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From original by Mary Hinton Kerr

DB-2, page 268. 28 March 1769. ROBERT WILLIAMS & ANNE WILLIAMS to ASHKENAZ WILLIAMS, both of Bute Co. 20 Pds. Va. money for llO A. in Bute Co. on BS Weavers Creek. Wit: JOHN HACKNEY, SHERWD. PARRISH, JOSEPH HACKNEY. Proved by JOSEPH HACKNEY, Bute August Court 1769, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C.  Reg: 22 December 1769, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.  Marginal notation: 14th. August 1770 Deld. to JOS. HACKNEY

DB-2, page 269. 7 August 1769. WILLIAM PE(A)RSEY (PE(A)RSIE, PIEARSET, PIEARC(E)Y) to CHRISTOPHER FOSTER, both of Bute Co. l0 Pds. Va. money for 100 A. in Parish of Sant: John, Bute Co., adj. WILLIAM WOODWARD & sd. FOSTER & sd. PERSE(A)Y. Wit: THOS. MACHEN. Ack: by WILLIAM PIEARCY, Bute August Court 1769, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 24 Dec. 1769, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 270. 7 August 1769. MICHAEL WHATLEY & CATHORINE, his wife, of Parish of Saint John, Bute Co., to JOHN BILBRO, of Surrey Co., Va. 80 Pds. Va. money for 100 A. in sd. Parish & Co. bought from BENJAMIN COWARD 29 Apr. 1760, on Richland Branch & to Shockoe Creek. Wit: SHURLEY WHATLEY, WILSON WHATLEY. Ack: by MICHAEL WHATLEY, Bute Aug. Court 1769, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 30 December 1769, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 272. 18 February 1769. JOHN GILBERT, of Sussex Co., Va., to WILLIAM EDWARDS, of Bute Co. 35 Pds. Va. money for 557 A. (157 A.?) adj. WILLIAM BANKS. Wit: HARDRYE WALKER, JOHN ELLES. Proved by JOHN ELLIS, Bute August Court 1769, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 30 December 1769, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R. Marginal notation: Deld. to you 29 Jany. 1770.

DB-2, page 274.  1 January 1769. SAMUEL HUCKABY & ELISABETH, his wife, of Bute Co., to JOSEPH BUSHOP, of Granville Co. 100 Pds. Procl. money for  198 A. in Bute Co. on ES Giles Creek, adj. RALY. Wit: THOMAS BELL, FRANCIS MABRY. Ack: by SAMUEL HUCKABY, Bute August Court 1769, his wife ANNE (?) having relinquished her dower rights, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C.  Reg: 30 December 1769, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 275. 8 August 1769. WILLIAM DICKERSON, of Bute Co., to THOMAS CHRISTMAS(S), son of THOMAS CHRISTMAS(S), dec'd. 40 Pds. Va. money for  440 A. in Bute Co. on BS Thomas Martins Creek, being remaining part of a 680 A. EARL GRANVILLE grant 6 Feb. 1762, 240 A. having been sold to WILLIAM MOORE. Wit: WILLIAM MOORE, JOHN CHRISTMASS. Ack: by WILLIAM DICKERSON, Bute Aug. Court 1769, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 2 January 1770, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R. Marginal notation: Deld. to T. C. Jr. 4 Novr. 1771

DB-2, page 277. 7 January 1768. JOHN DEBORD, of Orange Co., to EZEKIEL FULLER, of Granvill Co. 15 Pds. Procl. money for 140 A. in Bute Co. on Linches Creek, part of an EARL GRANVILLE grant 7 Jan. 1768 (sic).   Wit: SAMUEL FULLER, JOHN PERSON. Proved by SAMUEL FULLER, Bute August Court 1769, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 2 January 1770, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 278. 4 January 1769. RICHARD COLEMAN,SR., of Orange Co., to JOHN COLEMAN, of Bute Co. 50 Pds. Va. money for 300 A. where JOHN COLEMAN now lives adj. JOHN RANE, JOHN MOS(E)LY, DRURY CHRISTIAN, SAMUEL JONES, CHARLES KIMBOL & PHILEMON HAWKINS, being part of the land bought from JOHN HAWKINS. Wit: GEO. TASSIE, PHINEHAS HUST, BENJ. EGERTON.  Proved by GEORGE TASSIE, Bute August Court 1769, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C.  Reg: 3 January 1770, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.  Marginal notation: 9th. of May 1770 Deld. to ISAAC ACREE.

