof a grant to ARTHUR ATKINS, on Upper Run of Pegeon Roost Creek to Midle Runof sd. Creek, adj. ROBERSON, KING & BRITT(BRETT).Wit: JAMES MILLES, RICHD. PROCTOR,JR., STEPEN HANGRAVE,JR.Ack: by WILLIAM SHELL, Bute August Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C.Reg: 15 January 1769, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.Marginal notation: Deld. 26th. July 1771 to MARMADUKE JOHNSON.

DB-2, page 104. 20 January 1767. LEWIS PATTERSON to WILLIAM ROWLAND, bothof Bute Co. 40 Pds. Va. money for 40 A. in Bute Co. on Parkers Branch & adj.PARKER. Wit: WILLIAM ROWLAND, JESSE ROWLAND, THOS. HOUSE.Ack: by LEWIS PATTERSON, Bute August Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C.Reg: 15 January 1769, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.


DB-2, page 106. 5 February 1767. JAMES BAXTER & BETT(E)Y, his wife, ofBute Co., to JAMES CAUTHRON, of Essex Co., Va. 30 Pds. Va. money for 200 A. in Bute Co. adj. where I now live & adj. BLANCE DUNKIN & JOHN BAILEY, crossing the County Road to GOONIN BLANCE DUNKIN & CO. (?)Wit: JAMES SMITH, DAWSON VALLANDIGHAM, JOHN BAILEY.Memond.: Delivered by Tirf(sic) & Twig .... Same date. Same witnesses.Bute August Court 1768: Deed & "Livery & Seizen" proved by DAWSON VALLANDIG-HAM, BETTY having relinquished right of dower before THOMAS BELL,Esq., BEN Mc-CULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 20 January 1769, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 108. 26 February 1768. SOLOMON ALSTON,JR. & SARAH, his wife, ofBute Co., to JOSEPH JOHN ALSTON, of Halifax Co. 400 Pds. Va. money (& pay-ment of Quit Rents to EARL GRANVILLE) for 4,000 A. in Bute Co. between Fish-ing Creek & Shoccoe Creek, on the Barren Lick to forke of the Piggpen Branch,to Store Branch, adj. JOHN BROWN, along the line of JOSEPH MONTFORT on theMapole Swamp, adj. PHILLIP ALSTON, to the Long Branch & the Woolfpitt Branchwhere the road crosses, part of a tract known by the name of Clun Seat grantedto EDWARD MOSELEY,Esq., dec'd., late of this Province, by pattent 5 Dec.1728.Wit: WILLIS ALSTON, FRANCIS BELL. Ack: by SOLOMON ALSTON,JR. & SARAH, hiswife, she being privately examined by WILLIAM TABB,Esq., Bute August Court1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 20 January 1769, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.Marginal notation: the 14th. Febry.1769 Deld. to PHIL ALSTON,JR.

DB-2, page ll0. 26 February 1768. SOLOMON ALSTON,JR. & SARAH, his wife, ofBute Co., to JOSEPH JOHN ALSTON, of Halifax Co. 200 Pds. Va. money (& pay-ment of Quit Rents to EARL GRANVILLE) for 2,O00 A. in Bute Co. between ShoccoeCreek & the Mapole Swamp, adj. JOSEPH MONTFORT, along Woods Branch where itfalls into Shoccoe Creek, down the creek & up Mapole Swamp, part of a tractknown by the name of Clunseat granted EDWARD MOSELEY,Esq., dec'd., late ofthis Province, by pattent bearing date 5 December 1728. Wit: WILLIS ALSTON,FRANCIS BELL. Ack: by SOLOMON ALSTON,JR. & SARAH, his wife, she being private-ly examined by WILLIAM TABB,Esq., BEN McCULLOCH, C.C.Reg: 21 January 1769, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.Marginal notation: the 14th. Feby.1769 Deld. to PHILLIP ALSTON, Senior.ABSTRACTS OF DEED BOOK 2