DB-2, page 280. 1 August 1769. CHARLES HARRIS to JAMES EGERTON, both of Bute Co. 50 Pds. Procl. money for 263 A. in Bute Co. on SS Little Fishing Creek, Tanetroof(?) Branch adj. JAMES HARRISS & WILMOOT EGERTON, part of an EARL GRANVILLE grant 2 Dec. 1760. Wit: GEO. TASSIE, DREWRY HARRIS.   Proved by GEORGE TASSIE, Bute August Court 1769, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C.  Reg: 4 January 1770, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.  Marginal notation: Deld. to JAS. EGERTON 15 Feby. 1770

DB-2, page 281. 20 February 1769. LODWICK ALFORD to RICHARD UPCHURCH, both of Bute Co. 40 Pds. Va. money (& payment of Quitrents) for 200 A. in Bute Co. on SS Crooked Creek adj. WOMACK & HONUCUT, part of an EARL GRANVILLE grant.  Wit: JAMES ALFORD, PETER PERRY. Proved by JAMES ALFORD,Esq., Bute August Court 1769, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 6 January 1770, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 283. 7 August 1769. JOHN POPE, of Granville Co., to WILLIAM JEFFRE(Y)S, of Bute Co. 40 Pds. Procl. money for land (amount not given) in Bute & Johnston Counties, on NS Middle Prong of Little River, adj.  OSBORN JEFFREYS & Granville Co., being the contents of a grant, ll March 1760, from Hon. THOMAS CHILD,Esq., Special Agent for EARL GRANVILLE. Wit: Wit: JOHN PARRISH, JOHN BODDIE, CRAFFORD POPE, OSBORN POPE Proved by JOHN PARISH, Bute August Court 1769, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C.  Proved by JOHN PARISH, Bute August Court 1769, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C.  Reg: 6 January 1770, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.  Marginal notation: 14th. Novr. 1771 Deld. to W. J.

DB-2, page 284. 18 February 1769. CHARLES BARTHOLOMEW (BARTHOLOMON) to THOMAS HOUSE, both of Bute Co. 100 Pds. Va. money for 250 A. in Bute Co. on SWS Pore Sam Quarter Creek to Great Fishing Creek adj. BENJAMON McCOLLOW, an EARL GRANVILLE grant I February 1762 to JOSEPH DUKE. Wit: JESSE ROWLAND, FEDRICK ROWLAND, MARTHE ROWLAND. Ack: by CHARLES BARTHOLOMEW, Bute August Court 1769, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 8 Jan. 1770, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R. Marginal notation: Deld. ll Jany. to CHAS. BARTHOLEMEW.

DB-2, page 286. 28 May 1769. CAPT. JOHN HAWKINS & MARY, his wife, to  ABRAHAM MAYFIELD, all of Bute Co. 20 Pds. Va. money for 189 A. in Bute Co. adj. BURFORD, HAWKINS, NICHOLS & Old Line of MAYFIELD. Wit: FINNL. MARKS, JOHN WILLIAMS. Bute August Court 1769, Ack: by JOHN HAWKINS & MARY, his wife, she being first privately examined & consenting, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C.  Reg: 9 January 1770, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R

DB-2, page 288. 29 February 1768. ALLEN GROVES to THOMAS BELL, both of Bute Co. 20 Pds. Procl. money for 100 A. in Bute Co. on NS Bear Swamp, adj. BELL & PIRCE. Wit: CHAS. CUPPLES, PAUL PATRICK. Proved by CHARLES CUPPLES, Bute August Court 1769, BEN McCULLOCH. C.C. Reg: 9 January 1770, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R. Marginal notation: Deld. 4 (?) Feby. 1771 to T. BELL.