DB-2, page 111. 12 November 1767. JOHN BENNETT(BENNIT) to EPHRAIM GILLIAM, both of Bute Co. l0 Pds. Va. money for 75 A. in Bute Co. on SS Sandy Creek, part of a grant to JOSEPH NIX from his Lords agents, and bought from him, adj.DAVID VINSON. Wit: MATHEW THOMAS, JESSE VINSON.Proved by MATHEW THOMAS,Bute August Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C.Reg: 22 January 1769, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 113. 4 August 1768. JOHN CHADWICK, of Macklenburg Co., Va., toFRANCIS CAPPS, of Bute Co. 40 Pds. Procl. money of N.C. for 200 A. in ButeCo. on Buffelow Branch to Beaver Dam Branch, adj. sd. CAPPS, FINNIE, SENSING,THOMPSON & ALSTON. Wit: JOSHUA CAPPS, PETER BLANCHET, JOHN MANGUM.Proved by JOSHUA CAPPS, Bute August Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C.Reg: 22 January 1769, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.Marginal notation: Deld. to FRANCIS CAPPS the 15th. Feby. 1769.

DB-2, page ll4. 13 March 1768. RICHARD BALLARD(BALLAND) to ROBERT KING,both of Bute Co. 15 Pds. Va. money for 200 A. in Bute Co. adjoining DAVID KING & JOSEPH BALLARD, along a branch to the Reedy Branch.Wit: JOHN MALONE, HENRY KING, JAMES DOZER.Proved by JOHN MALONE, Bute August Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C.Reg: 29 January 1769, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.Marginal notation: 13 Feby. 1772 Deld. to ROBT. KING.

DB-2, page ll6. 4 April 1768. JOSEPH HACKNEY & SARAH HACKNEY, of Bute Co., to GEORGE ALLEN, of Fauquar(sic) Co., Va. 60 Pds. Va. money for 300 A. inBute Co. on ES Robertsons Mill Branch, bought from RICE DUNCAN who had bought -it from HUGH HARDY. Wit: WM. MOORE, JOHN HACKNEY, SUSANNA MooRE.Ack: by JOSPEH HACKNEY, Bute August Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C.Reg: 29 January 1769, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.Marginal notation: 14th. Nov. 1771 Deld. to G. A.

DB-2, page ll7. 2 May 1768. BENJAMIN COOPER to JOSEPH PERSON, both ofBute Co. 32 Pds: lO Sh: Lawful money of Great Britain for ll6 A. inBute Co. on SS ye Rockey Branch adj. sd. PERSON & bought from PHILLIPALSTON. Wit: JOHN PERSON, WILLIAM MANGGUM.Proved by JOHN PERSON, Bute August Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C.Reg: 1 February 1769, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page ll8. 2 October 1765. JAMES WADE, Planter, of Bute Co., toANDREW(ANDRUE) MACKIE, Mercht., of Isle of White(sic) Co., Va. 25 Pds. Va.money for 164 A. on Richmond(sic) Creek, adj. JOAB MITCHEL. Wit: RICHD. WILLIAMS, WM. ARTHUR,JR., JAMES MURRY, THOMAS JACKSON. Receipt, dated ll October 1765, for full payment, 25 Pds. Va. money. Same witnesses. Bute August Court 1768, Deed and receipt proved byRICHARD WILLIAMS, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C.Reg: 2 February 1769, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 120. 13 May 1767. STEPHEN LOWE to JOHN WEST, both of Bute Co.25 Pds. Procl. money for 300 A. in Bute Co. on branches of the Mill Creek& waters of Tarr River, adj. BURK (formerly CALD), WILLS & WHITE. Wit: THOMAS PERSON, THOMAS BRIDGES.Ack: by STEPHEN LOWE, Bute August Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 4 February 1769, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.Marginal notation: Del. to J. WEST 9th. May 1770.

DB-2, page 121. 12 August 1768. JOSEPH MONTFORT, of Halifax, to JOHN BROWN, of Bute Co. 500 Pds. Current money for 1,000 A. where BROWN now lives, in Bute Co. on NS Shocco Creek to where Store Branch, the branch next above said Brown's house, falls into it, down Middle Branch & up Shocco Creek to the mouth of Store Branch, part of a tract granted by the late Lords Proprietors of the Carolinas to the late EDWARD MOSELEY,Esq.,dec'd, and by him called Clun Seat Tract, bought from devisees of sd. EDWARD since his death. Wit: JOS. LONG. Ack: by JOSEPH MONTFORD, Bute August Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 4 February 1769, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.Marginal notation: the 14th. Feby Deld to JNO. BROWN 1769

DB-2, page 123. 7 October 1768. ABRAHAM PA(D)GET (BADGET?), of Cumberland Co., N.C., to JOHN RAINWATER, of Bute Co. 12 Pds. Va. money for ll2 A. in Bute Co. adj. GEORGE BLEDSOE & NORWOOD, along Ivys Path. Wit: BEN HILL,JOHN RAINWATER. Proved by BENJAMIN HILL, Bute November Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 8 February 1769, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 124. 16 September 1767. WILLIAM PULLEY, of Northampton Co., to THOMAS EATON, of Bute Co. 100 Pds. Va. money for 247 1/2 A. in Bute Co. bought from THOMAS JOHNS,JR., late of Bute Co., part of a tract of 495 A. granted by the late EARL GRANVILLE to JONATHAN JOHNSON, of Bute Co. Wit: DANIEL PEGRAM,JR., JAMES ALLEN,JR., JAMES PULLEY. Proved by DANIEL PEGRAM,JR., Bute November Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C.Reg: 24 February 1769, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.Marginal notation: Delivered to MR. BRIMAGE the 24th. of Feby. 1769.