DB-2, page 289.  1 January 1768. WILLIAM WILLIAMSON to THOMAS BELL, both of Bute Co. 100 Pds. for 560 A. in Parish of Saint John, Bute Co. up Bare Swamp, adj. BLEDSOE & Bell's own line. Wit: JOHN MACON, FEREVEMEAH WOTAN. Proved by JOHN MACON, Bute August Court 1769, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C.  Reg: l0 January 1770, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 290. 16 February 1769. WILLIAM EDWARDS to JOHN BAXTER, both of  Bute CO. 28 Pds. Va. money, or Procl. money at 25 %, for 100 A. in Bute Co. on ES Sixpound Creek adj. BENJAMIN EGERTON on the Creek side & JAMES EGERTON. Wit: GEORGE KIRK, GEO. NORSWORTHY, NATHANIEL BAXTER.  Proved by GEORGE NORSWORTHY, Bute August Court 1769, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C.  Reg: 12 January 1770, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 292. 3 November 1768. WILLIAM JOHNSON to JAMES RANSOM, both of Bute Co. 50 Pds. Va. money for 150 A. in Bute Co. beginning at Bridle Creek where Charles Allen's Path crosses, down the Flatt Branch to where sd. Johnson's line crosses the branch, adj. ALLEN & MACON, part of a tract bought from JOSEPH MONTFORT. Wit: JAMES JOHNSON, PRISCILLA JOHNSON.  Ack: by WILLIAM JOHNSON,Esq., Bute August Court 1769, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C.  Reg: 12 January 1770, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 293. 24 March 1769. CHAMBE(R)LAIN HUDSON to THOMAS HOUSE, both of Bute Co. 100 Pds. Va. money for 800 A. in Bute Co. on head of Meltons Creek beginning at a branch of Gunters Creek, adj. MANGGM, WELDON, ACOCK & his own line. Wit: JOHN OSBORN, JOS. RIGGAN, JOHN HUDSON.   Ack: by CHAMBERLAIN HUDSON, Bute November Court 1769, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 16 January 1770, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.  Marginal notation: 18th. Jany. Deld. to J. BARTHOLEMEW Son of CHAS. B.

DB-2, page 295. 23 October 1769. THOMAS HOUSE to CHARLES BARTHOLEMEW, both of Bute Co. 100 Pds. Va, money for 250 A. in Bute Co. on SW$ Possam Quarter Creek & Run & on Great Fishing Creek, adj. WM. DUKE, being the land "as the sd. HOUSE of the sd. BARTHOLEMEW"(?) Wit: JULIUS NICHOLS, WILLIAM TABB. Proved by WILLIAM TABB, Bute November Court 1769, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C.   Reg: 17 January 1770, by WILL. JOHNSON, P.R. Marginal notation: 18th. Jany. 1771 Deld. to your son JNO. BARTHOLEMEW.

DB-2, page 296. 23 August 1768. JOHN HUN(N)YCUT, Planter, "of the Province of N.C. in the Province of S.C.", to FLOYD WILLIAMS. 100 Pds. Procl. money, to be paid before 25 December 1774, for 304 A. in Bute Co. on SS Crooked Creek to mouth of Spring Branch of WILLIAM PACE. Wit: JESSE ADAMS, WILLIAM POWELL. Proved by JESSE ADAMS, Bute August Court 1769, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 18 January 1770, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R. Marginal notation: Deld. to J. ALFORD loth. of May 1770

DB-2, page 298. 7 May 1768. ROBERT CHEEK to NATHANIEL PEEBLES. 50 Pds. Va. money for 100 A. in Bute Co. on SS Sandy Creek to ye Falls of a branch, adj. ROBT.DAY & PEEBLES. Wit: THOS.COOK, WM.MARTIN. Ack:by ROBERT CHEEK, Bute August Court 1769, BEN McCULLOCH,C.C. Reg: 21 Jan.1770, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 300. 14 May 1768. JOHN HOWARD to ROBT. CHEEK. 15 Pds. Va. money for 142 A. in Bute Co. on SS Sandy Creek, beginning at ye Grate Branch at line of ROBERT DAY to ye Falls of sd. branch to line of sd. CHEEK.   Wit: ANN GURLEY, NAT. PEEBLES. Proved by NATHANIEL PEEBLES, Bute August Court 1769, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 21 Jan.1770, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 301. l0 March 1769. JULIUS JOHNSON, Planter, to  WILLIAM OEN MEDELLON (MEDELLEN, MIDELEN), Planter, both of Johnson Co. 25 Pds. Va. money(& Quitrents from l0 March 1769) for 177 A. in Bute Co. on  SS Crooked Creek. Wit: JAMES ALFORD, ROBERT CHAMLEE, JAS. STRICKLAND.  Proved by JAMES ALFORD,Esq., Bute August Court , BEN McCULLOCH, C.C.  Reg: 22 January 1770, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R. Marginal notation: 10th. May 1770 Deld. to J. ALFORD.