DB-2, page 125. 5 November 1768. NATHANIEL BAXTER to WILLIAM BALTHROP BOLTHROP) both Of Bute Co. 50 Pds. Va. money for 150 A. in Bute Co. on Sauls Creek, adj. JOHN BRADLEY, WILLIAM WALKER & THOMAS WARRING, bought from RICHARD COLEMAN, late of Bute Co. Wit: JAMES PAINE,JR., DANIEL PEGRAM, BENJA. EGERTON.Proved by JAMES PAYNE,JR., Bute November Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C.Reg: 8 March 1769, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 127. 16 September 1768. DAVID MEGEE(McGEE) & CRES(S)Y, his wife, of Bute Co., to ANTHONY STREET, of Northampton Co. 80 Pds. Va. money for 242 1/2 A. in Bute Co. at the South end of a tract taken up by JINENS THOMPSON & JOHN SHEARIN as Partners & sold by sd. THOMPSON to WILLIAM BELL, on Lyons Creek adj. SHEARIN, SAMUEL JONES & ANDERSON. Wit: JOSEPH SHEARIN, JOHN SHEARIN. Proved by JOSEPH SHEARIN, Bute November Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C.Reg: 9 March 1769, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 128. 6 May 1768. JOHN HARDIN to WILLIAM WINSTON, both of Bute Co. 35 Pds. Va. money for 455 A. in Bute Co. on NWS Bettys Creek, adj. PARKER, McKESCOCK(McKESOCK), CHAVERS, DAVIS & FROHOCK, a grant from THOS. CHILDS, Esq., Agent of EARL GRANVILLE 5 December 1761. Wit: DAVID DAVIS, JONATHAN DAVIS. Proved by JONATHAN DAVIS, Bute November Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C.Reg: 30 March 1768, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 130. 7 January 1768. WILLIAM EAVES,SR. to BENJAMIN EAVES, both of Bute Co. 55 Pds. Current money of N.C. for 200 A. in Bute Co. on NS Tar River, SS Mill Creek, down a Spring Branch, up Linche Creek to Mill Creek. Wit: BENJ. BTRD, DANIEL CARRELL, REBECCA CARRILL.Proved at Halifax, October 12, 1768, by BENJAMIN BYRD, M. HOWARD, C.J.Reg: 8 April 1769, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, pase 131. 15 February 1769. OSBORN JEFFREYS, Sheriff, to THOMAS BELL, both of Bute Co. 35 Pds. Procl. money, highest bid at sale held i Feb.1765, for 237 A. on Linches Creek & Eaves Mill Creek, a little above the mill, in Granville Co., now Bute Co., adj. THOMAS, PERSON & HARDING, the property of WILLIAM EAVES and sold by Order of Granville Co. Court 17 November 1764, to recover debt owed THOMAS BELL by WILLIAM EAVES, JOHN DEBORD & THOMAS BECKHAM. Execution was taken on the land on l0 December, by PHILIP PRYOR, then acting as Sheriff of Granville Co. Wit: JAMES MILLES, THOMAS PERSON, THOMAS COOK. Ack: by OSBORN JEFFREYS, Sheriff of Bute Co., Bute February Court 1769,BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 8 April 1769, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 132. 23 February 1768. JOHN HARRIS, of Halifax Co., to JOSEPH HARRIS, of Bute Co. 32 Pds:16 Sh:3d. Procl. money for 228 A. in Bute Co. adj. THOMAS HARRIS & ALSTIN on ES Great Fishing Creek, part of a grant to JOHN HARRIS for 456 A. Wit: ARTHUR DAVIS, WILLIAM BAILEY.Proved by ARTHUR DAVIS, Bute November Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C.Reg: 12 April 1769, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 134. 23 February 1768. JOHN HARRIS, of Halifax Co., to THOMAS HARRIS, of Bute Co. 32 Pds:16 Sh:3d. Procl. money for 228 A. in Bute Co. on ES Great Fishing Creek, adj. HILL & DAVIS, part of a grant to JOHN HARRIS for 456 A. Wit: ARTHUR DAVIS, WILLIAM BAILEY.Proved by ARTHUR DAVIS, Bute November Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C.Reg: 21 April 1769, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 135. 28 January 1765. BARSHEBA JONES to JOHN LANGSTON, both of Bute Co. 4 Pds. Va. money for 80 A. in Bute Co. between Ready Creek & Great Fishing Creek, adj. RICH. MADDRA & CLEMENT OLDRIDGE, part of a survey taken up by ye sd. BASH. JONES. Wit: JOHN PERSON, JOHN MUTLO.Proved by JOHN PERSON, Bute November Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C.Reg: 2 May 1769, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 137. 21 October 1767. ALLAN(ALLEN) MONJOY to JOHN PERSON, both of Bute Co. lO Pds. Sterling money of Great Britain for 83 A. in Bute Co. on NS Sandy Creek, adj. WESTBROOK, CAUDLE & STALIONS, part of a grant of 546 A. "by ye Agents" 13 March 1760. Wit: SAMUEL FOWLER, MOSES RAINWARTER, JOHN SUTTON. Ack: by ALLEN MONJOY, Bute November Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 2 May 1769, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 138. 7 November 1768. WILLIAM PARK & CO. to BENJAMIN THOMAS,both of Bute Co. 30 Pds. Va. money for 350 A. in Bute Co. on Richland Creek, adj. MOSELEY, BUTTS, FUSEL, CAWLEY & along old line of WILLIAMS. Wit: NATHL. NICHOLSON, JNO. ESTES. Ack: by WILLIAM PARK, Bute NovemberCourt 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 3 May 1769, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.Marginal notation: Deld. to JOHN NORWOOD 10th. day of May 1770.

DB-2, page 140. February 1768. THOMAS SMITH, of Bute Co., to SAMUEL HANCOCK,JR., of Prince Edward Co., Va. 20 Pds. Va. money for 58 A.in Bute Co. on NS Tarr River, adj. BAILE, KING & FROHOCK. Wit: GILES BOWERS, JART.(?) SANDYE, SAM HANCOCK.Ack: by THOMAS SMITH, Bute November Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C.Reg: 4 May 1769, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.Marginal notation: llth. Augst. 1772 Del. to JONATHAN DAVIS.