DB-2, page 303. 8 March 1769. FRANCIS CAPPS to HORATIA (RASHA) CAPPS, both of Bute Co. 5 Pds. Procl. money for 100 A. in Bute Co. on Buffelowe Branch to the Meeting House Road, adj. FRANCIS CAPPS, TINES, THOMPSON & ALSTON.   Wit: PETER BLANCHES, CALUP CAPPS. Ack: by FRANCIS CAPPS, Bute August Court 1769, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 23 January 1770, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R. Marginal notation: Deld. to RASHA CAPS 14th. Feby. 1771.

DB-2, page 305. 2 September 1769. HENRY HILL & MARY, his wife, to JOHN NORWOOD, all of Bute Co. 165 Pds. Va. money for 400 A. in Bute Co. where sd. HENRY now lives, on road in Hill's old line, adj. MOSELY, WILLIAMS & GREEN HILL. Wit: JOHN YARBROUGH, GREEN HILL. Ack: by HENRY HILL & MARY, his wife, she first being privately examined & consenting, Bute November Court 1769, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 24 Jan. 1770, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R. Marginal notation: Deld. to J. NORWORD 10th. of May 1770.

DB-2, page 306. 29 September 1769, JOSEPH RAGGAN (RIGGAN) & MARY, his wife, to WILLIAM DURHAM,SR., both of Parish of Saint Johns, Bute Co. 30 Pds. Va. money for 100 A. in Parish & Co. afsd. on ES Little Hobb Quarter adj. WM.WALKER, WM.DURHAM & WILLIAM RAGGAN. Wit: JOHN RAGGAN, SAMUEL DURHAM, RELAH MANGRAM. Proved by JOHN DURHAM, Bute November Court 1769, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg; 24 January 1770, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 308. 25 February 1769. JOSEPH RIGGAN & MARY RIGGAN, of Bute Co., to WM. RIGGAN, of  Surrey Co., Va. l0 Pds. Va. money for 100 A. in Bute Co. on ES Little Creek. Wit: WILLIAM DURHAM, JOHN RIGGAN, SAMUEL DURHAM.  Proved by JOHN RIGGAN, Bute November Court 1769, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C.  Reg: 25 January 1770, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 309. 30 August 1769. LODWICK ALFORD to ALEXANDER BURNHAM, both of Bute Co. 40 Pds. Procl. money (& payment of Quitrents) for 425 A. in Bute Co. on ES Sols Creek, an EARL GRANVILLE grant to JAMES PACE 28 Nov. 1760 & bought from him 24 April 1767. Wit: WILLIAM MOORE, WILLIAM FISH.   Proved by WILLIAM MOORE, Bute November Court 1769, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C.  Reg: 25 January 1770, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 311. 10 October 1769. ARTHUR WILLIAMS to JOHN FORSTER, both of Bute Co. 50 Pds. Procl. money for 315 A. in Bute Co. on BS Little Isinglass Creek, adj. WM. TAYLOR. Wit: THOS. HILL,JR., BEN. HILL.   Proved by BENJAMIN HILL, Bute November Court 1769, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C.  Reg: 25 January 1770, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 312. 29 August 1769. JOHN POPE to CHARLES POPE, both of Bute Co. 5 Pds. Procl. money for 320 A. part in Bute Co. & part in Edgcomb, on SS Tar River & on the River, bought from ALEXANDER BRODYE who had bought it from WILLIAM WILDER, of  Edgcomb Co. & JOHN WILDER, then of Granville Co.   Wit: ELMUR HENDLEY, DRURY SMITH, JOHN FERRELL. Proved by JOHN FERRILL, Bute Nov. Court 1769, BEN McCULLOCH,C.C. Reg: 29 Jan.1770, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 314. 19 September 1769. ISAAC HOWZE (HOUSE) to EDWARD GREEN, both of Bute Co. 5 Pds. for 100 A. on S. Prong of Redy Creek at mouth of Pon Branch adj. WM. HOWZE, part of an EARL GRANVILLE grant to WILLIAM HOWZE.  Wit: JAMES HARRISON, OBED GREEN, WILLIAM GREEN. Ack: by ISAAC HOUSE, Bute Nov. Court 1769, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 29 Jan. 1770, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

 DB-2, page 315. 16 October 1769. JOSEPH MONTFORT, of Halifax, to JAMES RANSOM, Esq., of Bute Co. 100 Pds. Procl. money for 230 A. in Bute Co. adj. WILLIE JONES, MACON, PARK, Old line of Moseley's patent & Ransom's other land, to the Run of Pease Quarter. Wit: WILLIAM TABB. Proved by WILLIAM TABB, Bute Nov. Court 1769,  BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 30 Jan. 1770, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

 DB-2, page 316. 20 May 1768. JOSHUA NELMS, of Halifax Co., to WILLIAM GANT, of Bute Co. 20 Pds. Va. money for 254 A. on BS Milstone Rune, adj. FAR, part of grant to JOSHUA YARBROUGH 5 Dec.1761. Wit: ELLY ELLY, MARY WOOD.   Proved by ELY ELY, Bute November Court 1769, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 2 February 1770, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, pase 318. 16 October 1769. JOSEPH MONTFORT, of Halifax, to WILLIAM MYRICK, of Brunswick in Va. 600 Pds. Va. money for 1,200 A. in Bute Co. betwixt upper Richneck & Bridle Creeks beginning at mouth of Rich Neck Creek where it falls into Great Fishing Creek, up Rich Neck Creek to mouth of   Pease Quarter, to the Main Road, adj. JOHN MARSHAL & MR. JAMES RANSOM.  Wit: JAMES RANSOM, WILLIAM TABB. Proved by WILLIAM TABB, Bute November Court 1769, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 2 February 1770, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 319. 15 November 1768. THOMAS MOSELEY & MARY, his wife, of Bute Co., to THOMAS PERSON, of Granville Co. 50 Pds. Procl. money for 225 A. in Bute Co. on Ready & Fishing Creeks, adj. MOSELEY, HUDSON, PERSON, DUBERRY & MAY. Wit: WILLIAM MOORE. Ack: by THOMAS MOSELEY & MARY, his wife, she being first privately examined & consenting, Bute November Court 1769, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 5 February 1770, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.  Marginal notation: Deld. to THOS. PERSON 15th. Feby. 1770.

DB-2, page 321. 19 January 1769. WILLIAM WOOLBANKS to EPHRAIM GILLIAM, both of Bute Co. 40 Pds. Procl. money for 350 A. in Bute Co. down Slideing Rock Branch. Wit: JAMES PETTY, CHARLES COOKE. Proved by CHARLES COOKE, Bute Now. Court 1769, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 5 Feb. 1770, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 322. 26 Novemher 1768. THOMAS GAY & PATIENCE, his wife, to SAMUEL WORTON, all of Bute Co. 200 A. in Beute(sic) Co. in exchange for all my land that lies over the Sipras Swamp from me. Wit: BENJAMAN ARNAL, JOHN COOLLY. Ack: by THOMAS GAY, Bute November Court 1769, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 6 February 1770, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 324. 26 November 1768. SAMUEL WORTON & TAMER, his wife, to THOMAS GAY, all of Bute Co. 100 A. in Beute(sic) Co. adj. BENIAMAN ARNOLD  & JOHN DENBY & up the swamp, in exchange for 200 A. from THOMAS GAY, land  he bought from ROBERT WASHINGTON. Wit: JOHN COOLLEY, BEN ARNAL. Ack: by SAMUEL WORTON, Bute November Court 1769, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C.  Reg: 6 February 1770, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.  Marginal notation: 18 May 1770 Deld. to JAMES ALFORD.