DB-2, page 141. 9 November 1768. WM. PARK & CO. to HENRY COOK, both of Bute Co. 15 Pds. Va. money for 100 A. in Bute Co. adj. DAY, HOWARD, BREGHTWELL & ESTES. No witnesses. Ack: by WILLIAM PARK, Bute November Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 5 May 1769, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 142. 20 February 1764. WILLIAM JONES to THOMAS PERSON, beth of Granville Co. 244 Pds:ll Sh:6d. Procl. money for 850 A., two tracts in Granville Co. on BS Tarr River, bought from JOSEPH WRIGHT,SR. & JOSEPH WRIGHT, JR. who had it as an EARL GRANVILLE grant, where sd. JONES now lives.Wit: MARY GWIN, AMEY CLEWS, BENJAMIN PERSON.Proved at Halifax l0 September 1767, by BENJA, PERSON, MONFORD ELBECK, A.J.Reg: ll May 1769, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 144. 14 April 1769. THOMAS BELL, of Bute Co., to THOMAS PERSON, of Granville Co. 35 Pds. Procl. money for 237 A. in Bute Co. on SS Eaves Mill Creek, a fork of Lynches Creek, and on Lynches Creek, adj. PERSON & former line of HARDEN. Wit: BEN PERSON, WILLIAM PERSON,JR.Proved by BENJAMIN PERSON at Halifax, 15 April 1769, M. HOWARD, C.J.Reg: ll May 1769, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 145. ll August l768. WILLIAM TABB to ANTHONY GORDON & JOHN ALSTON, all of Bute Co. To secure debt of 294 Pds:12 Sh: Procl. money, adjudgment bill of this date, mortgage on 675 A. in Bute Co. on main road from PHILEMON HAWKINS to Granville Old Court house, bought from PHILIP CHENEY about 12 or 18 months ago, to be sold after 25 Oct.1769 and any amount brought over the amount of debt & interest from this date to belong to WILLIAM TABB. Wit: JA MILNER, WILLIAM PARK. Proved by WILLIAM PARK, Bute Nov. Court 1768, BEN McCULLOCH,C.C. Reg: 5 June 1769, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 148. 9 April 1769. WILLIAM MOSELY, of New Hanover Co., to JOSEPH MONTFORT, of Halifax Co. 5 Sh: for his undivided 1/6 part of 10,000 A. in Bute Co. granted by the Lords Proprietors of the Carolinas to the late EDWARD MOSELEY, Esq., dec'd., Father of WILLIAM MOSELY, 4 Nov.1728, between Fishing Creek & Shocoe Creek & generally known by the name of Clean Seat. Wit: THOS. McGUIRE, HUGH MUNRO. Proved by THOS. McGUIRE,Esq., 18 April 1769, before RICHD. HENDERSON, A.J. Reg: 5 June 1769, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 149. lO April 1769, WILLIAM MOSELY, of New Hanover Co., to JOSEPH MONTFORT, of Halifax Co. 5 Sh: Procl., & to pay one peper corn on feast of St. Michaell the Archangell if demanded, Release or Quit Claim on his undivided 1/6 share of the tract of land commonly called Clean(Curt) Seat, in Bute Co. formerly called Edgecomb, l0,000 A. according to the ancient & reputed bounds, between Great Fishing & Shocoe Creeks, granted 4 Nov.1728 by the late Lord Proprietors of the Carolinas to the late EDWARD MOSELEY, Esq., Father of sd. WILLIAM MOSELY. This land, in the County then called Edgecombe, was devised in his will, made 20 March 1745, in a Codicil later annexed, to his six sons JOHN, EDWARD, SAPSON, JAMES, THOMAS & WILLIAM MOSELY. After the death of the late sd. EDWARD MOSELY,Esq., the ad. JOHN, EDWARD & SAMPSON MOSELY sold the land, 26 March 1763, to JOSEPH MONTFORT, he paying 4,800 Pds. Procl. money for their use and that of JAMES, THOMAS & WILLIAM MOSELY. At the time of the sale a bond was executed by ANN ROSS and JOHN, EDWARD & SAMPSON MOSELY, assuring JOSEPH MONTFORT that the younger brothers would, as they each reached the age of 21, release & convey their respective shares to him. Since then JAMES & THOMAS MOSELY have complied with sd. contract. Wit: THOS. McGUIRE, HUGH MUNRO.Proved by THOS. McGUIRE, 18 April 1769, before RICHARD HENDERSON, A.J.Reg: 6 June 1769, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

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