DB-2, page 326. 7 February 1769. JESSE BIRD & SARAH, his wife, to JACOB JONES, both of Bute Co. 75 Pds. Va. money for 400 A. in Bute Co. adj. RICHARD YARBROUGH, JAMES HUNT, THOMAS COOK, THOMAS MORGA(I)N & WILLIAM SIMMONS, part of an EARL GRANVILLE grant to WILLIAM EDWARDS.  Wit: WILLIAM DENSON, REBEKAH DENSON, JOHN CARR. Ack: by JESSE BIRD & SARAH, his wife, she being first privately examined & consenting, Bute Nov. Court 1769, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 6 Feb. 1770, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R. Marginal notation: Deld. to WILLM. DENSON 15 September 1770

DB-2, page 328. 14 March 1769. JOHN DEBORD to JOHN BURFORD, both of Bute Co. 15 Pds. Va. money for 160 A. in Bute Co., down the branch & to the creek. Wit: WILLIAM BALL, JOHN PERSON. Proved by JOHN PERSON, Bute Nov. Court 1769, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 6 Feb. 1770, by WILLIAM JOHNSON,P.R. Marginal notation: Deld. to JNO. THORNTON 6th. Feby. 1770

DB-2, page 329. 5 September 1769. ISAAC HOUSE (HOWZ) to THOMAS WHEELER,  both of Bute Co. 30 Pds:13 Sh: Va. money for 700 A. in Bute Co. on BS Reedy Creek, adj. WILLIAM HOUSE, HUSE(?), GREEN & BOWDEN.  Wit: JOHN COLEMAN, WILLIAM WORTHAM, WILLIAM NOYALL NORSWORTHY.  Ack: by ISAAC HOUSE, Bute November Court 1769, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C.  Reg: 7 February 1770, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 331. 9 October 1769. JOHN BURFORD to JOHN THORNTON, both of Bute Co. 50 Pds. Va. money for 160 A. in Bute Co. down the branch to the creek.& down the creek. Wit: THOS. HILL,JR., __________, WILLIAM THORNTON.   Proved by THOMAS HILL, JR., , BENJA. McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 7 February 1770, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R. Marginal notation: Deld. to you 6 Feb. 1770

DB-2, page 333. 16 November 1769. CHRISTOPHER ROBERSON, of Bute Co., to  JOHN DINKINS. 60 Pds. Va. money for 200 A. in Bute Co. from mouth of a branch on Grate Fishing Creek to Possum Quarter Creek & down Fishing Creek, bought from WILLIAM JOHNSON to whom it was an EARL GRANVILLE grant 9 May 1757.  Wit: JAMES McINVAILL, THOMAS ROBERSON. Proved by THOS. ROBERSON, Bute November Court 1769, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 8 February 1770, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 334. 6 December 1768. EDWARD COOLEY & ANN, his wife, and  JAMES HOB(B)S & MARY, his wife, to JOHN COOLEY, all of Bute Co. 8 Pds. Va. money for 100 A. in Bute Co. on the Syprus Branch & Swamp. Wit: SIMAN PERRY, SAMUL WORTON. Proved by SAMUEL WORTON (HORTON?), Bute November Court 1769, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 8 February 1770, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.  Marginal notation: l0 May 1770 Deld. to J. ALFORD

DB-2, page 336. 4 October 1769. JAMES MOORE to JOHN MOORE, both of Bute Co.  55 Pds. Va. money for 100 A. in Bute Co. on BS Little Creek, adj. JOHN MOORE,  WILLIAM GREEN, JOHN CHRISTMASS. Wit: WILLIAM MOORE, FIELD PARDUE.   Ack: by JAMES MOORE, Bute November Court 1769, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C.  Reg: 8 February 1770, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.  Marginal notation: Deld. to JOHN MOORE 15th. Feby. 1770

DB-2, page 338. 7 February 1760(?8). THOMAS BELL, of Bute Co., to HENRY MAY, of Amelia Co., Va. 25 Pds. Procl. money for 130 A. on Red Bud Creek, beginning at mouth of Horse Pen Branch, to Lick Branch. Wit: NATH. HENDERSON, HENRY GARNER. Ack: by THOMAS BELL, Bute November Court 1769, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C.   Reg: 8 February 1770, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 340. 30 January 1768. BRITAIN FULLER & ELIZABETH, his wife, of Johnston Co., to ROBERT GOODLOE,JR., of Bute Co. l0 Pds. Procl. money for  225 A. in Bute Co. on Richland Creek, adj. WADE, BENTON & HENRY WELLS.  Wit: BEN. HARDY, JAMES MOORE, JOHN GOLDON. Proved by BENJAMIN HARDY, Bute Nov. Court 1769, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 9 Feb. 1770, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R. Marginal notation: 9th. May 1770 Deld. to R. GOODLOE

DB-2, page 341. 4 May 1767. JOSEPH MONTFORT, of Halifax, to WILLIAM CHEEK, of Bute Co. 150 Pds. Va. money for 1,O00 A. in Bute Co. on SWS Great Fishing Creek, at mouth of Wolf Pit Branch where it falls into Fishing Creek, up the Run of the Branch, bounds of THOMAS TURNER, to where the Main Road now crosses & to where the Barren Lick Branch crosses the same, down the Lick Branch along the line of SOLOMON ALSTON,SR., down Poor Creek & down Fishing Creek, part of a patent to EDWARD MOSELEY,Esq., dec'd. & bought from his heirs & devisees. Wit: SOLOMON ALSTON,JR., MICHLL. WHATLEY. Proved by MICHAEL WHATLEY, Bute Nov. Court 1769, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 9 Feb. 1770, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-2, page 343. 26 September 1769. MATHEW MYRICK to JAMES LINCH, both of Bute Co. 7 Pds. Va. money for 7 A. in Bute Co. from mouth of sd. James Linches Spring Branch & down Jesseys Branch. Wit: THOMAS EATON, JOHN JAMES BIRD. Proved by THOMAS EATON, Bute November Court 1769, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C.  Reg: l0 February 1770, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R. Marginal notation: Deld. to JAS. LINCH Feby. 1771

DB-2, page 345. 8 May 1769. FRANCIS CAPPS, Planter, to JOSEPH GREEN, both of Bute Co. 30 Pds. Va. money for 600 A. in Bute Co. on NS Reedy Creek, beginning at LANGSTONS MILL on Reedy Creek to line of BOBBIT, along a path to land formerly belonging to CAPPS, down the Old Muster Path.  Wit: JOSEPH PERSON, JOHN PERSON, THOS. TURNER. Ack: by FRANCIS CAPPS, Bute Now. Court 1769, BEN McCULLOCH,C.C. Reg: l0 Feb.1770, by WILLIAM JOHNSON,P.R.

DB-2, page 347. 4 September 1769. MATHEW GIBBS & MILBRA, his wife, of  St. Marks Parish in Craven Co., S.C., to PRESLY NELMS, of St. Johns Parish in Bute Co. 27 Pds. Current money for 320 A. in St. Johns Parish, Bute Co., on BS Red Bud Creek, adj. WILLIAM ROSE, WILLIAM HILL & PRESLY NELMS.  Wit: THOMAS HILL, JOHN PENNELL. Proved by JOHN PENNELL, Bute November Court 1769, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 12 February 1770, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R. Marginal notation: Deld. to NICHOLAS MURPHY 13th. Novr. 1771.

DB-2, page 350. 17 November 1769. BENJAMIN WARD to THOMAS YORK, BlackSmith, both of Bute Co. 50 Pds. Va. money for 200 A. in Bute Co. on SS Wevers  Creek & along a branch blow(sic) the Plantation. Wit: WILLIAM PARK,  THOS. BRIDGES. Ack: by BENJAMIN WARD, Bute November Court 1769, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 13 February 1770, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.  Marginal notation: Deld. to T. Y. Septr. Court 1770

DB-2, page 352. 3 November 1769. PETER SMART to THOMAS HOUSE, both of Bute Co. 120 Pds. Va. money for 295 A. in Bute Co. adj. JOSEPH GREEN on ye Reedy Branch, down Rocky Branch by line of THOMAS DANIEL & FRANCIS ACOK, along a small branch & up ye Reedy Branch, exclusive of 2 A. about the Baptist Meeting House & Spring which is lade(sic) off & a line Round it, beginning at ye mouth of ye afsd. Spring guts & up ye same including ye sd. Spring House & Bridge across ye Reedy Branch. Wit: FRANCIS CAPPS, RICHARD BENET. Proved by FRANCIS CAPPS, Bute November Court 1769,  BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 13 February 1770, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.


The few more pages in Deed Book 2, ending on page 360, contain five Warren Co., N.C. Deeds, all five acknowledged in November of 1781 and all five registered in 1783. Evidently, after Bute Co. was divided into Warren and Franklin Counties in 1779, the Warren County deeds were registered on the blank pages in the back of the Bute County Deed Books.

Abstracts of these Warren County deeds will be given, chronologically, in a later volume of this series.

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